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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) EmptySun 22 Sep 2024, 15:52 by party animal - not!

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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) Empty Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

Post by Katiedot Wed 08 Dec 2010, 06:21

Thanks Laetval

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Lugano Urban Art is pleased to present its seventh event, the exposure of Orticanoodles:

To be or not to be

The exhibition organized by Urban Art Lugano Orticanoodles hosts, Wally and Alita, two young Italian artists, which engages a number of years in the works of street art, specializing in the technique of the stencil.

Following the project's objectives perfectly Urban Art Lugano, the Orticanoodles creep in gray spaces of the city considered its streets the largest open-air museum in the world. Continuing dialogue between exterior and interior signs and displays began with Datatown, there will be a chance to see the works of both Orticanoodles Lab_Comacina on some walls of the city, especially outside of the wall and a former Mouth Slaughter . This work will be carried out during the week from 29 November to 4 December and the public is invited to attend his creation.

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Join date : 2010-12-05

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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) Empty Re: Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

Post by Katiedot Wed 08 Dec 2010, 06:21

I get that it's dealing with death and the transient nature of life and fame, but still.

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Join date : 2010-12-05

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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) Empty Re: Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

Post by Merlin Wed 08 Dec 2010, 09:20

I think it's vile and if I was Betty I would be very upset...
More than a little bit enthusiastic about Clooney

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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) Empty Re: Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

Post by Guest Wed 08 Dec 2010, 14:22

Someone succeeded in making George look ugly. Not a fan of this form of art. I don't even "get" the whole thing. Was this donated or did the town pay money for this? If they paid, they were ripped off. I'm SUCH a traditionalist.


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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) Empty Re: Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

Post by Katiedot Wed 08 Dec 2010, 14:24

I think the idea is interesting and there's some merit in what they're trying to achieve. I just think the execution didn't work.

Plus, I just don't think that Clooney/Canalis are such great pop culture idols.

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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) Empty Re: Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

Post by ManhattanMaven Wed 08 Dec 2010, 21:51

I'm with you on that Katie! They SHOULD have done Berlusconi...LOL! Twisted Evil

Clooney virgin

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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) Empty Re: Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

Post by Katiedot Thu 09 Dec 2010, 02:46

Oh my God, YES! Berlusconi and that 18-year old model. Now that would have been a perfect choice!

Posts : 13223
Join date : 2010-12-05

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Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO) Empty Re: Art? Clooney featured in what's possibly the ugliest artwork seen in public in a long time (IMO)

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