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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Sun 08 Oct 2017, 16:11

If I've missed something, please let me know.  I have seen statements from those named in the article and Lena Dunham.  Also from industry journalists who have tried for years to get this out there, only to have sources back out.  But can't help thinking that saying his actions are reprehensible is not that hard. BUT, I guess if you have turned a blind eye because you were doing business with him or he helped your career, there is now some guilt about your own hypocrisy.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Way2Old4Dis Sun 08 Oct 2017, 16:51

fava, not saying that I know anything other than what everyone else has read, but consider this.

There are probably enough women who sought out Weinstein for precisely the reason we now know he's a despicable excuse of a man. And those women have friends, agents, colleagues, etc, who not only won't drag the woman's name through the mud, but also won't risk the question of 'Why didn't you stop her/speak up?'

Plus, there are a ton of people in the industry who either have worked with him and made their reputations because of it, or want to. They're not going on the record voluntarily.

And lots of people like his wife and his brother. Maybe the mentality is, 'Why pile on? It just makes it worse for them, and they didn't do anything.' ... Of course, that begs the question of how the wife and brother hadn't heard the sordid tales.

I think if people start getting asked about it, there's going to be a party line answer about how unfortunate it is for the women, how sorry (x) feels for them, and how Weinstein obviously needs help.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Sun 08 Oct 2017, 17:07

Way2-- I get it. But unfortunately it's how these things go on for so long-- Cosby, Trump, Weinstein, etc.  

There was an interesting thread on twitter where someone posed the question:  what was your first "Harvey Weinstein" experience with a boss or man in position of power over you?   Responses were voluminous and some started with teachers who would brush up against students in middle and high school.  There were descriptions of office environments where women would band together and go out of their way to try and make sure that certain men would not get "newbies" alone.  There were stories of women who spoke up and were supported, who spoke up and lost jobs or were ridiculed, and others who never spoke up and feel incredibly guilty.  Some had signed NDAs and even though these are probably not enforceable in terms of potentially criminal activity, a lawsuit could financially break the woman.  

This is pervasive-- across industries and the political spectrum.  Whether or not Hollywood stars or others speak out, I think it's important it has come out.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Donnamarie Sun 08 Oct 2017, 17:34

The sexual misbehavior by Weinstein has been festering for too long in Hollywood.  At the very least it comes across as incredibly hypocritical for Hollywood to speak out and condemn a bully and sexual predator like Trump but not willing to call out one of their own.  I read a quote that Daniel Day Lewis said years ago and I paraphrase ....  there is only one part of Harvey Weinstein that works, the rest of him is a disaster.

I'm not sure what good it does for anyone in Hollywood to comment on this issue now in a way that condemns Weinstein.   They've all known about it.  I'm sure it has been talked about in small circles within the Hollywood community for years.  Hollywood's political voice seems to have just become a bit less credible.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Sun 08 Oct 2017, 19:21

I remember when George was dating Stacy I believe it was , it was said on here that  women who work with him are expected to sleep with him to get jobs. 
Trump said he has known Weinstein for years and isn't surprised by the sex scandal.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Sun 08 Oct 2017, 19:25

Donnamarie wrote:The sexual misbehavior by Weinstein has been festering for too long in Hollywood.  At the very least it comes across as incredibly hypocritical for Hollywood to speak out and condemn a bully and sexual predator like Trump but not willing to call out one of their own.  I read a quote that Daniel Day Lewis said years ago and I paraphrase ....  there is only one part of Harvey Weinstein that works, the rest of him is a disaster.

I'm not sure what good it does for anyone in Hollywood to comment on this issue now in a way that condemns Weinstein.   They've all known about it.  I'm sure it has been talked about in small circles within the Hollywood community for years.  Hollywood's political voice seems to have just become a bit less credible.
What good does it do?  It might help women in the industry dealing with other Harvey Weinsteins--because no doubt they are out there-- realize that they might not be standing alone if they speak up.  I think at the moment it feels like Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd have very few people in their corner.  At least publicly. It might give other Weinstein  pause that even those you've helped, made and bankrolled, will not stand by this behavior.  Always thought this was shameful in terms of Roman Polanski and feel similar about this.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by carolhathaway Sun 08 Oct 2017, 19:52

I wasn't sure if Weinstein is just suspected to have abused women or if he admitted it - what are crickets?
People in a power of position - which are mostly male - often tend to harass women sexually, they often do it in a subtle way and they might not even see as sexual harassment. As long as it is accepted when somebody talks about grabbing women by their pu..ies...
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Sun 08 Oct 2017, 21:26

Carol-- crickets = silence.  Crickets are grasshopper-like insects that make a loud chirping noise at night.  When someone says "all you hear is crickets," it means no one is speaking out.

Weinstein has apparently settled with/paid off at least 8 women.  He admitted to causing "pain."  I get the idea that for many close to him--including his own board members who resigned this weekend--there is not really a question that much of it is true.  His PR advisor also resigned.  Also, now some women are allowing their names to be used.  

He was apparently not very subtle.  A news reporter came out publicly this weekend and said that after she told him she had a boyfriend when he tried to kiss her, he masturbated into a potted plant in front of her.  He blocker her exit from a restaurant kitchen.  

Last edited by fava on Sun 08 Oct 2017, 21:29; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Donnamarie Sun 08 Oct 2017, 22:07

It's important for the women who may have been victims  of Weinstein's bad behavior to speak out.  Absolutely.  For those who know Weinstein and were complacent about this knowledge ... they haven't much credibility at this point.  It feels like Hollywood chose to protect its own.  I think about Roger Ailes, Chairman of Fox News, and how he finally got the ax.  It wasn't until the women who fell victim to his assaults called him out.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by carolhathaway Sun 08 Oct 2017, 22:30

thanks for your explanation!
So it sounds as if for decades many people knew about Weinstein but didn't say anything about it in public. And even the women he harassed kept silent because he paid them off and they were afraid it would end their career - which is understandable but helped Weinstein as well. And it's more important that his victims speak out now.
I also guess that after a while many women he met, knew about his 'reputation'. But did they have an alternative? And is he the only one in Hollywood?

I'd also like to add that the view about sexual harassment has changed over the last decades. If you think about the word 'casting couch' which seems to have been a 'must' for many young women who wanted to start a career. I'm 48, and I remember to have heard many sexual allusions when I first started working. They were normal at that time and would be totally unacceptable now. Things have changed, and that's good...
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by LizzyNY Sun 08 Oct 2017, 23:50

Carolhathaway -The "casting couch" has been around since forever. The difference now is that women are tired of accepting men's "boys will be boys" bad behavior and are calling them out on it. Weinstein probably really doesn't understand how truly offensive his behavior has been. He probably thinks the women are making too much fuss and that his actions were no big deal.

I do find it irritating to read all the columns that say his behavior was an open secret that everyone knew about. Really? Then why didn't some reporter say something before? Why wait until now, hint that "everyone knew" and jump on the bandwagon of condemnation? It brings to mind the saying "If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem".
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Mon 09 Oct 2017, 01:28

Reporters did try but the sources backed out. I guess the sources were frightened he was a very powerful man in Hollywood.

Weinstein has been fired from his company.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Mon 09 Oct 2017, 14:44

Meryl Streep said she never knew about incidents of sexual harassment.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Donnamarie Mon 09 Oct 2017, 15:01

Annemarie, someone on the news this morning read her statement.  It was great that she spoke out.  It was a really strong statement.  I don't doubt her honesty but it is surprising that she was unaware the extent of Weinstein's bad behavior. Maybe that's the case for others.  But because of Meryl's stature in the film industry and because she's a woman her words carry a lot of weight.  I wonder how much George knows?  He has always seemed an integral part of the comings and goings in Hollywood.  He knows all the big players.  Hollywood is being very quiet on this ... so far.  Hope more who were also unaware will speak out. And if there are other victims I hope they feel compelled to finally come forward.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Mon 09 Oct 2017, 15:50

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[size=37]Meryl Streep Slams Harvey Weinstein's 'Inexcusable' Behavior and Asserts 'I Didn't Know'[/size]



Meryl Streep Slams Harvey Weinstein's 'Inexcusable' Behavior and Asserts 'I Didn't Know'
Actress Meryl Streep is speaking out against frequent collaborator Harvey Weinstein amid allegations of decades of sexual misconduct

Actress Meryl Streep is speaking out against frequent collaborator Harvey Weinsteinamid allegations of decades of sexual misconduct.
“The disgraceful news about Harvey Weinstein has appalled those of us whose work he championed, and those whose good and worthy causes he supported,” said Streep in a statement to Huffington Post. “The intrepid women who raised their voices to expose this abuse are our heroes.”

The actress continued, “One thing can be clarified. Not everybody knew. Harvey supported the work fiercely, was exasperating but respectful with me in our working relationship, and with many others with whom he worked professionally.”
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][url= Harrison%2FGetty][/url]FRAZER HARRISON/GETTY
The Oscar-winner further claimed, “I didn’t know about these other offenses: I did not know about his financial settlements with actresses and colleagues; I did not know about his having meetings in his hotel room, his bathroom, or other inappropriate, coercive acts. And If everybody knew, I don’t believe that all the investigative reporters in the entertainment and the hard news media would have neglected for decades to write about it.”
“The behavior is inexcusable, but the abuse of power familiar,” said Streep. “Each brave voice that is raised, heard and credited by our watchdog media will ultimately change the game.”
Streep was nominated for an Academy Award for her turn in 2013’s August: Osage County, which Weinstein executive produced. She won an Academy Award for 2012’s Weinstein Company release, The Iron Lady. At the 2012 Golden Globes, upon accepting the award for Best Actress (Drama) for her performance in The Iron Lady, Streep said: “I just want to thank my agent and God Harvey Weinstein.”
RELATED VIDEO: Harvey Weinstein Says Wife Georgina Chapman Is ‘Standing By’ Him as He Claims He ‘Never Laid a Glove’ on Ashley Judd

On Sunday, Harvey Weinstein was removed from his powerhouse film studio in the wake of the publication of the allegations in a New York Times report, according to Variety.
“In light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days, the directors of The Weinstein Company — Robert Weinstein, Lance Maerov, Richard Koenigsberg and Tarak Ben Ammar — have determined, and have informed Harvey Weinstein, that his employment with The Weinstein Company is terminated, effective immediately,” the Weinstein Company said in a statement.
In the Times article, eight women — including actress Ashley Judd — spoke out against Weinstein, accusing him of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior.
Weinstein responded to the allegations in the report, saying he was working with a therapist to address his issues head-on. “I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it,” he said. “Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”
The mogul’s then-attorney Lisa Bloom said in a statement that her client “denies many of the accusations as patently false,” though Weinstein said that he “bear[s] responsibility for my actions” in an interview to The New York Post on Friday. Another lawyer for Weinstein, Charles Harder, said the mogul has plans to sue the New York Times. (Bloom announced she was resigning from advising Weinstein on Saturday afternoon.)

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Mon 09 Oct 2017, 16:10

Donnamarie wrote:Annemarie, someone on the news this morning read her statement.  It was great that she spoke out.  It was a really strong statement.  I don't doubt her honesty but it is surprising that she was unaware the extent of Weinstein's bad behavior. Maybe that's the case for others.  But because of Meryl's stature in the film industry and because she's a woman her words carry a lot of weight.  I wonder how much George knows?  He has always seemed an integral part of the comings and goings in Hollywood.  He knows all the big players.  Hollywood is being very quiet on this ... so far.  Hope more who were also unaware will speak out. And if there are other victims I hope they feel compelled to finally come forward.
I thought I've read that George likes industry gossip--so I would think he must have been aware.  Also reported this weekend that in 2004 Matt Damon and Russell Crowe personally called a NYT reporter to get her to drop a similar story. Miramax was a major advertiser at the Times and her editor did not pursue it.  She has always felt like she was bullied into dropping the story.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by LizzyNY Mon 09 Oct 2017, 19:38

fava wrote:I thought I've read that George likes industry gossip--so I would think he must have been aware.
      I don't know how well George knows Harvey Weinstein. He may have heard gossip about him, but that doesn't mean he believed it. Who would know better than George how much garbage is out there about celebrities? Just think of all the stories about George we've seen that either aren't true or are exaggerated.

Also reported this weekend that in 2004 Matt Damon and Russell Crowe personally called a NYT reporter to get her to drop a similar story. Miramax was a major advertiser at the Times and her editor did not pursue it.  She has always felt like she was bullied into dropping the story.
     True or not, it took her 13 years to come forward with the story. It seems like all of a sudden everyone in media is jumping on the bandwagon of "Years ago I had the story but didn't come forward because  ........". I'm not excusing Weinstein. He's a pig. But I'm not thrilled with the media either. IMO they're hypocrites.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Mon 09 Oct 2017, 19:47

[size=46]Judi Dench Calls Harvey Weinstein's Alleged Sexual Misconduct 'Horrifying' and Asserts She Was 'Unaware'[/size]

Judi Dench is speaking out against Harvey Weinstein amid allegations of decades of sexual misconduct.
In a statement released Monday, Dame Judi Dench, 82, called the allegations against the Hollywood mogul “horrifying” and offered her “sympathy to those who have suffered.”
“Whilst there is no doubt that Harvey Weinstein has helped and championed my film career for the past 20 years, I was completely unaware of these offences which are, of course, horrifying and I offer my sympathy to those who have suffered, and wholehearted support to those who have spoken out,” she said.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Mon 09 Oct 2017, 20:10

LizzyNY wrote:
fava wrote:I thought I've read that George likes industry gossip--so I would think he must have been aware.
      I don't know how well George knows Harvey Weinstein. He may have heard gossip about him, but that doesn't mean he believed it. Who would know better than George how much garbage is out there about celebrities? Just think of all the stories about George we've seen that either aren't true or are exaggerated.

Also reported this weekend that in 2004 Matt Damon and Russell Crowe personally called a NYT reporter to get her to drop a similar story. Miramax was a major advertiser at the Times and her editor did not pursue it.  She has always felt like she was bullied into dropping the story.
     True or not, it took her 13 years to come forward with the story. It seems like all of a sudden everyone in media is jumping on the bandwagon of "Years ago I had the story but didn't come forward because  ........". I'm not excusing Weinstein. He's a pig. But I'm not thrilled with the media either. IMO they're hypocrites.
I understand your point--but not sure how a reporter whose NYT editor refuses to publish her story is in a position to take on Harvey Weinstein or Matt Damon or Russell Crowe or the NYT.  She takes an end run around these people (men) and her career and her finances could be irreparably harmed.  

Her paper is guilt of huge hypocrisy IMO.  Hoping that now times have changed.

I think in most of these cases---Trump, Tiger Woods, Ailes, Cosby--we see women come forward rapidly when they may have kept silent for years.  It's like some sort of dam has broken. I guess they are bolstered by the fact that maybe they will believed instead of dismissed.  That they will not be a lone voice.  Unfortunately then their silence is used to cast doubt on their truthfulness or motivation.  There is likely some sort of pyschologlical explanation for this.  But it seems horrible that they are often victimized a second time for the choice they made in how to respond to abusive treatment and worse.  [Lizza-- I don't this this is what you are doing at all and agree with your disappointment with those in power in media who knew]  Seems like the same is true for members of the media who had little power.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by carolhathaway Mon 09 Oct 2017, 21:15

So obviously many people - from the film industry as well as journalists - knew about Weinstein's behaviour, but everybody remained silent. Because there were just rumors? Because Weinstein had too much influence? Because they thought somebody else should speak about it?

What had happened if a journalist had published a story some twenty years ago? He or she must have named a few of the women he had abused. What had happened to their careers? Had they approved this story at all or denied it to save their careers? 

If you remember the'story' about Bill Cosby, how long did it take them to accuse him? Rumors about him raping women were around long before as well. And the trial is still not over.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Donnamarie Mon 09 Oct 2017, 21:38

At this point we just don't know emphatically that everyone in Hollywood knew.  I thought that was the case when this NYT's story came out. But hearing from Streep and Dench makes me question who did and didn't know.  Possibly what Damon and Crowe were trying to avoid years ago was the printing of a story that was possibly just unsubstantiated rumors at the time.  Or maybe I'm just being naive.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by party animal - not! Mon 09 Oct 2017, 21:53

Mm, makes you wonder about all those speeches from winners at the Globes and Oscars and their true meaning now.........

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Mon 09 Oct 2017, 22:06

Donnamarie wrote:At this point we just don't know emphatically that everyone in Hollywood knew.  I thought that was the case when this NYT's story came out. But hearing from Streep and Dench makes me question who did and didn't know.  Possibly what Damon and Crowe were trying to avoid years ago was the printing of a story that was possibly just unsubstantiated rumors at the time.  Or maybe I'm just being naive.
The reporter says she had enough to publish, so I don't think it was just rumors. The New York DA also declined to prosecute--he then received a campaign contribution from Weinstein.  Prosecutor's name is Cyrus Vance.  Sound familiar?  He is the one who was in the news last week and who declined to prosecute Don Jr and Ivanka Trump for fraud and then received campaign contributions from Trump's lawyer, marc Kasowitz.....

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Mon 09 Oct 2017, 22:12

Glen close has said she was vaguely aware of the rumors having heard them over the years.
 She stated she was angry and ashamed about the reality of the situation.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 00:54

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[size=34]EXCLUSIVE: Fashion designer Donna Karan comes to Harvey Weinstein's DEFENSE suggesting his victims may have been 'asking for it' by the way they dress calling the shamed mogul and his wife 'wonderful people'[/size]

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Donnamarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 03:52

Thanks annemarie for Donna Karen's take on all of this.  I was really surprised that she would actually criticize women for their appearance as somehow culpable in antagonizing men to behave a certain way.  Really?  Aren't we years past that lame excuse.  

Fava, really interesting to know that this low life prosecutor Cyrus Vance is at the very least non-partisan.
I did read that Damon and Crowe contacted the NYT's reporter to vouch for the Italian head of Miramax ... this guy named Lombardo.  The reporter claimed she knew from sources that this guy didn't know anything about film.  His job was to take care of Weinstein's women needs and procure Russian escorts.

Here is what 'The Guardian' had to say.  Seems many in Hollywood were contacted, including George, but no comments from any of them ... yet.  Why are we mostly hearing from women?  This is unacceptable.  I hope these men know this.

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Post by carolhathaway Tue 10 Oct 2017, 09:17

Wow, Donna Karan's statement sounds like somebody saying in the 1970s and 80s 'It's these women's own fault that they were raped. At least, they were dressed in mini skirts when going out Saturday night. And men can't help themselves when they see a woman dressed up, hey are driven by their physical needs.'
To hear this from a woman whose business it is to design clothes for women, is actually quite strange.
But I'd also like to hear about it from men as well.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by LizzyNY Tue 10 Oct 2017, 14:46

Carolhathaway -I think Donna Karan sounds like a woman living in the 60s because that's when she came of age and her values were formed. She grew up at a time when there were "nice girls" and "tramps" and you could tell the difference by the way they dressed. Many of our female celebrities today have surpassed their "tramp" predecessors and dress more like hookers than stars. Everything's on display, like a lady of negotiable affection in the window in a red light district. They want men to look, but Heaven help them if they touch!

I understand it isn't politically correct to say so, but I kind of agree with Donna Karan. Her approach is less pc and more in touch with reality. How you present yourself to the world does affect the way you're treated. Women should have the right to dress any way they please, but they also have to realise that wishing doesn't make it so.

As much as we wish it was different, men are what they are and will react in a predictable way to suggestively dressed women. We know this. It's why we have a drawer full of sexy lingerie and that low-cut sexy dress our partner loves. If we want men to act responsibly towards us we have to take some responsibility, too. We can't present ourselves in a way that  panders to their worst instincts and then blame them for responding in exactly the way we knew they would.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by LizzyNY Tue 10 Oct 2017, 14:50

KATY - "Lady of negotiable affection"? REALLY??????? lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Tue 10 Oct 2017, 15:00

LizzyNY wrote:Carolhathaway -I think Donna Karan sounds like a woman living in the 60s because that's when she came of age and her values were formed. She grew up at a time when there were "nice girls" and "tramps" and you could tell the difference by the way they dressed. Many of our female celebrities today have surpassed their "tramp" predecessors and dress more like hookers than stars. Everything's on display, like a lady of negotiable affection in the window in a red light district. They want men to look, but Heaven help them if they touch!

I understand it isn't politically correct to say so, but I kind of agree with Donna Karan. Her approach is less pc and more in touch with reality. How you present yourself to the world does affect the way you're treated. Women should have the right to dress any way they please, but they also have to realise that wishing doesn't make it so.

As much as we wish it was different, men are what they are and will react in a predictable way to suggestively dressed women. We know this. It's why we have a drawer full of sexy lingerie and that low-cut sexy dress our partner loves. If we want men to act responsibly towards us we have to take some responsibility, too. We can't present ourselves in a way that  panders to their worst instincts and then blame them for responding in exactly the way we knew they would.
So when Weinstein attends a business meeting nude or in a bath robe it matters how the woman was dressed?

Seems to me he made the decision to be an abuser/predator before he even knew what they were wearing.

Last edited by fava on Tue 10 Oct 2017, 15:02; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : addition)

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by LizzyNY Tue 10 Oct 2017, 15:46

fava - Totally not what I meant, and I think you know that. Weinstein is a pig. His behavior is totally unacceptable but he would have behaved the same if the women had been wearing space suits or body armor. He's a pervert.

That said, (and not talking about abuse victims) many women nowadays seem to feel that they have only rights and no responsibilities. You live in the real world, not an idealized future society. If you're aware enough to know that sexy clothing turns men on, then you should take responsibility for your choices. (If you aren't aware of that, then you shouldn't be wearing sexy clothes to begin with.) If you dress or act provocatively you can't get all self-righteous when the response you provoke turns out to be more than you wanted.

We've created a pop culture where many women look like they are constantly sexually available. Men are inundated with it.  How do you expect them to react?
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 16:38

When do men have to grow the hell  up? Why can't they learn to be respectful and keep their nasty thoughts to themselves. Unless they are mentally ill they should know that respect is. Getting turned on doesn't mean you rape or sexually harass any one you please.

My son doesn't act this way I have six brothers who don't act this way. My oldest brother who passed also wasn't disrespectful. My husband who has grown up around this mentality would never act this way.

I think it's time instead of treating men and boys like mindless creatures they are taught respect for women no matter what they are wearing. It's time mothers start letting their son's know what is and is not acceptable. Women also need to let their men be they husband or boyfriend know this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

Women have to do all the changing don't wear this or that yet men are simply not responsible for their actions.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by fava Tue 10 Oct 2017, 16:47

Lizzy, I did not know exactly what you meant and I am trying to understand.  I guess I don't know where the line is or if it depends on personal opinion.  My teen wears exercise leggings to school a lot of days. Some days she wears tops with spaghetti straps.  All the girls do.   Same with short skirts.  Is that sexy clothes?  Even if it is, I expect the boys at school to treat her respectfully and not treat what she is wearing as provocation. 

I get that you take responsibility to avoid being a victim in many situations.  But IMO if you are victimized, it is not your fault.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by carolhathaway Tue 10 Oct 2017, 17:13

This discussion shows that it's a tricky thing. 
When I sometimes watch music videos they often are like soft pornos and surely show a world where women are available. When I sometimes watch ads for video games, I see women wearing sort of wonderwoman dresses. If you see this as reality, you believe that all women react like that and just wait to have sex with every man who comes along.
But to be honest - are men really that simple-minded? No man I know thinks like that, and if my son came along talking slogans like that, he'd be in big trouble. 
Of course it's not easy to tell if a woman is wearing a short dress because she wants to attract men or if she simply wants to wear a nice dress. And when it's hot, you have to be allowed to wear a short skirt and a spaghetti top and this does not mean you want to have sex with every man who comes along.

When I was 14, my best friend's older sister was jogging in the park near their home, and a man raped her and injured her seriously. He tried to defense himself saying: 'If she didn't want sex, she shouldn't have gone into the park in the evening.' So for him she sent the signal 'I want sex', simply because she went into the park.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by LizzyNY Tue 10 Oct 2017, 18:00

I agree with you all. Men need to learn (and the key word here is "learn") to treat women with respect - and that means from a very early age they have to be taught.

My point was that in the meantime, while we are changing the mindset that makes sexual abuse in any way acceptable, women need to accept the reality that there are men who do not respect them and will take sexual advantage of them.

We need to stand up for ourselves and deal with this issue realistically. It is not a perfect world yet, so we have a responsibility to ourselves to make informed, realistic choices.

(Just an aside: My cousin is attending film school and one of his assignments was to make a music video. The artist in the video was a rapper and the one woman in the video wore a leather top that revealed most of her breast and who twerked into the camera.

When I asked if my cousin was responsible for the way she was dressed or behaved, he said 'No, it was the rapper's decision". Why didn't the young  lady refuse? And what, about her performance or the rapper's decisions, is in any way deserving of respect? Tolerance, maybe but hardly respect.

Oh, and I did ask my cousin to consider if this was how he wanted to use his talents. It is't. He was assigned to film this person's video, so he did.)
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Donnamarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 18:28

It should really be simple.  I know that it isn't.  But it just seems that if a man misbehaves badly with a woman the question ultimately becomes did the woman deserve the mistreatment because of the way she behaved or the way she was dressed.  If a man makes unwanted advances on a woman it's her responsibility to say no or walk away.  It is man's responsibility to respect her decision.  I think while most men get that important lesson some men have not.  The onus is on those misguided guys to figure it out.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by LizzyNY Tue 10 Oct 2017, 18:43

Donnamarie - You said it better than I did. No one deserves to be mistreated. It's up to the men to change, but it's up to the women to learn how to deal with men who behave this way. Sometimes there are ways to defuse the situation and make the man aware that you're not willing to tolerate his disrespect.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Way2Old4Dis Tue 10 Oct 2017, 18:50

Rape and other predatory sexual behaviors have little to do with attraction. They are about power, as perceived by an individual with a sick mind and primitive instincts. Eighty-year-old women in their flannel pajamas have been raped. Comatose patients in hospital gowns have been raped. It's about power vs vulnerability.

That said, I think that the time to say 'no' is when the invitation is extended to meet in the hotel room. That just lends itself to all kinds of bad things happening. You want a meeting, schedule time in the office, or at a public restaurant. That's the woman's responsibility; it doesn't matter what she wears. And if there's no way to get out of the 'meeting' at a hotel, then don't go alone.

"Would you like to tour the old, non-functioning kitchen?" "No."
"Why don't we go into my private study while my wife disappears upstairs?" "No."
"Would you like a drink, even though it's ten in the morning?" "No."

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by LizzyNY Tue 10 Oct 2017, 20:49

Way2Old - Exactly right! Whoopi Goldberg said this morning  that when confronted with this kind of situation a woman needs to make a choice. She can choose to accept the man's advances (for whatever reason) or she can say "No" and walk away. (Not talking about a rape scenario, of course.) Either way, it's HER choice. If she accepts the man's advances then she is enabling him to continue his behavior.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 21:02

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[size=37]Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie Allege They Were Sexually Harassed by Harvey Weinstein[/size]



Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie Allege They Were Sexually Harassed by Harvey Weinstein – and Brad Pitt Threatened Movie Mogul
Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie are the latest stars to accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, adding their accounts to the dozens of women who have described their alleged experiences with the movie mogul

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Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie are the latest stars to accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, adding their accounts to the dozens of women who have described their alleged experiences with the movie mogul.
In a new New York Times report, Paltrow says Weinstein sexually harassed her in a hotel room after the movie mogul hired her for the lead role in Emma when she was 22. The encounter allegedly ended with Weinstein placing his hands on her and suggesting a massage.

“I was a kid, I was signed up, I was petrified,” she told the NYT.
The Oscar winner says that she told her then-boyfriend Brad Pitt about the incident and the actor reportedly confronted Weinstein at a film premiere, telling him to never touch Paltrow again. The producer then called her and threatened her not to speak to anyone else about it, Paltrow told the NYT. “I thought he was going to fire me,” she said. “He screamed at me for a long time. It was brutal.”
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][url= Paltrow and Harvey Weinstein in 1999][/url]Gwyneth Paltrow and Harvey Weinstein in 1999BEI/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK
Angelina Jolie said she also had a “bad experience” with Weinstein in a hotel room during the release of Playing by Heart in the late ’90s. The Oscar winner claimed Weinstein made unwanted advances to the NYT.
“I had a bad experience with Harvey Weinstein in my youth, and as a result, chose never to work with him again and warn others when they did,” Jolie said in an email to the NYT. “This behavior towards women in any field, any country is unacceptable.”
A source tells PEOPLE that “after the incident in the hotel room, Angelina refused to be affiliated or participate in any project, film — anything else — having to do with Harvey Weinstein.”
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.][url= Paltrow and%C2%A0Brad Pitt][/url]Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad PittKEVIN MAZUR ARCHIVE/WIREIMAGE
RELATED VIDEO: Harvey Weinstein Forced Out of Own Company After Sexual Harassment Allegations

Harvey Weinstein Forced Out of Own Company After Sexual Harassment Allegations
Ashley Judd & Others Accused Weinstein Of Sexual Harassment In New York Times Exposé

On Tuesday, a new expose in The New Yorker revealed — among 13 different women’s accounts of alleged sexual harassment, assault or rape — that the mogul allegedly forcibly performed oral sex on Italian actress Asia Argento two decades ago. Actresses Mira Sorvino and Rosanna Arquette also claimed that after rejecting Weinstein’s unwanted advances, they were removed from or kept from being hired for projects.
In a NYT report that ran last week, eight women — including actress Ashley Judd — spoke out against Weinstein, accusing him of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior. The paper also reported that Weinstein reached private settlements with eight women, including actress Rose McGowan.
In response to the lengthy allegations issued against Weinstein in the New Yorkerpiece, a spokesperson for Weinstein said, “Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein.”
“Mr. Weinstein has further confirmed that there were never any acts of retaliation against any women for refusing his advances. Mr. Weinstein obviously can’t speak to anonymous allegations, but with respect to any women who have made allegations on the record, Mr. Weinstein believes that all of these relationships were consensual. Mr. Weinstein has begun counseling, has listened to the community and is pursuing a better path. Mr. Weinstein is hoping that, if he makes enough progress, he will be given a second chance.”
On Sunday, Weinstein was removed from his powerhouse film studio in the wake of the publication of the allegations in the first New York Times report published last week.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 21:11

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[size=34]‘I just feel sick to my stomach’: Matt Damon DENIES he and Russell Crowe stopped a 2004 Harvey Weinstein exposé and claims he never saw the movie mogul sexually harass women[/size]

  • Matt Damon insists he did not stop a New York Times investigation  from being published in 2004

  • Ben Affleck released a statement on Tuesday condemning Harvey Weinstein

  • He said the sex harassment allegations involving the film mogul made him sick

  • Affleck and co-star Matt Damon owe their careers to Weinstein after winning an Oscar back in 1998 for best original screenplay for Good Will Hunting 

  • Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie have both now revealed they were also subjected to unwanted advances by Weinstein

PUBLISHED: 12:45 EDT, 10 October 2017 | UPDATED: 15:50 EDT, 10 October 2017


Matt Damon has flatly denied helping to prevent a 2004 Harvey Weinstein exposé from being published.
One of Weinstein's victims, Rose McGowan, lashed out at Damon this week calling him a 'spineless profiteer who stays silent' after it was revealed he and Russell Crowe had helped kill a New York Times story about the mogul's harassment. 
Sharon Waxman revealed in a post on The Wrap that she had been working on an exposé about Weinstein until Damon and Crowe called her directly to try and bury the piece.
But today Damon told Deadline he had merely called Waxman to defend Fabrizio Lombardo, the head of Miramax's Italian office, who the journalist was alleging procured women for Weinstein.
'My experience with him was all above board and that’s what I told her', said Damon.
'I just remember it being a negative piece, a hit job on Fabrizio. Harvey said, you worked with him. Can you tell her that he was a professional and you had a good experience, and that was it. I didn’t mind doing it, because that was all true.'
Damon told Deadline the events of the past week had come as a complete shock.
'I did five or six movies with Harvey. I never saw this. I think a lot of actors have come out and said, everybody’s saying we all knew. That’s not true', he said.
'If there was ever an event that I was at and Harvey was doing this kind of thing and I didn’t see it, then I am so deeply sorry, because I would have stopped it. And I will peel my eyes back now, father than I ever have, to look for this type of behavior.'E
Earlier in the day, Ben Affleck finally broke his silence to condemn Harvey Weinstein, saying the sexual harassment claims involving the film mogul made him sick. 
'I am saddened and angry that a man who I worked with used his position of power to intimidate, sexually harass and manipulate many women over decades,' Affleck said in a statement.
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Ben Affleck has finally broken his silence to condemn Harvey Weinstein, saying the sexual harassment claims made him sick.
'The additional allegations of assault that I read this morning made me sick. This is completely unacceptable, and I find myself asking what I can do to make sure this doesn’t happen to others. 
'We need to do better at protecting our sisters, friends, co-workers and daughters. We must support those who come forward, condemn this type of behavior when we see it and help ensure there are more women in positions of power.' 
Affleck and co-star Damon owe their careers to Weinstein after winning an Oscar back in 1998 for best original screenplay for Good Will Hunting. The film, which they both starred in, was produced by The Weinstein Company.
Affleck's statement comes after he refused to respond to repeated requests for comment from 
His comments came shortly before the New York Times published a story revealing both Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie were subjected to unwanted advances by the Hollywood heavyweight.
Affleck and Paltrow dated briefly in the late-90s. Paltrow was dating Brad Pitt around the time Weinstein made advances towards her. 

Rose McGowan had been forceful in her criticism of Damon for staying so quiet.
'Hey @Mattdamon what’s it like to be a spineless profiteer who stays silent?' wrote McGowan Monday afternoon, hours after calling on the entire board at Weinstein Company to step down for being complicit in covering up the executive's actions.
McGowan also acknowledged a few of Damon's similarly tongue-tied pals, tweeting: 'Ben Affleck Casey Affleck, how’s your morning boys?'   

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Damon and Weinstein are pictured together above in New York in 1998 - the same year they won Oscars for Good Will Hunting
The new allegations that Affleck mentioned were included in an article by The New Yorker on Tuesday that said Weinstein had previously raped three women, significantly intensifying the scandal surrounding the disgraced movie mogul.
Actress Asia Argento and a former aspiring actress named Lucia Evans went on the record to allege Weinstein forced himself on them sexually. A third woman spoke anonymously. 

A representative for Weinstein vehemently denied the allegations in a statement to the magazine. 
Thirteen women said Weinstein sexually harassed or assaulted them between 1990 and 2015, according to the New Yorker. 
The incidents described range from unwanted groping to forced sex. Some of those incidents overlap with the eight allegations of sexual harassment previously reported by The New York Times, all of which resulted in financial settlements.  
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Lashing out: Weinsten victim Rose McGowan responded to this by tweeting: 'Hey @Mattdamon what’s it like to be a spineless profiteer who stays silent?' (above)
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Looking for some goodwill: McGowan also acknowledged a few of Damon's similarly tongue-tied pals, tweeting: 'Ben Affleck Casey Affleck, how’s your morning boys?'

[size=18]Jeff Bridges, Tessa Thompson and Mark Ruffalo condemn Weinstein

[size=34]WEINSTEIN'S ACCUSERS [/size]

Harvey Weinstein has been slammed with multiple accusations of sexual harassment after a report detailing a $100,000 settlement he reportedly made to Rose McGowan in the mid-'90s emerged this week.
Below are some of the women who have accused Weinstein of harassing them, or other women.
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Angelina Jolie said she had to turn down Weinstein's advances as a young actress

Gwyneth Paltrow: The star told the New York Times that Weinstein touched her and suggested having joint massages in the bedroom before she started shooting Emma. She said she told her then boyfriend Brad Pitt about the incident and he confronted the mogul 
Angelina Jolie: Jolie told the Time she had to turn down advances from Weinstein in the late 1990s and she chose never to work with him again. She said she warned other women about him
Judith Godreche: The French actress says Weinstein tried to massage her and pull off her sweater after asking her up to his Cannes suite to see the view in 1996
Dawn Dunning: Aspiring actress says she was called to a meeting about future film projects. When she arrived Weinstein presented her with three scripts for his next three movies which he would let her star in, only if she had three-way sex with him. She fled the hotel
Tomi-Ann Roberts: Weinstein met her when she was serving tables and told her to meet him at his home. When she arrived he was in the bath and told her she would give a better audition if she was naked. She says she refused and left
Asia Argento: The Italian actress has accused Weinstein of forcibly performing oral sex on her when she was 21. 'He terrified me, and he was big. It wouldn't stop. It was a nightmare.'  She said she went on to have consensual sex with him over the years that followed. She documented the alleged attack in her 2000 film Scarlet Diva 
Katherine Kendall: The Swingers actress was told Weinstein had to stop off in his apartment to pick something up after a screening. He changed into a bathrobe and told her to massage her. When she resisted she said the mogul returned naked and chased her
Lucia Evans: Aspiring actress claims Weinstein forced her to perform oral sex on him. Speaking to the New Yorker, she said that she suffered years of trauma after the incident which occurred in a 'casting meeting' in a Miramax office in Manhattan 
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Gwyneth Paltrow revealed that Weinstein attempted to get her into a hotel bedroom and massage her when she was 22

Mira Sorvino: The Mighty Aphrodite actress told the New Yorker that Weinstein tried to massage her in a hotel room at the 1995 Toronto International Film Festival. He then went to her home in the middle of the night but she called a male friend to protect her. She said turning down the mogul adversely affected her career
Rosanna Arquette:  The actress also said her career suffered after she rebuffed Weinstein's advances. At a hotel meeting he tried to put her hand on his erect penis, she claims

Rose McGowan: The actress, who made her breakthrough in 1996 in the Weinstein-produced slasher revival movie Scream, reportedly sued Weinstein after he approached her during production of that movie. She signed a non-disclosure agreement at the close of the suit and has only referred to him obliquely in social media since. On Sunday she referred to being abused by a 'monster' and has previously referred to being raped by a studio head. 
Ashley Judd: Judd's film roles include the thriller Kiss the Girls - and says that during the filming of that movie Weinstein repeatedly asked her to watch him shower. She was one of the women who spoke out to The New York Times this week, saying: 'Women have been talking about Harvey amongst ourselves for a long time, and it's simply beyond time to have the conversation publicly.'
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Zelda Perkins was 25 when, as an assistant of Weinstein's in London, she reportedly confronted the mogul for harassing her and 'several' other women; she later settled out of court

Lauren O'Connor: A former employee of The Weinstein Company, she told executives there in the fall of 2015 that there was 'a toxic environment for women at this company' after one of her colleagues told her that Weinstein had pressured her into massaging him while he was naked, the NYT said.
Ambra Battilana: An Italian actress and model, she told the NYT that in March 2015 Weinstein invited her to his New York office. There, she said, he asked if her breasts were real before grabbing them and putting his hands up her skirt. She reported the alleged incident to police, but they did not press charges. According to the NYT, Weinstein later paid her off.
Laura Madden: An ex-employee, she told the NYT that Weinstein had asked her to give him massages from 1991 onwards, while they were both in London and Dublin. 'It was so manipulative,' she told the NYT. 'You constantly question yourself - am I the one who is the problem?' Weinstein denied knowledge.
Emily Nestor: Nestor was a temporary employee of the Weinstein Company for just one day in 2014 when Weinstein approached her and offered to boost her career in exchange for sex, the NYT reported.
Zelda Perkins: An assistant of Weinstein's based in London in 1998; then 25, she reportedly confronted Weinstein after she and 'several' others were harassed and later settled out of court.
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Elizabeth Karlsen, an Oscar-winning producer, said a female executive told her almost 30 years ago that she had found Weinstein naked in her bedroom in a Miramax-rented property

Elizabeth Karlsen: The Oscar-nominated producer of Carol and The Crying Game, among others, told The Hollywood Reporter on Sunday that almost 30 years ago, an unnamed young female executive who had worked at Miramax with Weinstein had found him naked in her bedroom one night. The exec was in a house rented by Miramax at the time to cut its overheads.
Liza Campbell: A freelance script reader, she told the UK's Sunday Times that Weinstein had summoned her to his hotel room in London before telling her to get in the bath with him.
Lauren Sivan: The former Fox news host said that Weinstein trapped her in a closed restaurant and masturbated in front of her to completion in 2007. He took her to a closed restaurant beneath a club she had visited and attempted to kiss her, then when she refused he cornered her and made her watch him touch himself, according to The Huffington Post.
Jessica Hynes: The British actress, best known for her roles in the Bridget Jones movies and for co-creating and co-writing the sitcom Spaced, said she was invited to audition for Weinstein when she was 19 - in a bikini. Hynes, formerly known as Jessica Stevenson, said she refused to wear the skimpy item - and lost the job.
Romola Garai: British actress Romola Garai said she felt "violated" following a meeting with Harvey Weinstein in his London hotel room when she was 18 in which he was in a bathrobe. Garai, best known for her role in "Atonement", said she had already been hired for a part but was told to audition privately with the Hollywood mogul because 'you had to be personally approved by him'. "Like every other woman in the industry, I've had an 'audition' with Harvey Weinstein," she told The Guardian. 'So I had to go to his hotel room in the Savoy and he answered the door in his bathrobe. I was only 18. I felt violated by it'.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by carolhathaway Tue 10 Oct 2017, 21:58

My suggestion is that Weinstein knew exactly whom he could harass: Young actresses at the beginning of their career who needed the support of powerful people in Hollywood and couldn't afford to deny Weinstein's advances.
The others - men and women he knew would defend themselves and speak out publicly - saw another side of Weinstein and couldn't believe the rumors they heard. 

I just saw the tweets by Rose McGowan attacking Matt Damon, Ben and Casey Affleck and think they are quite unfair. She accuses them for not having spoken out but didn't speak out herself - and she was a victim. So she didn't because she had signed a non-disclosure agreement but wanted others to speak for her who supposedly had just heard rumors. It's like I've written before: who should have talked or written about it?the victims themselves, others who had just heard rumors or journalists who would have at least needed to name some victims - which had meant violating the agreement the women had signed. It's a tricky thing...
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Donnamarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 22:19

Most of the women coming forward to speak out about Weinstein were pretty young and starting out in the business.  They obviously felt intimidated by his power and stature and most were pretty shocked at his behavior once he got them alone.  He took advantage of that.  Must be why his MO was hitting on young, inexperienced girls.  Most of these women did not encourage his advances ... from what I read.  Coming to a hotel room or an empty restaurant kitchen or an office without anyone else present doesn't mean condoning any advances.  

Parents try to teach their young daughters how to avoid being put in compromising situations with men.  That only works so far.  Not every possible compromising situation is the same.  

 I regret that most of these women didn't feel supported enough to call Weinstein out publicly.  As a group their voices are very loud now.  Otherwise these women did nothing wrong and shouldn't feel guilty about what happened.  As I said earlier this is ALL on Weinstein.  

Im tired of hearing that if a woman victim did this or didn't do this she may not have been harassed or worse.  It's just another way of enabling men's bad behavior.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Donnamarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 22:28

Hey carol just read your post.  Agree this is a tricky thing.  And I feel there is a lot of judgement on Hollywood right now.  I get the sense that every member of the Hollywood community is expected to speak out about this Weinstein mess.  And if you don't then you're considered complicit.  I think that is a very tricky way to think and not necessarily the reality.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 22:28

Carol I agree the victims had the power they went threw these horrible things. Rumors are not facts if you didn't see it first hand it is a rumor.

It is as if the flood gates have opened and every woman he ever harassed is coming forward. Gwyneth and  Argento who said he raped her , this is horrible. 
He is not sorry he is only sorry the truth got out. 

There have been calls for people to boycott his wife's clothing as well.
Since she supports him and hasn't said a word.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Tue 10 Oct 2017, 22:31

It has been reported his new attorney intends to discredit these women. 
He needs to go away and be quiet, even if he were to be reinstated in his company
who would want to work with or for him?

Too be fair what is his wife supposed to say. At this point I think she is just trying to protect
their kids.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Way2Old4Dis Wed 11 Oct 2017, 00:43

Unfortunately, it won't be that difficult to discredit some of the women. One of them had consensual sex with him after she was assaulted. Several took a payoff rather than pursue a criminal case, sue for civil damages, or otherwise go public. They're jumping on the bandwagon now for the publicity.

It's not right, but that's the way it will play out.

There's nobody to blame here except Weinstein. Except maybe any agent or manager of these young women who knew the rumors and allowed them to go to Weinstein's 'meetings' anyway. And remember, his board of directors didn't fire Weinstein when they found out; they fired him when we found out.

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by Missa Wed 11 Oct 2017, 03:01

People magazine is reporting his wife is "furious and heartbroken" and is leaving him. So there's that.

I just wanted to suggest to some of the people commenting that the women should have known better than to go to these meetings in hotel rooms to read Ronan Farrow's piece in the New Yorker.  It goes much further that the initial New York Times piece, and into great detail about how Weinstein quite deliberately set up these meetings to make the women feel safe (i.e., having a female assistant set up the meeting and say she'd be there for the meeting, then abruptly dismissing her once the actress was in his room). One woman says she had been warned, and turned down an invitation to his hotel room for a meeting, only to be invited to his busy office building in the middle of the day, which certainly felt safe. Until she was led to a room at the back of the building where he attacked her. The whole situation is just so, so gross. After Harvey, I'm most disgusted with the women who worked for him and led his victims to their fate, knowing what would happen to them.
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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Wed 11 Oct 2017, 03:05

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[size=37]Harvey Weinstein's Wife Georgina Chapman Is Leaving Him: 'My Heart Breaks for All the Women Who Have Suffered'[/size]



Harvey Weinstein's Wife Georgina Chapman Is Leaving Him: 'My Heart Breaks for All the Women Who Have Suffered'
Harvey Weinstein’s wife, Marchesa designer Georgina Chapman, is leaving him — as more women continue to step forward to accuse the movie mogul of decades of sexual harassment and assault

Harvey Weinstein’s wife, Marchesa designer Georgina Chapman, is leaving him — as more women continue to step forward to accuse the movie mogul of decades of sexual harassment and assault.
Weinstein, 65, and Chapman, 41, married in 2007 and have two children together — India Pearl, 7, and Dashiell Max Robert, 4.

“My heart breaks for all the women who have suffered tremendous pain because of these unforgivable actions. I have chosen to leave my husband. Caring for my young children is my first priority and I ask the media for privacy at this time,” Chapman says in a statement to PEOPLE.
There are plans for Weinstein to enter a treatment facility — but the mogul, who has been staying at a Los Angeles hotel, has not left yet, according to a source.
In the wake of the first allegations by multiple women in a New York Times report, Weinstein, who has denied allegations of nonconsensual sex, initially said Chapman was standing behind him.
“She stands 100 percent behind me. Georgina and I have talked about this at length,” Weinstein told the New York Post, adding that Chapman was helping him become “a better human” and to “apologize to people for my bad behavior, to say I’m sorry, and to absolutely mean it.”
On Sunday, Weinstein was fired from his powerhouse film studio.
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“In light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days, the directors of The Weinstein Company — Robert Weinstein, Lance Maerov, Richard Koenigsberg and Tarak Ben Ammar — have determined, and have informed Harvey Weinstein, that his employment with The Weinstein Company is terminated, effective immediately,” the Weinstein Company said in a statement.
In the NYT report that ran last week, eight women — including actress Ashley Judd — spoke out against Weinstein, accusing him of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior. The paper also reported that Weinstein reached private settlements with eight women, including actress Rose McGowan.
On Tuesday, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie added their own accounts of alleged mistreatment. Paltrow told the NYT that Weinstein sexually harassed her in a hotel room after hiring her for the lead role in Emma when she was 22. The encounter allegedly ended with Weinstein placing his hands on her and suggesting a massage.

RELATED VIDEO: Harvey Weinstein Forced Out of Own Company After Sexual Harassment Allegations

Harvey Weinstein Forced Out of Own Company After Sexual Harassment Allegations
Ashley Judd & Others Accused Weinstein Of Sexual Harassment In New York Times Exposé

Jolie also told the outlet that she had a “bad experience” with Weinstein in a hotel room during the release of Playing by Heart in the late ’90s.
Also on Tuesday, the The New Yorker revealed — among 13 different women’s accounts of alleged sexual harassment, assault or rape — that the mogul allegedly forcibly performed oral sex on Italian actress Asia Argento two decades ago. Actresses Mira Sorvino and Rosanna Arquette also claimed that after rejecting Weinstein’s unwanted advances, they were removed from or kept from being hired for projects.
In response to the lengthy allegations made against Weinstein in the New Yorker piece, a spokesperson for Weinstein said, “Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein.”

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What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein? Empty Re: What's with the crickets from Hollywood about Harvey Weinstein?

Post by annemarie Wed 11 Oct 2017, 16:42

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[size=37]Could Harvey Weinstein Go to Jail? What's Next in Hollywood Sex-Assault Scandal[/size]



Harvey Weinstein's Wife Georgina Chapman Is Leaving Him: 'My Heart Breaks for All the Women Who Have Suffered'
Harvey Weinstein’s wife, Marchesa designer Georgina Chapman, is leaving him — as more women continue to step forward to accuse the movie mogul of decades of sexual harassment and assault

The mounting allegations of sexual assault and misconduct against Harvey Weinsteincould have major legal ramifications for the Hollywood mogul, from civil suits to criminal charges.

In accounts in the New York Times, the New Yorker and elsewhere, more than 20 women have spoken out against the producer, with allegations including rape, forced oral sex, groping and harassment. The alleged incidents took place over multiple decades and in cities including New York, Los Angeles, Toronto and Cannes. (“Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr. Weinstein,” his spokesperson said Tuesday.) 
The women involved could seek criminal charges or pursue civil lawsuits against Weinstein, legal experts say — but both carry very specific statutes of limitations.
“It depends when it happened,” says New York criminal defense attorney Stuart Slotnick of the alleged misconduct and assault. “If a woman comes forward and says this happened on this date and it’s within the statute of limitations, there is a likelihood that a prosecutor will look at it and take the case. The statute of limitations in New York used to be five years but it was extended in many cases because of different circumstances.
“In prosecution for a Class A felony, and rape in the first degree or aggravated sexual abuse, there’s no statute of limitations. For any other felonies it’s five years. So there’s some crimes of rape where there’s no statute and some where it’s five years. Rape in the first degree would be forcible compulsion.”
California recently ended its 10-year statute of limitations for rape cases. The new law lifting limitations for “the prosecution of rape, sodomy, lewd or lascivious acts, continuous sexual abuse of a child, oral copulation, and sexual penetration, that are committed under certain circumstances,” went into effect January 1, 2017, but only applies to crimes committed after that date.

New York City’s Chief Assistant District Attorney Karen Friedman-Agnifilo’s office fielded a complaint in 2015 of sexual assault against Weinstein by Italian model Ambra Battilana but did not bring charges (Battilana reportedly settled out of court with Weinstein). They’re now encouraging any person who may have been victimized by Weinstein to come forward.

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“If we could have prosecuted Harvey Weinstein for the conduct that occurred in 2015, we would have. Mr. Weinstein’s pattern of mistreating women, as recounted in recent reports, is disgraceful and shocks the conscience,” Friedman-Agnifilo said in a statement. “Any individual who feels that she may have been the victim of a crime by this person in Manhattan is strongly encouraged to contact our Office’s Sex Crimes Hotline at (212) 335-9373.” 
Attorney Angela Reddock-Wright, founding and managing partner of the L.A.-based Reddock Law Group, tells PEOPLE that the level of potential charges depend on the evidence gathered against Weinstein.
RELATED: Brad Pitt Threatened Harvey Weinstein After He Allegedly Sexually Harassed Gwyneth Paltrow

Brad Pitt Threatened Harvey Weinstein After He Allegedly Sexually Harassed Gwyneth Paltrow
Gwyneth Paltrow Alleges Weinstein Harassed Her After Hiring Her For Lead Role In “Emma”

“In a criminal matter, it would be up to the District Attorney’s office to determine if there’s sufficient evidence of sexual assault, or battery or related claims to pursue criminal actions against him,” says Reddock-Wright. “I think it would really depend on if the L.A. County District Attorney’s office tries to make him sort of the poster child of this type of behavior and how aggressive they would be in pursuing actions against him,” says Reddock-Wright. Jail time is a possibility for the highest-level charges, but if Weinstein is prosecuted for a lower-level charge, “it would be very likely he would plead to some type of action that would possibly keep him out of jail but on very strict probation.”
Reddock-Wright adds that the statute for civil suits is much shorter — one year for alleged misconduct, with one caveat.
“Even though they’re making allegations from many, many years back, the only actionable conduct is within the last year — unless they can claim they made complaints to his company, the company didn’t do anything and so the statute of limitations is continued,” she says. “But from a traditional analysis sense, the only allegations that would be actionable would be from the last year, or a year from the report of the alleged misconduct.”
Reddock-Wright predicts that Weinstein and his lawyers will settle any lawsuits privately in order to avoid the courts and more public scrutiny. In the wake of the scandal, Weinstein has hired attorney Blair Berk – whose client roster has included Britney Spears, Kiefer Sutherland, Heather Locklear, Mel Gibson and Leonardo DiCaprio – as well as the firm of Patricia Glaser. Since the first New York Times story broke, Weinstein lost lawyers Lisa Bloom and Lanny Davis.
“He’s admitted to the behavior on some level,” she says. (“I so respect all women and regret what happened,” Weinstein said in a statement last week, saying he was seeking therapy “to conquer my demons.”) “So I think with that he may be a little more incentivized to settle these cases sooner rather than later. I don’t think he’s going to want to sit in multiple depositions and everything that comes with a criminal trial. My sense is with him resigning from the company, he’s probably going to want to take a lower profile and try to move on with his life in the extent he can.”
Slotnick foresees a flood of civil action against Weinstein and his former company in the near future.

“I think there’s no question we’re going to see a flow of lawsuits going his way over the next couple of months,” Slotnick says. “The final area is whether the company has any liability, and I think it’s clear based on recent information that there will be lawsuits not only against Weinstein but against his company as well.” 
RELATED VIDEO: Harvey Weinstein Forced Out of Own Company After Sexual Harassment Allegations

Harvey Weinstein Forced Out of Own Company After Sexual Harassment Allegations
Ashley Judd & Others Accused Weinstein Of Sexual Harassment In New York Times Exposé

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The Weinstein sexual harassment scandal was first revealed by The New York Times last week. Eight women, including actress Ashley Judd, came forward in the NYT story to accuse the film mogul of sexual misconduct, and the NYT also reported that at least eight women reached private settlements with Weinstein. He was subsequently fired from his company as numerous Hollywood stars have spoken out against him.
On Tuesday, the The New Yorker revealed — among 13 different women’s accounts of alleged sexual harassment, assault or rape — that the mogul allegedly forcibly performed oral sex on Italian actress Asia Argento two decades ago. Actresses Mira Sorvino and Rosanna Arquette also claimed that after rejecting Weinstein’s unwanted advances, they were removed from or kept from being hired for projects.

Also on Tuesday, Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie added their own accounts of alleged mistreatment. 
On Tuesday multiple sources confirmed to PEOPLE that Weinstein plans to enter a residential treatment facility. 

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