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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Nicky80 Tue 18 Jun 2013, 15:28

It was so quite for so long...I started thinking. scratch

President Obama is arriving in Berlin tonight with his wife and kids. He will do a big speech tomorrow in front of the "Brandenburger Gate" meet our Chancellor and will meet with his half sister who lived many years in Germany. I'm sure George Clooney is not Obamas friend but he did support him very well. Maybe they are going to meet and say

Since GC came back to Berlin we haven't seen any picture from him leaving the hotel. Which is wierd because the Soho hotel has no parking Garage so he must use the normal entrance. So either those paps are not interested anymore (which is hard to believe) or GC is now in a different hotel. Maybe the same President Obama will be and that's the Ritz Carlton.

Ok so even though they would meet maybe we never see pics right....

Just a thought to share to overcome the quietness cheers
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by ktsue2002 Tue 18 Jun 2013, 15:41

Maybe!!  Sofa bounce

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by fava Tue 18 Jun 2013, 15:41

I doubt it.  These presidential visits are highly scripted and scheduled.  Plus, Obama has taken a lot of heat lately and meeting with a movie star will not do him any favors as far as media and public opinion.

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Nicky80 Tue 18 Jun 2013, 16:24

fava wrote:I doubt it.  These presidential visits are highly scripted and scheduled.  Plus, Obama has taken a lot of heat lately and meeting with a movie star will not do him any favors as far as media and public opinion.
Maybe they will meet in secret. Especially if they would stay in the same hotel.

So I guess we will not see new pics than. Maybe he left Berlin already...Sad
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Nicky80 Tue 18 Jun 2013, 16:29

Just read that Sandra Bullock is in Berlin as well. I hope they will meet for dinner and we will see some pics.

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I know. I sound desperate Rolling Eyes
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by LornaDoone Tue 18 Jun 2013, 19:44

Well not that anyone outside of Los Angeles cares but our local entertainment newsman from KTLA (Sam Rubin) is ALSO in Germany today. 

Folks, I think we missed the boat!  HA

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by What Would He Say Tue 18 Jun 2013, 19:52

"George have you met Michelle? "
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Mazy Tue 18 Jun 2013, 21:56

Carlton Hotel

The German capital 25 hours and 40 minutes to spend. A visit to the preparation of three thousand police officers involved. On Wednesday, eight thousand police will take care of official and family recreation programs for the president's security.
06/18/2013 20:38 MTI

Extraordinary security measures have been due on Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Berlin. Barack Obama and his family arrive Tuesday night in the German capital, where 25 hours and 40 minutes to spend. A visit to the preparation of three thousand police officers involved.

On Wednesday, eight thousand police will take care of official and family recreation programs for the president's security. machine lands on the President's Tegel airport. The nearly 100-vehicle convoy comes pre-presidential undeclared route their apartment, Potsdamer Platz of Ritz-Carlton hotel. The police around the airport all the hotel the road thirty-foot radius removed for street waste bins, and been sealed to the manhole.

Obama from 2008 knows the hotel, which presidential candidate aspirant acted as Berlin and just stayed at the Hotel Adlonban, but went to the Ritz Carlton's gym, which was very satisfied. In a recent visit to preparing insisted to be placed in this hotel, which opposed the German security services, and Intercontinental in the western center of the city was recommended because of the safest, but eventually had to bow before the President's will.

Barack Obama in Berlin in Beast (Beast) named armored Cadillac is moving. The hotel's underground car park and then drive the limo, where the president and his family will get to a room with a kitchen and storage, which is a hotel in the hotel. The name Ritz Carlton Club, an exclusive suites available, which occupy two floors of the hotel. because of the President's family arrived in Berlin Tuesday evening closed airspace. The area around Potsdamer Platz has been closed Tuesday afternoon.

Several guests have to keep shooting Thursday forced break. On Wednesday, almost the entire city center is closed, even for pleasure boats nor walk the river Spree, and will not lead running between the main station and the Brandenburg Gate U55 Series subway. The Obama family on Wednesday from widely separated parts of the city visited by Michelle Obama and the presidential couple's children look on as the East Berlin district of Friedrichshain East Side Gallery, the longest remaining section of the Berlin Wall, which the West Berlin district of Wedding and city limits with a memorial wall set up in honor of the victims are traveling.

Meanwhile, the President Joachim Gauck German state employees will visit and then go negotiate with the Chancellor's office, Angela Merkel. Because of the presidential family travel streets are closed to the locked bicycles taken away by the authorities, residents along the roads throughout the day should keep the windows closed.

Barack Obama in a speech in Berlin in 2008 in front of nearly 200 thousand people. During the first presidential visit for security reasons do not hold public events. This time Obama says speech at the Brandenburg Gate, the event invited six thousand people. Everyone else left the television program, but the Germans are expected to forgive this inconvenience is the American President, who according to the latest survey, almost 80 percent of Germans by doing a good job. single night of the visit, there is no pre-announced program of the Obama family.

Conceivable that the Bild newspaper that the president will meet Kenyan half-sister, Auma Obama, who received his doctorate in sociology in Germany and is often associated in the country. In Berlin, Der Tagesspiegel drew attention to the city's Barack Obama's two friends, also in the presidential advisory titled Jon Bon Jovi, who acts on Tuesday with his band the Waldbühne outdoor stage, and George Clooney, who was in the German capital shooting for months , chairman of the family so that everyone will be sure to spend a Tuesday evening.

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by LornaDoone Wed 19 Jun 2013, 02:42

Thanks for the article Mazy very interesting info.  Very Happy

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Mazy Wed 19 Jun 2013, 03:58

No problem, I think that he went ahead of time because another article said that him and Sandra Bullock ate at the same place.

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Nicky80 Wed 19 Jun 2013, 06:51

Mazy wrote:No problem, I think that he went ahead of time because another article said that him and Sandra Bullock ate at the same place.

Here is the article. You posted it in the George cLooney thread Very Happy

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Tuesday evening was a family evening: Sandra went to at 20.30 for dinner with relatives to Bocca di Bacco restaurant. There she ran into George Clooney, who also had reserved a table in the upper floor. After lively conversation the two stars left at 22.44 the place. Sandra Bullock and family through the main door, he (George) unrecognized by the supplier exit.
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Nicky80 Wed 19 Jun 2013, 06:52

So if this is true he gets very smart how to avoid paps or the paps getting stupid Wink
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Nicky80 Wed 19 Jun 2013, 06:56

Mazy wrote:Carlton Hotel

The German capital 25 hours and 40 minutes to spend. A visit to the preparation of three thousand police officers involved. On Wednesday, eight thousand police will take care of official and family recreation programs for the president's security.
06/18/2013 20:38 MTI

Extraordinary security measures have been due on Tuesday, U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to Berlin. Barack Obama and his family arrive Tuesday night in the German capital, where 25 hours and 40 minutes to spend. A visit to the preparation of three thousand police officers involved.

On Wednesday, eight thousand police will take care of official and family recreation programs for the president's security. machine lands on the President's Tegel airport. The nearly 100-vehicle convoy comes pre-presidential undeclared route their apartment, Potsdamer Platz of Ritz-Carlton hotel. The police around the airport all the hotel the road thirty-foot radius removed for street waste bins, and been sealed to the manhole.

Obama from 2008 knows the hotel, which presidential candidate aspirant acted as Berlin and just stayed at the Hotel Adlonban, but went to the Ritz Carlton's gym, which was very satisfied. In a recent visit to preparing insisted to be placed in this hotel, which opposed the German security services, and Intercontinental in the western center of the city was recommended because of the safest, but eventually had to bow before the President's will.

Barack Obama in Berlin in Beast (Beast) named armored Cadillac is moving. The hotel's underground car park and then drive the limo, where the president and his family will get to a room with a kitchen and storage, which is a hotel in the hotel. The name Ritz Carlton Club, an exclusive suites available, which occupy two floors of the hotel. because of the President's family arrived in Berlin Tuesday evening closed airspace. The area around Potsdamer Platz has been closed Tuesday afternoon.

Several guests have to keep shooting Thursday forced break. On Wednesday, almost the entire city center is closed, even for pleasure boats nor walk the river Spree, and will not lead running between the main station and the Brandenburg Gate U55 Series subway. The Obama family on Wednesday from widely separated parts of the city visited by Michelle Obama and the presidential couple's children look on as the East Berlin district of Friedrichshain East Side Gallery, the longest remaining section of the Berlin Wall, which the West Berlin district of Wedding and city limits with a memorial wall set up in honor of the victims are traveling.

Meanwhile, the President Joachim Gauck German state employees will visit and then go negotiate with the Chancellor's office, Angela Merkel. Because of the presidential family travel streets are closed to the locked bicycles taken away by the authorities, residents along the roads throughout the day should keep the windows closed.

Barack Obama in a speech in Berlin in 2008 in front of nearly 200 thousand people. During the first presidential visit for security reasons do not hold public events. This time Obama says speech at the Brandenburg Gate, the event invited six thousand people. Everyone else left the television program, but the Germans are expected to forgive this inconvenience is the American President, who according to the latest survey, almost 80 percent of Germans by doing a good job. single night of the visit, there is no pre-announced program of the Obama family.

Conceivable that the Bild newspaper that the president will meet Kenyan half-sister, Auma Obama, who received his doctorate in sociology in Germany and is often associated in the country. In Berlin, Der Tagesspiegel drew attention to the city's Barack Obama's two friends, also in the presidential advisory titled Jon Bon Jovi, who acts on Tuesday with his band the Waldbühne outdoor stage, and George Clooney, who was in the German capital shooting for months , chairman of the family so that everyone will be sure to spend a Tuesday evening.

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Thanks Mazy. The article says he WAS in the German capital. Don't like to read that Sad Hope he is still here. So strange that we see no pics at all isn't it?
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by LornaDoone Wed 19 Jun 2013, 13:46

Nicky80 wrote:So if this is true he gets very smart how to avoid paps or the paps getting stupid Wink

I think what George was doing was not giving the paps more fuel for their "Are he and Stacy over" fire.

If he had left with Sandra out of the front the headlines the next day would have probably been "George Dines with Sandra Bullock is She the New One?"

Or some such nonsense.

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Atalante Wed 19 Jun 2013, 14:08

LINK Livestream. Very Happy
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Lighterside Wed 19 Jun 2013, 14:16

Thanks Atalante!  Thumbs up!
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Nicky80 Wed 19 Jun 2013, 18:27

Atalante wrote:LINK Livestream. Very Happy

I can't open it. What was the livestream about? Obama's speach or something about George?
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Lighterside Wed 19 Jun 2013, 21:12

It was the live speech President Obama gave today in Berlin and it was good speech...thanks again Atalante.
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by theminis Wed 19 Jun 2013, 23:37

I don't know if this is new or an old photo, if it turns out to be new will move it to its own thread.

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by it's me Thu 20 Jun 2013, 00:28

Viaggiare con stile? Nice
Guess he knows how to travel with style Very Happy
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it's me
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by lolo"layla" Thu 20 Jun 2013, 01:25

no beard , shaved !

Ooh, Mr Clooney!

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Mazy Thu 20 Jun 2013, 01:36

There is a short video here not too good.

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by melbert Thu 20 Jun 2013, 01:40

It's an old video Mazy that has already been posted on another thread earlier today.

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Mazy Thu 20 Jun 2013, 01:51

Okay thanks Melbert.

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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by What Would He Say Thu 20 Jun 2013, 08:44

Ooh ...all I see it BICEPS....I seriously have to go "cold turkey" from this site....even my most beloved PJ comes a poor second to the stronge tanned forearms............XXXXX all over
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Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin? Empty Re: Is George Clooney going to meet President Obama in Berlin?

Post by Atalante Thu 20 Jun 2013, 12:02

Atalante I moved your post to the June _chit chat thread - theminis
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