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Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar EmptyTue 10 Dec 2024, 21:40 by PigPen

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Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar

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Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar Empty Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar

Post by party animal - not! Sat 04 Oct 2014, 23:16

Really good - and surprising - article

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Thanks, George, For Introducing Us to Amal Alamuddin

Amal Alamuddin is currently trending all over Facebook/Twitter/Google/the world for one reason and one reason only: the guy she just married. And while we love the heck out of Mr George Clooney, it hasn't taken long to figure out that his new bride is a woman worth celebrating in her own right.

She's beautiful, yes, but she also has brains. She's stylish, but not exclusively so. She's married to a megastar who swore he'd never marry again . . . but she's also a powerful human rights lawyer who's worked for some of the most important people in the world. We're all ogling her post-wedding style now, and the way she makes George look so happy — but dig a little deeper and you'll come across some impressive stuff from Amal's pre-George life. We get the feeling this lady's going to make her mark in more ways than one . . . 

Video in the link

Last edited by Nicky80 on Sun 05 Oct 2014, 12:09; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added text)

party animal - not!
George Clooney fan forever!

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Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar Empty Re: Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar

Post by Donnamarie Sun 05 Oct 2014, 04:39

Yes it is. I really do like Amal. And I would have regardless of her association with George. On her own she just epitomizes a new generation of women. To be a successful and smart career woman but also be warm, friendly, not take herself too seriously and loved by friends and her coworkers alike.
Possibly more Clooney than George himself

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Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar Empty Re: Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar

Post by bgarabedian Sun 05 Oct 2014, 07:03

Finally got to listen to her and hear her voice. She knows how to speak well and carriers herself with intelligent and wisdom. He voice is that of a british accent and she seems well informed & knowledgeable. well george got a winner and he is also a very intelligent and he was a great catch. now taken and seems much happier and content.Still funny and always be yourself george and never loose your sense of humor. love u george bg

Learning to love George Clooney

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Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar Empty Re: Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar

Post by / Sun 05 Oct 2014, 09:45

This woman has it all: the career, the guy, the looks, the brains, the style, everything! She wanted it all and she got it as well. Not many people can say that so she's really lucky. But she seems like she deserves it. And she is the sort of woman that I look up to, career wise.

Learning to love George Clooney

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Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar Empty Re: Thank you George for introducing us to Amal - PopSugar

Post by party animal - not! Sun 05 Oct 2014, 14:03

Definitely. Really pleased Popsugar did this..........

party animal - not!
George Clooney fan forever!

Posts : 12437
Join date : 2012-02-16

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