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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Tulips Tue 16 Aug 2016, 02:13

any German readers on here?

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Tue 16 Aug 2016, 06:13

thank you very much for the link!

It seems to be a new Austrian magazine for lifestyle and design, and the author is Australian but lives in Hollywood for ages and is a member of the HFPA. I will try to read the article online and translate it for you if you're interested.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Tulips Tue 16 Aug 2016, 10:37

That would be great, carolhathaway!

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by What Would He Say Tue 16 Aug 2016, 12:42

Looooove that picture.....
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Donnamarie Tue 16 Aug 2016, 13:39

Tulips wrote:That would be great, carolhathaway!

Me too carolhathaway!

That IS a very fetching picture of George!
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Way2Old4Dis Tue 16 Aug 2016, 13:41

Yeah, that's classic sexy George.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by it's me Tue 16 Aug 2016, 13:57


Is right what I think?
it's me
it's me
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by annemarie Tue 16 Aug 2016, 14:56

Looking really good.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Tue 16 Aug 2016, 17:32

This is my translation, here we go:

The Good Guy

Director, producer, author, actor, coffee salesman, tequila producer, funny man, husband. Good guy and do-gooder. George Clooney combines his many talents, strenghts of character and passions like hardly anybody else. He owns five Golden Globes, two Oscars and 92 other awards. But who's the human being behind this public figure? What does he think, how does he live, what's really important to him?
Ooom author Elisabeth Sereda knows Clooney for 23 years and sees behind the curtain: a man who campaigns for Darfur and South Sudan, saves thousands of lifes and is just the 'good guy' in front of the camera when it's useful for his matters. But then he does it with the perfection of a PR strategist and the intelligence of a good world leader.

George was charming, but more important he was the comedian on set. When I first met him, he had made 31 horrible movies and TV series. He brought me a coffee. At that time he had a lot to offer but didn't need to prove anything.

This story is not objective. George and I are friends for 23 years. It started at stage 11 at Warner Bros. Burbank and deepened over the years in Los Angeles, New York, London, Venice, Berlin, Milan, on the beaches of Cancun, in a hicktown in the Harz mountains (where I live nearby) and his villa at Lake Como. This story is the try to show more of a superstar as you normally read in gazettes, without telling secrets which should stay where they belong to: at the kitchen table in Como where we laugh through the nights with his friends and sometimes drink a little too much Cassicaia (an Italian wine).

It started with ER. In September 1993, I was sent on set of a new TV series to make interviews with the whole ensemble. Not one of my favourite jobs.ER war the 97th TV show of the 'Doctor / nurse / blood / hospital' genre, and I wasn't interested in that, nor in waiting the whole day for interviewing 15 to 20 actors which nobody knew, and I would be glad if I'd be able to sell one or two of them, maybe, if the show would survive. I was right about the number, but not with my rating of its success: ER became was one of the longest running series in TV series and transformed more than 15 unknown actors into stars. But at that time magazines were only interested in two of them: one of them was a guy with a lot of hair and a mischievous smile whom I vaguely remembered as the idiotic boyfriend of Roseanne Barr's sister in 'Roseanne'.
I had n't assumed that this George Clooney would become a sex symbol within the next five year. He was charming. But primarily he was the comedian on set who - with his sometimes infantile jokes - made these neverending days of shooting tolerable. My working day as well.
He didn't let me wait like many others. When he made himself a cup of coffee, he brought me one as well. And he didn't talk the usual PR-blabla (sorry, didn't know how to translate this), but gave a fresh, funny, but especially intelligent interview without playing to the gallery. He didn't need to prove anything. Because before his breathrough which would follow in just a few months, he had horrible movies and TV series named 'Babytalk', 'Throb', 'Riptide' and 'Return of the Killer Tomatoes'. As an actor he had done what Hollywood describes as 'He paid his dues'.

Clooney's Black List
The long, bumpy road to success has affected him until nowadays and is one of the reasons for his humility. He didn't go berserk like 80 % of the stars who don't get along with their fame.Instead, George became more and more grateful. He still doesn't get along with collegues who aggrandize themselves too much. George has a black list with very famous names of people he would never engage for one of his movies. The group of people he works with is nearly as small as the group of friends he trusts privately. If he'd compeed with others on the duration of his friendships, he'd beat most of them.

'A friend let me sleep in his closet'
There's his group of friends from those times where auditions usually ended with 'No, thanks!'. 'I still have the same group of friends as 30 years ago. They knew me before I was famous. One of my friends let me sleep in his closet when I couldn't afford the rent. So whom could I trust more than my guys?' he once told me very open. They are Ben Weiss (director of TV series like 'Friends'), actor Richard Kind ('Spin City'), Grant Heslov (since 'Good Night And Good Luck.' they write and produce all their own projects together) and his Sicilian security chief Giovanni who became a member of the family.

The Inner Circle
Of all the stars he meets because he can't avoid it, there are just Bill Murray, Matt Damon, Ellen Barkin, Sandra Bullock and Don Cheadle who are members of the 'Inner Circle'. He greets everybody else, does small talk with them and forgets them as soon as he leaves the party. 'It still amuzes me that many people think all stars are friends with each other.' Robert DeNiro invited himself to Lake Como a few years ago and entertained us with his eccentric appearance and his anecdotes we'll still talk about in 20 years privately. But he and George never became close friends although they appreciate each other's art.

'Do you see the poster above my desk?', he asked me once when I visited him at his office in Studio City, pointing to a 'Batman & Robin' poster. This movie where he played Batman, was one of the few flops, rubbished by the critics. 'That's there to remind me that I destroyed the whole franchise for this movie. If I should ever feel too great.'

Facial palsy as a child
He already adapted the art of entertainment as a child. At the age of 16 he suffered from a temporary facial palsy and wasn't able to mov the left side of his face. Not what you really dream of when you want to be a heartthrob and hope to become a professional baseball or basketball player. He wanted to play for the Cincinnati Reds but didn't succeed. He was as far away from being a heartthrob as his homestate Kentucky from Beverly Hills.

He spent his holidays cutting tobacco , later he sold ladies' shoes and drew caricatures in shopping malls. Show business wasn't on his spotlight, although his aunt Rosemary was a star in the 1950s and 1960s. He wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. At the age of five he joined the news reporter and anchorman who, in contrast to nowadays where anchormen are often hired because of their hairstyle instead of their qualification, is from CBS legend's Walter Cronkite's generation. Nick Clooney settled his family several times between Lexington, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio, where he had a TV show. He also inspired his son to write the screenplay for 'Good Night. And Good Luck.' and also direct it.

Love for journalism
George's love for journalism is deep-rooted. He's one of the few stars who are able to differ between good and bad reporters and don't lump them together. His fondness for political issues in his movies and his life origin in his education as well: 'My mother was mayor, and my father ran for congress. My parents were very involved in news and reports, and for me informative journalism is strongly enmashed in politics. There was a man who ran for governor of Kentucky, and I worked for his campaign when I was 13 or 14. I grew up in an era where you had to be involved: There was the Civil Rights Movement, Women Rights Movement, the Vietnam War. As a young guy you couldn't escape from that.'

Commitment for Darfur
His humanitarian work started in 2001, after the 9/11 attacks. He opened his address book, called collegues and organized the telethon 'A Tribute To Heroes' to collect money for the families of the 9/11 victims. After the earthquake in Haiti in 2004 he repeated this telethom with 'Hope for Haiti'.
Two years later, when George couldn't sleep as usual, he zapped through the TV channels and watched a short report about Darfur on an obscure cable channel. 'Nobody else showed these crucial human rights violations in that region at that time, neither CNN nor networks.' This report awakened his interest and sense of justice, and he and his father went to Africa with a reporter of the 'New York Times'. The battles between the army of President Omar al-Bashir and the rebels had left bombed villages, many thousand killed men and boys, raped women and a completely destroyed infrastructure. He founded the 'Satellite Sentinel Project', which broadcasts satellite pictures to TV channels,documenting the acts of violence, committed by Ahmar Harun and Omar al-Bashir. He got the idea one afternoon in Italy while watching the paparazzi on the lake watching him. 'I thought 'Why don't I turn the tables? Why not focus the camera on warlords and murderers and send the pictures to TV stations all around the world?' He put the idea into action, and the International Court of Justice uses them for years to verify the crimes. 'Our focus was to prevent that these crimes on the civil population could be committed secretly. In the meantime they're a step further. 'We've hired a team of forensic accountants to convict banks who launder the money of arms dealers, withouth neither the Sudanese troups nor the rebels would be able to operate.'

His marriage to Amal
For nearly two years Clooney is married to a woman who doesn't just share his values, but whose profession it is to act against human rights violations. Amal Clooney, British-Lebanese lawyer, freed the wrongfully imprisoned 'Al Jazeera' journalist Mohamed Fahmy from an Egyptian prison, and actually she represents 50 Jesidian women who had been used as sex slaves by ISIS. They both use their publicity to spread important issues like these in the medias. They don't response to the permanent gossips by some magazines.They are on a par.

The intelligent marketing
of his worldwide popularity was always George's concern. 'Yes, I'm recognized all over the world. Except of the first time when we went to Darfur and at the border to Chad a we were held at gunpoint by soldiers. That was the only time I hadn't minded a little publicity.' he jokes now. After having made high-quality movies like 'Syriana', 'Michael Clayton' or 'Argo', he dealed more with humanitarian projects. In the meantime he shoots blockbusters to make money, as well as his annual coffee commercial spots. His Tequila company 'Casamigos' is just a hobby. The high payment allows him to make political movies which are not designed to be hits, on the other hand he finances the 'Satellite Sentinel Project'. Before he found investors for this project, he often paid the rent for the satellites on his own.

Extremely left
The self-confessed 'extremely left' is in fact not extreme and politically left he's just from the American side of view. But his private commitment on both levels, national as much as international, is just remarkable. He isn't afraid to antagonize. In his next movie 'Hacked Off' Rupert Murdoch is the evil. The dinosaur of tabloid journalism certainly won't like George's production about the British hacking scandal, but he can't stop it - it's not produced by his studio, Twentieth Century Fox.

George is fearless. He's one of the most likeable people I know - famous or not. He's also one of the smartest and most sophisticated and has the best sense of humour by far. He is a great host and a loyal friend. 'If you're in the position I've reached, you've won the golden cup. You've been very lucky. And I think that people who haven't been that lucky, will rightly be very furious if they had the feeling I'm not damn thankful.'

Cursive words are my own notes.

Last edited by carolhathaway on Tue 16 Aug 2016, 17:35; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Can't spell...)
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by annemarie Tue 16 Aug 2016, 17:59

Thank you Carolhathaway.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Donnamarie Tue 16 Aug 2016, 18:03

carolhathaway thank you so much for taking the time to give us the translation. Wonderful article. I always enjoy reading perspectives of George by people who really know him. Particularly intrigued by the author's comments about George's so-called "black list" and his "inner circle". Not surprised ... knowing about him the way we do. But still I continue to be impressed by his personal integrity.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Tue 16 Aug 2016, 18:30

I absolutely agree with you!
If you compare this article from today and the other one by Mariella Frostrup, there's not much difference although one of them was written 15 years ago...
- and I don't think it's because both articles were written by women, because if you read articles written by male authors, they're quite similar.

Last edited by carolhathaway on Tue 16 Aug 2016, 18:32; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added text)
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Donnamarie Tue 16 Aug 2016, 19:41

Just one note. The reference to the 2004 telethon was in response to the South Asia tsunami. The Haiti telethon was I think 2010.

Yep ... among those who know George well there has always been a consistency about who George is and how he conducts himself.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Tue 16 Aug 2016, 20:06

I just checked it, you're right about that. I remember when I translated the article I wondered that the Haiti earthquake was so lang ago but didn't check it. So this lady either mentioned the tsunami telethon which happened in 2005 or the Haiti telethon in 2010...
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by annemarie Tue 16 Aug 2016, 21:09

It is really wonderful to know that George has not changed and remains the same no matter what changes take place in his life.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Tulips Tue 16 Aug 2016, 22:07

Thank you so much, carolhathaway!Very Happy

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Tue 16 Aug 2016, 23:09

You're welcome!
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by LizzyNY Tue 16 Aug 2016, 23:38

Carolhathaway - Thanks so much for taking the time to translate. Was it a slow day at work Very Happy , or did you spend your evening doing this Give Flowers ? Either way, thank you again.

It's a really interesting article. How lucky the author is to count herself a friend of his for so long. Donnamarie is right. Anyone who does an in-depth interview with George comes away liking him and saying the same kinds of nice things about him. I guess it must be true! Very Happy
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Wed 17 Aug 2016, 06:30

I didn't have much to do in the afternoon. Had planned to go to the dentist with my kids, but then my husband came home from work early and decided to do it. So I had some free time and nobody was around as well...

I also guess it must be true that George is a nice guy indeed. It must be the combination of years of failure, the experience of watching fame and failure as well in his family from a distance and a natural wisdom and intelligence. 
Compare this with somebody who becomes a superstar at the age of 16, has no stabile family who supports him/her and the craziness of nowadays medias on the other side. Maybe Drew Berrymore, Macauley Culkin, Britney Spears or Justin Bieber. They still deal with having been very famous at a very young age...
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Fingersandtoes Wed 17 Aug 2016, 08:29

Thank you carolhathaway!!! Very interesting read!

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by LizzyNY Thu 18 Aug 2016, 01:23

I sometimes wonder if the people in the movie industry ever regret the passing of the old studio system. I know they make a lot more money now, and they have more freedom to choose the projects they work on, but they are also a lot more exposed. The old studio system did protect them from the public and the press to an extent that would be impossible today. I just wonder if they ever wish they could go back to the way it was.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by melbert Thu 18 Aug 2016, 03:23

And get rid of cell phone pictures and paps on speed-dial, etc.  AND, social media!

Oh, but then 90% of Hollywood's "stars" would no longer exist.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by LizzyNY Thu 18 Aug 2016, 12:23

Maybe not, Mel, but the stars we did have would be stars for a reason. George would have nothing to worry about. There's no way he wouldn't be a star!
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Thu 18 Aug 2016, 13:37

For me there are different types of stars / celebrities:
The ones who are famous due to their achievement, and on the other hand there are those who promote themselves and their lives. I'm sure we all know those who haven't really achieved anything but suddenly appear on TV shows like 'Dancing with the stars' where at least I've never heard of most of them. And they certainly need every way of self-promotion and publicity they can get...
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by LizzyNY Thu 18 Aug 2016, 15:04

Carolhathaway - You're talking about the people who are famous for being famous. It pretty much started with Paris Hilton and she passed it down to the Kardashians (and I do mean down!). People who will do anything for attention except something worthwhile. Considering how low they've sunk, pretty soon all they'll be left with is having sex in the streets. Then the only thing they'll be able to do to get attention will be to put their clothes on!
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Thu 18 Aug 2016, 15:54

yes, you're right, that's what I meant.
I just wonder what they teach our kids? 'What do you want to do when you're grown up?' ' I want to host a TV show like the Kardashians!'
And which perspectives do they have for their future? I would be depressed to be reduced to my appearance (which is what happens to models as well), but I often think when I see - and especially hear people like Paris Hilton and the Kardashians talk): 'Are they really THAT stupid, or do they act?' I mean, at least they seem to have a conception for it. And why the hell do people admire them? What have these celebs achieved in their lives? Why do people buy the Kardashians products? I really don't understand that...
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Donnamarie Thu 18 Aug 2016, 17:53

My kids are both in their 20s now. When they were much younger they may have been intrigued by some of the Hollywood young and famous for being famous types. But they both have outgrown any admiration for celebrities who lack real talent. They see through the phoniness as I think others their age do. I think a lot of the hype over the likes of the Kardashians/Bieber etc. is driven by the media. Not saying these celebs don't have their true admirers. I think it's more about the media feeding a young demographic .... like someone who can't help themselves when they pass an accident. They have to stop and gawk.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by LizzyNY Thu 18 Aug 2016, 18:22

Carolhathaway - I think the thing that keeps the public watching these "celebrities" is the fact that they have gotten rich, rich. rich by doing nothing - at least nothing that requires a brain or talent- and their success seems accessible. Anyone can do it- you don't have to be smart  or educated or talented. You just have to run around half naked and spend all your time putting yourself in the public eye as much as you can.

I know these women have more money than they'll ever need, but it struck me that there will come a time when nobody will want to see them - with or without their clothes on. Will the money be enough for them? I wonder how they'll survive without all the constant attention.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by annemarie Thu 18 Aug 2016, 18:45

The reality t.v stars are to me like live  versions of the Star and Enquirer, you don't have to read the drama
you can turn on the television and watch these peoples lives. They putting their lives on t.v. for all to see
and critique. And all for fame and money.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Thu 18 Aug 2016, 20:58

So I think we all agree that that's a limited fame and no career we'd appreciate for our loved ones...
And fortunately nothing George seems to prefer as well to be back on topic Very Happy
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by fava Fri 19 Aug 2016, 00:23

carolhathaway wrote:So I think we all agree that that's a limited fame and no career we'd appreciate for our loved ones...
And fortunately nothing George seems to prefer as well to be back on topic Very Happy
well, he did date Stacy for quite a long time.....

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty ladybugcngc

Post by ladybugcngc Fri 19 Aug 2016, 01:48

fava wrote:
carolhathaway wrote:So I think we all agree that that's a limited fame and no career we'd appreciate for our loved ones...
And fortunately nothing George seems to prefer as well to be back on topic Very Happy
well, he did date Stacy for quite a long time.....

I hope George has found the lady love of his life!!!
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Fri 19 Aug 2016, 06:19

fava wrote:
carolhathaway wrote:So I think we all agree that that's a limited fame and no career we'd appreciate for our loved ones...
And fortunately nothing George seems to prefer as well to be back on topic Very Happy
well, he did date Stacy for quite a long time.....
Well, I'm sure she has her points...
I guess George was looking for somebody with certain characteristics and killed the time with others...
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Fri 19 Aug 2016, 06:20

fava wrote:
carolhathaway wrote:So I think we all agree that that's a limited fame and no career we'd appreciate for our loved ones...
And fortunately nothing George seems to prefer as well to be back on topic Very Happy
well, he did date Stacy for quite a long time.....
Well, I'm sure she has her points...
I guess George was looking for somebody with certain characteristics and killed the meantime with others...
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Fri 19 Aug 2016, 06:23

Sorry for the double posting. Wanted to change one word and somehow posted again instead of editing. 
It's just too early in the morning...
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Sevens Wed 24 Aug 2016, 07:16

LizzyNY wrote:Carolhathaway - Thanks so much for taking the time to translate. Was it a slow day at work Very Happy , or did you spend your evening doing this Give Flowers ? Either way, thank you again.

It's a really interesting article. How lucky the author is to count herself a friend of his for so long. Donnamarie is right. Anyone who does an in-depth interview with George comes away liking him and saying the same kinds of nice things about him. I guess it must be true! Very Happy
Thanks to Carolhathaway again.
But isn't this piece basically the same article on HFPA's website re. his lifetime achievement award? By the same author.
Although the "blacklist" part surprised me a bit. No wonder he is aways working with the same group of people.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Wed 24 Aug 2016, 12:28

I hadn't read the HFPA article before. But since Elizabeth Sereda is the author of both articles, she may just have updated and added some facts (since for the Golden Globes you wouldn't write about his blacklist, and since he'd only just married when the HFPA article came up - and Sereda is a member of the HFPA) and sold it to that other magazine...
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Donnamarie Wed 24 Aug 2016, 13:36

carolhathaway I think you're right. We have her article on another thread that she wrote leading up to the Golden Globes ceremony. It is quite similar to the one here. She probably did update and add some new info for this story.

BTW a reminder ... here is the interview she had with George on the red carpet that night

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by party animal - not! Thu 25 Aug 2016, 00:53

........and watch George giggle when her co-host tells him off. He took it really well

party animal - not!
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by carolhathaway Thu 25 Aug 2016, 06:52

I'd seen that interview at the Globes before but didn't know that it's het. I always thought that this journalist was Italian due to her accent. I've heard Austrians talk English and always recognized a different accent...

But the interview was very professional for two people who are friends and know each other for so long.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Doug Ross Sat 27 Aug 2016, 21:41

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Sorry for the off-topic, but I came to this video by watching the one posted by Donnamarie.
I don't understand what George said after asking "How're the children?"Could somebody help me, please?

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by annemarie Sat 27 Aug 2016, 22:33

Doug I think that was a joke about Julia's chest. He says how are the twins then says and your children , then say uh you know.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Donnamarie Sun 28 Aug 2016, 01:48

Yea George being a bit devilish. So did Julia call George and tell him I'm wearing what you're wearing?

Where should we rank George on the sexy and irresistible scale that night. That face, the hair, suited up in black. He made chewing gum look sexy.

Thanks Doug Ross for the post. I had forgotten about this one.
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Doug Ross Sun 28 Aug 2016, 02:24

annemarie wrote:Doug I think that was a joke about Julia's chest. He says how are the twins then says and your children , then say uh you know.
Got it lol! , thank you very much.

You're welcome, Donna Very Happy  Yes, he was really handsome that night.

Doug Ross
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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by annemarie Sun 28 Aug 2016, 03:01

Your very welcome Doug Ross.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by Katiedot Wed 01 Feb 2017, 11:01

I'd imagine George's blacklist of celebrities he'd never work with is pretty easy to guess: famous-for-being-famous, talentless, difficult-to-work-with, too-self-absorbed, too-diva and too-up-their-own-backsides.

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George on Cover of Ooom Magazine Empty Re: George on Cover of Ooom Magazine

Post by melbert Wed 01 Feb 2017, 11:40

Well, that's about 3/4 of Hollywood IMHAO!
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