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Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child!

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Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child! - Page 2 Empty Re: Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child!

Post by silly girl Tue 25 Mar 2014, 02:33

Ok this is sort of off topic but I watched E!Online this morning and they talked about a new book by a former paparazzi....all about celebrities call them and how much money they (the pap's) can make on the photographs etc...

I think it was called Shooting Stars...anyway thought it was interesting.

To the point of SK still getting in People etc...she will always be the ex of GC so there will always be some interest. She still has a fan base albeit mostly wrestling fans...

silly girl
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Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child! - Page 2 Empty Re: Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child!

Post by NewFanForever Tue 25 Mar 2014, 02:53

True I watched celebrity wife swap usa last night Rick Flair...the nature boy was on there.

He is retired now I think and they showed you everytime he goes out he is flocked by his fans who are still loyal to being me.

So I guess yes SK would still receive a lot of attention..she was such a fun girl and still stands out of most on the wrestling girls...iMo

Last edited by NewFanForever on Tue 25 Mar 2014, 08:21; edited 1 time in total

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Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child! - Page 2 Empty Re: Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child!

Post by Pari Tue 25 Mar 2014, 07:57

Congratulations Stacy and Jared Smile
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Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child! - Page 2 Empty Re: Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child!

Post by Carla97 Tue 25 Mar 2014, 08:41

I guess her husband can be a "wild card". If he becomes "tech entrepreneur celeb" à la Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg or anything to that direction…then she can stay "relevant" for quite long. I mean how much can she expand her career at this point?
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Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child! - Page 2 Empty Re: Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child!

Post by isogotit Wed 26 Mar 2014, 01:15

Good for her. I also foresee and new pregnancy fitness dvd by Stacy Keibler.
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Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child! - Page 2 Empty Re: Stacy Keibler's Pregnant With First Child!

Post by catwoman Wed 26 Mar 2014, 16:53

Rachel wrote:@Dior - It was a very smart move from George to choose a classy, successful career lady after Stacy, she doesn't look to good in comparison to Ms. Alamuddin.

First, it might look like GC is dating AA but its still not confirmed.
I think your comment is misogynous and degrading women who are not successful like AA.
Its is very cheap and shows a lack of character if a man chooses to have a woman beside himself because she has a very good reputation to clean his own dating history.
I never liked Stacy and the way she earned her money with wrestling etc. but she is not the only woman in the world doing that.
She has done a lot openly but do we know the way, how sadly in our society women still climb the ladder in a discrete   way - does that make them more "Classy"
I'm objective enough to see both sides and GC is a grown up. He decided to date her and she gave it a try - why not, almost every young single woman would give it a try.

So she is not the bad, not classy girl and he the good classy guy, just because we all here adore him - we need to be objective.

If AA is dating him do you think it is because of love at first sight, I'm sure not but rather because GC has decided it.
So what makes a woman classy to me are her thoughts before she decides dating a man.
Do you think she would date a man at his age looking a lot older if he were a simple barrister or would even allow herself to give it a try - we and he will never know because he is GC.

Sincerity and loyalty no matter how hard, like his mother - that's what makes a woman classy in my eyes and not her successful career.
I know a lot of beautiful successful women but in private life they are dominant bi.... the reason I as a man would choose to remain a bachelor.
Media circus - isn't George's whole life been some kind of Media Circus
Let's see if he is able to get out of his old pattern or if he will always date women looking like having a date with daddy.

For Stacy, she was lucky enough to move on and I think thats not easy after being with GC.
I wish them all the best and that people will get over her past and give them the chance to look forward and move on.

Not for bad @Dior - just my opinion  This big

...I loved your review, I think exactly
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