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Julianna Margulies interview on French tv

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Julianna Margulies interview on French tv   Empty Julianna Margulies interview on French tv

Post by party animal - not! Fri 21 Apr 2017, 11:43

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George references of course............

party animal - not!
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Julianna Margulies interview on French tv   Empty Re: Julianna Margulies interview on French tv

Post by Katiedot Fri 21 Apr 2017, 14:48


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Julianna Margulies interview on French tv   Empty Re: Julianna Margulies interview on French tv

Post by benex Mon 24 Apr 2017, 14:37

‼️ NEWS: in an interview to the newspaper "Le Parisien" Julianna revealed that George Clooney sent her sci-fi script and "we'll see what's gonna happen"!

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[size=33]Julianna Margulies, sourires en série[/size]

L’actrice de « Urgences » et « The Good Wife » était l’invitée d’honneur de Séries Mania.

  • Le Parisien (Paris)

  • 22 Apr 2017

Celle que l’on avait découverte dans « Urgences », où elle prêtait ses traits à l’infirmière Carol Hathaway, était à Paris en cette fin de semaine, invitée d’honneur du festival Séries Mania, qui se termine ce dimanche.
L’actrice américaine de 50 ans y a été ovationnée, jeudi soir. Nous l’avions rencontrée quelques heures plus tôt. « Un jour, j’attendais un train, quand une femme m’a abordée en me disant :
J’ai reçu le même genre de réactions à l’époque de Carol Hathaway. Ces personnages ont quelque chose de profondément humain. Ma plus grande fierté est de voir qu’ils affectent les gens de manière positive. » George Clooney, qui m’a énormément appris. Dans
ce qui m’a marqué c’est le nombre de légendes de Broadway qui ont participé à la série : Brian Dennehy, Stockard Channing, Mary Beth Peil… » «Depuislafinde en mai dernier, j’ai décidé de prendre une année de repos pour passer du temps avec mon mari et mon fils de 9 ans. J’en ai profité pour donner des cours dans des écoles d’art dramatique et accepter de tout petits rôles. Comme dans
l’adaptation américaine de votre magnifique film
Je n’ai tourné que deux jours mais ça m’a permis de jouer avec Bryan Cranston rêvais. » ce dont je « Je lis beaucoup de scénarios. Mais j’ai quelques conditions. Pas de profession médicale, ni dans le monde judiciaire !
En attendant, je suis productrice pour une série en cours d’écriture sur les femmes journalistes qui ont couvert la guerre du Viêt Nam. C’est passionnant. George
vient aussi de m’envoyer un scénario qui penche du côté de la sciencefiction. On verra ce que ça va devenir… »

Last edited by benex on Mon 24 Apr 2017, 14:39; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : font size)

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Julianna Margulies interview on French tv   Empty Re: Julianna Margulies interview on French tv

Post by Katiedot Thu 27 Apr 2017, 12:26

Thanks, Benex.  There's also this in the English-language news which I think is related:

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[size=47]Series Mania: Julianna Margulies Reflects on Her Career, George Clooney’s Set Etiquette, Politics[/size]

Jamie Lang

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APRIL 22, 2017 | 02:32AM PT

Actress also talks about domestic violence, ‘E.R.,’ ‘The Sopranos,’ ‘The Good Wife’

PARIS — Julianna Margulies was in Paris this week as a key note speaker at the 8th Series Mania.
She wasn’t pulling any punches in talking politics and was quick to defend the arts, advocate for victims of gun violence, and take a swing at the White House.
On protecting the arts: “What we have to remember is that what we are left with, our history as a people, is the arts. It’s so important in America now with the threat of arts funding being cut.”
She was cautious concerning what the future may bring. “Journalists are having to raise money to get paid to report truthfully. This is a frightening moment where our core values as human beings are being challenged.”

It was not all gloom and doom, however, as the actress noted that this is also a time of opportunity. “The beauty is the energy it’s created to overcome that. We can’t only cry about it, we have to get up and do something and it has stirred something inside a lot of people in America.”

Margulies was asked questions spanning the entirety of her prolific career from her most recent project, CBS’s recently-finished “The Good Wife,” back to her days as a “Puerto Rican prostitute with a heart of gold” in her debut feature film “Out for Justice,” in which she starred alongside Steven Segal. “I didn’t know who he was,” admitted the actress. Her initial unawareness would became admiration however: “I am very grateful to him, he got me my SAG card.”

Next, the actress regaled the packed auditorium of international admirers with stories from her time on NBC’s mega-hit “E.R.”, where she had originally auditioned for a different part. “They made me wait for two hours in a room,” she recalled. “Looking back, I’m appalled at my behavior.” Having other auditions later in the day, when her turn came up to read in front of Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton and John Wells, she delivered the lines “with a terse, snide energy because I was pissed.” That energy prevented Margulies from getting the part, but to the benefit of everyone who watched the ‘90s phenomenon it caught the attention of the assembled super producers and she was asked to read for the part of the now beloved Carol Hathaway, a character originally meant to die in the pilot.

After a brief clip from her time on “The Sopranos” and commenting on the absolute quality of the writing of the show, the actress told the crowd the most important lesson she had learned working with James Gandolfini as well as George Clooney. “(Clooney) treated everyone with respect and dignity and he schooled me.” When an actor would hold up production, “He said it’s not us I’m pissed off about, it’s the crew that works harder, is paid less and want to get home to their family. He taught me set etiquette. James Gandolfini was the same way.”

Of her “The Good Wife” character Alicia Florrick Margulies noted: “I think one of the things Alicia suffered from was repressing everything down. As someone who is passionate and who can emote, I don’t.” The future of the series wasn’t always assured for Margulies, “When I saw the pilot I remember thinking it was interesting, and that it wouldn’t get picked up.” In the end though the “The Good Wife” enjoyed not just commercial success but critical acclaim with the actress having won the Prime Time Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series in 2011 and 2014, and the Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series in 2010.
As for her future, Margulies played coy. “I told my family I would take a year off, and that year is up in May.” In the meantime, she has been teaching master classes at universities across the U.S. She was offered a chance to revisit the role of Alicia in “The Good Wife” spin-off “The Good Life” noting “the reason I declined was because I thought it would be a disservice to those women and they will carry that torch.” Audiences in the U.S. and France alike will be waiting to see what happens this May.

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