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French mag Paris Match Empty French mag Paris Match

Post by laetval Thu 13 Oct 2011, 10:03

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In his office wall, no pictures of him with world leaders, but the summary of his career. A newspaper article of 1995 on the hearing of ER, the series that launched; a picture "Batman," which made ​​him a Heavy Commercial film, memories of "Up in the Air" and an honorary citation from the Parliament of Kentucky, his home region. George Clooney could be arrogant and distant, crowned with its status as a sex symbol. He is friendly and attentive. In his film, very successful, "The Ides of March" his fourth as director, he explores the backstage politics and below a presidential campaign where all shots are allowed. Public action is his passion, the red of his career as a director. Meeting with a star who has the intelligence a massive weapon of seduction.

George Clooney without artifice, October 3, in his office in Los Angeles.

The favorite actor of women received us in Los Angeles for "The steps of power" where he plays a politician blinded by ambition.

Right on time, he arrived without makeup or hair, the boots on his feet. With extreme kindness, he inquires whether all is well, if the trip was not too tiring if we lack nothing. A star who is interested in his neighbor is rare! He gave Sudan a voice to those who did not. "A paparazzi stalking genocide" as he describes himself. It has the charm and intelligent men who know how to listen. I remind him that he was the first person to tell me about Obama in 2005: "Remember him well, it will be the next president of the United States! "In" The steps of power ", a magnificent thriller he wrote and directed, he embodies the Governor Morris, Democratic candidate for president. The only real passion for George Clooney has a name: politics.

Paris Match. Whether in movies or in your life, while at home revolves around the policy. Warren Beatty, I interviewed told me he was in politics something very erotic.
George Clooney. I would not pretend that politics is erotic, but I understand what he means. However, I find it very stimulating to talk about. Do politics, it's like playing chess, it's very subtle, very fine. This is also much more attractive to observe from the outside to be a part. On our way we play all a little chess in our business, the difference is that in politics the slightest error can cost the lives of thousands of people. The policy is part of my DNA. My great-grandfather was mayor, my father came to the Senate, I was a kid and I took part in campaigns. My father raised me with the idea that if we do not take yourself her life, other, perhaps less well-intentioned, will do it for you.

Your father is pervasive in everything you do, then you speak very little of your mother.
Not that I do not want it she did not take! I love my mother is a remarkable woman. You know, the kind of woman to whom you give a box of matches and a hammer, you go into the next room five minutes, you come back and built a boat! She was by turns the wife of Nick Clooney, the sister of Rosemary Clooney and now the mother of George Clooney! I understand that she is tired. She just want to be left alone. As for my father, yes it has always been the center of my existence. At 50, I still feel like a little boy in front of him and I always will. I built in front of a mountain out of it I want my strength.

If you need an opinion, it is to him that you are going?
All the time. As soon as I have any problems as soon as I ask myself any questions, I call it. We had a great conversation recently on the communication of the Democrats, which I find very bad. The Republicans are a hundred times better in this area. I can assure you that if Obama was the Republican candidate supported by his peers, we would see, despite all that has gone through, that America has gone through three years.

From what you say, marketing strategies, in a campaign, are as important as the ideologies they carry.
An election campaign, it is constructed as an Oscar campaign. There are specialists who can sell and promote films, it is they who must go. It may be very left, Hollywood, but in any case we are very good sellers. With a shit, we are able to make millions of dollars!

Obama is very low in the polls. If you were asked to campaign for him, would you?
He does not ever ask me. I also believe that I serve it more than anything. However, I am quite willing to help raise funds. My father was the first to tell me that it is better that I stay away, because everything that comes from Hollywood is suspect.

Obama magic is over. Do you think it still has a chance to do a second term?
There are still seventeen months before the election, anything can happen. Reagan and Clinton were also in very bad position at the same time, and ... they have been re-elected.

What it takes to be a good politician?
The ability to not take things personally. An actor or a politician, it's the same: we sell our image.

It should no longer happen to you often.
Are you kidding! I saw very little of the bad reviews because I take a very personal way.

A left and right, sex and power go together. What makes politicians lose his head?
A hubris. They think they do not have to play by the rules because they believe themselves above the law. They are like children until they are not biting, they continue. Whatever had to happen - or not - in that hotel room, tell me how DSK, knowing he had a great chance of becoming president, has crammed into such a situation! Frankly, beyond me.

DSK was, but you you Schwarzenegger!
And Anthony Weiner, the Democrat from New York who posted pictures of him in his underwear on Twitter!

It was also Georges Tron ...
Whoever was sucking the feet of his employees? I forgot! These men are really crazy!

Why are men of power are they obsessed with sex?
There is nothing more attractive than power, especially for men who did not used to having success with women.

I guess it has never been your case!
I confess that I never had much work to do in this area. I have always had much luck with women, even when I was completely unknown. Women love that make them laugh, and I was very popular at school because I was, apparently, very funny!

They will find irresistible. What would they be surprised to discover?
I do not measure 2 meters!

If you announce tomorrow that you marry, you make the cover of every newspaper ...
There is unlikely. With this immense flow of information that we have a rumor the other fighter, and scandal soon lose their importance. What worries me most is not so much the dissemination of information but their content. When the magazine began to seriously impart information found on blogs without verifying is serious.

In politics as in love, do you believe in total transparency?
In love, I do not know, however in politics, you can not hide anything. Today, everyone has a camera or an iPhone. Just as I exchange a few words in a restaurant with a woman, I'm not even back home it's already on the Internet. Politicians are now in the same boat as movie stars. They are very naive to believe that they will pass through.

The Democrats would sell for a candidate like you. Why do not you introduce yourself as governor? Unless, like Warren Beatty, you are afraid that there are too many women hidden in the closet!
Before you ask me any questions, I would take the lead right away. To all you ask me, I would answer: "Yes, yes. Yes, I did. Do I have taken drugs? Yes. Do I have a lot of women? Yes. Now let's get serious. "Winning an election is good, but what is the cost? If at the cost of leaving your soul, does it worth the trouble? Does the end justify the means? I do not want to appear anywhere, because I am unable to make any compromises related to the exercise of power. I can not imagine shaking the hands of people I do not respect, and kissing babies all day. This has almost killed my father when he reported to Congress in 2004. I would much rather play than be a Governor!

What scares you in life?
No. I ended up in Sudan in very dangerous situations. One day, a boy of 12 years pointed me on the chest a loaded gun. A person who accompanied him snatch his weapon at the last moment. Fear does not stop me. What terrified me, for cons, it is to wake up to 75 years to turn around and say: "But what have I done with my life?"

You have just turned 50. How do you feel in your new skin fifties?
I do not care royally. Anyway, I have always been older than my age! [Laughs.] I love where I am in my life. I have a chance to do anything crazy I do, I will continue until it gets on my head so that I stop. That said, I do not think I will continue my work as an actor a long time. I just walked around the issue.

How do you manage your fame?
I have a great workout because I grew up in the eyes of others. In Kentucky, everyone knew my family. I know that closes the mouth while eating, we do not put your elbows on the table or fingers in his nose! If I want to wander the streets, I get up at 5 am. There is worse. I hate actors who spend their time feeling sorry for them, they had to choose another profession. But I admit that sometimes I feel to live in a reality show!

What is the solution?
Living behind walls, what I do. I give the impression of being very open at first, but I hardly let people into my world. My friends are the same for thirty years, they were there when I was broke and unemployed. I owe them everything.

What you define best?
I do not take myself seriously at all, but I take very seriously the lives of others. The only thing I'm looking now, personally and professionally as is the quality. I'm not here for a hundred years!

I thought you were immortal ...
I have long thought too.
Clooney maximus fantasticus

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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by it's me Thu 13 Oct 2011, 13:06

ma ancora i piedi sul tavolo???? Angry
it's me
it's me
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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by it's me Thu 13 Oct 2011, 13:28

from French in a not totally clear English

then.... Italian! Brain explode

new pics
but also some old stuff
words by words

so? scratch
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by Cinderella Thu 13 Oct 2011, 13:39

Great pics! Yay! Love3 I cannot help myself! He's nice to look at. Great article, too!

Thanks, Laetval!
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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by lucy Thu 13 Oct 2011, 15:19

My fav, the one of him standing, leaning against the wall. mmmm-yummy!
Clooney Zen Master

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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by MyGirlKylie Thu 13 Oct 2011, 15:31

Thanks for the pics and translation. Lord, that man is fine with a capital F.
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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by it's me Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:37

all great pics

maybe my best is the last one I love you
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by Katiedot Thu 13 Oct 2011, 17:47

Great interview and some new answers mixed in with the same old, same old.

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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by hathaross Thu 13 Oct 2011, 19:50

Wow, thank you so much for the translation and the scans Give Flowers2
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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by sisieq Thu 13 Oct 2011, 23:01

Katiedot wrote:Great interview and some new answers mixed in with the same old, same old.
I've been thinking - if any one of us keep getting asked the same question over and over, does anyone just keep giving the same answer? How many ways can one answer?. If he or any of us try's to be "cute" and give the answer a different way, we could get pushed into a corner if even one word gets taken wrong. Just a thought for a discussion. Smile

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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by Dexterdidit Fri 14 Oct 2011, 00:47

I love the pictures it looks like he is in his new office. I do like the way it's decorated very George. Thanks for the scan and translation. I would think if you get asked the same questions all the time you mix it up a little and if you are in a playful mood you may give a more silly answer. Or you may just give the same one all the time cause it's easier!
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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by sarah ali Fri 14 Oct 2011, 01:54

i love his new office and this pic of Batman hanging on the wall Very Happy , thank you so much!
sarah ali
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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by melbert Fri 14 Oct 2011, 02:45

Thanks Laetval! You're the best! Well, second to George!! But, we still love you!
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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by lolo"layla" Fri 14 Oct 2011, 06:01

melbert u r so funny Hug1

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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by pattygirl Fri 14 Oct 2011, 14:44

It is safer to give same answers over and over.
Also maybe he does this with the thought that maybe if magazines keep getting the same answers all the time, they'll stop asking the same questions. Or maybe stop asking questions altogether. Who knows.
Hope they don't get tired, though. Then we'd never hear from him.
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French mag Paris Match Empty Re: French mag Paris Match

Post by sisieq Sat 15 Oct 2011, 23:45

pattygirl wrote:Also maybe he does this with the thought that maybe if magazines keep getting the same answers all the time, they'll stop asking the same questions.
Good thought!

Training to be Mrs Clooney?

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