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George Clooney allegedly running for president; Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey and other rumored celebrity candidates

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George Clooney allegedly running for president; Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey and other rumored celebrity candidates Empty George Clooney allegedly running for president; Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey and other rumored celebrity candidates

Post by Admin Mon 05 Oct 2020, 19:02

Here we go with this nonsense again. Do the tabloids never tire of this non-story?

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Photo by: 60 Minutes/YouTube

Monday, October 5, 2020 12:15 PM
George Clooney’s name was one of the most mentioned in the celebrities that will run in the U.S. presidential elections. He is being called the next Ronald Reagan since he is also an actor who could win the highest post in the White House.
Many people are convinced that he should really run this time since he already passed up his chance before. George Clooney’s presidential bet actually started during the time when Barack Obama was still a candidate.
Is George really has a political ambition?
The “Batman” actor already said before that he is not interested in running for president. Although there are actually people who want him to be a politician, he said that he has no ambition to be in politics.
While it is true that he is involved in various philanthropic works, George Clooney said that he does not want to run for office. His presidential bid was already debunked many times, so apparently, it is not true that he will be a candidate in the upcoming elections.
Rather, he will be supporting a candidate that he deemed fit for the position.
“I’m going to stay out of the primaries, but I’ll fundraise for anybody that is out there that’s interested in trying to make this president a one-term president,” he told Variety. Aside from George Clooney, there are other celebrities rumored to be running, and some of them are listed below.
Oprah Winfrey
It was reported by Life & Style that the popular talk show host is running. It was claimed that she will even spend $1 billion to win and his running mate could be Tom Hanks or other seasoned politicians.
However, just like George Clooney, this is not true as well. In truth, this is another one of those weird stories published in a tabloid.
Meghan Markle
After leaving the U.K. with Prince Harry, it was reported that Meghan Markle has political ambitions and Woman’s Day reported that she will be running for president in the next election. She was said to be asking George Clooney and her other A-list friends for support but this is a ridiculous claim.
While it could be true that she wants to enter politics, her presidential bid is likely false. Also, Meghan Markle can’t do this because it is against the protocol of the Royal family.

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George Clooney allegedly running for president; Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey and other rumored celebrity candidates Empty Re: George Clooney allegedly running for president; Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey and other rumored celebrity candidates

Post by annemarie Mon 05 Oct 2020, 23:33

Nope they are all one trick ponies.

Over the Clooney moon

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George Clooney allegedly running for president; Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey and other rumored celebrity candidates Empty Re: George Clooney allegedly running for president; Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey and other rumored celebrity candidates

Post by Admin Tue 06 Oct 2020, 10:45


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