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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by lelacorb Mon 11 Mar 2013, 15:53

video "Calibro 12"[url=][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by socimar Mon 11 Mar 2013, 18:44

Yes, Elisabetta has posted these photos together with 2 videos (shot at Ethiopiatown in Los Angeles 3 weeks ago) that end with a shoot out. These photos are for a promo for the presentation of her jewelry line in Milano at LA RINASCENTE Department Store, 4th floor, at 5:00 pm on March 20. She will be there so Lela, this is your chance to meet her (if you are from Milano or nearby).

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Joanna Mon 11 Mar 2013, 19:47

I think her jewellery line sucks !
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by The next mrs clooney Mon 11 Mar 2013, 20:04

I dont think its her jewelry line she is just promoting it.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by OofOof Mon 11 Mar 2013, 20:12

Agree with Joanna, especially in light of all the mass shootings here in the U.S.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Joanna Mon 11 Mar 2013, 20:15

The next mrs clooney wrote:I dont think its her jewelry line she is just promoting it.

Same difference in my's disgusting whoever designed it....
very poor judgement and taste.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by silly girl Mon 11 Mar 2013, 20:26

I too thought it was in bad taste but here is a google translation about the ad's and jewelry. If I am reading this correctly it is saying that they are making the jewelry to promote non-violence. Not sure they are getting their message across but it is better than nothing.

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Elisabetta Canalis, beautiful and sexy is the sole protagonist of the video Caliber 12, the jewelry line created by former tissue in partnership with First People First. Filmed on location in Los Angeles, the ad says that there is only one way to bring a weapon: break it down and make every single asset. So Eli, covered at all points and in a mysterious, go into a store and you deliver a chest of jewels "harmless."

Also Elizabeth is dedicated to the world of precious lending his inspiration in an area that fascinates the entire female population. With 12 Gauge focuses on the use of different weapons, or turn it into a jewel to wear to convey a message of non-violence.

In the video of the launch showgirl initially appears shady and suspicious, only the vision of a ring, a bracelet and a necklace softens his eyes and gets help from the merchant to wear precious, leaving the room with a satisfied smile on his lips.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by lelacorb Mon 11 Mar 2013, 22:23

This is a line of jewelry made ​​in Italy and I for Italy is a country with many flaws but is against the sale of weapons to the people. The jewelry may not like but the purpose for which they were created is "non-violence". I do not think I ever wear one, but if it passed this speech in America would not be bad since the murders because of weapons freely sold to all
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by The next mrs clooney Wed 13 Mar 2013, 01:59

Joanna wrote:
The next mrs clooney wrote:I dont think its her jewelry line she is just promoting it.

Same difference in my's disgusting whoever designed it....
very poor judgement and taste.

you would say that since its not Stacy promoting it. If you actually pay attention the line is not promoting guns its anti- gun.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by The next mrs clooney Wed 13 Mar 2013, 02:02

OofOof wrote:Agree with Joanna, especially in light of all the mass shootings here in the U.S.

The message of the jewelry line and campaign is anti-gun use so its actually very appropriate right now to support a hot ticket cause in the US.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Dior Wed 13 Mar 2013, 07:47

Wearing a gun around your neck is anti-gun?

That makes sense...
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Katiedot Wed 13 Mar 2013, 10:12

Look, nobody is going to be persuaded to shoot people by photos of a d-list model in some magazine wearing jewellery.

As Silly Girl says, I'm also not entirely convinced about whether the non-violence message is exactly getting through to the right people with this, but I don't see the harm in it.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Joanna Wed 13 Mar 2013, 18:13

The next mrs clooney wrote:
Joanna wrote:
The next mrs clooney wrote:I dont think its her jewelry line she is just promoting it.

Same difference in my's disgusting whoever designed it....
very poor judgement and taste.

you would say that since its not Stacy promoting it. If you actually pay attention the line is not promoting guns its anti- gun.

You are a funny girl tnmc....thanks for the. lol!
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by The next mrs clooney Thu 14 Mar 2013, 00:37

Joanna wrote:
The next mrs clooney wrote:
Joanna wrote:
The next mrs clooney wrote:I dont think its her jewelry line she is just promoting it.

Same difference in my's disgusting whoever designed it....
very poor judgement and taste.

you would say that since its not Stacy promoting it. If you actually pay attention the line is not promoting guns its anti- gun.

You are a funny girl tnmc....thanks for the. lol!

Not being funny Joanna the jewelry line is part of an anti-gun message. maybe read up about it!!

Also a percentage of the profits are being donated to charity.

First People First will donate part of the proceeds of the Collection 12 Gauge Only The Brave Foundation, whose mission is to fight social inequality and contribute to sustainable development of the areas and disadvantaged people around the world.

So I say Brava Eli Thumbs up!
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by madsky Thu 14 Mar 2013, 02:24

Weird way of being anti-gun, but it is European, and guns there aren't perceived the same as the states. So not sure how it would work here, but great for her to be working on an anti-gun message and donating to a charity.

I too find it funny that some on here are almost fans of Stacy, and bash the previous girls. Aren't they all about the same. Works in progress from style to substance. If they learn anything from being with George and they get a forum to help a cause more power to them.

I am sorry it really bugs me that the translation says the former tissue. Just sounds so degrading, may not mean that but then it is lost in translation. As I often am.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Joanna Thu 14 Mar 2013, 12:12

I'd be astounded if some one is going to pay €570 for a ring that looks like a revolver and then try to preach an anti-gun message while wearing it

The fact that some of the high mark up profit is supposedly going to OTB Foundation is a good thing, but I always wonder if the company actually follows through.

The positive thing about this chat is that I've now discovered, which is a worthwhile charity that's trying to do something about solving the problem of providing everyone in the world with clean safe water.
So thanks for that !
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Katiedot Mon 18 Mar 2013, 03:52

Hmmm . . .

I know she re-tweets a lot of her horoscope stuff but still.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by lucy Mon 18 Mar 2013, 16:27

IMO the jewelry fits Eli's gangster tats. She does look lovely in the ads.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by socimar Mon 18 Mar 2013, 17:25

Joanna wrote:I'd be astounded if some one is going to pay €570 for a ring that looks like a revolver and then try to preach an anti-gun message while wearing it

The fact that some of the high mark up profit is supposedly going to OTB Foundation is a good thing, but I always wonder if the company actually follows through.

The positive thing about this chat is that I've now discovered, which is a worthwhile charity that's trying to do something about solving the problem of providing everyone in the world with clean safe water.
So thanks for that !

That's a great charity. Contaminated water can carry diseases like cholera and infests your body with deadly parasites. The charity that OTB (Only The Brave) has in mind for this Calibro 12 jewelry line by Elisabetta is something related to schools for journalists in Africa.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by socimar Mon 18 Mar 2013, 17:28

madsky wrote:Weird way of being anti-gun, but it is European, and guns there aren't perceived the same as the states. So not sure how it would work here, but great for her to be working on an anti-gun message and donating to a charity.

I too find it funny that some on here are almost fans of Stacy, and bash the previous girls. Aren't they all about the same. Works in progress from style to substance. If they learn anything from being with George and they get a forum to help a cause more power to them.

I am sorry it really bugs me that the translation says the former tissue. Just sounds so degrading, may not mean that but then it is lost in translation. As I often am.

That because the literary translation of "velina" is indeed "tissue". The tissue paper, is called "carta velina" and a showgirl is also called a "velina", so Google doesn't know what you mean and translates it as Tissue being that the original word, the showgirl name as "velina" is more modern.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by socimar Mon 18 Mar 2013, 17:51

Dior wrote:Wearing a gun around your neck is anti-gun?

That makes sense...

Elisabetta received a lot of nasty messages, mostly in Instagram, next to her photos so her PR team (mainly Renzo Rossi) came up with a motto "the only way to wear" them, meaning that if you take the firearm apart it cannot fire anymore and cause death but you can wear the pieces instead as jewelry.

It does not make any sense to me (why advertise them anyway??) but the jewelry line was already being produced and could not be stopped. Elisabetta then disclosed that she collects all sorts of arms and war memorabilia and that she grew up with her father owning several guns because as a child there were several kidnapping in Sardinia (I remember those days very well) and that he was also a hunter (which he later stopped). What I am asking is, if a kidnapping was going to occur would Elisabetta's father have shot the intruder to protect his family? I think he would have done what truth is in the motto that the "only way to wear them" is as jewelry"??

I think that the whole thing is still about money. Money and exposure via cover page ads for Elisabetta, money to FirstPeopleFirst online jewelry store and money to OTB, which, after they keep some for their administrative costs I hope they will have a few cents left to send to the school of journalism in Africa which they said they were planning to do.

Lastly, for someone in this blog who asked if she had created the jewelry line, the answer is No. She CHOSE some designs from the FirstPeopleFirst team of 11 artists working under Beppe Calligari and Arianna Alessi (I think that Ugo Cacciatori and Beppe Calligari himself may have designed them).
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Joanna Mon 18 Mar 2013, 18:09

The silly thing about their advert tag is that no one has taken apart any guns and made jewellery out of them !
That's made of silver and gold so their weird justification is just stupid....the real guns are still out there getting immortalised in precious metal.

I think if I went around with a miniature silver revolver around my neck no one would think ....."Oh....that lady is against guns cos she's wearing something that reminds me of a gun"

I'm not criticising EC but the whole concept of the jewellery line !
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Gerison Mon 18 Mar 2013, 18:28

OMG did anyone see the link she has posted on twitter about "chic and chock" blog and an Italian tv show called "Paperissima"? She is uglier than ever! Now I understand what people mean when they say she looks like a man in drag! there is a picture where she looks so manly and old, shocking! Shocked

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by lelacorb Mon 18 Mar 2013, 20:45

Elisabetta Canalis Leaves LA[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Joanna Mon 18 Mar 2013, 20:59

Wearing that wretched revolver !
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by socimar Mon 18 Mar 2013, 22:13

I always said and was critized for, the only thing she should be thankful for is invention of Photoshop. Try to compare these pictures with the ones from the Lormar intimate apparel ads, like two different people.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by silly girl Mon 18 Mar 2013, 22:30

She's not ugly, never thought she was. She smiles so much more now. She was in over her head when she was with him. While I am not like her choice of jewelry she is at least consistent in what she does. I hope she finds happiness.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by theminis Mon 18 Mar 2013, 22:35

In the photos above she is natural, nothing unattractive about that, of course in her photoshoot she appears more attractive, that's the whole point of a photoshoot isn't it, to get the best photo. She does indeed look a lot happier, doing her own thing.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by The next mrs clooney Tue 19 Mar 2013, 00:03

we all have bad pictures taken and that doesnt mean that we are ugly. Even the most beautiful women in the world have bad pics. I wish people would stop referring to Eli or any other woman as ugly. Such a mean girl mentality. She seems happier now and smiles a lot, she is obviously enjoying her life. Yes she chose a jewelry line promotion to make money, that's what celebrities do. Just look at George and his nespresso ads and Omega, its all about the money. I think its nice that the line donates to charity. It amazes me how certain people on this site are just so focused on the negative about Eli that they cant even stop for a second and give her a thumbs up for doing something that will help others. Eli is very charity oriented so whether you like her or not at least respect that.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by very vera Tue 19 Mar 2013, 00:07

Um george himself was casting ugly women in his movie so that is bad in an of itself

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by socimar Tue 19 Mar 2013, 00:20

The next mrs clooney wrote:we all have bad pictures taken and that doesnt mean that we are ugly. Even the most beautiful women in the world have bad pics. I wish people would stop referring to Eli or any other woman as ugly.........

It is Ely herself who has said that lately she looks ugly in pictures. The photos below were taken 2 days ago in LA:

ElisabettaCanalis ‏@JustElisabetta
@ElisabettaCFans rarely I have seen something uglier in a pic
1:56 PM - 16 Mar 13 · Details

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Katiedot Tue 19 Mar 2013, 00:20

The next mrs clooney wrote:we all have bad pictures taken and that doesnt mean that we are ugly. Even the most beautiful women in the world have bad pics. I wish people would stop referring to Eli or any other woman as ugly. Such a mean girl mentality.
Thank you.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Gerison Tue 19 Mar 2013, 12:00

I agree with socimar, girls I'm talking about the third picture at the link below....she's scary!! Really looks like a trans!
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Gerison Tue 19 Mar 2013, 12:04

I think this is the real "her"... her face and no to mention her legs... affraid I can't believe people see her beautiful, I've never seen her as beautiful but I thought she was prettier!

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by melbert Tue 19 Mar 2013, 13:04

And how does everybody here look without make-up on, walking their dogs or running errands?
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by lelacorb Tue 19 Mar 2013, 13:37

I saw photos of Angelina Jolie in very emaciated face parevaindy have a sleeve instead of her lips, I saw photos of Cindy Crawford no make-up that looked like my neighbor and not a model! You know what the difference is that an ugly woman is ugly with the photoshop but Cindy, Angelina, and unfortunately for you, Elizabeth become beautiful with makeup and that makes a difference.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Gerison Tue 19 Mar 2013, 14:10

Lelacorb and Melbert you're right, but in those pictures (those at the link about "Paperissima" tv show, especially the third one, where you can easily see her almost face-to-face) she was NOT make up free!!! Apparently she looks beautiful ONLY in edited pictures! I wonder how she might be make up free in person! She must be really scary!

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Joanna Tue 19 Mar 2013, 14:40

Gerison wrote:I agree with socimar, girls I'm talking about the third picture at the link below....she's scary!! Really looks like a trans!
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Rubbish....shes doesn't look like a trans at all..... her face is covered in's very poor lighting for a close up picture IMO.
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Post by Gerison Tue 19 Mar 2013, 14:48

I'm just expressing my personal view as you are, now that I saw those pictures I agree with people who think she looks like a trans. Full stop.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by socimar Tue 19 Mar 2013, 15:07

She will look good at the event tonight. She has two makeup/stylists working on her, nicky epi and mauro situra. They started an hour ago and they have 3-4 hours to go. The event is at 5:00 pm but her appearance is at 6:30 pm. JustCavalli will dress her and will be hosting a party afterwards. Believe me she will look great.

She always makes an effort to look good in Italy because Italians are very demanding (and can be rude too) and she likes to be called beautiful, gnocca, mitica, figa, etc..... However she feels freer to live in LA because she can go out without makeup but once in a while, someone with an iPhone, like the 2 pics I posted above, recognizes her and takes pictures. In the states we see more pictures of her than in Italy because she goes out with other people who may take group pictures, post them in instagram and often she is in the group and believe me, without makeup she is not pretty at all.

She herself said in an interview in Italy that "her ideal man" would be a man who should never dare to turn the lights on at night after she has removed her makeup. Why would she say that if she was a natural beauty??

“IL MIO UOMO IDEALE” – E così, Elisabetta torna a elencare le caratteristiche che dovrebbe avere il suo (nuovo) uomo ideale..........: “L’unico criterio valido è che non pensi mai di accendere la luce di notte, dopo che mi sono struccata,

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Post by lelacorb Tue 19 Mar 2013, 15:57

socimar wrote:She will look good at the event tonight. She has two makeup/stylists working on her, nicky epi and mauro situra. They started an hour ago and they have 3-4 hours to go. The event is at 5:00 pm but her appearance is at 6:30 pm. JustCavalli will dress her and will be hosting a party afterwards. Believe me she will look great.

She always makes an effort to look good in Italy because Italians are very demanding (and can be rude too) and she likes to be called beautiful, gnocca, mitica, figa, etc..... However she feels freer to live in LA because she can go out without makeup but once in a while, someone with an iPhone, like the 2 pics I posted above, recognizes her and takes pictures. In the states we see more pictures of her than in Italy because she goes out with other people who may take group pictures, post them in instagram and often she is in the group and believe me, without makeup she is not pretty at all.

She herself said in an interview in Italy that "her ideal man" would be a man who should never dare to turn the lights on at night after she has removed her makeup. Why would she say that if she was a natural beauty??

“IL MIO UOMO IDEALE” – E così, Elisabetta torna a elencare le caratteristiche che dovrebbe avere il suo (nuovo) uomo ideale..........: “L’unico criterio valido è che non pensi mai di accendere la luce di notte, dopo che mi sono struccata,

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Socimar that phrase is a jack ass if you think really that you think would go about make-up and dressed badly as it often does?
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by George Fan Tue 19 Mar 2013, 16:43

Socimar, the event is Wednesday, March 20th, not Tuesday.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Katiedot Tue 19 Mar 2013, 17:23

I'm going to quote one of George's exes here, who conveniently just tweeted this: To be aware of a single shortcoming in oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in someone else.

So what if Elisabetta looked 'ugly' in one or two shots? We already know because we've seen hundreds of shots of her with no makeup on, that she's not ugly.

I closed this thread before because fans couldn't behave so I'll remind you now: we keep this open because some people are interested in what she's doing. But that's all: she's not part of George's life and isn't important anymore. If you don't like her or want to criticise her, find another forum to do it in.

Are we all clear?

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by Picachu Tue 19 Mar 2013, 17:57

she's not ugly but she also isn't beautiful, she really needs to not pout, it doesn't look good, all the best to her in whatever she is doing though, hope she's happy

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by socimar Tue 19 Mar 2013, 18:36

George Fan wrote:Socimar, the event is Wednesday, March 20th, not Tuesday.

Quite right, I lost a whole day, I thought today was the 20th especially when I saw her instagram pic being prepped by the makeup artist and the hairstylist. I guess it was a dry run for tomorrow. That would give her an extra day to recuperate from the jetlag, it is always worse, at least for me, when you travel eastward.
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by madsky Tue 19 Mar 2013, 23:29

socimar wrote: That because the literary translation of "velina" is indeed "tissue". The tissue paper, is called "carta velina" and a showgirl is also called a "velina", so Google doesn't know what you mean and translates it as Tissue being that the original word, the showgirl name as "velina" is more modern.

Thanks sorry I have been away, makes a bit more sense. But literally the translation is tissue for Velina, which is a showgirl, still seems demeaning, but then at least what I saw of Eli in the shows- it was demeaning so I guess it fits. Thanks you have to love translations.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by George Fan Tue 19 Mar 2013, 23:45

That "tissue" translation for Velina has been going around for years. Elisabetta Canalis used to be translated to Elizabeth Hurley for the longest of times into English and I think she is well known enough now they fixed that one. Or the other celebrity got mad enough being in the middle of that mess. Yes, she and Maddalena did this dancing on the tables for the Strip for the News program. The cute brunette and blonde. How they both rocketed to fame on Italian TV while the newscasters read the news. Something cheeky like that might spice up the three major news networks but Americans are too conservative to have fun like that.

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by OofOof Tue 19 Mar 2013, 23:48

Very Happy Since there is really no news at all on the three major news networks on American television I quite agree, it would be very entertaining to see someone strip dancing on Brian Williams news desk. It would even be nicer if it were a guy--are there male velinas to be fair?
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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by George Fan Tue 19 Mar 2013, 23:57

Male velinas ..... ha ha ha ha ha...... that is a great idea. Would increase the female audience in a heartbeat!!! It's ALREADY just entertainment, not news, so they should spruce it up a bit!! Very Happy

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What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot - Page 16 Empty Re: What Elisabetta Canalis did next - part 3 reboot

Post by lucy Wed 20 Mar 2013, 10:56

Like the leaving LA pics, got to give the woman credit for getting caught with no make up and smiling big for the paps.
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