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Amal and George Clooney Donate $100,000 to Lebanese Charities in the Wake of the Beirut Explosion

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Amal and George Clooney Donate $100,000 to Lebanese Charities in the Wake of the Beirut Explosion Empty Amal and George Clooney Donate $100,000 to Lebanese Charities in the Wake of the Beirut Explosion

Post by annemarie Fri 07 Aug 2020, 01:35

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[size=48]Amal and George Clooney Donate $100,000 to Lebanese Charities in the Wake of the Beirut Explosion
Amal and George Clooney are donating to three charities in Lebanon after the massive explosion in Beirut that killed over 100 people and injured at least 5,000
By Alexia Fernandez 
August 06, 2020 05:59 PM

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George and Amal Clooney 

Amal and George Clooney are giving back to three Lebanese charities in the aftermath of the explosions in Beirut.
In a statement obtained by PEOPLE, the couple said they hoped to give back to the Lebanese community which was ravaged after a massive explosion killed at least 135 people and injured at least 5,000 on Tuesday.
"We’re both deeply concerned for the people of Beirut and the devastation they’ve faced in the last few days," they said in their statement. "Three charitable organizations we've found are providing essential relief on the ground: the Lebanese Red Cross, Impact Lebanon, and Baytna Baytak."
They added, "We will be donating $100,000 to these charities and hope that others will help in any way they can."

RELATED: Photos from the Devastating Explosion in Beirut: What to Know & How You Can Help
Amal, a 42-year-old human rights lawyer, was born in Beirut. Her family left Lebanon when she was 2-years-old during the Lebanese Civil War and moved to England where she studied at Oxford University.
She and the Oscar winner met in 2013 and married in April 2014. The couple shares two children, twins Ella and Alexander, 3.

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Beirut, Lebanon

The explosion in Beirut hit the city's seaport and was reportedly felt 150 miles away. The blast caused extensive damage, destroying buildings, malls and entire blocks of the city.

While the exact cause of the blast remains unclear, Abbas Ibrahim, head of Lebanon's intelligence agency, said the explosion may have come after highly explosive material confiscated from a ship and stored in a warehouse in Beirut's port detonated following a fire, according to the Associated Press.
In an address to the nation, Prime Minister Hassan Diab spoke of a "dangerous warehouse" that had been in existence for six years, the BBC reported.
According to The Sun, Lebanese health minister Hamad Hasan said, "I have never in my life seen a disaster this big." As a result of the blast and damages — which reached up to six miles away — a quarter of a million people have been left homeless.

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Post by Donnamarie Fri 07 Aug 2020, 03:10

This horrible incident must have been particularly painful for Amal and her family.  I wonder if she has relatives who live in Beirut?  It’s great that George and Amal are supporting relief efforts!
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Post by LizzyNY Fri 07 Aug 2020, 05:23

I wonder if her father is still there?
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Amal and George Clooney Donate $100,000 to Lebanese Charities in the Wake of the Beirut Explosion Empty 100.000$ for Beirut

Post by benex Sat 08 Aug 2020, 21:02

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Post by Admin Sun 09 Aug 2020, 18:50

Hi Benex, I've just moved your post to this thread where we're talking about it.

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