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George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!"

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George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!" Empty George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!"

Post by Katiedot Thu 11 Feb 2016, 18:05

hahaha - they filed this under 'news'.  And so shall I!  Thanks to Henway for the find:

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"Amal insists I wear leather!"
George Clooney denies rumors of divorce and humorously describes his life and glam nerd with Amal.

Meet George Clooney's always a pleasure, as it is the second degree. The star receives us in the living room of a Beverly Hills palace to speak to us of Ave Cesar !, fourth embodiment of the Coen brothers in which it appears, and that will be released on February 17 in France. He also mentioned his new life alongside his young wife, Amal.


Gala: When the Cohen brothers offer a film, you always say yes?


George Clooney: If you want. In 1999, we had just finished shooting O'Brother when they told me they were working on this film. They were great to sell me the subject: "It is a story set in the Hollywood of the 50s, in which you'll play the role of a really stupid movie star. "I obviously replied:" Perfect! fantastic project: I am very good at playing the idiots! "


Gala: This film is a farce about the Hollywood system of the time. Even now, Hollywood is particularly criticized for its lack of diversity and pervasiveness of white artists. What do you think?


G.C .: I think we still have a long way to go to ensure that minorities are better represented. But I regret is that there is a lack of young talents African American filmmakers who may have the opportunity to speak. It is unfortunate that the studios want to fund your films if your name is Leonardo DiCaprio and Ryan Gosling.


Gala: In this feature, you wear the skirt very well ...


G.C .: Yes, I know, thank you. That suits me well, is not it?


Gala: Is Amal influences you now in your way you dress?


G.C .: Absolutely. It often insists that I wear leather! It is true that, in the movies, I sometimes wear clothes that require to be insensitive to the ridiculous! Moreover, Amal would note that it has nothing to do with the costumes that I wear in Ave Cesar! I think she also began to be weary of my outfits ... short.


Gala: It tastes great, she tries to pass it on?


G.C .: It tells me nothing more; I think that's a bad sign. I think she thinks it's really unfair that a woman must spend hours dressing, hair and makeup, while a man, especially me, puts on his pants and jacket ten minutes before out, having played basketball while she prepares!


Gala: Since you are a married man, how do you manage all the rumors about your relationship?


G.C .: Right now, I'm on the verge of divorce, is not it? So ... I can tell you two things about these rumors: first, I will not divorce. And then, my wife is not pregnant! So: no divorce and no baby!


Gala: You can officially declare that you are beaming?


G.C .: Yes, and above all, I appreciate life more now. I consider, with age, that time is precious. When you're young, you think you are immortal. Today, the moments I spend with my wife, my friends and the people I love are sacred. I met the woman I wanted desperately to marry. Luck played a lot in my favor.


Gala: Would you be in a relationship with someone with a completely different approach to the life of your own?


G.C .: No, I do not think so. I could not live, for example, someone who would have no sense of humor. I like people who are not afraid of ridicule. Twice, at the Golden Globe Awards, I laughed with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler jokes they made at my expense. The first time, they said that I would prefer to float in space rather than having girlfriends my age. Second, they noted, while I received an award for the whole of my career, my wife, she had nothing, despite everything she did in her work.


Gala: What is life like George Clooney married?


G.C .: I still get up early, in general, a little before 7:00. I prepare, of course, a Nespresso, and I often grants interviews. My wife and I we share between Italy, Los Angeles and England. In England, I focus on writing and on my humanitarian work. In Los Angeles, I work mostly on my films and I meet with producers and agents. In Italy, I step back. Amal likes Los Angeles because it can more concentrate on his work. When she is in England, she is constantly visiting his friends and family!


Gala: What is the house that you value most now?


G.C .: I love my houses of Italy and Los Angeles, but now, I am delighted to stay in our English property, because we are full decoration work. It was built in 1680 and we just bought a trapeze and a trampoline ... In short, everything that is essential for a house of that time!


Gala: Do you still hold great feasts at home, like when you were single?


G.C .: Not really. In any case, most too with Hollywood celebrities. Since I am married, I find myself having people like former President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed, who was finally released after being imprisoned for his political views. No, he came to London for surgery back. It is still a prisoner. Today, it is not really the stars I frequent, but more people for whom my wife works or beside which I am involved in humanitarian activities. In short, as you can see, since I'm a married man, I'm having! "

Interviewed by Hervé Tropéa

George Cloo­ney: « Amal insiste pour que je mette du cuir! »

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George Cloo­ney dément les rumeurs de divorce et décrit avec humour sa vie glam et intello auprès d'Amal.

Rencon­trer George Cloo­ney est toujours un plai­sir, tant il est second degré. La star nous reçoit dans le salon d’un palace de Beverly Hills pour nous parler d’Ave Cesar!, quatrième réali­sa­tion des frères Coen dans laquelle il figure, et qui sortira le 17 février en France. Il évoque aussi sa nouvelle vie au côté de sa jeune épouse, Amal.
Gala: Lorsque les frères Cohen vous proposent un film, vous dites toujours oui?
George Cloo­ney: Si vous voulez. En 1999, nous venions de finir le tour­nage de O’Bro­ther lorsqu’ils m’ont dit qu’ils travaillaient sur ce film. Ils ont été super pour me vendre le sujet: « C’est une histoire qui se passe dans le Holly­wood des années 50, dans laquelle tu joue­rais le rôle d’une star de cinéma vrai­ment stupide. » J’ai évidem­ment répondu: « Parfait! Projet fantas­tique: je suis très bon pour jouer les idiots! »
Gala: Ce film est une farce sur le système holly­woo­dien de l’époque. Encore aujourd’­hui, Holly­wood est critiqué notam­ment pour son manque de diver­sité et l’om­ni­pré­sence des artistes blancs. Qu’en pensez-vous?
G.C.: Je trouve que nous avons encore beau­coup de chemin à parcou­rir pour assu­rer que les mino­ri­tés soient davan­tage repré­sen­tées. Mais je regrette surtout qu’il y ait un manque de jeunes talents réali­sa­teurs afro-améri­cains qui puissent avoir la possi­bi­lité de s’ex­pri­mer. Il est dommage que les studios ne souhaitent finan­cer vos films que si vous vous appe­lez Leonardo DiCa­prio ou Ryan Gosling. 
Gala: Dans ce long métrage, vous portez très bien la jupe…
G.C.: Oui, je sais, merci. Cela me va bien, n’est-ce pas?
Gala: Est-ce qu’A­mal vous influence à présent dans votre manière de vous habiller?
G.C.: Abso­lu­ment. Elle insiste souvent pour que je porte du cuir!  C’est vrai que, dans les films, je dois parfois porter des tenues qui exigent d’être insen­sible au ridi­cule! D’ailleurs, Amal tient à préci­ser qu’elle n’a rien à voir avec les costumes que je porte dans Ave Cesar! Je crois qu’elle commence aussi à être lassée par mes tenues vesti­men­tai­res… tout court. 
Gala: Elle a très bon goût, essaye-t-elle de vous le trans­mettre?
G.C.: Elle ne me dit plus rien ; je pense que c’est mauvais signe. Je crois qu’elle pense que c’est vrai­ment injuste qu’une femme doive passer des heures à s’ha­biller, se coif­fer et se maquiller, alors qu’un homme, surtout moi, enfile son panta­lon et sa veste dix minutes avant de sortir, après avoir joué au basket pendant qu’elle se prépare!
Gala: Depuis que vous êtes un homme marié, comment gérez-vous toutes les rumeurs qui circulent au sujet de votre couple?
G.C.: En ce moment, je suis au bord du divorce, n’est-ce pas? Alors… je peux vous dire deux choses à propos de ces rumeurs: tout d’abord, je ne vais pas divor­cer. Et ensuite, ma femme n’est pas enceinte! Donc: pas de divorce, et pas de bébé!
Gala: On peut offi­ciel­le­ment décla­rer que vous êtes épanoui?
G.C.: Oui, et surtout, j’ap­pré­cie davan­tage la vie désor­mais. Je consi­dère, en vieillis­sant, que le temps est précieux. Quand vous êtes jeune, vous pensez être immor­tel. Aujourd’­hui, les moments que je passe avec ma femme, mes amis et les gens que j’aime sont sacrés. J’ai rencon­tré la femme que je voulais déses­pé­ré­ment épou­ser. La chance a beau­coup joué en ma faveur.
Gala: Pour­riez-vous être en couple avec une personne ayant une approche de la vie tota­le­ment diffé­rente de la vôtre?
G.C.: Non, je ne pense pas. Je ne pour­rais pas vivre, par exemple, avec quelqu’un qui n’au­rait aucun sens de l’hu­mour. J’aime les gens qui ne craignent pas de se ridi­cu­li­ser. Deux fois de suite, lors des Golden Globe Awards, j’ai ri avec Tina Fey et Amy Poeh­ler des blagues qu’elles faisaient à mes dépens. La première fois, elles ont affirmé que je préfé­re­rais flot­ter dans l’es­pace plutôt que d’avoir des petites amies de mon âge. La seconde, elles ont fait remarquer, alors que je rece­vais une récom­pense pour l’en­semble de ma carrière, que mon épouse, elle, n’avait rien, malgré tout ce qu’elle faisait dans son travail.
Gala: A quoi ressemble la vie de George Cloo­ney marié?
G.C.: Je conti­nue à me lever tôt, en géné­ral, un peu avant 7 heures. Je me prépare, évidem­ment, un Nespresso, et j’ac­corde souvent des inter­views. Mon épouse et moi nous parta­geons entre l’Ita­lie, Los Angeles et l’An­gle­terre. En Angle­terre, je me concentre sur l’écri­ture et sur mon travail huma­ni­taire. A Los Angeles, je travaille surtout sur mes films et je rencontre des produc­teurs et des agents. En Italie, je prends du recul. Amal appré­cie Los Angeles, car elle peut davan­tage s’y concen­trer sur son travail. Quand elle est en Angle­terre, elle doit en perma­nence rendre visite à ses amis et à sa famille! 
Gala: Quelle est la maison que vous appré­ciez le plus actuel­le­ment?
G.C.: J’adore mes maisons d’Ita­lie et de Los Angeles, mais actuel­le­ment, je me réjouis de séjour­ner dans notre propriété anglaise, parce que nous sommes en pleins travaux de déco­ra­tion. Elle a été construite en 1680 et nous venons d’ache­ter un trapèze et un tram­po­li­ne… Bref, tout ce qui est indis­pen­sable pour une maison de cette époque!
Gala: Conti­nuez-vous à orga­ni­ser des grandes fêtes chez vous, comme lorsque vous étiez céli­ba­taire?
G.C.: Pas vrai­ment. En tous cas, plus trop avec les célé­bri­tés holly­woo­diennes. Depuis que je suis marié, je me retrouve à rece­voir des gens comme l’an­cien président des Maldives Moha­med Nasheed, qui a enfin été libéré après avoir été empri­sonné pour ses opinions poli­tiques. Non: il est venu à Londres pour se faire opérer du dos. Il est encore prison­nier. Aujourd’­hui, ce ne sont plus vrai­ment les stars que je fréquente, mais davan­tage les personnes pour qui mon épouse travaille ou au côté desquelles je m'implique dans des actions huma­ni­taires. Bref, comme vous pouvez voir, depuis que je suis un homme marié, je m’éclate!"
Propos recueillis par Hervé Tropéa
Crédits photos : Jordan Strauss/AP/SI


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George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!" Empty Re: George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!"

Post by melbert Fri 12 Feb 2016, 04:25

"G.C .: It tells me nothing more; I think that's a bad sign. I think she thinks it's really unfair that a woman must spend hours dressing, hair and makeup, while a man, especially me, puts on his pants and jacket ten minutes before out, having played basketball while she prepares!"

Paste in Stacy, Elisabetta, Sarah, etc...  same line for each of his girls.
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George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!" Empty Re: George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!"

Post by annemarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:39

I think it's true of us all men don't have do much to get ready while it's a job for us. A metrosexual male probably takes longer to get ready but that is not George.

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George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!" Empty Re: George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!"

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 10:53

When I compare the time my husband eeds to get ready in comparison to me I have to agree: He is faster, even when he has to shave. But he has quite good hair, similar to George's that dries very fast and doesn't deed any styling. He's got several suits, shirts and ties which all match (so there's no brain power necessary), and that's it. Well, one of his two pairs of shoes that he wears with suits.

My hair definitely needs more styling than his, I do put on some make-up (although I don't use much of it). Then I'm standing in front of my closet and decide what to wear. And when I have decided about that I need to choose shoes and a handbag. And sometimes I don't feel to wear high heels because I have to walk too much or my feet already hurt, and then I need to change my dress again. It drives my husband nuts but I guess that's the same for most women...
And I don't dress up often so that's okay.
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George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!" Empty Re: George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!"

Post by Donnamarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:10

The interview reveals to me that George has changed a bit.  He values life more since he is getting older.   He appreciates his wife and the other people he loves and those moments that are spent with them.  That he desperately wanted to marry Amal and how lucky he is to have found her is not a feeling he has ever expressed with any other woman he has been involved with.
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George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!" Empty Re: George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!"

Post by carolhathaway Fri 12 Feb 2016, 15:19

maybe it's about maturing and realizing that life isn't endless...
I had this feeling when George told Charlie Rose that "I know fairly quickly that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Amal". And that he recently talked about his parents and how thankful he is that they are healthy...
Achieving total Clooney-dom

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George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!" Empty Re: George Clooney: "Amal Insists I wear leather!"

Post by Donnamarie Fri 12 Feb 2016, 17:54

carolhathaway wrote:Donna,
maybe it's about maturing and realizing that life isn't endless...
I had this feeling when George told Charlie Rose that "I know fairly quickly that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Amal". And that he recently talked about his parents and how thankful he is that they are healthy...

Right and there is nothing complicated about his explanation.  A lot of people when they reach a certain age tend to realize that life is getting shorter and they need to take advantage of their time and appreciate the people close to them maybe in a way they hadn't before.  And for George there was meeting someone very special to him that was part of all that.  His response sounded very genuine to me.
Possibly more Clooney than George himself

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