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George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin

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George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin Empty George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin

Post by Nicky80 Thu 27 Feb 2014, 19:48

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Found on frenchies,Google translation


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He is an actor, director or producer for the film, he does not hesitate to take risks

Paris Match. You can not say you are hit by the crisis ... 

George Clooney. The year 2013 has been by far the most prolific of my career. I worked continuously, seven days a week I have not had a minute to myself, I really need a break.

Paris Match.A break, what it is for you? 

George Clooney.Work! [He laughs.] Write. I intend to start to turn by the end of autumn. I have a lot more fun today to stage to play. I am often accused of cynicism, I tried with "The Monuments Men" to a simpler different movie, and I am very proud. I have the chance to tell stories that interest me. I take this opportunity because I know it will not last. But I also empowers. I agreed to direct the film for less than $ 1 million when it offers me 15 elsewhere, just to play. I have more than enough money to live, I did not need more. Which terrify me, it would wake up one morning, in thirty years, and tell me: "What have I done with my life?"

Paris Match.Why did you choose to interpret Cate Blanchett Valland Rose, who was French, while we have wonderful actresses?
George Clooney.I had decided from the beginning to do this movie with my friends. And Cate is my friend. That said, there was no French Monuments Men and added Jean Dujardin. I thought it would be a good way to forgive me ...

Paris Match.You do not speak a word of French, Jean Dujardin very little English, how did you manage to get along? 

George Clooney.We have the same way of dealing with things. I love to laugh and it is very funny on a platter. As for Matt Damon is our sixth movie together. There is no ego problem between us.
Casamigos with Mr Clooney

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George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin Empty Re: George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin

Post by it's me Thu 27 Feb 2014, 20:01

I intend to start to turn by the end of autumn.

start what??
it's me
it's me
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George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin Empty Re: George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin

Post by Nicky80 Thu 27 Feb 2014, 20:06

mmhh I hate google translation  scratch 

Anyone speaks french here and can translate the original sentence

Travailler ! [Il rit.] Ecrire. J’ai l’intention de recommencer à tourner d’ici à la fin de l’automne. 

Not sure what he turns by the end of autumn...
Casamigos with Mr Clooney

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George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin Empty Re: George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin

Post by it's me Thu 27 Feb 2014, 20:22

maybe he said he wants to start again to write
this winter
it's me
it's me
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George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin Empty Re: George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin

Post by Nicky80 Thu 27 Feb 2014, 20:56

Could be as he war referring to "write" before.
Casamigos with Mr Clooney

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George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin Empty Re: George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin

Post by Katiedot Fri 28 Feb 2014, 04:56

He means filming I believe. 'To turn' means 'to film'.

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George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin Empty Re: George Clooney interview with Paris Match french Magazin

Post by Nicky80 Fri 28 Feb 2014, 07:09

Ah thanks. Ok so maybe a new project.....Interesting.....
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