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Newseum to host 'advocacy journalism in the digital age' conference

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Newseum to host 'advocacy journalism in the digital age' conference Empty Newseum to host 'advocacy journalism in the digital age' conference

Post by Katiedot Tue 22 Feb 2011, 11:45

Press release from PR Newswire

WASHINGTON, Feb. 21, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On March 1, the Newseum, in association with American University's School of Communication and the Ford Foundation, will co-sponsor a day-long conference to explore the rise of advocacy journalism in mass communication, as well as its use by nonprofit social-change organizations. The conference, "Advocacy Journalism in the Digital Age," will bring together thought leaders in social activism, public policy, journalism and media to help define the opportunities and challenges created by new technologies.

Ted Leonsis, a pioneer of the new media industry, professional sports team owner and philanthropist, will be the keynote speaker. In 2008, Leonsis launched SnagFilms, an online service that provides instant streaming and viral sharing of independently produced documentary films.

The conference will consist of three main panel discussions and two breakout sessions that will facilitate discussions between nonprofit advocacy organizations, producers and other media practitioners.

Participating organizations will include Bloomberg News, the National Wildlife Federation, NPR, Huffington Post, Oxfam and the United Nations Development Programme. Each panel discussion will encourage audience questions and participation.


Panel 1: "Advocacy Journalism Today: Where Are We?"

9 to 10:15 a.m.

Panelists: Apollo Gonzales, Natural Resources Defense Council; Sandy Close, New America Media; Tracy Van Slyke, The Media Consortium; and Clark Hoyt, Bloomberg News.

Panel 2: "Case Studies: What Works, and How? What Does 'Success' Look Like?"

10:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Panelists: Wendy Hanamura, Link TV; Patrick Meier, Ushahidi; Jon Sawyer, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting; Susannah Vila, Alliance for Youth Movements, Stephane Dujarric, United Nations Development Programme; and Bob Sipchen, Sierra Club.

Keynote Address

12:45 to 1:15 p.m.

Ted Leonsis, founder of SnagFilms and chairman, CEO and majority owner, Monumental Sports Entertainment.

Panel 3: "Earning Trust/Credibility"

1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Panelists: Alicia Shepard, National Public Radio; Danielle Brigida, National Wildlife Federation; Arthur Delaney, The Huffington Post; and Nick Clooney, director, "Journey to Darfur."

Breakout Session 1: "Getting Started"

3 to 4 p.m.

Panelists: Sandy Close, New America Media; Todd Wolfson, Media Mobilizing Project; Marisa Jahn, People's Production House; and Jessica Clark, AU School of Communication's Center for Social Media, the Future of Public Media Project.

Breakout Session 2: "Working Models, Making Connections"

3 to 4 p.m.

Panelists: Molly O'Brien, award-winning documentary producer and director; Jeffrey Tuchman, Peabody Award-winning documentarian and founder of Documania Films; and Jane Huber, Oxfam.

This program is free and open to the public, but registration is required. RSVP at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.].

About the Newseum

The Newseum — a 250,000-square-foot museum of news — offers visitors an experience that blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits. Within its seven levels of galleries and theaters, the Newseum offers a unique environment that takes museum-goers behind the scenes to experience how and why news is made. Follow the Newseum on Twitter and Facebook.

About American University's School of Communication

American University's School of Communication is a laboratory for professional education, communication research, and innovative production across the fields of journalism, film and media arts, and public communication. The school's academic programs emphasize traditional skills and values while anticipating new professional roles, media services, and technologies. Follow AU SOC on Twitter @AU_SOC, Facebook and YouTube.

About the Ford Foundation

Established in 1936, the Ford Foundation is an independent, global organization with a legacy of commitment to innovative leaders on the frontlines of social change.


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Join date : 2010-12-05

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Post by Merlin Sat 05 Mar 2011, 20:00

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The Insider (1999)
March 01, 2011
Location: Walter and Leonore Annenberg Theater
Watch video:
Dan Rather speaks about new media and the current crises in the Middle East.
Dan Rather speaks about his portrayal in the movie "The Insider."
Dan Rather comments on the changes in television evening news.
Guest: Dan Rather

"The Insider" is based on the true story of Jeffrey Wigand, a former tobacco executive who agrees to appear on CBS's "60 Minutes" to reveal malpractices in the tobacco industry, after being prodded by the program's aggressive producer Lowell Bergman. When CBS executives decide to edit the interview under corporate pressure, Wigand's life and Bergman's reputation are thrown into jeopardy.


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Rather: ‘News is a Crude Art Form’

Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather was the guest this week’s of Reel Journalism’s Nick Clooney at the Newseum. There’s typically a screening and a high-profile guest. The featured film was “The Insider” starring Russell Crowe and Al Pacino.

Rather chatted with host Clooney, the journalist in residence at AU and the Newseum, before the screening.

A quick refresher: The film is the true story of Jeffrey Wigand, a former tobacco executive who agreed to appear on CBS’s 60 Minutes to reveal malpractices in the tobacco industry.

So how did the film compare to reality? “News is not an exact science. News is a kind of crude art form,” Rather said, explaining why he thought the film did not necessarily portray how things really happened. “No one does it perfectly and until you walk in the shoes of someone else, be reluctant to pass judgment or speculate what you would have done.”

Clooney asked Rather about the performance of the actor who played him. The newsman said he didn’t recognize himself on screen: “In one scene, a producer says ‘Mr. Rather is complaining about his chair.’ Let the record show that I complained about a great number of things at CBS, but never my chair,” Rather joked.

American University’s School of Communication and the Newseum co-produce the film series. Many thanks to Maggie Barrett, AU’s Public Information Officer, for the contents of this post.
More than a little bit enthusiastic about Clooney

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Location : Liverpool UK

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Post by Atalante Sat 05 Mar 2011, 20:34

Aha, some links for the facebookaddicts !
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Clooney-love. And they said it wouldn't last

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Post by melbert Sat 05 Mar 2011, 22:43

Thanks Merlin and Atalante! Nick IS the man!!
George Clooney fan forever!

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Location : George's House

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