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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Stacy Keibler visits the set of Monuments Men - George Clooney

Post by theminis Thu 21 Mar 2013, 06:17


Wenn Photo Library (link below) has photos of Stacy visiting George on the set of Monuments Men dated 20 March.
I couldn't find these elsewhere but apologies if already posted.

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Katiedot Thu 21 Mar 2013, 06:50

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Katiedot Thu 21 Mar 2013, 06:51

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George Clooney films in DAZ Office Building

Berlin - For days, the palace fortress on gifts, home of the Berlin office of the DAZ-editors, closed to the public. The employees of the local offices can reach their jobs only about back entrances, passing large headlights and other film equipment. Movie stars come and go: In the historical building in the center of Berlin turns superstar George Clooney's new movie as a lead actor, director and producer in one person.

"The Monuments Men" is the title of the movie, the coming end of the year in the U.S. cinemas and a few months later will have its premiere in Germany. Also co-wrote George Clooney co-wrote. Besides Clooney, the world stars Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, Jean Dujardin, Bob Balaban, Hugh Bonneville and John Goodman are in front of cameras at the Palais am moat. James Bond actor Daniel Craig was also a part in the conversation.

The Monuments Men tells the true story of one of the most spectacular treasure hunts: The Unit "Monuments Men" of the Allies sent by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Hitler's Germany, with the mission of the greatest masterpieces of art from the hands of to rescue Nazis.
The team includes many of Clooney Oscar-decorated staff. It may be assumed that with Clooney's The Monuments Men pursuing their Oscar ambitions.

George Clooney dreht im DAZ-Bürohaus
Berlin - Seit Tagen ist das Palais am Festungsgaben, der Sitz des Hauptstadtbüros der DAZ-Redaktion, für Besucher abgesperrt. Die Mitarbeiter der ansässigen Büros können ihre Arbeitsplätze nur über Hintereingänge, vorbei an großen Scheinwerfern und anderem Film-Equipment erreichen. Filmstars gehen ein und aus: Im historischen Gebäude in Berlins Mitte dreht Weltstar George Clooney seinen neuen Spielfilm als Hauptdarsteller, Regisseur und Produzent in einer Person.
„The Monuments Men“ lautet der Titel des Spielfilms, der zum Jahresende in die US-Kinos kommen und wenige Monate später in Deutschland Premiere haben wird. Auch am Drehbuch hat George Clooney mitgeschrieben. Neben Clooney stehen die Weltstars Matt Damon, Bill Murray, Cate Blanchett, Jean Dujardin, Bob Balaban, Hugh Bonneville und John Goodman vor den Kameras im Palais am Festungsgraben. James Bond-Darsteller Daniel Craig war auch für eine Rolle im Gespräch.
The Monuments Men erzählt eine wahre Geschichte von einer der spektakulärsten Schatzsuchen: Die Sondereinheit "Monuments Men" der Alliierten wird von dem US-Präsidenten Franklin D. Roosevelt nach Hitler-Deutschland geschickt, mit dem Auftrag, die größten Meisterwerke der Kunst aus den Händen der Nationalsozialisten zu retten.
Zum Team von Clooney gehören zahlreiche Oscar-dekorierte Mitarbeiter. Man darf vermuten, dass Clooneys mit The Monuments Men eigene Oscar-Ambitionen verfolgt.

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Joanna Thu 21 Mar 2013, 10:18

Hope they've all got their thermals on !
No let up on winter weather yet.
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by m4rose Thu 21 Mar 2013, 12:54

Okay, so we've had the dinner pictures, the out shopping pictures, the event picutres, and now the she visited him on set just like Elisabetta what's next on the list of GC GF photocalls?

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by lelacorb Thu 21 Mar 2013, 13:04

Stacy must have been bored does not smile in front of paparazzi
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Joanna Thu 21 Mar 2013, 13:20

lelacorb wrote:Stacy must have been bored does not smile in front of paparazzi

Are any of them smiling ???

George has a cold.....Freezing cold day....all of them missing LA sunshine....what is there to smile about ?

Anything else ?
Oh yes....silly PDA in the cold snow making angels..... LOL!
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by lovelylois Thu 21 Mar 2013, 13:36

Ok - lets see - we get it your still together and you want to call the shots of the break up.
George calls Harvey Weinstein and tells him to send "the girl" to put the rumors down.
1-You gave us a few good tweets-check
2-Stacy photo opp at airport- check
3-Stacy Photo opp out shopping in Berlin alone-check
4-Red Carpet Event (Without George)-check
5-We caught Stacy on set - check.

Ok Stacy time to go home

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Joanna Thu 21 Mar 2013, 13:40

But....she's nursing the poorly bad boy with Chicken soup surely ?

Now wouldn't that make a good picture ? Lol
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by lucy Thu 21 Mar 2013, 13:45

Thanks for the set pics theminis, these type of pics are my fav. Hope we get more of George and crew filming or just setting up.
lela, maybe Stacy didn't notice the photographer, or it is very early in the morning and she is sleepy.
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by isogotit Thu 21 Mar 2013, 13:50

They all look exhausted, and probably had to get up early to get to the set for filming. Maybe SK stayed out too late yesterday, she looks tired as well.
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Maggy Thu 21 Mar 2013, 16:00

Joanna wrote:But....she's nursing the poorly bad boy with Chicken soup surely ?

Now wouldn't that make a good picture ? Lol
Maybe she rather be nursing the other Hot guy, the tall one with the thick dark hair. pirat
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Natascha Thu 21 Mar 2013, 16:03

Just a little idea, but if it had been too early for Stacy, she could have come to the set later, or is she really that important for the film?

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by cupcake Thu 21 Mar 2013, 16:14

ofcourse she is, she sleeps with the director and there are the paparazzi to take pics in bed
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Maggy Thu 21 Mar 2013, 16:16

cup cake wrote: ofcourse she is, she sleeps with the director and there are the paparazzi to take pics in bed
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by lelacorb Thu 21 Mar 2013, 17:04

Joanna wrote:
lelacorb wrote:Stacy must have been bored does not smile in front of paparazzi

Are any of them smiling ???

George has a cold.....Freezing cold day....all of them missing LA sunshine....what is there to smile about ?

Anything else ?
Oh yes....silly PDA in the cold snow making angels..... LOL!

Joanna, George smiles as Stacy looks pissed off and are coming out at that time from one place to definitely hot in Berlin there is heating .....!

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by OofOof Thu 21 Mar 2013, 17:18

She just looks bored to me and doesn't have her makeup and hair professionally done so she appears tired. The difference between Stacy, Hell, any of us, with makeup on (in her case by makeup artists) versus without can be pretty amazing.

George looks in his element here. And Cate Blanchett looks incredible even when they've worked hard to make her look plain. Love her!
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by annemarie Thu 21 Mar 2013, 17:53

She looks tired and it is cold how happy can they possibly be. She could also be still recovering from jet lag.

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by OofOof Thu 21 Mar 2013, 18:00

Or maybe it's just that we are so used to those pasted on smiles she does for Red Carpets and aren't used to looking at her when she's not "on."
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by waewaewae Thu 21 Mar 2013, 18:09

Maybe she's not a morning person?

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by m4rose Thu 21 Mar 2013, 18:35

I find it interesting that George is walking out right behind Grant and not even close to Stacy......but then again I guess it doesn't matter or make much of a difference.

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by lelacorb Thu 21 Mar 2013, 20:44

annemarie wrote:She looks tired and it is cold how happy can they possibly be. She could also be still recovering from jet lag.

jet lag after four days, oh my God she is only 33 years old!
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by LornaDoone Fri 22 Mar 2013, 02:52

I find sets boring as hell. Hurry up and wait. The set ups between shots can take quite a while.

The only people who really are NEVER bored on a set are the director and the cinematographer as they have to set up every shot.

At least that's my opinion from the few times I've been on a set.


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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by melbert Fri 22 Mar 2013, 02:55

But, it's George Frickin' Clooney's set!!!!! There's no way I'd be bored on that set!!!!
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by LornaDoone Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:11

Mel, it would depend on how much time you spent and how much you'd even see of George.

I think George should have a contest - fan gets to sit on set for a day. Even Gorgeous George would get totally boring to watch after a few hours. And if you're sitting out in the cold like this set looks - you'd very quickly lose all interest in watching George's butt move around.


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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by theminis Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:14

Okay it had to happen one day but I disagree Lorna - bored with George and his butt - what are you thinking?

Last edited by theminis on Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:15; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wanted to add a thought)

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by melbert Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:29

I'm with you TheMinis! You would have to pry my frozen body off the park bench if I EVER had the opportunity to be on a George set in the dead of winter... Now summer would be different as I can't stand the heat, but since he rarely shoots in the summer, I would be lucky!
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by theminis Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:31

Summer - even better, I'd slip on a bikini, slather on some sun goop and fan myself delectably (how does one do that?) until he notices me.

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by melbert Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:34

And I suppose you'd want him to peel your grapes for you too, eh, TheMinis????? hahahahahaha

Last edited by melbert on Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:35; edited 1 time in total
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by LornaDoone Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:35

Hey no worries, y'all can disagree all you want.

As to fanning oneself "delectably" you might try slathering on whipped cream instead of sun goop and then sit there licking yourself while fanning. That might get his attention!

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by theminis Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:40

Mel - most definitely peeling involved -
Lorna - how to respond to your post, other than I am laughing my head off at the images conjured up -

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by LornaDoone Fri 22 Mar 2013, 03:49

theminis wrote:Mel - most definitely peeling involved -
Lorna - how to respond to your post, other than I am laughing my head off at the images conjured up -

You ladies are on the ball today

hey, just trying to be helpful!

As to prying one's butt of a frozen bench I'd keep a thermos of hot water - tea - or coffee handy cause it might be handy - not only to drink but to use to unfreeze your ass. Nothing worse than peeling ass skin off as you're trying to stand up from a frozen bench.

Not to say that I'd know anything about that.

And where the hell did this topic start? Oh yes, George on set and Stacy too.

Just trying to drive this derailed train back on track!

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by theminis Fri 22 Mar 2013, 05:08

Well a bit of derailing is good for morale at times, sure Katie wont mind.

I do so like the pic of George with his hands in his pockets, all rugged up like that -

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by OofOof Fri 22 Mar 2013, 05:13

Num num...
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by lelacorb Fri 22 Mar 2013, 20:53

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No Stacy
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Joanna Fri 22 Mar 2013, 20:59

He's working ! Snowing there ?

Have you got the link for the pictures lela ?

We've got the white stuff again.....Bumtits !
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by OofOof Fri 22 Mar 2013, 21:05

I love that word Bumtits! Gotta remember it so I can use it with a friend here!
Clooney-love. And they said it wouldn't last

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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by lelacorb Fri 22 Mar 2013, 21:18

Joanna wrote:He's working ! Snowing there ?

Have you got the link for the pictures lela ?

We've got the white stuff again.....Bumtits !

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Post by Joanna Fri 22 Mar 2013, 21:22

OofOof wrote:I love that word Bumtits! Gotta remember it so I can use it with a friend here!


It's quite expressive when shouted...."OH....BUMTITS" !

The emphasis can be on either bum or tits depending on one's preferences.....Lol
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Joanna Fri 22 Mar 2013, 21:24

Thanks lela. flower
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by OofOof Fri 22 Mar 2013, 21:24

Think I like the emphasis on BUMtits...but then I'm contemplating a boob reduction!
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Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too) Empty Re: Photos: George Clooney filming in Berlin (Stacy on set too)

Post by Joanna Fri 22 Mar 2013, 21:27

OofOof wrote:Think I like the emphasis on BUMtits...but then I'm contemplating a boob reduction!

Oooooooooo.......not until you're fighting fit again ?
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Post by OofOof Fri 22 Mar 2013, 21:30 will be a while but I'm tired of hauling these things around! Have been too well endowed since they grew on me and so off they go--it's really too bad I can't donate some of them to all those women out there who's main goal in life seems to be having G sized Bumtits!
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Post by Mazy Fri 22 Mar 2013, 23:25

Just a second off target.
OofOof just be careful who you get. My friend got her's reduced and she now has two different sizes. I know it kind of sounds funny but it really isn't.
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