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Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity

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Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity Empty Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity

Post by Nicky80 Mon 30 Dec 2013, 18:15

Not sure if this belongs in this threat or in the Friends and Family thread. Please feel free to move.

Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity

The actress had been filming in isolation for the space drama and was surprised how upset she was when he finished shooting his scenes.

Sandra Bullock had a tough time working on Gravity, filming on her own in an intense environment without other actors to interact with.It's no surprise, then, that she was delighted with George Clooney joined her on set, giving her and the crew a newfound "energy".However, it left the actress with a feeling of "depression" when he wrapped his scenes, and the actress admitted she struggled to say "goodbye". She told Variety: "When George came, it was like this energy for us and you were so appreciative of him being there.
"And then when he left, I had never been hit with a depression like that. We had so much fun for three weeks, but then my friend left. I was amazed at how I was affected by him going. "I had a hard time saying goodbye. I didn't wanna look at him, I was just gonna give him a pat and I walked away - and I was mad."We'd probably be just as sad to see the 52 year old hunk leave, but being back in isolation left Sandra feeling tense and "angry" after her co-star was replaced by machines. She explained: "So I felt like everyday I was pushed against a wall with technology. And I was angry at everyone who came with me with a laptop to tell me where my hand had to be and where my head had to end up in a certain amount of time."But you knew you had to do it. And it was my job - with all these constraints - to figure out how to be this person."The experience will have done nothing to stop Sandra thinking "life is a series of disastrous moments" and "things that will break your heart".

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Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity Empty Re: Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity

Post by it's me Mon 30 Dec 2013, 18:39

we depressed too... without him Sad
it's me
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Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity Empty Re: Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity

Post by LornaDoone Mon 30 Dec 2013, 22:44

That filming sounds so intense with all the technical requirements so I can understand why she would miss George.  He does have a way of making a film set much lighter and fun.  

I've been on sets and if you're not in the middle of the actual action, it can be boring as hell.  So George's attitude of making it fun can be like a breath of fresh air.  No wonder she was depressed when he left.

I'm looking forward to getting this one on Blu-Ray when it comes out probably sometime later in 2014.  The extras and behind the scenes stuff should be just as fascinating as the film.  At least I hope they'll have extras on it.

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Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity Empty Re: Sandra Bullock was depressed when George Clooney finished filming Gravity

Post by it's me Mon 30 Dec 2013, 22:46

they would be crazy if not!!!!!!
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