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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty temp thread - don't post

Post by carolhathaway Thu 11 Feb 2016, 15:28

I just found an article about the press conference (unfortunately it's in German). George announced that he's going to mert Chancellor Merkel tomorrow to talk about the refugees crisis!

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Thu 11 Feb 2016, 16:51

Merkel to meet Clooney

Hollywood star George Clooney (54) will be meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel (61, CDU) on Friday.

He wanted to talk to her about refugees, Clooney said on Thursday at the Berlinale.

► As per Bild's information, Merkel is available for a meeting. It will be held in the Chancellery as BILD learned from government sources.

Currently much is wrong in the world, Clooney said. "I've been wanting to make a film about the Sudan for a long time." But he has not yet found the right way. "I will not do anything badly."

Clooney has been involved for years for good causes and has been repeatedly honored for his charity and humanitarian work.
refugee policy

Clooney is a star of the opening film for the festival "Hail, Caesar!"   Clooney was pleased with his "idiot-roles", which were created for him by the Coen brothers in their films. "I enjoy the fact that they make fun of me," he said, grinning.

But the star struck a serious note by announcing to the assembled press that he wanted to meet Merkel. Also in the Berlinale Competition the refugee suffering plays an important role this year. The appropriate slogan to have the 2016 Berlinale: "right to happiness".

Because the subject is so present, the Film Festival call moviegoers directly for assistance to refugees. For the first time in its history, the Berlinale asks for donations. These go to an initiative that takes care of traumatized torture victims. But some things remain the same as usual this year.

Merkel trifft Clooney
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Schauspieler George Clooney am Donnerstag bei einer Pressekonferenz im Rahmen der Berlinale – dort plauderte er aus: Er wolle Merkel treffen

Hollywoodstar George Clooney (54) will sich am Freitag mit Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (61, CDU) treffen.
Er wolle mit ihr auch über Flüchtlinge sprechen, sagte Clooney am Donnerstag bei der Berlinale.
Nach BILD-Informationen ist Merkel zu einem Treffen bereit. Es soll im Kanzleramt stattfinden, wie BILD aus Regierungskreisen erfuhr.
Derzeit laufe vieles in der Welt falsch, sagte Clooney. „Ich will auch schon seit längerem einen Film über den Sudan machen.” Er habe aber noch nicht den richtigen Weg gefunden. „Ich will nicht etwas Schlechtes machen.”
Clooney engagiert sich seit Jahren für gute Zwecke und wurde schon mehrfach für sein soziales und humanitäres Engagement ausgezeichnet.


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EU mahnt Regierung ab Wir tun nicht genug für Zuwanderer

Deutschland hat über eine Million Flüchtlinge aufgenommen – und trotzdem mahnt die EU die Bundesregierung ab!
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Einigung über Asyl-Paket II Wer hat sich da gegen wen durchgesetzt?

Nach fast einer Woche heftigen Streits haben sich Bundesinnenminister de Maizière (CDU) und Justizminister Maas (SPD) jetzt geeinigt.
Bei dem Festival ist Clooney als Star des Eröffnungsfilms „Hail, Caesar!” zu Gast. Clooney freute sich über seine „Idioten-Rolle”, die ihm die Coen-Brüder in ihrem Film zugedacht haben. „Ich habe Spaß daran, dass sie sich über mich lustig machen”, meinte er grinsend.
Doch der Star schlug mit der Ankündigung vor der versammelten Presse, Merkel treffen zu wollen, auch ernste Töne an. Auch im Berlinale-Wettbewerb spielt das Flüchtlingsleid in diesem Jahr eine wichtige Rolle. Das entsprechende Motto dazu hat die 2016er Berlinale auch: Recht auf Glück.
Vergrößern [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Ob es beim gemeinsamen Treffen von Angela Merkel und George Clooney wohl Wein, Kaffee oder Wasser geben wird? (Archivbild, Juli 20012)
Foto: dpa
Weil das Thema so präsent ist, rufen die Filmfestspiele die Kinogänger direkt zur Hilfe für Flüchtlinge auf. Zum ersten Mal in ihrer Geschichte bittet die Berlinale um Spenden. Die gehen an eine Initiative, die sich um traumatisierte Folteropfer kümmert. Einiges bleibt aber auch in diesem Jahr wie immer.


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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by What Would He Say Thu 11 Feb 2016, 18:31

Right to Happiness....I likey that....
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What Would He Say
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty George and Amal meet Angela Merkel

Post by party animal - not! Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:12

This morning

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party animal - not!
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by it's me Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:42

Hot drool3

Nothing about the talking ?
it's me
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:43

Here's another article about George and Amal visiting Angela Merkel - unfortunately it's in German but there are some more pictures:

I'm just goint to translate briefly:

"George Clooney, star of 'Hail, Caesar!' met during his Berlin visit chancellor Angela Merkel. He arrived at about 10 a.m., the meeting lasted about one hour. Up to now no details were announced yet.

At the Berlinale (Berlin Film Festival) Clooney had already praised Merkel's refugees politics. He said that he agrees with her and that the US should get involved in this much more.

Clooney is going to meet refugees as well."
Than they added some things he had said at the press conference yesterday that it's too early to make a movie about the refugees crisis because it takes several years to make a movie. The film industry is just very slow at this.

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George Clooney, Star in „Hail, Caesar!“ macht bei seinem Berlin-Besuch auch am Kanzleramt Station: Gegen 10 Uhr kam der Star bei Angel Merkel an, um mit ihr über das Flüchtlingsdrama zu sprechen. Das Treffen dauerte eine Stunde. Details wurden zunächst nicht bekannt.

Der Hollywoodstar hatte auf der Berlinale bereits Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik gelobt. „Ich bin absolut einverstanden damit.” Die USA müssten sich mehr engagieren, forderte er.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]George Clooney und seine Frau Amal auf dem Weg aus dem Kanzleramt (Foto: AP)
Clooney will sich in Berlin auch mit Flüchtlingen treffen. Für eine große Hollywood-Produktion zum gegenwärtigen Flüchtlingsdrama benötigt es nach Clooneys Einschätzung aber noch viel Zeit: „Ereignisse müssen sich erst entwickeln, dann müssen Drehbücher geschrieben werden, und es dauert dann ein paar Jahre, bis Leute tatsächlich einen Film machen.“ Die Filmbranche sei in dieser Beziehung leider ziemlich langsam.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]George Clooney bei der Ankunft am Kanzleramt in Berlin (Foto: AP)

Last edited by carolhathaway on Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:44; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by it's me Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:47

No details but thanks anyway Thumbs up!
it's me
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by party animal - not! Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:49

He may not talk about it at this stage, Its Me......diplomacy and all that.....

party animal - not!
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by party animal - not! Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:54

Better pic on Getty

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 11:47

it's me wrote:No details but thanks anyway Thumbs up!

It's me,
sorry, I didn't read your post before I posted mine!

Concerning to this article:

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David Milliband was there as well.

But that's all I found.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by party animal - not! Fri 12 Feb 2016, 12:23

Here is the AP piece on it, quoting David Miliband on the discussions

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Pretty broad...........

George and Amal Clooney meet Merkel to discuss refugees
Feb. 12, 2016 9:18 AM EST



3 photos

US actor George Clooney, right, and his wife Amal Clooney, left, are accompanied by Merkel's foreign policy advisor Christoph Heusgen as they leave chancellery after private meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, Germany, Friday, Feb. 12, 2016. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

BERLIN (AP) — Actor George Clooney and his lawyer wife Amal had a private meeting Friday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss the crisis in Syria and Europe's efforts to help refugees.
The Clooneys were accompanied by David Miliband, the former British foreign secretary who now heads the aid group International Rescue Committee.
"We (...) talked about the responsibilities of all states, not just European states but states around the world to deal with what is a global problem, not just a Syrian problem or a German issue," Miliband told The Associated Press after the 40-minute meeting at Merkel's office.

"It's very clear that Mrs Merkel has been showing very strong leadership and example not just to Europe but globally," he added. "We wanted to hear from her and support what she's doing."

Miliband said it was the actor's idea to ask for a meeting with Merkel, who has received both applause and criticism for letting hundreds of thousands of refugees come to Germany over the past year.

Clooney, who is known for his human rights work and has supported the IRC on other projects, is currently attending the Berlin Film Festival to showcase his new movie "Hail, Caesar!"

"It wouldn't be right to come to Berlin and have a film festival and pretend there wasn't a big global issue for which Germany was in the eye of the storm," said Miliband.

Merkel told reporters later Friday that she had had "a very good conversation" with the Clooneys and Miliband, exchanging ideas for how aid groups and governments can cooperate to encourage citizens to volunteer to help refugees.
The Clooneys planned to meet with refugees in Berlin later Friday.
Frank Jordans contributed to this report.

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US actor George Clooney, right, and his wife Amal Clooney, second left, are accompanied by Merkel's foreign policy advisor Christoph Heusgen, center, as they leave chancellery after private meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, Germany, Friday, Feb. 12, 2016. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

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US actor George Clooney, second left, and his wife Amal Clooney talk to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, right, during a private meeting in the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, Friday, Feb. 12, 2016. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 13:45

Well, that didn't say anything, but if it would be easy to solve this it had been done already, I suggest...
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 14:18

The daily fail has an article do they have writers who can write English or better yet write a correct sentence ? The title of the article makes no sense.

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George Clooney meets the most powerful woman in Europe... and takes her to see Angela Merkel: After her meeting with David Cameron, Amal discusses migration with German leader

  • A-list couple discussed migrant crisis over coffee with German Chancellor
  • Comes weeks after Mrs Clooney was hosted by Cameron at 10 Downing St
  • Human rights lawyer urged PM to help free jailed president of the Maldives
  • Also became public face of fight between UK and Greece for Elgin marbles
  • For more on the refugee crisis visit [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

By Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline
Published: 12:29, 12 February 2016 

Just two years ago, Amal Alamuddin wasn't exactly a name on everyone's lips.
But since her marriage to George Clooney, the human rights lawyer has been catapulted into the global spotlight – and now finds herself being courted by world leaders.
In her latest high-profile meeting, Mrs Clooney accompanied her husband for talks over coffee with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss the migration crisis engulfing Europe.
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Ears in high places: German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosts British human rights barrister Amal Clooney and Hollywood actor George Clooney for talks at the Chancellery in Berlin on the migration crisis engulfing Europe
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The couple discussed 'refugee policies' and their involvement in the group International Rescue Committee
The couple, who were in the capital to attend the Berlinale film festival, used their privileged access to discuss 'refugee policies' and their work with the aid group International Rescue Committee.
Before her marriage to Mr Clooney in September 2014, the Lebanese-born barrister had forged a highly successful career in her own right, specialising in human rights and international law.
Among her previous roles she served as an adviser to Kofi Annan in his role as a UN special adviser for Syria and also represented WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in his extradition proceedings.
But in recent months, Mrs Clooney has found herself taking her expertise right to the doorsteps of world leaders.
Her meeting with Merkel comes just three weeks after she was hosted by David Cameron at 10 Downing Street, where the British Prime Minister listened intently for an hour as she urged him to help her free the jailed former president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed. 

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The pair were accompanied at the 40-minute meeting by David Miliband (left), the former British foreign secretary who heads the International Rescue Committee with which the couple are involved
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Mr and Mrs Clooney were in the German capital to attend the Berlinale film festival, which this year also puts Europe's refugee influx in the spotlight
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The Hollywood star said he would also meet a group of asylum seekers 'to talk about and ask what messages and what things we can do... to help'
It was also a case that saw her square up to Cherie Blair, the barrister wife of Tony Blair, who has been hired to represent the Maldivian government.  
Mrs Clooney also met with U.S. Senator John McCain and other lawmakers last month in an attempt to lobby Congress to level sanctions against the Maldives unless they release political prisoners.
Mr Nasheed, 48, was the first democratically-elected president of the Maldives, but he was deposed in a coup in 2012 and was sentenced to 13 years in jail last March after he was convicted under anti-terrorism laws of ordering the arrest of an allegedly corrupt judge. 
The UN ruled in October that his incarceration was unjust and there is growing international pressure for him to be permanently released and pardoned by the country's hardline dictator Abdulla Yameen. 
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Mrs Clooney's meeting with Merkel comes just three weeks after she was hosted by David Cameron at 10 Downing Street (above), where the British Prime Minister listened intently for an hour as she urged him to help her free the jailed former president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed (left)
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Amal Clooney is guided by the president of the Acropolis museum Dimitris Pantermalis during a visit at the museum in Athens. She became the public face of the legal wrangle between Britiain and Greece over the disputed ownership of the Elgin Marbles when she took a role as adviser to the Greek government
But representatives of Mrs Blair's legal team for the Maldivian government argue the former president was fairly convicted of an offence of the 'utmost seriousness' by the courts and say calls for sanctions are 'inappropriate'.
Mrs Clooney had met Mr Cameron before at the House of Commons in June last year to discuss the same case.
She is also understood to have had dinner with then Labour leader Ed Miliband last year.
Mr Miliband was invited to the exclusive gathering at the London home of top human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson to be briefed on proposals to introduce fresh sanctions against Russia. 
Mrs Clooney called for the UK government to introduce US-style travel restrictions on Russian citizens allegedly behind the murder of whistle-blower Sergei Magnitsky. 
The glamorous barrister also became the public face of the legal wrangle between the British and Greek governments over the disputed ownership of the Elgin Marbles.
Mrs Clooney had been hired by Greece to advise the state ahead of a possible court case aimed at forcing the British Museum to give up the sculptures, which came from the Parthenon temple. 
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Amal Clooney and Lawyer Geoffrey Robertson arrive for a hearing at the European Court of Human Rights
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George Clooney is flanked by his wife Amal Alamuddin as they leave the Aman luxury Hotel on their wedding day in Venice, Italy, in September 2014
She and her husband are among the most high-profile campaigners to push publicly for the return of the Marbles to Greece. 
Last year, Mrs Clooney and other lawyers from Doughty Street Chambers delivered a 150-page report to the Greek government advising them on their legal options.
One suggestion was to challenge the UK's possession of the monuments at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. 
However, the far-Left Greek government announced in December that it will not launch a legal action against the UK – and dropped her services. 
The Oxford graduate completed her Masters of Law at New York University and worked in the city at the firm Sullivan & Cromwell.
She returned to London in 2010, joining Doughty Street Chambers as a barrister.
Mrs Clooney has since lectured on international criminal law at SOAS (University of London), The New School in New York City, The Hague Academy of International Law, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Last edited by Katiedot on Fri 12 Feb 2016, 19:58; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added text)

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Donnamarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 14:24

LOL annemarie.  The title boggles the mind.

Maybe George at some point will be asked by the press about the meeting and he will give some details.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by LizzyNY Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:07

annemarie wrote:The daily fail has an article do they have writers who can write English or better yet write a correct sentence ? The title of the article makes no sense.
It makes sense if the lawyer who married the movie star is your bread and butter. Their next step will probably be to nominate her for sainthood! Yuck! This was such a kiss-ass piece it made me nauseous. I can't imagine how the rest of the lawyers in her chambers feel about being side-lined like this. They're probably wondering whose bright idea it was to make her the public face of their cases - and how much longer it will last.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:38

I think the other lawyers are just fine no one would want the attention she is getting, and as long as she does her job there should be no problem. Amal has no control over what is written the daily fail is more likely kissing George's butt after what they wrote before they were married and pissed George off.

I think a writer who cared and paid attention would have written a better and fitting title but that is not what the daily fail is known for.

Last edited by annemarie on Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:46; edited 1 time in total

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:39

in most articles I read online Amal was mentioned as "he was joined by his wife Amal". If one British tabloid puts her in the center (and the headline) it's - I would suggest - being proud that she's British. 

I think that her collegues at COH know the reputation of the 'Daily Fail' very well and are able to categorize this article. And so does - hopefully - everybody in Britain. I mean, we all have these tabloids in our countries, and I know very well which source I trust and which ones I try to ignore (or, if I read them, I know that I shouldn't take it seriously and don't trust them.). I just found an article from a German gossip magazine claiming that Amal seemed to have felt really uncomfortable on the red carpet last night because she went inside quite soon. I mean, George had to work, do interviews, give autographs and pose for selfies with fans. So of course at a certain point she would go inside and let him do his job, but that has nothing to do with feeling uncomfortable (although she may feel like that but doesn't show it really).
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:44

I watched the arrival I think they were late , they didn't spend as much time on the carpet for pictures as everyone else. Neither did Josh and his fiancee it was quick and she was gone.

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 17:34

annemarie wrote:I watched the arrival I think they were late , they didn't spend as much time on the carpet for pictures as everyone else. Neither did Josh and his fiancee it was quick and she was gone.
are you talking about George's and Amal's arrival at Angela Merkel's office or at the film festival last night? You may have posted in the wrong thread...
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 18:19

carolhathaway wrote:
annemarie wrote:I watched the arrival I think they were late , they didn't spend as much time on the carpet for pictures as everyone else. Neither did Josh and his fiancee it was quick and she was gone.
are you talking about George's and Amal's arrival at Angela Merkel's office or at the film festival last night? You may have posted in the wrong thread...

Carol I was talking about their arrival at the Berlinale and how much time they spent on the carpet. Since the article said she left really quickly.

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 19:21

Sorry annemarie,
I misunderstood your post. Didn't want to teach you...
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 19:54

No problem Carol I wasn't clear enough.

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Fri 12 Feb 2016, 20:06

So did the Daily Fail get it wrong by stating that Amal was the one who set up this meeting with Mrs Merkel and therefore the key person, or was it really Amal's meeting that George was part of?

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 20:28

that's the tweed of our governments spokesman:

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"Chancellor Merkel welcomes George and Amal Clooney to speak about refugees politics and their involvement for the IRC.

I didn't find a clear statement, but I think it doesn't really matter since they're both interested in this crisis and are both willing to help.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 20:37

I don't think it matters who's meeting it was they were there for a good cause hopefully some good will
come from this meeting.

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Fri 12 Feb 2016, 20:43

Including this for the link to the video:

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Clooney to Merkel "We want to ask what we can do"

George Clooney is not only a successful actor and film producer, the American has also committed many years politically. Now In Berlin he met Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Exceptionally, George Clooney has created for himself a red carpet welcome on the way to the Chancellery. "I'm absolutely agree," the actor had said about Angela Merkel's refugee policy before it was on Friday morning for a good hour guest at the Chancellor. It is found tolerable that Clooney was not really because of them traveled to Berlin, but because of the Berlinale Film Festival, where his film "Hail Caesar" was demonstrated. He wanted to discuss with the Chancellor, "what we can do," Clooney had said.

We: This is the organization "International Rescue Committee", which campaigns for projects in favor of refugees as in Sudan. Clooney is involved therein. His wife, the lawyer Amal Clooney, it does. And because David Miliband, Britain's former Foreign Minister, chairman of the organization, he was also at the interview here. Merkel is popular in these circles. She maintains contacts - and is also in demand. Prior year and a day, 2007 they had Bono, lead singer of the rock group U2 to visit that is committed to the fight against poverty in Africa and had the Angela Merkel acknowledged "a symbol of morality for Europe". A formula of these days Merkel already had used. "We can in the next five years provide much" she had then announced on the German development aid.

38527292 © AP Enlarge Clooney was accompanied by the former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, the president of the American aid agency International Rescue Committee (IRC) is.

Years later remained Merkel's remarks sparse. It had gone to the involvement of non-governmental organizations, she said, as well as opportunities for cooperation with governments. It had gone to escape causes and to find ways to encourage people on a humanitarian commitment. "So it was a very good discussion," Merkel also said that a formula is that they might even use a conversation with Horst Seehofer. remained unknown for the time being whether Merkel told the actors on their visit once 2010 in Hollywood. Probably but the times are too serious today. Joy had of course the security officials of the Federal Chancellery: selfies with the Hollywood star.

Clooney bei Merkel „Wir wollen sie fragen, was wir tun können“

George Clooney ist nicht nur ein erfolgreicher Schauspieler und Filmproduzent, der Amerikaner engagiert sich auch seit Jahren politisch. In Berlin traf er nun Kanzlerin Merkel.
12.02.2016, von Günter Bannas, Berlin

© dpa, reuters George Clooney spricht mit Angela Merkel über Flüchtlingsfragen
Ausnahmsweise hat George Clooney höchstpersönlich einen roten Teppich ausgelegt – sich selbst auf dem Weg ins Bundeskanzleramt. „Ich bin absolut einverstanden damit“, hatte der Schauspieler über Angela Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik gesagt, ehe er am Freitagmorgen für eine gute Stunde zu Gast bei der Bundeskanzlerin war. Die wird es erträglich gefunden haben, dass Clooney eigentlich nicht ihretwegen nach Berlin gereist war, sondern wegen der Berlinale-Filmfestspiele, bei denen sein Film „Hail Caesar“ vorgeführt wurde. Er wolle mit der Kanzlerin besprechen, „was wir tun können“, hatte Clooney auch gesagt.

Wir: Das ist die Hilfsorganisation „International Rescue Committee“, die sich für Projekte zugunsten von Flüchtlingen etwa im Sudan einsetzt. Clooney engagiert sich darin. Seine Frau, die Anwältin Amal Alamuddin, tut es auch. Und weil David Miliband, der frühere britische Außenminister, Vorsitzender der Organisation ist, war auch er bei dem Gespräch dabei. Merkel ist beliebt in diesen Kreisen. Sie pflegt die Kontakte – und ist auch gefragt. Vor Jahr und Tag, 2007, hatte sie Bono, Sänger der Rock-Gruppe U2, zu Besuch, der sich im Kampf gegen die Armut in Afrika einsetzt und der Angela Merkel als „ein Symbol der Moral für Europa“ gewürdigt hatte. Eine Formel aus diesen Tagen hatte Merkel damals schon verwendet. „Wir können in den nächsten fünf Jahren noch vieles schaffen“, hatte sie damals über die deutsche Entwicklungshilfe angekündigt.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] © AP [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Clooney wurde vom ehemaligen britischen Außenminister David Miliband begleitet, der Präsident der amerikanischen Hilfsorganisation International Rescue Committee (IRC) ist.
Jahre später blieben Merkels Bemerkungen karg. Es sei um das Engagement von Nichtregierungsorganisationen gegangen, sagte sie, sowie um Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit mit Regierungen. Es sei um Fluchtursachen gegangen und um Möglichkeiten, Menschen für ein humanitäres Engagement zu ermutigen. „Insofern war es ein sehr gutes Gespräch“, sagte Merkel auch, was eine Formel ist, die sie sogar über ein Gespräch mit Horst Seehofer verwenden könnte. Unbekannt blieb vorerst, ob Merkel dem Schauspieler über ihren Besuch einst 2010 in Hollywood erzählte. Wahrscheinlich aber sind die Zeiten zu ernst heute. Freude hatten natürlich die Sicherheitsbeamten des Kanzleramtes: Selfies mit dem Star aus Hollywood.
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Quelle: dpa/AFP

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Fri 12 Feb 2016, 20:46

Oh here we go, video! Thanks Henway for the link:


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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Donnamarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 21:03

I agree that the meeting is for a very good cause and it doesn't matter who was taking the lead.  But remember that David Milliband and the Clooneys have had a relationship.  Remember the luncheon meeting in LA last year.  The three of them.  It may be that the Clooneys are involved with the IRC regarding the refugee issue.  So since they were in Berlin it was advantageous to meeting with Merkel.  Maybe Milliband helped set it up.

Last edited by Donnamarie on Fri 12 Feb 2016, 21:05; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : correct spelling)
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by party animal - not! Fri 12 Feb 2016, 23:25

@DMiliband new pic

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by LizzyNY Fri 12 Feb 2016, 23:38

George has worked with the IRC for a long time thru his work in South Sudan and Satellite Sentinel Project - way before Amal.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 23:45

She is now working with them, George said he found a partner in Amal and this is I believe one of the things they are involved with together. I have no idea how long Amal has been involved but it is a good cause .

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Sat 13 Feb 2016, 00:02

I'd guess that this was organised through/by the International Rescue. I much as I'm a great admirer of George's star power, I think even he couldn't just demand to meet Ms Merkel on a whim.

Judging by my facebook page, there's an awful lot of unhappy Germans out there . . .

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Sat 13 Feb 2016, 00:29

Ok, so a few reports coming out about what was said:

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Clooney: US Not Taking In Enough Refugees

The Hollywood star says America's efforts are "not enough" as he meets Angela Merkel to discuss what more can be done.

19:30, UK, Friday 12 February 2016

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Video: Clooney Wants Action On Refugees

By Lucy Cotter, Entertainment Correspondent, in Berlin
George Clooney has told Sky News that the US is not taking in enough refugees and must "do more" to help alleviate the crisis in Europe.
He spoke to Sky at the premiere of Hail, Caesar! at the Berlin film festival on Thursday, before meeting Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, to discuss what more can be done by both the US and Hollywood.

"The US needs to do more as we know, taking 10,000 refugees a year is not enough, that's clear," he said.

Clooney, and his wife Amal, met Ms Merkel on Friday morning where their discussions focused on "refugee policies and their involvement in the" aid group International Rescue Committee.

Former British foreign secretary David Miliband, who now heads the IRC, said afterwards that they had discussed what countries around the world could do to solve "what is a global problem, not just a Syrian problem or a German issue".
America has committed to accepting 10,000 Syrians this year and 85,000 refugees in total.
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Clooney was at the Berlin festival with wife Amal
Refugees play a central role on and off screen at this year's festival, in a city which has seen 80,000 refugees arrive in the last year and more than a million in Germany as a whole.
When the festival was set up in 1951 there were millions of refugees and displaced people across Europe, and so from the beginning its aim was to contribute to a better understanding between nations and cultures.
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Video: Clooney On Refugee Crisis

Dieter Kosslick, the festival's director, said Germany felt a responsibility to do more because of its history.

"The red carpet is not just about glitz and shine, it also has something to do with responsibility .... We are in Berlin, a very specific city in history, it has to be much more acceptable in Germany to have refugees because we have a bad history."

There are more than a dozen films in the festival programme which focus on people fleeing from war and oppression.
Berlin's biggest refugee camp is at the former Templhof airport.
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Video: Miliband On Clooney Discussions
Built by Hitler as the gateway to Nazi Germany, more than 2,000 people are now living in its huge aircraft carriers.

Many have travelled for weeks with young children from Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.
This year's festival will organise donations to charities working with refugees, as well as supplying some with tickets to film screenings.

Angela Meyenburg, from charity KulturLeben, said she hoped refugees would enjoy the festival "to forget for some two or three hours the things you're always thinking on, or to have fun for a little while and to relax".

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Sat 13 Feb 2016, 00:33

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George Clooney meets Angela Merkel and backs Germany's support for refugees
Hail, Caesar! star follows up combative performance at Berlin film festival press conference with meeting to discuss the Syria crisis with the German chancellor

George and Amal Clooney meet Angela Merkel at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. 

George Clooney has backed Germany’s open-door policy towards refugees fleeing the Syrian conflict after meeting Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin.

Clooney and his human-rights lawyer wife, Amal, enjoyed a one-hour meeting with Merkel on Friday morning to discuss the ongoing crisis in the Middle East and the political reaction to it in Europe and elsewhere. Merkel has led Germany’s approach to the greatest movement of refugees since the second world war, which has resulted in Europe’s most populous nation taking in nearly one in two of all asylum applications made by Syrians in EU member states last year.

The actor, director and humanitarian, who was also due to meet refugees in Berlin, earlier told reporters: “I absolutely agree with her”.
The Clooneys were accompanied by David Miliband, the former UK foreign secretary who is now head of the New York-based International Rescue Committee. Miliband told the BBC the meeting involved discussing solutions to the “global problem” and praised Merkel for “showing very strong leadership” during the crisis.

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George Clooney: film industry has been slow to respond to refugee crisis

Read more

Clooney told the BBC last year that he intended to do more to help the people of Syria, without becoming directly involved with politics, after his marriage to Lebanese-born Amal, née Alamuddin, gave him a new perspective on the country. The actor, a United Nations Messenger of Peace since 2008, has urged the US to take in more refugees.

Speaking on Thursday at the Berlin film festival, where he is currently promoting his role in the new Coen brothers film Hail, Caesar!, the actor admitted the world’s film industry takes too long to respond to humanitarian crises in the wider world.

“I’ve struggled to find ways to make a film about Sudan, about Darfur, something very close to me, and which I spend a lot of time on – but I haven’t been able to find the proper script,” he said. “It’s hard enough to find a good script for anything, and you don’t want to do it badly – because if you do you only get one chance.”

But the actor also reacted angrily to a reporter questioning his commitment to Syria. “I spend a lot of my time working on these things,” he said. “And it’s an odd thing to have someone stand up and ask, ‘What are you doing about it?’”
The refugee crisis has been a major talking point in Berlin, with the city’s mayor, Michael Müller, telling audiences at the film festival that Germany should look to its past as it takes a stand on the issue. “Building new walls and barbed wire, shooting at refugees — these are messages that must never be transmitted from Germany ever, ever again,” he said.

Germany took in 1.1 million refugees in 2015, many of them fleeing the conflict in Syria. But the country’s attitude towards migrants appears to have hardened recently, with Merkel’s open-door policy under fire from opponents within her own conservative camp and outside. Last month Sigmar Gabriel, the German vice chancellor, announced the country was moving to place Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia on a list of “safe countries of origin” – meaning that migrants from those countries would have little chance of winning asylum. He also said some migrants would be blocked from bringing their families to join them in Germany for two years.

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Sat 13 Feb 2016, 01:08

Gosh, not only do I have angry Germans on the facebook page, but angry Americans are starting to come online, apparently incenced that George says the US should do more to take in the refugees.

[as a side note, I've wondered why this seems to have been solely a European problem to have to deal with]

And then there's this (obviously from a very right-wing website):

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How Many Syrians Can George Clooney Fit On His 5 Acre Estate?
February 12, 2016
Daniel Greenfield
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World renowned humanitarian and occasional bad actor George Clooney thinks that America just isn't doing enough for Syrian Muslim migrants.
Clooney and his wife Amal Clooney had met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel the same day to discuss the status of Syrian refugees, and to plead her to accept more.
“We just wanted to ask her what we can do, what our involvement should be, what Hollywood’s involvement should be, and what the United States should be doing as well,” he said.
“The United States needs to do more, as we know,” Clooney said. “10,000 refugees a year is not enough, that’s clear.”
10,000 for the US isn't enough. 1.2 million for Germany isn't enough. Is there any number that might be enough?
But if George Clooney really wants to know what he can do, let's start with his 5 acre estate in the UK. Working people in Germany have been kicked out of their homes to make room for Muslim refugees. Why not take over one of the estates of the rich and famous humanitarians instead?
The stunning property currently houses a gym and steam room, a library, study, family room, formal dining room and cellar and a boat house.
The annexe development will add a state-of-the-art 12-seater cinema for private home screenings to part of the greenhouse.
I bet a whole bunch of Syrian refugees could fit into that private movie theater. Not to mention the boat house.
A new pool house, pergola and hot tub will be built onto the back of the existing riverside boat house, allowing George and his new wife Amal to luxuriate by the estuaries of the River Thames.
Get some Syrian refugees into that hot tub stat!
The oak pergola will sit before an 18m swimming pool, surrounded in reclaimed York stone, surrounded by sun loungers and a bubbling jacuzzi.

That's a 60 foot swimming pool. Empty it. Fill it with Syrian refugees. Or maybe let them swim in it.
According to this real estate listing, here's how much room for Syrian refugees there is in the Clooney estate.
9 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, 6 reception rooms, Outbuildings.
The ground floor comprises a large elegant entrance hall with marble floor leading to a central staircase hall, drawing room with open fireplace and parquet floor, library, family room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast room, gymnasium and caldarium.
Upstairs is the master bedroom suite with marble bathroom and dressing room, 5 bedroom suites, 3 further bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, study, sitting room and kitchenette.
Ancillary accommodation comprises a guest cottage and staff cottage.
I count room for at least two dozen Syrian refugees. If Mr. Clooney really wants to do more. But he doesn't. And you better not ask him about it.
Clooney lost a bit of his famous cool at a Berlin Film Festival press conference Thursday when a reporter asked what else he's been doing, beyond making movies, to ease the ongoing refugee crisis.
"I spend a lot of time working on these things, and it's an odd thing to have someone stand up and say, 'What do you do?' That's fine, knock yourself out," a peeved Clooney snapped, according to media reports. "I have gone to places that are very dangerous and I work a lot on these things."
Very dangerous. He's been to four star hotels. He's been to bars where they let anyone in. He's really put himself on the line. Before going back to his five acre estate, which unlike the working class areas of the UK, have zero Muslim migrants living on them.
Unless they're hired on to clean the pool.

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by LizzyNY Sat 13 Feb 2016, 02:50

Katie - George is right - morally, ethically. Accepting many more refugees than we have would be the right thing to do. Sadly, it probably won't change much. Setting aside the residual effects of 9/11, there are a lot of angry people in our country. (The writer of that article is a prime example.)

Some people are frightened of the refugees and fear they might be terrorists. Some people are struggling financially and feel we should take care of "our own" first. Some people are just angry that the distribution of wealth and resources is so skewed.

Because we're in an election cycle there are candidates who are feeding their fears in order to get support. These men won't go along with a major resettlement program in the US. It might cost them votes. What will happen after the election is anyone's guess.

By doing what he's doing and making his views public, George is going to get a lot of flak. I think he can handle it.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Sat 13 Feb 2016, 02:58

He definitely can handle it .

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Had.e6 Sat 13 Feb 2016, 10:12

Katiedot wrote:Gosh, not only do I have angry Germans on the facebook page, but angry Americans are starting to come online, apparently incenced that George says the US should do more to take in the refugee
shaming Online is the new trend , People need to be angry about something and express that anger without ending up in jail , Some just follow the wind , they didn't even read the article . in the other hand People who are interested in political issues are tend to be loyalty in blind way . So if person A is in the other side he is with the other side . you are facing either angry bored user who will forget all about it soon or a stupid one . It's clear that the Clooneys Visit has Zero effect in the case , Germany  already made the decision , they are showing their support .  I would expect George and Amal to receive threatens soon .

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by party animal - not! Sat 13 Feb 2016, 10:27

Yep. Keeping Stan very busy indeed!

He would say he's hoping to understand more about the situation.

Interesting that no pix have been released (yet) of refugee meeting.

Not expecting him on the red carpet at the baftas now. It would in effect hijack the event and he may not want to do that to Amanda berry who''so a friend.. But we'll see. Sidney poitier is getting the fellowship

Anyway it's valentine's day...

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Alisonfan Sat 13 Feb 2016, 10:44

OMG OMG George is almost like hated never so many to hate him.He and Amal not arrive at refugee shelter.So much hate shelter people let down he not come to rescue or help or talk to. one family with kids taken to office only for pictures.this is bad.stardom will hurt. I still love George .

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Sat 13 Feb 2016, 13:39

Katiedot wrote:I'd guess that this was organised through/by the International Rescue.  I much as I'm a great admirer of George's star power, I think even he couldn't just demand to meet Ms Merkel on a whim.

Judging by my facebook page, there's an awful lot of unhappy Germans out there . . .
so you got me! I've been to a Facebook site the first time!

You find the same comments on German websites, many of them have closed their comment section because the comments have become so bad.
I thought we have grown out of our nazi past but I'm sorry to have found during the pasf months that we haven't. Of course there are fears which we have to respect. And the rapes in Cologne and other cities surely didn't help (I'm still not sure if this wasn't organizes, and people tend to ignore that there weren't just men from Northern Africa who did this but also Germans and, if I remember correctly, one tourist from the US). 
But to discuss seriously why you can't shoot refugees because they come to your country uninvited, or to say 'It's their own fault, why don't they stay there and die' is just beyond my imagination.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by annemarie Sat 13 Feb 2016, 14:05

The world has lost it's compassion and unfortunately it will only get worse.

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Sat 13 Feb 2016, 14:37

I just found an article in one of our most trusted news broadcasts Tagesschau (well, there are people here who think that the press and news are just telling lies and are controlled by our government so maybe it's not trusted by everyone...):

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The comments are quite mixed, some talk about a celebrity who doesn't know anything about reality and call Angela Merkel a criminal and others who talk about George's long lasting involvement in humanitarian efforts etc.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by LizzyNY Sat 13 Feb 2016, 14:51

Alisonfan wrote:OMG OMG George is almost like hated never so many to hate him.He and Amal not arrive at refugee shelter.So much hate shelter people let down he not come to rescue or help or talk to. one family with kids taken to office only for pictures.this is bad.stardom will hurt. I still love George .
Alisonfan (and all the other fans who are freaking out over this) - Keep in mind that there are millions and millions of people in the world who have lives to live and don't spend all their time spreading hate across the internet. The few who do get way too much attention. IMO, trolls are best ignored.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Nicky80 Sat 13 Feb 2016, 15:32

The meeting request came from George. He wanted to meet Merkel (it did not come from Amal or the organisation). Merkel agreed to a later stage to that meeting for 2 reasons:

She knows that George has a good political image in the US and is a strong Obama supporter and has a good relationship with Obama. She needs someone who helps her to promote the refugees politic in the US. And he is known for is Sudan work. 
The Us confirmed they take 10 000 refugees this year. As a comparison, 50 000 refugees registered in January in Germany. Only in one month. The other European countries close the border and don't want to take on more refugees. Merkel is now concentrating on the US for help. As she is doing it already on a political level she is now using George and hopes he can bring the message also to the american people.

Merkels image in Germany is a bit bashed up. It was Merkels decision to open up the border for refugees WITHOUT register them. This was only for couple of days (now they get registered) but had a big impact on her image. Thousands of refugees walked through the border without being checked. The guess is that we might have over 50 000 refugees in the country not being registered and not knowing where they are in our country or who they are. And knowing what happened in Paris we don't know who we let in the country. Lot of Germans were very upset about it. And only because of all the protest from other government party and Germans Merkel changed the decision again and let them register again at the border. But damage was done. That gave also enough propaganda for the racist wing.

And cologne new years night was not the only issue with refugees. There are lot of self videos online from young men refugees who terrorize people in the underground. There have been already few arrests.
And also the government gives people who accommodate refugees money. That had an effect that some people who rented flats had to move out because the owner who rented out the flat wanted to rent it out now to the government to have the money which is better then renting it out. This was big in a media here too as some people went to the press for help. And this is also what the racist wing used for they own propaganda.

And the latest news is that approximately 5 000 refugees children & teenagers are missing in Germany. Some probably found some family members to stay with without notifying the government but what happened to the rest of them. Nobody knows.  

If we had votes now. I don't know if Merkel would win again. Merkel knows that she needs to work on her image. That's why she wanted the meeting with Clooney as well. But I must say in Germany itself the meeting wasn't taken that positive. People took it more as a joke. Something like "Merkel knows she is done and needs help from Hollywood".....or "All is good, Hollywood is coming to save Germany"....  Razz

Ah well i still like Merkel. And I think it is great that George showed his support to her. Of course nothing can be done in this meeting but it is great that he supports her. Merkel has enough haters especially the racists who get stronger and stronger. People need to come out of the corner and speak up and show support. George is great in this.  Very Happy

By the way. In case someone is interested. Merkels interpreter was present too however the meeting was in English the whole time.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Donnamarie Sat 13 Feb 2016, 15:54

Thanks so much Nicky.  Great getting your perspective. 
Bottom line.  Merkel has a mess on her hands!  That's not to say I don't  support what she is doing.  But it's a complicated mess.
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Sat 13 Feb 2016, 16:32

I would like to add a few points to your very good summary:

There are problems with refugees not understanding what's going on and telling women to dress properly in a public swimming pool. To their understanding the women weren't dressed decent enough. I think that's more a problem of different views of life which of course needs to be solved out. And I don't tolerate any crime, no matter who commits it.
This also includes crimes concerning refugees: I'm shocked by the number of refugee shelters which were burned, some while people lived there... And nobody can tell me that he doesn't want to hurt somebody when he throws a Molotov cocktail into an open window of a refugees home at night.

I also don't like the idea that people have to leave their rented flat because their hirer thinks he can make a higher profit by renting it to the government for refugees. In our area the government doesn't rent flats for refugees, they want the hirers to hire it to the refugees so it's quite different.

My parents e.g. don't understand why underaged refugees who came without their parents get smartphones. Well, they don't understand why my kids have smartphones as well, they don't see the benefit. When I told my parents that they give smartphones to young refugees because there's an application to translate and guide them, help them. So some things are just different points of view and understanding. There are people who say: "Well, the government should give me a smartphone first before they give it to refugees." I don't know how they handld it but here they asked people via newspaper to donate their old smartphones, and it worked.

I also do like Angela Merkel and I think it was right what she did. But I'm quite happy that we don't have general elections this year because I think the campaigns would become really dirty. But there are elections in three federal states in March, and I guess we might get some right-wing parties in our parliaments there...

One thing about George supporting Merkel: In Germany George is not well known for his humanitarian efforts so I guess most people get the impression of the 'Hollywood actor who talks about issues he has no idea about'.

Last edited by carolhathaway on Sat 13 Feb 2016, 16:57; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added text)
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by Katiedot Sat 13 Feb 2016, 16:57

And the latest news is that approximately 5 000 refugees children & teenagers are missing in Germany. Some probably found some family members to stay with without notifying the government but what happened to the rest of them. Nobody knows.
There's a related issue in the UK (you remember that we're not taking in refugees as such) because in the Sangatte camp in Calais, which is full of refugees trying to get into the UK, there are about 300 children without parents or relatives. It's been stated recently that not only are they very vulnerable already but it's thought that paedophile rings are operating there, trying to get the children.

I don't have the details and I'm open to the idea that this is a little bit of scare mongering by the agencies that want our government to hurry up and make a decision on taking in more refugees.

This does however remind me that while we're all focusing on the bad things that these refugees can bring to the country, we forget that our countries are already full with bad people.

I feel bad for Merkel. She had to make a decision with two impossible solutions. I think she did the right thing, but gosh, what a huge burden for Germans to have to carry.

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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by carolhathaway Sat 13 Feb 2016, 17:10

I just read my last post and thought that my comment about crimes committed by refugees seemed to be a bit naive. 

I don't feel that way, I'm very aware that they do commit crimes as well, and as I wrote, I personally don't tolerate. I just don't think that refugees are more criminal than people from other countries.

There are also people who want us to believe that and who want us to fear refugees and therefore tell stories about rapes and other crimes - I'm not talking about the ones that happened. Or people who just want to get attention...
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George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin Empty Re: George Clooney to meet with Angela Merkel in Berlin

Post by fava Sat 13 Feb 2016, 17:30

Ok, the comments and the meetings.  Now time for George to announce something concrete he (or his organization) is doing to help the situation?  He is not going to change US policy in an election year-- and after that will depend on who wins.  In addition, I understand the vetting for refugees to get into the US can take a couple of years, so no immediate effect.

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