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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by Katiedot Wed 21 Sep 2011, 07:25

It's in French so I was assuming it was a French site, but it's just occurred to me that it may be Canadian. Anyway, George discusses his final wishes with them. This is from google translate.

From Pure People

20 Sept 2011

A few days ago George Clooney made it official with his new girlfriend, the bomb Stacy Keibler, a former wrestler with the measurements of a top model, at the International Film Festival in Toronto. He came to present his latest film The Ides of March which stars Evan Rachel Wood, George kept a low profile with his new girlfriend but took the opportunity to present her to his friends and spend romantic time with her. On the occasion of the upcoming release of his film The Descendants, George Clooney confides exclusively in the pages of Gala.

If the file perfect love, however it is still not ready to become a father. When the reporter asked him what kind of father he thought was, he replied: "My God, it's like if you asked me how I would react to an alien."

While he has just split from Elisabetta Canalis, which maddens America by revealing its plastic dream, the beautiful George has found love. The actor of 50 years seems to have an armor against heartache. He explains with humor: "I do not know. Drinking certainly helps me to forget. In love, I am a survivor. I try to overcome my emotional delusions."

Remember that it took some great companions, but his love does not last more than three years or sometimes less! Our little French Celine Balitran - mom today - from 1996 to 1999, Lisa Snowdon from 2000 to 2001, Krista Allen from 2002 to 2004, Sarah Larson from 2007 to 2008 and finally Elisabetta from 2009 to 2011.

What he claims? Living from day to day. He, however, has already written his will: "I decided to be cremated. I do not like the idea of ​​being put in a box. I wrote a list of my best friends to whom I leave a little money and a little of my ashes. I'll have to throw every one of my ashes si=omewhere where I've never been." He also decided to donate his organs, but regrets that no one is interested in his liver! "It is useless," he says with a laugh!

In The Descendants, George plays a cuckolded husband who forgives his wife when she was dying. He admits, however, be sure to never want to be aware it is wrong in real life because he would never forgive and would even be able to kill his rival and tell everything to his wife. Attention Stacy, you are warned

Il y a quelques jours, George Clooney officialisait avec sa nouvelle girlfriend, la bombe Stacy Keibler, ancienne catcheuse aux mensurations de top model, à l'occasion du Festival international du Film de Toronto. Venu présenter sa dernière réalisation Les Marches du pouvoir, dans lequel on pourra retrouver Evan Rachel Wood, George a fait profil bas avec sa nouvelle compagne mais en a profité pour la présenter à ses amis et passer des moments à ses côtés des plus romantiques. A l'occasion de la prochaine sortie de son film The Descendants, George Clooney se confie en exclusivité dans les pages de Gala.

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S'il file le parfait amour, il n'est en revanche toujours pas prêt à devenir papa. Lorsque le journaliste lui demande quel genre de père il penserait être, il répond : "Mon Dieu, c'est comme si vous me demandiez comment je réagirais face à un extraterrestre."

Alors qu'il vient tout juste de se séparer d'Elisabetta Canalis, qui affole l'Amérique en dévoilant sa plastique de rêve, le beau George a déjà retrouvé l'amour. L'acteur de 50 ans semble avoir une armure contre les peines de coeur. Il explique non sans humour : "Je ne sais pas. Boire m'aide certainement à oublier. En amour, je suis un survivant. J'essaie de surpasser mes déceptions sentimentales." Rappelons qu'il a eu de très belles compagnes, mais avec lui l'amour ne dure pas plus de trois ans, voire moins ! Notre petite française Céline Balitran - aujourd'hui maman - de 1996 à 1999, Lisa Snowdon de 2000 à 2001, Krista Allen de 2002 à 2004, Sarah Larson de 2007 à 2008 et enfin Elisabetta de 2009 à 2011.

Ce qu'il revendique ? Vivre au jour le jour. Il a, en revanche, déjà rédigé son testament : "J'ai décidé d'être incinéré. Je n'aime pas l'idée d'être enfermé dans une boîte. J'ai rédigé la liste de mes meilleurs amis à qui je laisserai un peu d'argent et un peu de mes cendres. Il faudra que chacun jette une partie de mes cendres dans un lieu où je ne suis jamais allé." Il a également décidé de faire don de ses organes, mais regrette que personne ne soit interessé par son foie ! "Il est inutilisable" dit-il en riant !

Dans The Descendants, George incarne un mari trompé qui pardonne à son épouse, alors qu'elle est mourante. Il avoue en revanche être sûr de ne jamais vouloir être au courant s'il est trompé dans la vraie vie car il ne pardonnerait jamais et serait même capable de tuer son rival et de tout raconter à sa femme. Attention, Stacy, tu es prévenue

Last edited by Katiedot on Fri 23 Sep 2011, 07:19; edited 1 time in total

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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by Pari Wed 21 Sep 2011, 10:03

What madness George!!! Talking about death, when you have life!!! Bah!!!!!!!!!!!
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by lolo"layla" Wed 21 Sep 2011, 10:52

god , bless him but i hope he don't end like he wants!!!!!!!!!

Ooh, Mr Clooney!

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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by sarah ali Wed 21 Sep 2011, 11:02

why does he want to do this to himself when he dies? sounds aweful to me....
sarah ali
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by Dexterdidit Wed 21 Sep 2011, 12:39

I was actually very spooked by this when I read it this morning. I had actually a very bad dream about George and woke up crying I felt sad and out of sorts for some time afterwards. It's weird for me cause I never remember dreams and this was so vivid. Very scary. It isn't unusual for public figures to be asked about death etc. I am surprised he wants to be cremated but then if he wants to be spread all over it really is the only way and for his friends to have a bit of him. Joan Rivers has her friends ashes! Not something I would do my folks were both cremated and we chose to have them scattered in the rose garden at the cemetary.
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by laetval Wed 21 Sep 2011, 13:36

Here is the translation of the Gala print edition

Gala: For someone who refuses to have children, you are playing perfectly the role of a father in your new film, The Descendants. Have you changed your mind about the paternity?
George: Absolutely not! (Laughs) I felt more like an uncle on the set. I even feel like a child, the young actresses who play my daughters reminded me constantly to order, they wanted me to calm me to stop making jokes.

Have you ever wondered what kind of father you would be?
G: My God, it's like if you asked me how I would react against an alien! I just know that I would not let my kids locked in their room with videogames brutalized. I would tell them to go out, go ride a bike and learn to make friends outside the house.

Your older sister, Adelia, you never pushed to get married and start a family?
G: Even before all things, if it did, I would tell him: "Come, sit beside me, we need to talk." (Laughter) Then I would ask our parents to pull her ears. You know, I never make plans regarding my private life, I'm just trying to live day to day. I have no idea where I'll be in ten years. I just want to stay alive.

After putting an end to your relationship with Elisabetta Canalis, you seem to have started a new love affair with Stacy Keibler, former wrestler. How do you always give you a break so easily?
G: I do not know. Drink certainly helps me to forget. (Laughs) love, I am a survivor, I try to overcome my emotional delusions.

Have you written your will?
G: Yes. (Long moment of thought) I decided to be cremated. I do not like the idea of ​​being boxed. I wrote a list of my best friends who I will leave a little money and a little of my ashes. It will throw everyone a part of my ashes in a place where I've never been. This will be my last chance to see the world. I also decided to donate my organs. Nobody wants my liver, imagine my disappointment. I asked my lawyer, "What if I die, you do not want?" And he said, "No, it is unusable."

You just celebrate your fifty. How have you taken this course?
G: Not readily, with a cane. (Laughs) It's funny because I have attached any importance to this anniversary. It's been so long I'm in show business I feel like after this course for many years. Moreover, many people were not surprised that I celebrate my fifty years. Some even thought that I celebrated my sixtieth birthday! (Laughs)

You are always jovial and cheerful. What do you fear in life?
G: My biggest fear would be to do the same in ten years. I need to constantly evolve. If I could not, I'd be really depressed.

In The Descendants, you play the role of a cuckolded husband who forgives his dying wife. Have you ever been deceived and are you the type to forgive?
G: I've probably ever been, who knows? But for me, one thing is certain, I do not want to know. I do not feel able to forgive. During the filming, I kept telling myself that if I had been in the position of my character, I would have gone to kill my rival, and then I told everything to his wife!

In fact, now that you are dating a former wrestler, do you like wrestling?
G: I knew that question was coming. (Laughs) Well, yes, I love wrestling! (He blushed)
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by laetval Wed 21 Sep 2011, 14:20

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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by Guest Wed 21 Sep 2011, 14:23

Well, I hope Stacy will treat him good! Maybe she’s the one… who knows? Either way, I hope he’s happy!


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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by blubelle Wed 21 Sep 2011, 16:23

I think a lot of what he says is tongue in cheek. I also can't imagine George blushing.
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Better to give true friends part of you when alive

Post by davidarochelle Wed 21 Sep 2011, 17:38

I also wish to be cremated. I do not wish others to visit my grave and feel sad. Better to dwell on pleasant memories. And remember G said he wanted his friends whom he truly loves to spread his ashes in beautiful places around the world he has not yet visited. Then they would still share very pleasant memories, even if he is not there physically. But how very sad G jokes about the state of his liver. I do not believe Stacy demonstrates enough care let alone love or physical chemistry to compensate for the role of liquor in G's life. Even a 4-legged friend could offer more. Davida-Rochelle
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by lelacorb Wed 21 Sep 2011, 18:00

If he could find a place for doing stuff on my couch
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by it's me Wed 21 Sep 2011, 23:04

George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Pure People (France)

only then, I hope!!!!
this ODD clarification is the only fun I got
about this article

for the rest.... Mad
it's me
it's me
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by pattygirl Wed 21 Sep 2011, 23:35

Would not want to be boxed up either. Cremated and ashes scattered at sea, is my way - by US Coast Guard off Sandy Hook. They do it up nicely for military.

I agree this was an ODD clarification by Pure. Maybe the French do it before if you're into S&M or medieval torture.
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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by it's me Thu 22 Sep 2011, 00:12

ma nooooooooooooo ! Rolling Eyes


chance to see the world

would be nice
really nice

alive and kicking
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by Katiedot Thu 22 Sep 2011, 04:35

it's me wrote:
George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Pure People (France)

only then, I hope!!!!
this ODD clarification is the only fun I got
about this article

for the rest.... Mad

Haha! Glad you liked it. I typed up "Clooney wants to be cremated" and then thought that didn't read right, so I added the bit in brackets afterwards. Made me giggle.

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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

Post by lolo"layla" Fri 23 Sep 2011, 05:48

some one said i don't know which thread that wants to be i phone in next life which one of u ???????????

Ooh, Mr Clooney!

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George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)  Empty Re: George wants to be cremated (when he dies) according to interview with Gala (France)

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