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George in Viterbo April 2018

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by benex Wed 18 Apr 2018, 15:32

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Viterbo – Riceviamo e pubblichiamo – Ecco il vantaggio di vivere a San Pellegrino, di prima mattina quando sei quasi in pigiama… incontri lui… uno splendido uomo che con grazia e gentilezza si è fermato a farsi una foto con noi.
Rosella Fanelli
Artista viterbese, maestra di danza classica indiana e arti orientali 
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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by benex Wed 18 Apr 2018, 15:33

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by ladybugcngc Wed 18 Apr 2018, 15:35

Mastering the tao of Clooney

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by benex Wed 18 Apr 2018, 15:35

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by annemarie Wed 18 Apr 2018, 15:40

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George Clooney back to Viterbo
 18 April 2018 Emanuela Colonnelli 0 Comments catch 22, george clooney, sutri, viterbo
NewTuscia - VITERBO - George Clooney is back in Viterbo: for the second time in a few months the star of Holliwood returns to visit the capolougo of Tuscia.

It seems that Viterbo has been designated as one of the possible locations suitable for the shooting of the new Catch 22 series, which sees Clooney protagonist, even if the final choice has not yet been taken.

Meanwhile, George strolls through San Pellegrino, stopping to say hello and taking selfies to the fans, then moving to Sutri for lunch at Taverna Cimoletto.

So the owners of the restaurant: "We had known for a few days that we would have had a special guest but we had been asked for maximum privacy and this is also part of our work. The Tuscia, Viterbo and our Sutri are appreciated much more than we can imagine. George Clooney proved to be a simple person and we simply tried to make him feel at home and he appreciated. "

Over the Clooney moon

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by benex Wed 18 Apr 2018, 15:46

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by it's me Wed 18 Apr 2018, 16:21

He was chanting something

He was happy Very Happy
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by party animal - not! Wed 18 Apr 2018, 16:23

Sutri looks lovely too...........

party animal - not!
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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by ladybugcngc Wed 18 Apr 2018, 16:41

it's me wrote:Nice
He was chanting something

He was happy Very Happy
He does look really happy.
Mastering the tao of Clooney

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by it's me Wed 18 Apr 2018, 16:46


Here one of the many similar article
No new pics :

Viterbo – Nuova visita a sorpresa di George Clooney oggi a Viterbo.

Intorno alle dieci di questa mattina l’attore e regista si è presentato in piazza del Comune e da lì ha iniziato un giro nelle vie della zona medievale della città con alcuni dei suoi più stretti collaboratori. Tra questi Grant Heslow, socio storico di Clooney, che firmerà con lui la regia e la produzione esecutiva di “Catch 22”, le cui riprese partiranno a Olbia a metà maggio.

Dopo circa un’ora di passeggiata, la comitiva è poi ripartita alla volta Roma.

Pur non essendo arrivata alcuna richiesta ufficiale da parte della produzione, i nuovi sopralluoghi di oggi (dopo quelli di due settimane degli scenografi) fanno ben sperare sulla possibilità che la serie televisiva, prodotta dalla piattaforma streaming americana Hulu e tratta dal libro antimilitarista di Joseph Heller “Comma 22”, possa essere girata in parte a Viterbo.

More or less
New visit as a surprise

Arrived around 10
An hour walk
Then away
(To lunch we guess)
Then they say Rome

Instead Here more pics
His draw too

But sorry I can't post now
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it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by benex Wed 18 Apr 2018, 16:55

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by annemarie Wed 18 Apr 2018, 17:11

Cute drawing.

Over the Clooney moon

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by it's me Wed 18 Apr 2018, 17:12

Thank you !!!
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by LizzyNY Wed 18 Apr 2018, 23:01

Benex - Thank you! Very nice. Very Happy
Casamigos with Mr Clooney

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by ladybugcngc Wed 18 Apr 2018, 23:29


Shocked interesting...

Mastering the tao of Clooney

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by Admin Thu 19 Apr 2018, 04:28

Yay! Finally a George Clooney sighting! George, we missed yooooouuuuuuu!!!

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by Donnamarie Thu 19 Apr 2018, 04:46

So nice to see him!  Looking good! Thanks benex.
Possibly more Clooney than George himself

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by Admin Thu 19 Apr 2018, 05:09

Did he get new shoes?

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by it's me Thu 19 Apr 2018, 07:48

about G?
I don't think so

Yes about me
I got new shoes

Golden ballerina Hello!
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by LizzyNY Thu 19 Apr 2018, 13:23

Katie - Looks like new sneakers ("trainers" to you!).  Very Happy
Casamigos with Mr Clooney

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by benex Wed 09 May 2018, 15:47

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they say they will shoot in Viterbo first week of August

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by ladybugcngc Wed 09 May 2018, 16:06

Thanks Benex...
Mastering the tao of Clooney

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by hairyhound Thu 10 May 2018, 10:20

I guess he is already in Viterbo!

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by Admin Thu 10 May 2018, 11:08

Ok, then.  Let's start a new thread for each new sighting Smile

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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by party animal - not! Thu 10 May 2018, 12:00

Linterna took another pic

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ~ an hour ago........

party animal - not!
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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

Post by Admin Thu 10 May 2018, 13:12



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George in Viterbo April 2018 Empty Re: George in Viterbo April 2018

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