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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed Empty George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

Post by Admin Mon 10 May 2021, 21:45

He's not owned the place 10 minutes and it seems the purchase is already disputed:

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Un autre acquéreur dispute à George Clooney l'achat du domaine du Canadel à Brignoles dans le Var

Another buyer disputes with George Clooney the purchase of the Canadel estate in Brignoles in the Var
The Canadel estate, which houses an 18th century bastide, a pond, a swimming pool as well as a few hectares of vines, in the heart of an area of ​​170 hectares belongs to George and Amal Clooney. Except that ... This aquisition is this May 10 contested in court by the lawyer of another purchaser.

Posted on 05/07/2021 at 11:20 a.m. • Updated on 05/10/2021 at 7:21 p.m.
Another buyer disputes the property acquired by George Clooney ... Dallas in Brignoles?
Another buyer disputes the property acquired by George Clooney ... Dallas in Brignoles? • © Ian West Maxppp
Var Brignoles Draguignan
Do you know twist movies? Here is the new feature film in Hollywood mode. His title ? "Who will take over the Canadel estate?"

The acquisition of the property of Brigoles in the Var by the American actor George Clooney is challenged in court by the lawyer of another purchaser.

The latter claims to have bought it before for 6 million euros ... Damn!

"In the event that the seller overrides and nevertheless sells the property with the assistance of a notary to a third party, in this case Mr. Clooney, there will be uncertainty over the property as long as the Draguignan court n 'will not have decided, that is to say within a period of one to four years

Me Guy Azzari told AFP, confirming information from Var-Matin.

"The court was indeed seized in March of a summons under the constitution of Me Azzari against the selling owners", specified to AFP the public prosecutor's office of Draguignan, specifying that in this civil procedure, "the lawyers of the parties will exchange their documents and conclusions before the file is ready to be fixed for pleadings at a public hearing, which will take at least several months ".
They fight a good rather well!
Decidedly, the Var department attracts celebrities from all over the world and in particular from the American continent!

Thursday, May 6, what was a rumor became official: George Clooney, American actor, married to the Lebanese-British lawyer Amal Alamuddin, father of two children Ella and Alexander, bought the Canadel estate.
The estate is home to an 18th century bastide, a pond, a swimming pool as well as a few hectares of vines, in the heart of an area of ​​170 hectares.

The vendors of the Canadel estate are a couple of Australian residents of Monaco, Richard and Diana Wiesener. Aged 80 and former top tax expert, he had put the property up for sale for several years.
The transaction amount was not communicated. The estate had been valued around 8 million euros.

Le domaine du Canadel, qui abrite une bastide du XVIIIe siècle, un étang, une piscine ainsi que quelques hectares de vignes, au coeur d'un espace de 170 hectares appartient à George et Amal Clooney. Sauf que... Cette aquisition est ce 10 mai contestée en justice par l'avocat d'un autre acquéreur.
Publié le 07/05/2021 à 11h20 • Mis à jour le 10/05/2021 à 19h21
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Un autre acheteur dispute la propriété acquise par George Clooney... Dallas à Brignoles ? • :copyright: Ian West Maxppp

Var Brignoles Draguignan
Vous conniassez les films à rebondissements ? Voici le nouveau long-métrage en mode Hollywood. Son titre ?  "Qui raflera le domaine du Canadel ?"
L'acquisition de la propriété de Brigoles dans le Var par l'acteur américain George Clooney est contestée en justice par l'avocat d'un autre acquéreur.
Ce dernier affirme l'avoir achetée avant pour 6 millions d'euros... Mince !

"Pour le cas où le vendeur passerait outre et vendrait néanmoins avec le concours d'un notaire le bien à une tierce personne, en l'occurrence M. Clooney, il règnera une incertitude sur le bien immobilier tant que le tribunal judiciaire de Draguignan n'aura pas tranché, c'est-à-dire dans un délai d'un an à quatre ans
a indiqué à l'AFP Me Guy Azzari, confirmant une information de Var-Matin.

"Le tribunal a bien été saisi en mars d'une assignation sous la constitution de Me Azzari contre les propriétaires vendeurs", a précisé à l'AFP le parquet de Draguignan, en précisant que dans cette procédure au civil, "les avocats des parties échangeront leurs pièces et conclusions avant que le dossier ne soit prêt pour être fixé pour plaidoirie à une audience publique, ce qui prendra plusieurs mois a minima".

[size=30]Ils se bagarrent un bien plutôt bien ![/size]

Décidément, le département du Var attire les célébrités du monde entier et notamment du continent américain ! 
Jeudi 6 mai, ce qui était une rumeur devenait officiel : George Clooney, comédien américain, marié à l'avocate libano-britannique Amal Alamuddin, père de deux enfants Ella et Alexander, a bien acheté le domaine du Canadel.

Le domaine abrite une bastide du XVIIIe siècle, un étang, une piscine ainsi que quelques hectares de vignes, au coeur d'un espace de 170 hectares.
Les vendeurs du domaine du Canadel sont un couple d'Australiens résidents monégasques, Richard et Diana Wiesener. Agé de 80 ans et ancien expert fiscal de haut vol, celui-ci avait mis en vente la propriété depuis plusieurs années. 
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La bastide date du XVIIIe siècle. • © FTV

Le montant de la transaction n'a pas été communiqué. Le domaine avait été évalué autour de 8 millions d'euros.
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Le domaine abrite une bastide du XVIIIe siècle, un étang, une piscine et quelques hectares de vignes, au cœur d'un espace de 170 hectares. • © FTV

[size=30]Un nouvel ambassadeur pour la commune[/size]

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Amal et George Clooney achètent une propriété à Brignoles et c'est officiel ! • :copyright: VALERIE MACON / AFP

Rencontré par une équipe de France 3 avant l'officialisation de la vente, le maire de Brignoles, une commune de 20.000 habitants, ne cache pas sa satisfaction. 

Quand vous avez une personnalité comme George Clooney qui vient acheter dans votre commune, je crois qu'on ne peut que se féliciter !
Didier Brémond, maire UDI de Brignoles

Didier Brémond espère bien renconter ses nouveaux administrés. Il précise pour l'anecdote que la mairie a comme fournisseur la marque de café dont le comédien fut l'égérie et dont le célèbre "what else" est resté dans les mémoires. Le comédien français Jean Dujardin avait figuré dans l'une des pubs.

Pour les habitants de la commune, les avis sont partagés : beaucoup estiment qu'il y a peu de chance de rencontrer la famille Clooney dans les rues.

[size=30]Des voisins célèbres  [famous neighbours][/size]

Dans le Var, l'acteur va être le voisin du réalisateur-producteur de Starwars, George Lucas, qui depuis 2017, est propriétaire du Château Margüi. George Luca serait par ailleurs en passe de finaliser un projet hôtelier que toute la profession décrit comme somptueux.

George Clooney sera également à proximité de Correns, toujours dans le Var. C'est là que l'ex-couple star Angelina Jolie et Brad Pitt possède depuis 2008 de domaine de Miraval, une bastide au milieu de 500 hectares, dont 50 de vignes exploitées en AOC Provence.
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Angelina Jolie et Brad Pitt sur le tapis rouge du Festival de Cannes, le 16 mai 2011. Le couple n'était pas encore divorcé. • :copyright: IAN LANGSDON/MaxPPP

On y produit aussi une huile d'olive bio. Les deux propriétés sont donc à une demi-heure de voiture.   
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Miraval se situe sur la commune de Correns dans le Var. • :copyright: MICHEL GANGNE / AFP

L'actrice Angelina Jolie n'a pas hésité à faire de la pub pour une célèbre marque de parfums dans sa somptueuse propriété.

La propriété où ont vécu la star hollywoodienne Johnny Depp et la comédienne et chanteuse française Vanessa Paradis, dans le Var, est elle à vendre, avis aux amateurs ! Elle est située au Plan-de-la-Tour, à 25 kilomètres de Saint-Tropez.

Ajoutons enfin que Joachim Splichal, grand chef allemand installé à Los Angeles, est lui aussi propriétaire d'un domaine acheté en 2015 à Brignoles et il a des vignes. Son vin est classé Côteaux Varois en Provence.
Bref, le département du Var, ce n'est pas nouveau, est une terre d'exception. De quoi attirer des "people"du monde entier. Pour les comédiens, la ville de Cannes n'est pas loin, ça tombe bien !

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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed Empty Re: George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

Post by LizzyNY Tue 11 May 2021, 21:53

If this could lead to protracted court proceedings he might decide it isn't worth the trouble. it isn't as if he doesn't have anywhere else to live.
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Post by Donnamarie Thu 13 May 2021, 04:16

This is all very confusing to me as it was in the other thread re this estate purchase. Did this Australian couple knowingly accept offers from two potential purchasers (one being George) but then claim George the official purchaser? Leaving the other buyer high and dry???  I’m missing something here.
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Post by party animal - not! Thu 13 May 2021, 09:24

You're absolutely right with the latter theory, Donnamarie. The lid is off now with

  this morning's Times headline (no less)

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  So George outbid him, and the other guy in this is now talking..........

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 (Don't know how this sort of thing is viewed in the States, but it's frowned upon over here and it's illegal in France.......I did wonder why the waters

seemed to be being muddied)

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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed Empty Re: George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

Post by annemarie Thu 13 May 2021, 11:02

[size=45]George Clooney gazumped me for French vineyard, says rival buyer[/size]

Adam Sage, Paris
Wednesday May 12 2021, 5.00pm BST, The Times

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The couple’s purchase of the Domaine du Canadel in Provence is being challenged

The news that George and Amal Clooney had bought a vineyard in the small town of Brignoles in Provence had locals dreaming of a glamorous future.

Winemakers envisaged the actor becoming an ambassador for their rosés, while Didier Brémond, the mayor, struggled to overcome his delight at the sight of American television crews filing past the town hall.

“With George Clooney, we are in a new dimension,” he said last week.

Brémond may have spoken too soon as it has emerged that the Clooneys’ purchase of the Domaine du Canadel is being challenged before the courts by another buyer claiming to have been gazumped, a practice banned under French law.

There is no suggestion that the Clooneys did anything unlawful, or indeed knew of the

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Post by annemarie Thu 13 May 2021, 11:05

In the U.S I have seen where if a property has many interested buyers they can submit bids and the owner can
take the one they want usually the highest bid.

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Post by annemarie Thu 13 May 2021, 11:05

In the U.S I have seen where if a property has many interested buyers they can submit bids and the owner can
take the one they want usually the highest bid.

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Post by LizzyNY Thu 13 May 2021, 13:10

Annemaarie - I'm not sure how it works (never bought a house) but I think once a seller commits to sell to someone they can't back out for a higher bid from someone else. I think that would be considered breach of contract.
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Post by party animal - not! Thu 13 May 2021, 14:47

Yep, Lizzy, that's right. Gazumping over here means that the seller of the property has accepted one offer from a buyer - but then another buyer comes along with a better offer. And it could be very upsetting 'cos if you're the first buyer you may not have quite finished, but paid for, the legal paperwork, surveys etc, when that happens.

Apparently it's illegal in France.

Last edited by party animal - not! on Thu 13 May 2021, 15:01; edited 1 time in total

party animal - not!
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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed Empty Re: George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

Post by party animal - not! Thu 13 May 2021, 14:56

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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed Empty Re: George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

Post by annemarie Thu 13 May 2021, 16:35

[size=39]George Clooney’s Provence vineyard deal may face delay – reports[/size]

News that George and Amal Clooney are set to join the ranks of Provence vineyard owners has been followed by uncertainty, amid reports of a court challenge.

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  • [size=31][url= Clooney%E2%80%99s Provence vineyard deal may face delay %E2%80%93 reports][/url][/size]

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][size=14]The small town of Brignoles in the Var, Provence. Credit: Hemis / Alamy

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After widespread speculation across French media, George Clooney and his wife, the Lebanese-British barrister Amal Clooney, were understood to have agreed to buy Provence vineyard estate ‘domaine du Canadel’.
Local newspaper Var-Matin said it had confirmed the news, and cited the local mayor. The asking price was reportedly close to €8m (£6.9m, $9.7m).

But there was uncertainty this week after fresh reports emerged that a previous prospective buyer had challenged the deal with the sellers of the estate.
The local public prosecutor’s office for the commune of Draguignan confirmed to Agence France Presse that a legal case had been filed. 
There was no suggestion that the Clooneys were aware of the potential legal issue or were involved in any wrongdoing.

Lying in Brignoles in the Var, Canadel is around a half-hour drive from Château Miraval, the Provence estate co-owned by Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and the Perrin family.
Alongside vines, there’s a pool and olive groves, and Brignoles mayor Didier Brémond told France-Bleu radio in April that he believed the Clooneys were primarily looking for somewhere to relax rather than necessarily a winery. 
Yet the move has also put Brignoles on the map, drawing the attention of US television crews among others.
Picturesque Provence vineyard estates have become increasingly desirable, partly as the region’s signature rose wines have boomed in popularity. 

Some buyers seek more of classic a lifestyle property with a few vines and a well-maintained residence, but others also have serious wine projects in mind, as described in a feature on buying a vineyard in the latest issue of Decanter magazine.
In July last year, Château Cos d’Estournel owner Michel Reybier bought Château La Mascaronne in the Var area for an undisclosed fee.
Reybier said he acquired the estate after being ‘won over by the quality of the wines and the potential of La Mascaronne terroir’.

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Post by Admin Thu 13 May 2021, 17:03

Canadel is around a half-hour drive from Château Miraval, the Provence estate co-owned by Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie

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Post by LizzyNY Thu 13 May 2021, 19:07

Katie if the tabloids go with that angle how soon before we start seeing stories about an affair between...Amal and Brad? George and Angie? Amal and Angie? George and Brad? All of them in a foursome? Very Happy Nothing would surprise me.
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Post by Admin Thu 13 May 2021, 22:15

Sounds like fun, Lizzy, but you've forgotten to include Julia Roberts in your love calculations!

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Post by annemarie Thu 13 May 2021, 22:30

Well, since Brad and Angie are divorcing , I don't think there will be a foursome lol.

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Post by LizzyNY Fri 14 May 2021, 01:31

Annemarie - You'll notice I didn't pair up Angie and Brad. Very Happy Maybe Julia and Danny can join in if they're in the neighborhood. Make a party of it. Hell, they can invite all their friends. Imagine the field day the tabs would have if there was a parade of A-listers hopping between the two estates. LyingLies lol!
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Post by Donnamarie Fri 14 May 2021, 04:11

Here in the states a seller can accept another offer while negotiating a contract with the first buyer.  Nothing is binding until both buyer and seller have fully signed a contract and the buyer has put a down payment on the property.
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Post by party animal - not! Fri 14 May 2021, 10:46

Yep, I think it's technically like that here (Katie?) so it's how fast you can get the paperwork between surveyors, banks, lawyers, stamp duty etc sorted but it is frowned upon as a principle. Although I don't think the estate agents involved complain!

The property market here is bonkers at the moment because the government cancelled their part of the tax during lockdown to keep the market going.

Vis-a-vis the chat about properties being fully used, I did wonder if people like Nadia Murad would have the use of the NYC property when she's there for United Nations hearings as she was the other day............

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Post by LizzyNY Fri 14 May 2021, 14:50

PAN - I think Donnamarie is right. I guess until the paperwork is signed and the money is on the table either party can change their mind. IMO it doesn't do much for a realtor's reputation if their clients get gazumped.

Re: the empty apartment issue. The NYC housing market is a mess. Because so many people are out of work due to the virus there's a moratorium on evictions for people who can't pay their rent. It was just extended for another couple of months, but eventually it will be lifted and the tenants will have to pay up somehow. No one knows how that's going to look. These are the people who do the work that keeps the city going.

Much of the available housing stock (and the new builds) are for the luxury market - people who can afford to have multiple homes and who are only here part time. These places are way out of the financial reach of most NYers. Even our politicians haven't a clue. Two of our mayoral candidates were asked the average cost of a house in Brooklyn. One said $80,000. The other said that sounded about right, but maybe a little higher. The actual average cost for a house in Brooklyn is $900,000. That kind of ignorance doesn't bode well for the housing problems in the city.
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Post by party animal - not! Fri 14 May 2021, 16:05

Yes, I saw that in the NYT - who do a brilliant series of articles about people looking for property in NYC, what their budget is etc, etc.

And reference the purchase in France, that may be true in the US but apparently not in France - but maybe there have to be some quiet, direct chats, and you can understand somebody squealing about the house they thought they had bought, knowing that the powers that be and the owner may be open to a chat with someone like George who might be prepared to top the other guy's offer.

Diplomatic nightmare - and maybe not a good look for the Clooneys, who may also be really embarrassed at the situation, feel sorry for the other guy, find out what the law says and then, maybe, pull out........and who are probably not happy with the publicity either!

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Post by LizzyNY Fri 14 May 2021, 18:17

PAN - That's why I said earlier that George might decide it's too much trouble to pursue the purchase. If the other party really believed that they had a deal on the property, - to the point that they're taking it to court - then it doesn't look good for George to keep trying to buy it. Since gazumping is illegal in France, and since he doesn't need the property, I'd say walk away.
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Post by PigPen Tue 18 May 2021, 12:45

He'll fight to the death, just on general principal

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Post by LizzyNY Tue 18 May 2021, 13:50

"On general principle" if he goes after anyone I'd say he should go after the seller for creating the situation. The other buyer didn't do anything wrong and, at least in France, is legally entitled to the property. For George to fight him doesn't seem right.
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Post by party animal - not! Tue 18 May 2021, 15:39

Mmm, well I think it's probably in the hands of the lawyers now.

The disputing 'buyer' lives in Monaco apparently so will not be a player unused to this sort of thing I suspect...

Such a pretty place.I can see why they both want it........

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Post by Admin Wed 26 May 2021, 20:58

PigPen wrote:He'll fight to the death, just on general principal
On what principal? If the information is correct, then George is the one in the wrong, even if only inadvertently.

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Post by PigPen Thu 27 May 2021, 12:58

I think if he wants it bad enough he'll fight for what he wants.

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Post by party animal - not! Thu 27 May 2021, 14:29

So here's another article from the Wine Spectator explaining that the whole thing now has to go to court for a ruling - which may take some months............

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Post by annemarie Thu 27 May 2021, 18:03

[size=52]George Clooney Buys Provence Wine Estate … or Does He?[/size]

One way or another, the purchase of Domaine du Canadel and its 25-acre rosé vineyard will demand another dramatic conclusion for the Oscar-winning actor
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][size=14]Here's hoping George Clooney can soon fill his glass with something a little more pink. (Tiffany Rose/WireImage)[/size]

  • Suzanne Mustacich

  • [url= %23Provence%27s Next Top Celebrity %23Wine Star be George Clooney%3F%21 %40WineSpectator reports on the pending sale of a %23ros%C3%A9 estate to the Oscar-winning actor and former %40Casamigos tequila distiller.][/url]
  • [url= Clooney Buys Provence Wine Estate %E2%80%A6 or Does He%3F][/url]


May 18, 2021
Here and in France, rumors are running wild over George and Amal Clooney’s supposed acquisition of the sprawling Domaine du Canadel wine estate in the Provence town of Brignoles. The Clooneys bought the estate from Richard and Diana Wiesener, an Australian couple living in Monaco. Or at least, they thought they did …
The beautiful 425-acre estate, located in the Var, is listed with an asking price of €7 million ($9.65 million), but it has languished on the market for some time, waiting for the right buyers. The 18th century mansion has been exquisitely renovated; there is a pool, tennis court, boules pitch, formal gardens, ornamental lake, olive grove and 25-acre vineyard. The estate is a half-hour drive from Château Miraval, co-owned by ex-couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Twenty minutes away is Château Marguï, owned by George Lucas. And the Brignoles locals are thrilled with the potential arrival of the Clooneys.
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Domaine du Canadel, in the Provence town of Brignoles, has a 25-acre vineyard. (Leading Estates of the World)
"His arrival could do us a lot of good," said Brignoles Mayor Didier Brémond. "With George Clooney, we are in a new dimension."
"I don't know if he's going to exploit the vineyard," said Eric Lambert, president of AOC Coteaux Varois wine syndicate. "Up until now, the production from Domaine du Canadel goes to the Brignoles Cooperative. But in buying in our region, he'll certainly become a new ambassador for the AOC."
According to Brémond, Clooney bought the estate primarily for rest and relaxation—but it’s hard to imagine he doesn't see the potential for a rosé. In 2017, Clooney and partners Rande Gerber and Mike Meldman sold their Tequila brand Casamigos for $1 billion to Diageo.
Alas, it has come to light that another potential buyer claims to have signed a contract to purchase the estate this past August for a reported €6 million, before Clooney signed his own agreement. The local prosecutor's office confirmed that the disgruntled would-be buyer filed a lawsuit against the sellers in the Draguignan tribunal in March, contesting the transaction. The plaintiff's lawyer, Guy Azzari, told the French media that it will likely take several months before the case goes to trial.
According to Azzari, under French law, "In the event that the seller overrides (the agreement) and despite it sells the property with the assistance of a notary to a third party, in this case Mr. Clooney, there will be uncertainty over the property as long as the Draguignan court has not handed down its decision, which is to say for a period of one to four years."
There is no indication that the Clooneys are accused of any wrongdoing, nor aware of any real-estate hijinks. But sadly, it's unlikely that they'll be making rosé anytime soon.

Over the Clooney moon

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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed Empty Re: George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

Post by carolhathaway Thu 27 May 2021, 22:12

By the way: 
I just read in our local newspaper that Richard and Diana Wiesener's parents originally came from a small town 15 miles away from my hometown. They visited the place two years ago, and if they had decided to come here in 2013, they could have met George who was filming 'Monuments Men' here at that time.

Just a little fun fact...
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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed Empty Re: George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

Post by party animal - not! Thu 27 May 2021, 23:17

Ah, I've been meaning to ask you if you live in that area, Carol! Did you get to be an extra in

the film at the time? Those towns look amazing.

Apparently Mr Weisener is an expert on tax, an Australian resident in the UK, has property in

Australia, and Monte Carlo - and here he is talking about his wine cellar.........

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I think he and George would really get on!

party animal - not!
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George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed Empty Re: George Clooney's newly bought wine estate in France disputed

Post by carolhathaway Fri 28 May 2021, 21:14


unfortunately George was looking for a very specific physiognomy of his extras in 'Monuments Men'. After WW II, people were very slim since they hadn't had enough to eat for years, so he was filming a scene in Goslar (which is the town nearby) with hundreds of people, acclaiming the US army in a fictive Belgian town (the scene was deleted).
And I don't actually look like someone who hadn't had enough to eat for years.
But I know quite somd people who worked there, and they all said that everybody on set was really nice, especially George talked to them and said what a great job they're doing.

My kids went to school in the mountains when they were shooting, and their taxi was stopped several times when they were shooting on the road.
And there was a lot of coverage from our local press which was really interesting.
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