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George Clooney in Worcester to direct film 'The Tender Bar

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George Clooney in Worcester to direct film 'The Tender Bar Empty George Clooney in Worcester to direct film 'The Tender Bar

Post by Admin Tue 13 Apr 2021, 11:14

Not sure how many of these photos we've seen already?  I have to say, I'm going to miss it when this film shoot wraps.  I really like being able to see all these photos of George working.  Makes such a lovely change from going months without seeing him.  

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George Clooney in Worcester to direct film 'The Tender Bar'

By Michael Bonner | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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6 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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8 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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9 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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10 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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11 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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12 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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13 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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14 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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15 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

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16 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
17 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
18 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
19 / 19

George Clooney in Worcester for shooting of 'The Tender Bar'

George Clooney was in Worcester on Monday. He's directing the film "The Tender Bar", which features Ben Affleck.

Posts : 2188
Join date : 2010-12-05

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George Clooney in Worcester to direct film 'The Tender Bar Empty Re: George Clooney in Worcester to direct film 'The Tender Bar

Post by Admin Tue 13 Apr 2021, 11:25


Posts : 2188
Join date : 2010-12-05

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