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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Doug Ross
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by benex Sun 29 Apr 2018, 00:54

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by annemarie Sun 29 Apr 2018, 02:05

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Clooney and family arrived in Laglio
In advance of the previous summers, here is the American actor.
Here they are again! George Clooney and his family have recently returned to the beloved shores of Lake Como, precisely in Laglio.

Clooney and family have arrived
The American actor will spend a few relaxing days at Villa Oleandra with his wife Amal, whom he fell in love with in Como, and their little twins, born in June 2017. To celebrate, next May 6 there will be the birthday of George who evidently chose Como to put out the candles in peace.

From mid May in Sardinia

Italian paparazzi will have to be careful not to be too intrusive, as had been the French colleagues. Surely in the coming days Laglio are expected many fans looking for some selfie with George. In fact, from mid-May, the actor will be busy in Sardinia with the shooting of a new miniseries, Catch-22.

Over the Clooney moon

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by annemarie Sun 29 Apr 2018, 02:07

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Laglio, George Clooney has arrived

There are also Amal and the twins

The Hollywood star on the banks of the Lario well ahead of the past. Here is the birthday party on May 6th. And then shooting in Sardinia

Paparazzi on the offshore boats and bodyguards. He, with Amal and the twins, "barricaded" at Villa Oleandra. Yes, with the arrival of George Clooney is back "Lagliowood". The great American actor arrived the other night with the whole family in tow. The coming and going of service personnel and suppliers from the beautiful house by the lake had already foretold a few weeks the imminent arrival of the Hollywood star, and so it was. Mai Clooney, honorary citizen of the country, arrived in Laglio so in advance of the summer season. The well-informed support that he will spend right on the bank of the Lario the birthday party (May 6) number 57. Most likely the Clooney family has arrived at Laglio to spend some time relaxing in view of the upcoming and upcoming professional commitments of George from May 13 to July he will be engaged in Sardinia in the double role of co-director and performer of "Catch-22", miniseries in six episodes taken from the novel "Comma 22" by Joseph Heller.

Extensive service on La Provincia on Saturday 28 April

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Admin Sun 29 Apr 2018, 06:10

But no pictures yet!  What do we think will be the first photos we see?  A dinner outing?  A boat trip?

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by party animal - not! Sun 29 Apr 2018, 08:12

weather not great here on the lake....getting better tho...

party animal - not!
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Doug Ross Sun 29 Apr 2018, 12:39

Admin wrote:But no pictures yet!  What do we think will be the first photos we see?  A dinner outing?  A boat trip?
Dinner outing, definitely. Or pics of them on their way to play tennis.

Doug Ross
Ooh, Mr Clooney!

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by ladybugcngc Sun 29 Apr 2018, 14:38

party animal - not! wrote:weather not great here on the lake....getting better tho...
PAN, are you in Lake Como?
Mastering the tao of Clooney

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by ladybugcngc Sun 29 Apr 2018, 14:40

I found this picture.  I'm not sure if it's a new picture or an old picture photo shopped.

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by annemarie Sun 29 Apr 2018, 14:43

That is an old picture.

Over the Clooney moon

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by ladybugcngc Sun 29 Apr 2018, 14:53

Thank Annemarie.
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Joanna Sun 29 Apr 2018, 22:36

I can imagine that the Clooney family are in 
their Como holiday home now.

It's handy for George's work in Sardinia on the 
Catch 22 film.

Does anyone know whether George has a part in
the film ?  
Or is he working "behind the camera ?"
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by party animal - not! Sun 29 Apr 2018, 23:19

Hi Joanna. lovely to hear from you. Yep His Nibs has downgraded his part to a ranting officer I believe..should be fun.

Yep I'm in these parts at the mo, Ladybug

party animal - not!
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by LizzyNY Mon 30 Apr 2018, 02:17

Hi, Jo! George is directing and acting, but he just gave up the lead to take a smaller part. This way he won't have to worry so much about his performance and can focus on directing.

PAN - I am SO jealous!- and not just because you might run into George. It must be beautiful there this time of year. Have a wonderful time!
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by benex Mon 30 Apr 2018, 14:39

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[size=30]George via per una fiction
Amal regina di Lagliowood[/size]

Oggi l’attore americano vola a Viterbo per girare alcune scene della miniserie di cui è produttore

L’impressione è che Clooney abbia rinunciato alla prima gita in barca per sfuggire ai curiosi appostati sul molo di Laglio per un selfie o uno scatto con l’attore sullo sfondo di Lariowood.
A farsi un giro sul lago sono andati invece i parenti e gli amici libanesi della moglie Amal, sbarcati giovedì sera a Villa Oleandra con la celebre coppia. Ieri mattina il gruppo di ospiti, una quindicina di persone, si è infilato nell’ammiraglia della flotta Tasell cercando di non farsi notare. Occhi indiscreti sono però riusciti a sorprenderli anche se la delusione è stata massima quando la compagnia ha preso il largo senza la star hollywoodiana. Non si è vista nemmeno la consorte, che con ogni probabilità ha preferito restare in compagnia del marito, già in partenza.
L’attore si è concesso giusto il week end fra una pausa e l’altra di lavoro. E’ molto impegnato con la miniserie Catch-22 (adattamento in sei parti del romanzo di Joseph Heller, meglio conosciuto con il titolo Comma 22) di cui è produttore, co-regista e interprete.
Oggi raggiungerà Viterbo per girare alcune scene del film, prima di volare in Sardegna dove è in fase di preparazione un altro set nel vecchio aeroporto di Venafiorita, non lontano dalla Costa Smeralda.
Secondo indiscrezioni, fino ad allora Amal e prole faranno base nella residenza di Laglio, dove Clooney dovrebbe però tornare per festeggiare il compleanno, il prossimo 6 maggio.
L’allerta è salita al livello massimo nei suoi locali preferiti: Sporting Club Villa d’Este, Golf di Menaggio, Harry’s Bar, Gatto Nero, Navedano. La star potrebbe anche decidere di spegnere le 57 candeline in modo semplice, con i parenti e gli amici più stretti.

George away for a fiction

Amal queen of Lagliowood

Today the American actor flies to Viterbo to shoot some scenes of the miniseries he produces

The impression is that Clooney has given up the first boat trip to escape the curious lurking on the dock of Laglio for a selfie or a shot with the actor against the backdrop of Lariowood.

On the other hand, the relatives and Lebanese friends of his wife Amal went for a ride on the lake, who landed on Thursday evening at Villa Oleandra with the famous couple. Yesterday morning, the group of guests, about fifteen people, slipped into the flagship of the Tasell fleet trying not to get noticed. But prying eyes were able to surprise them even if the disappointment was greatest when the company took off without the Hollywood star. Not even the wife was seen, who probably preferred to stay in the company of her husband, already at the start.

The actor has just given the weekend between a break and another job. He is very busy with the Catch-22 miniseries (six-part adaptation of the novel by Joseph Heller, better known by the title Comma 22) of which he is a producer, co-director and performer.

Today he will reach Viterbo to shoot some scenes of the film, before flying to Sardinia where another set is being prepared in the old Venafiorita airport, not far from the Costa Smeralda.

According to rumors, until then Amal and offspring will be based in the residence of Laglio, where Clooney should come back to celebrate the birthday on May 6.

The alert has risen to its highest level in its favorite clubs: Sporting Club Villa d'Este, Menaggio Golf, Harry's Bar, Black Cat, Navedano. The star could even decide to turn off the 57 candles in a simple way, with relatives and close friends.

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by party animal - not! Mon 30 Apr 2018, 21:41

apparently it was Amal''s father's 80th birthday today and a few of the family went out on the lake.

no special knowledge on my part (tho in theory I could have passed them) but an iInstagram account has told me this

party animal - not!
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by hairyhound Tue 01 May 2018, 00:08

party animal - not! wrote:apparently it was Amal's father's 80th birthday today and a few of the family went out on the lake.

no special knowledge on my part (tho in theory)

yes her sister posted on instagram
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by annemarie Tue 01 May 2018, 00:36

So George and Amal's dad are both Taurus's.

Over the Clooney moon

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by hairyhound Tue 01 May 2018, 01:20

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by hairyhound Wed 02 May 2018, 13:51

George Clooney returns to Italy , this time with Amal and his twins , Alexander and Ella, born last June 6th. The star in the next months will be busy filming near Olbia the TV series "Comma 22" , of which he is a director and producer. He wants to have his family next door. His wife and children will stay in the villa of Laglio, protected as if they were heads of state.

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George Clooney lands in Italy with Amal and his twins
He landed at Malpensa airport with a private jet coming from England, as shown by the photos published by Chi in the newsstand number. George Clooney is in Italy with Amal and the twins . Alexander lands in his beautiful country with an informal look, while his beautiful wife takes care of Ella.
Amal is super chic, never denied and does not give up the heels, although it is not easy to get off the plane of the plane with a lot of 'puppet' in her arms. The 56-year-old and 40-year-old will stay at Villa Oleandra as much as possible. The actor will have to go to Sardinia for his project, a TV series in six episodes taken from the homonymous novel by Joseph Heller.
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The 56-year-old star and his 40-year-old wife will stay in the Bel Paese for a while: George will shoot a TV series near Olbia
He will stay in Italy with Amal and his beloved twins . The filming of "Comma 22" will go on from mid-May to 21st July. George Clooney will shuttle between Olbia and Lake Como, will always take his family with him. It seems, at least according to the weekly, that has already identified a villa where to stay on the island, but not in Costa Smeralda, where privacy is absolutely impossible.
 I think the kids are so cute!!![/size]
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by LizzyNY Wed 02 May 2018, 14:34

Looks like they've given up trying to hide the kids. YAY! Love proud papa George showing off his son!  Very Happy
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by annemarie Wed 02 May 2018, 14:47

Yep Lizzy proud papa George is wonderful to see.

Over the Clooney moon

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by ladybugcngc Wed 02 May 2018, 14:59

This is a beautiful family photo.  You are both right, it's wonderful to see George Clooney with his twins.
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by annemarie Wed 02 May 2018, 15:26

Legion media has more pictures.

So does profimedia and if you click on the pictures they enlarge

Grant is with them.

Over the Clooney moon

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by benex Wed 02 May 2018, 16:30

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by LizzyNY Wed 02 May 2018, 17:19

Thanks, Benex! Thumbs up!
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by benex Wed 02 May 2018, 17:35

LizzyNY wrote:Thanks, Benex! Thumbs up!
you' re welcome! ;-)

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Admin Wed 02 May 2018, 18:43

Sorry for the small.  Sure the DM will have them soon:

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Donnamarie Wed 02 May 2018, 19:00

So great to finally see these little ones with their parents.  Too cute!  Thanks all for these new pics!

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Doug Ross Wed 02 May 2018, 19:11

See George holding his baby just warms my heart.

Doug Ross
Ooh, Mr Clooney!

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by party animal - not! Wed 02 May 2018, 21:33

Great great find hairy hound. 

and if you have an iPad you can expand all of them on Profimedia (Czech) and Legionmedia (Russian).

To be absolutely fair to Chi (?!) they have pixilated the twins' faces. Very wise of them!!

party animal - not!
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by annemarie Wed 02 May 2018, 21:59

Yep I saw that you can't see the babies face which is really good.

Over the Clooney moon

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by ladybugcngc Wed 02 May 2018, 22:18

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Joanna Thu 03 May 2018, 12:00


Sofa bounce Coolio Sofa bounce

They're getting to be a proper toddler size now.
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Joanna Thu 03 May 2018, 12:09

benex wrote:
LizzyNY wrote:Thanks, Benex! Thumbs up!
you' re welcome! ;-)

YES.....thanks benex for posting them.....they're lovely to see the Clooney Family
complete and so happy with their welcome on the tarmac.


sunny sunny sunny
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Joanna Thu 03 May 2018, 12:24

party animal - not! wrote:Hi Joanna. lovely to hear from you. Yep His Nibs has downgraded his part to a ranting officer I believe..should be fun.

Yep I'm in these parts at the mo, Ladybug

Have a lovely holiday pan.....keep hiring those motor boats now
& click away with your phone.....or camera !!

I seem to remember seeing Catch 22 on TV donkey's years ago.....
which made me read the book.  It's very funny in parts.
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Way2Old4Dis Thu 03 May 2018, 13:10

Brave woman. Travels with two babies in a white dress and heels.

George looks like every other proud papa I've known. Except older.

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Joanna Thu 03 May 2018, 13:15

Doug Ross wrote:See George holding his baby just warms my heart.

Yes indeed.....Like any proud parent showing off his sunbeam.

Great to see them in the Italian Sunshne....Which is what we have 

Today here in UK.

sunny   sunny   sunny
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by LizzyNY Thu 03 May 2018, 14:41

sunny sunny Here, too! sunny ☀Spring has finally sprung! YAY! sunny sunny
flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower flower
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by ladybugcngc Fri 04 May 2018, 15:23

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by benex Fri 04 May 2018, 20:47

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[size=40]In-Laws in Italy! Amal Clooney's Family Takes Over George's Lake Como Villa
[url= in Italy! Amal Clooney%27s Family Takes Over George%27s Lake Como Villa][/url][url= in Italy! Amal Clooney%27s Family Takes Over George%27s Lake Como Villa [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] via @people][/url][/size]





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May 03, 2018 06:38 PM

One of the better perks of having George Clooney as a son-in-law is use of his place in Italy. Just ask Amal’s dad.
Ramzi Alamuddin and a party of his friends and relatives stayed at the Clooney residence on Lake Como over the past weekend. The human rights attorney’s dad recently turned 80.
Photos posted on social media by members of the party — who may have numbered as many as 15, including Amal’s sister Tala — show the group gathered at the Villa Oleandra on Lake Como, April 28, staying through the holiday weekend. 
[url= in Italy! Amal Clooney%27s Family Takes Over George%27s Lake Como Villa][/url]
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George Clooney (L) and Ramzi Alamuddin.
Robino Salvatore/GC Images
Clooney has been in Italy for several weeks working on pre-production for his Hulu Catch-22 series, which is scheduled to begin shooting in nearby Sardinia later this month. The actor’s birthday is this Sunday, and on Monday, he and Amal are slated to be back in New York City for the glamorous Met Gala on Monday, where Amal is co-hosting. 
RELATED VIDEO: Amal Clooney Reveals Ella’s and Alexander’s First Word — and Gets Candid About Nursing Twins

[size=32][size=32]Play Video[/size][/size]



While in Lake Como, Amal’s family enjoyed exploring the lake’s coastline and coves on chartered boat rides, provided by the lake’s Tassell fleet.

Other photos posted by the group show them alongside Ramzi, enjoying the Villa Oleandra and adjacent Villa Margarita gardens.
Clooney, 56, has owned the idyllic northern Italy vacation property for seventeen years, since discovering it on a motorcycle ride across Italy with friend and business partner Rande Gerber. He has since used it regularly for the Memorial Day weekend and enjoyed la dolce vita throughout the summer months.

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Post by Donnamarie Fri 04 May 2018, 21:47

That Instagram pic that Tala posted was just stunning!
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by party animal - not! Fri 04 May 2018, 22:08

It was Donnamarie. but she'd done some work on it I think. it was very grey that day.....

party animal - not!
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by hairyhound Thu 10 May 2018, 10:38

Here is a photo of the whole family to celebrate the engagement of Amal's brother.

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[size=30]Amal and George Clooney with family in Laglio 29.04.2018

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Picture via Soos
Amal and George Clooney were in Laglio at the Villa Oleandra to celebrate the engagement of Amal’s brother, Samer Alamuddin and the birthday of his father Ramzi, 80 years.
What an amazing picture [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] thank you Soos
On Instagram, Tala posted a picture sailing on Como lake for her father’s birthday.

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty The Clooney Family in Lake Como

Post by hairyhound Thu 10 May 2018, 13:35

[size=30]Amal and George Clooney with family in Laglio 29.04.2018[/size]

posted in Amal and George, Evening look, Italy, News by nati3873

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Picture via Soos
Amal and George Clooney were in Laglio at the Villa Oleandra to celebrate the engagement of Amal’s brother, Samer Alamuddin and the birthday of his father Ramzi, 80 years.
What an amazing picture [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] thank you Soos
On Instagram, Tala posted a picture sailing on Como lake for her father’s birthday.

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Getting serious about George

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Location : Saint Paul,Minnesota

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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by Donnamarie Thu 10 May 2018, 15:43

Thanks hairyhound.  I saw this pic on Amal’s style blog this morning too.   Really nice family photo.
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

Post by ladybugcngc Thu 10 May 2018, 15:52

study    scratch     elephant
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George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins Empty Re: George Clooney is back in Como - pictured arriving with the twins

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