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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by melbert Fri 19 Dec 2014, 03:15

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Hollywood Cowardice: George Clooney Explains Why Sony Stood Alone In North Korean CyberTerror Attack
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by Mike Fleming Jr

December 18, 2014 6:14 pm

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EXCLUSIVE: As it begins to dawn on everyone in Hollywood the reality that Sony Pictures was the victim of a cyber terrorist act perpetrated by a hostile foreign nation on American soil, questions will be asked about how and why it happened, ending with Sony cancelling the theatrical release of the satirical comedy The Interview because of its depiction of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. One of those issues will be this: why didn’t anybody speak out while Sony Pictures chiefs Amy Pascal and Michael Lynton were embarrassed by emails served up by the media, bolstering the credibility of hackers for when they attached as a cover letter to Lynton’s e-mails a threat to blow up theaters if The Interview was released?

George Clooney has the answer. The most powerful people in Hollywood were so fearful to place themselves in the cross hairs of hackers that they all refused to sign a simple petition of support that Clooney and his agent, CAA’s Bryan Lourd, circulated to the top people in film, TV, records and other areas. Not a single person would sign. Here, Clooney discusses the petition and how it is just part of many frightening ramifications that we are all just coming to grips with.
DEADLINE: How could this have happened, that terrorists achieved their aim of cancelling a major studio film? We watched it unfold, but how many people realized that Sony legitimately was under attack?
CLOONEY: A good portion of the press abdicated its real duty. They played the fiddle while Rome burned. There was a real story going on. With just a little bit of work, you could have found out that it wasn’t just probably North Korea; it was North Korea. The Guardians Of Peace is a phrase that Nixon used when he visited China. When asked why he was helping South Korea, he said it was because we are the Guardians of Peace. Here, we’re talking about an actual country deciding what content we’re going to have. This affects not just movies, this affects every part of business that we have. That’s the truth. What happens if a newsroom decides to go with a story, and a country or an individual or corporation decides they don’t like it. Forget the hacking part of it. You have someone threaten to blow up buildings and all of a sudden, everybody has to bow down. Sony didn’t pull the movie because they were scared. They pulled the movie because all the theaters said they were not going to run it. And they said they were not going to run it because they talked to their lawyers and those lawyers said, if somebody dies in one of these, then you’re going to be responsible.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]We have a new paradigm, a new reality, and we’re going to have to come to real terms with it all the way down the line. This was a dumb comedy that was about to come out. With the First Amendment, you’re never protecting Jefferson, it’s usually protecting some guy who’s burning a flag or doing something stupid. This is a silly comedy, but the truth is, what it now says about us is a whole lot. We have a responsibility to stand up against this. That’s not just Sony, but all of us, including my good friends in the press who have the responsibility to be asking themselves, what was important, what was the important story to be covering here. The hacking is terrible because of the damage they did to all those people. Their medical records, that is a horrible thing, their Social Security numbers. Then, to turn around and threaten to blow people up and kill people, and just by that threat alone we change what we do for a living, that’s the actual definition of terrorism.
DEADLINE: I’ve been chasing the story of the petition you were circulating for a week now. Where is it, and how were these terrorists able to isolate Sony from the herd and make them so vulnerable?
CLOONEY: Here’s the brilliant thing they did. You embarrass them first, so that no one gets on your side. After the Obama joke, no one was going to get on the side of Amy, and so suddenly, everyone ran for the hills. Look, I can’t make an excuse for that joke, it is what it is, a terrible mistake. Having said that, it was used as a weapon of fear, not only for everyone to disassociate themselves from Amy but also to feel the fear themselves. They know what they themselves have written in their e-mails, and they’re afraid.
DEADLINE: What happened when you sent the petition and who did you ask to sign it?
CLOONEY: It was a large number of people. It was sent to basically the heads of every place. They told Bryan Lourd, I can’t sign this. What? How can you not sign this? I’m not going to name anyone, that’s not what I’m here to do, but nobody signed the letter, which I’ll read to you right now.
On November 24 of this year, Sony Pictures was notified that it was the victim of a cyber attack, the effects of which is the most chilling and devastating of any cyber attack in the history of our country. Personal information including Social Security numbers, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers and the full texts of emails of tens of thousands of Sony employees was leaked online in an effort to scare and terrorize these workers. The hackers have made both demands and threats. The demand that Sony halt the release of its upcoming comedy The Interview, a satirical film about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Their threats vary from personal—you better behave wisely—to threatening physical harm—not only you but your family is in danger. North Korea has not claimed credit for the attack but has praised the act, calling it a righteous deed and promising merciless measures if the film is released. Meanwhile the hackers insist in their statement that what they’ve done so far is only a small part of our further plan. This is not just an attack on Sony. It involves every studio, every network, every business and every individual in this country. That is why we fully support Sony’s decision not to submit to these hackers’ demands. We know that to give in to these criminals now will open the door for any group that would threaten freedom of expression, privacy and personal liberty. We hope these hackers are brought to justice but until they are, we will not stand in fear. We will stand together.
DEADLINE: That doesn’t sound like a hard paper to sign.
CLOONEY: All that it is basically saying is, we’re not going to give in to a ransom. As we watched one group be completely vilified, nobody stood up. Nobody took that stand. Now, I say this is a situation we are going to have to come to terms with, a new paradigm and a new way of handling our business. Because this could happen to an electric company, a car company, a newsroom. It could happen to anybody.
DEADLINE: You said you won’t name names, but how many people were asked and refused to sign? 
CLOONEY: It was a fairly large number. Having put together telethons where you have to get all the networks on board to do the telethon at the same time, the truth is once you get one or two, then everybody gets on board. It is a natural progression. So here, you get the first couple of people to sign it and…well, nobody wanted to be the first to sign on. Now, this isn’t finger pointing on that. This is just where we are right now, how scared this industry has been made. Quite honestly, this would happen in any industry. I don’t know what the answer is, but what happened here is part of a much larger deal. A huge deal. And people are still talking about dumb emails. Understand what is going on right now, because the world just changed on your watch, and you weren’t even paying attention.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]DEADLINE: What kind of constraints will this put on storytellers that want to shine a critical light on a place like Russia, for instance, with something like a movie about the plutonium poisoning of that Alexander Litvenenko, the KGB officer who left and became an outspoken critic of Vladimir Putin?
CLOONEY: What’s going to happen is, you’re going to have trouble finding distribution. In general, when you’re doing films like that, the ones that are critical, those aren’t going to be studio films anyway. Most of the movies that got us in trouble, we started out by raising the money independently. But to distribute, you’ve got to go to a studio, because they’re the ones that distribute movies. The truth is, you’re going to have a much harder time finding distribution now. And that’s a chilling effect. We should be in the position right now of going on offense with this. I just talked to Amy an hour ago. She wants to put that movie out. What do I do? My partner Grant Heslov and I had the conversation with her this morning. Bryan and I had the conversation with her last night. Stick it online. Do whatever you can to get this movie out. Not because everybody has to see the movie, but because I’m not going to be told we can’t see the movie. That’s the most important part. We cannot be told we can’t see something by Kim Jong Un, of all F*cking people.
DEADLINE: Some have pointed fingers at the media that feasted on these tawdry emails. Were they culpable in giving the terrorists a foothold, as Aaron Sorkin has said?
CLOONEY: I do know something about the news world. I was sitting on the floors of newsrooms since I was seven years old and I’ve been around them my whole life. I understand that someone looks at a story with famous people in it and you want to put it out. Okay. It’s a drag, and it’s lame. But there’s not much you can do about it. You can’t legislate good taste. The problem is that what happened was, while all of that was going on, there was a huge news story that no one was really tracking. They were just enjoying all the salacious sh*t instead of saying, wait a minute, is this really North Korea and if it is, are we really going to bow to that? You could point fingers at Sony pulling the film, but they didn’t have any theaters, they all pulled out. By the way, the other studios were probably very happy because they had movies of their own going in for Christmas at the same cineplexes. There’s this constant circle, this feeding frenzy. What I’m concerned about is content. I’m concerned that content now is constantly going to be judged on a different level. And that’s a terrible thing to do. What we don’t need happening in any of our industries, is censorship. The FBI guys said this could have happened to our government. That’s how good these guys were.
It’s a serious moment in time that need to be addresses seriously, as opposed to frivolously. That’s what is most important here.
DEADLINE: As Amy and Michael took their turn in the barrel because of these emails, some questioned why they’d approve a movie that ends with the death of a standing dictator in a hostile foreign country. Others have said she should be able to make any film she wants. It’s a satire. What do you think?
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]CLOONEY: The South Park guys did it. They blew up his father’s head. The truth of the matter is, of course you should be able to make any movie you want. And, you should take the ramifications for it. Meaning, people can boycott the movie and not go see your film. They can say they’ll never see a Sony movie again. That’s all fine. That’s the risk you take for the decision you make. But to say we’re going to make you pull it. We’re going to censor you. That’s a whole other game. That is playing in some serious waters and it’s a very dangerous pool.
DEADLINE: You mentioned Team America. Some theaters wanted to show it on Christmas after The Interview was pulled as a show of defiance and Paramount pulled it back. They too are afraid of being in the hacker cross hairs.
CLOONEY: Everybody is looking at this from self interest and they are right in this sense. I’m a movie theater and I say, okay, there’s been a threat. Not really a credible threat. But there’s a threat and my lawyers call and tell me, well, you run the movie and you could be liable. And, all the other movies around it are going to have their business hurt. I understand that and it makes complete sense. But that’s where we really need to figure what the real response should be. I don’t know what that is yet. We should be talking about that and not pointing fingers at people right now. Right now, it’s not just our community but a lot of communities. We need to figure out, what are we going to do now, when we know the cyberattacks are real, and they’re state sponsored.
DEADLINE: Knowing what we do now, what does the government owe Sony?
CLOONEY: I’ve seen statements they’ve put out and what the president said and what the response is. The truth is, it’s all new territory and nobody knows how to handle it. I don’t think anyone was prepared for it. So now we’ll be prepared for it, hopefully. Everybody was doing their jobs, but somehow, we have allowed North Korea to dictate content, and that is just insane.
DEADLINE: You said everyone acts based on self interest. What’s yours?
CLOONEY: I wanted to have the conversation because I’m worried about content. Frankly, I’m at an age where I’m not doing action films or romantic comedies. The movies we make are the ones with challenging content, and I don’t want to see it all just be superhero movies. Nothing wrong with them, but it’s nice for people to have other films out there.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Donnamarie Fri 19 Dec 2014, 05:06

Thanks Melbert for the post. I'm glad George has spoken out about this. Interesting but not surprised either that no heads of other studios would sign the petition. He obviously understands both sides of this situation. I agree with what he suggested to Pascal. Get the movie online or have Netflix pick it up. Get it out to the masses as a message to the hackers that you can't get away with threats of terrorism if you don't get what you want.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by JMK Fri 19 Dec 2014, 05:30

Entertainment news shows aren't journalism.  They don't have the skill set.  All they do is use gossip and rumors to get attention, then they promote the TV shows and movies.  GC expected too much from them.  I don't see what good signing a petition would do.  It seems to be up to the government to do something.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 06:40

Thanks for the find Melbert.

I still don't believe it is North Korea but well.....let's say it is true I don't understand why George is suprised that nobody signed his letter. Who wants to get political. North Korea leader will visit Russia soon. It is a long political issue behind it. After all the Terror threads in the past People see it more realistic now and not through hero glasses.

And when Georde said:

We cannot be told we can’t see something by Kim Jong Un, of all F*cking People.

I don't think they habe been told. Doesn't matter how big the thread was. It was Sony and co who believed to be scared. Sony and the Cinema chain have not been told they started to believe the thread.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by party animal - not! Fri 19 Dec 2014, 10:11

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party animal - not!
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by party animal - not! Fri 19 Dec 2014, 10:13


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party animal - not!
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by party animal - not! Fri 19 Dec 2014, 10:45

Obama on the subject:

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Note that the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg echoes George's words

party animal - not!
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by party animal - not! Fri 19 Dec 2014, 11:52

Theatres pull out of potential dodgy consequences of showing silly movie which may not have made a lot of money.

Possible result:  The loss of freedom of speech. 

George is right. It should go online. Many have said that on this side of the pond.

Wasn't there a film once called 'Fear and Loathing in Los Angeles'?

party animal - not!
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Joanna Fri 19 Dec 2014, 14:01

I admire George for speaking out
like that. Thumbs up!
But I also fear that he may become a target.
Time for him to keep a low profile now me thinks.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Donnamarie Fri 19 Dec 2014, 14:09

George's letter was quoted and discussed on MSNBC this morning. I'm not sure George is concerned about keeping a low profile. We all know his stand on first amendment rights. It would be out of character for him not to take a stand on this issue. Especially on events right in his own backyard.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by lionheart Fri 19 Dec 2014, 14:56

Kim Jung Un is childish and he can also be way way way more crazy, ruthless and dangerous than his father. Dont retaliate. It's not just the US, it's allies would be at risk too.

And that movie is so not worth all this drama.


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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Donnamarie Fri 19 Dec 2014, 15:22

First amendment rights are worth it IMO
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Joanna Fri 19 Dec 2014, 15:25

Donnamarie wrote:First amendment rights are worth it IMO

Can you say what they are please for this ignorant UK resident ?
Thanks DonnaMarie.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by lionheart Fri 19 Dec 2014, 15:50

I know Americans are patriotic but at the end of the day Sony is a Japanese company. Like I said if things are going to get serious it's not just going to effect the US.

All this talk about wanting to release the movie online ... Why not drop the matter for the time being? It's better not to aggravate the spoiled child Kim Jung Un at the moment.

Last edited by lionheart on Fri 19 Dec 2014, 15:58; edited 1 time in total


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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by melbert Fri 19 Dec 2014, 15:58

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights was originally proposed as a measure to assuage Anti-Federalist opposition to Constitutional ratification. Initially, the First Amendment applied only to laws enacted by the Congress, and many of its provisions were interpreted more narrowly than they are today. Beginning with Gitlow v. New York (1925), the Supreme Court applied the First Amendment to states—a process known as incorporation—through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), the Court drew on Founding Father Thomas Jefferson's correspondence to call for "a wall of separation between church and State", though the precise boundary of this separation remains in dispute. Speech rights were expanded significantly in a series of 20th and 21st-century court decisions which protected various forms of political speech, anonymous speech, campaign financing, pornography, and school speech; these rulings also defined a series of exceptions to First Amendment protections. The Supreme Court overturned English common law precedent to increase the burden of proof for defamation and libel suits, most notably in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964). Commercial speech, however, is less protected by the First Amendment than political speech, and is therefore subject to greater regulation.
The Free Press Clause protects publication of information and opinions, and applies to a wide variety of media. In Near v. Minnesota (1931) and New York Times v. United States (1971), the Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment protected against prior restraint—pre-publication censorship—in almost all cases. The Petition Clause protects the right to petition all branches and agencies of government for action. In addition to the right of assembly guaranteed by this clause, the Court has also ruled that the amendment implicitly protects freedom of association.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by melbert Fri 19 Dec 2014, 17:26

Celebitchy weighs in...

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George Clooney mansplains the Sony Hack, how the press ‘abdicated its real duty’

  • December 19, 2014

  • By Kaiser   


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It’s going to be alright, you guys. George Clooney, the self-appointed New Chairman of the Board, is here to soothe everyone. George gave a rather epic interview to Deadline about the Sony Hack, the fallout from the Sony Hack, and what Hollywood executives should be doing next. I’m not even going to be able to excerpt even half of this stuff (it’s SO LONG), so just go here to read the entire thing. The whole reason George is speaking out is because he and Bryan Lourd circulated a statement which they hoped every executive in Hollywood would sign. None did. Here’s the statement Clooney wanted everyone to sign (he provided it to Deadline):
On November 24 of this year, Sony Pictures was notified that it was the victim of a cyber attack, the effects of which is the most chilling and devastating of any cyber attack in the history of our country. Personal information including Social Security numbers, email addresses, home addresses, phone numbers and the full texts of emails of tens of thousands of Sony employees was leaked online in an effort to scare and terrorize these workers. The hackers have made both demands and threats. The demand that Sony halt the release of its upcoming comedy The Interview, a satirical film about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Their threats vary from personal—you better behave wisely—to threatening physical harm—not only you but your family is in danger. North Korea has not claimed credit for the attack but has praised the act, calling it a righteous deed and promising merciless measures if the film is released. Meanwhile the hackers insist in their statement that what they’ve done so far is only a small part of our further plan. This is not just an attack on Sony. It involves every studio, every network, every business and every individual in this country. That is why we fully support Sony’s decision not to submit to these hackers’ demands. We know that to give in to these criminals now will open the door for any group that would threaten freedom of expression, privacy and personal liberty. We hope these hackers are brought to justice but until they are, we will not stand in fear. We will stand together.
And no one signed it, because (just my opinion) the executives at other companies are throwing parties because Sony looks so inept. And so George is talking about cowardice and terrorism and how “the press abdicated its real duty” when discussing the Sony Hack. It feels like George is pulling an Aaron Sorkin here – if George hadn’t been personally affected (his emails were hacked too), I wonder if his position would be much different.
George on whether Sony was legitimately under attack: “A good portion of the press abdicated its real duty. They played the fiddle while Rome burned. There was a real story going on. With just a little bit of work, you could have found out that it wasn’t just probably North Korea; it was North Korea.”
On the first amendment & terrorism: “This was a dumb comedy that was about to come out. With the First Amendment, you’re never protecting Jefferson; it’s usually protecting some guy who’s burning a flag or doing something stupid. This is a silly comedy, but the truth is, what it now says about us is a whole lot. We have a responsibility to stand up against this. That’s not just Sony, but all of us, including my good friends in the press who have the responsibility to be asking themselves: What was important? What was the important story to be covering here? The hacking is terrible because of the damage they did to all those people. Their medical records, that is a horrible thing, their Social Security numbers. Then, to turn around and threaten to blow people up and kill people, and just by that threat alone we change what we do for a living, that’s the actual definition of terrorism.”
On Amy Pascal & Scott Rudin’s racist Obama email: “After the Obama joke, no one was going to get on the side of Amy, and so suddenly, everyone ran for the hills. Look, I can’t make an excuse for that joke, it is what it is, a terrible mistake. Having said that, it was used as a weapon of fear, not only for everyone to disassociate themselves from Amy but also to feel the fear themselves. They know what they themselves have written in their emails, and they’re afraid.
How many people refused to sign his letter: “It was a fairly large number. Having put together telethons where you have to get all the networks on board to do the telethon at the same time, the truth is once you get one or two, then everybody gets on board. It is a natural progression. So here, you get the first couple of people to sign it and … well, nobody wanted to be the first to sign on. Now, this isn’t finger-pointing on that. This is just where we are right now, how scared this industry has been made. Quite honestly, this would happen in any industry. I don’t know what the answer is, but what happened here is part of a much larger deal. A huge deal. And people are still talking about dumb emails. Understand what is going on right now, because the world just changed on your watch, and you weren’t even paying attention.”
Whether the emails in the Sony Hack are legitimately news: “I do know something about the news world. I was sitting on the floors of newsrooms since I was seven years old, and I’ve been around them my whole life. I understand that someone looks at a story with famous people in it and you want to put it out. OK. It’s a drag, and it’s lame. But there’s not much you can do about it. You can’t legislate good taste. The problem is that what happened was, while all of that was going on, there was a huge news story that no one was really tracking. They were just enjoying all the salacious sh*t instead of saying, “Wait a minute, is this really North Korea? And if it is, are we really going to bow to that?”
[From Deadline]
I understand that George is trying to get people to refocus on what’s important and yes, he makes a legitimate point about how some in the media weren’t focusing on the “real” story, which is that North Korea waged a major attack on Sony (and Sony caved). But…to defend the press a bit, law enforcement didn’t confirm that the hack was truly done by North Korea until a few days ago. And to defend the press, the fact that the co-chairman of Sony and a major Hollywood producer email racist “jokes” to each other IS VERY NEWSWORTHY. The ingrained sexism and racism of so many higher-ups in Sony is very newsworthy. It’s not “lame” and it’s not in bad taste. It really just feels like George is trying to reassert the status quo, which is “don’t look behind the curtain, where all the old white men are making all the rules.”
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by LizzyNY Fri 19 Dec 2014, 18:39

Mel- I agree that the content of some of the e-mails didn't paint a pretty picture of Sony execs, but George is right when he says this isn't the important part of the story. Sure it's titillating and makes good entertainment news, but in the scheme of things it's an industry problem that needs to be addressed within the industry.

The real story here is the fact that hackers were able to get into Sony and threaten them with violence if they didn't cave to their demands. If this succeeds, who's to say they won't do it again in some other arena? Maybe government? Maybe some part of our infrastructure? The power grid? The stock market? People have suggested that Sony release the movie on dvd or put it on the internet, but I've also heard that they would have difficulty doing this because no one wants to risk being hacked by showing the movie. Pathetic!

As it says in the First Amendment that you posted above, in this country we have the right to free speech and freedom of the press. Why in hell would we let North Korea take that away from us? I don't know the solution, but I do know the problem isn't a bunch of stupid e-mails that should never have gone public. The problem is that our rights are being interfered with and we aren't fighting back.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Donnamarie Fri 19 Dec 2014, 18:51

LizzyNY, your last paragraph says it all. And that was the point of George's petition. This situation is not necessarily black and white. And George realizes that too. He is not surprised that other studios would not stand with Sony. It's about liability, lawyers and money because of the movie theater chains. And those theaters being in malls where lots of people visit. This situation is not just about the first amendment. I don't think anyone has an answer to this problem that will inevitably happen again. So we better start coming up with ways to combat these attacks in the future because in the end I don't think people in the U.S. are going to stand having their first amendment rights trampled by any foreign government, not the least North Korea!
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Missa Fri 19 Dec 2014, 19:23

Sony won't release it online because then they can't claim it as a total loss for insurance purposes. They aren't heroes searching desperately for way to stand up for the freedom of expression; they're looking out for their bottom line. I agree that we shouldn't be allowing these terrorists to get what they want, but let's not blame the other studios for not jumping in front of a bus for Amy Pascal. If Sony wanted to release online they could do it in the next five minutes. If they don't, it's their own fault. And really, George, written evidence of the inherent racism and misogyny at the highest levels of Hollywood isn't a "mistake". It's possible to take a stand against terrorism without going to the mat for people who've demonstrated they're awful in their own words.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 20:43

In 1991 a film was released called "Not without my daughter". The film was about an American woman who tried ro escape from her Iranian man in Iran with her daughter.

Even the American press criticized the movie because it misrepresents the Iranians and Muslims and their culture.

Today, every country who Plays that movie on TV starts a fight with Iran. Most countries who showed the movie had to appologize to the Iran.

1998 a German Television wanted to Show the movie. It was the same time during the Football Worldcup. The Iran threaten not to let the national Football Team Play if the channel Plays the movie. At the end it didn't air and the German channel gave following Statement: " a risk to the employees at the German TV channel can not be ruled out".

2002 Dream Catcher Production published a documentation and showed the other side of the Story.


Hitler published a book called "Mein Kampf" (my fight). this book is forbitten in Germany. In America it is allowed to buy. Germany critcized other countries who publish it.
2004 Czech publishers in Prague was sentenced to three years probation because he published the book without scientific support, the Court considers "anti-constitutional propaganda" and found him guilty.

2005 the State of Bavaria (Germany) sued against the Polish-language edition. Reproduction and dissemination of the book were subsequently banned in Poland. In 2012 the Bavarian state (Germany) had an injunction for copyright infringement against a publishing company based in the UK.

Beginning of 2005 the book was on the bestseller list Rank 4 of Turkey's largest bookstore chain, ranked 3 in August 2007, the Free State of Bavaria (Germany) let the book by Turkish courts prohibit.


In 2005, a Dansih Newspaper published a Picture from Prophet Mohammed. Big critic started all over the world as Moslems do not show Prophet Mohammed through Pictures. The Newspaper refused to take the Pictures down. They felt they had free speech too and said they wanted to publish to discuss about criticism of Islam and self censorship. So they continued to Show the Picture/comic....

The Moslems called for a wolrd wide protest which also included violant demonstrations and riots ins some Muslim countries...

Then Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other middle Eastern countries organised a boycott against Denmark in 2006.

Consumer goods companies were the most vulnerable to the boycott. Arla, Denmark's biggest exporter to the Middle East, lost 1.6 million US dollars per day in the initial weeks of the boycott. Scandinavian tourism to Egypt fell by between 20–30% in the first two months of 2006.
On 9 September 2006, BBC News reported that the Muslim boycott of Danish goods had reduced Denmark's total exports by 15.5% between February and June. Luckily it didn't hurt them because at the same time, Americans started buying Bang & Olufsen stereos and Lego. In the first quarter of this year Denmark's exports to the US soared 17%.


Now why do I tell you all that,

Not without my daughter was just a movie
"Mein Kampf" just a book
Prophet Mohammed just a religious figure

it is not about free speech. it is about respecting other views and how far you can go to citicize others worldwide and HOW...

it is not about just publishing a movie and saying "hey this is free speech in our country". It can have a big effect. For Americans and the western world it is maybe Comedy but for other countries and cultures it is a start to fight. Is it really worth to fight it?

I agree with Lionheart on this. Sony should drop it.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by LizzyNY Fri 19 Dec 2014, 21:17

Nicky - I would agree with you that this movie isn't worth all the trouble it has caused. But the movie isn't the issue. If people who don't like the movie demonstrate against it, boycott Sony products or just stay away from this movie that's ok. But hacking into Sony and releasing stolen information and threatening people is not.

I don't care if I ever see this movie. I never planned to in the first place. But I do care if someone tries to censor what I can see (or read) because they have an agenda. And even more I care that these people were able to hack into a corporation's files with no consequences. They need to be stopped before they do real damage and this type of hacking spreads. If releasing the movie stops them, then Sony should release it.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 21:22

LizzyNY wrote:

As it says in the First Amendment that you posted above, in this country we have the right to free speech and freedom of the press. Why in hell would we let North Korea take that away from us? I don't know the solution, but I do know the problem isn't a bunch of stupid e-mails that should never have gone public. The problem is that our rights are being interfered with and we aren't fighting back.

mmmhhh I don't think the Hollywood Comedy has something to do with free speech in the US or freedom of the press. And North Korea does not take it away from you. That is what the government maybe want you to believe like the Bush Government that Iraq had atomic weapons. It is Propaganda. You Americans still have your free speech and freedom of the press. You Americans are born that way and you will always have it and it will not go away as it is part of your culture. It is nothing material somebody can take. It is your culture impossible to take it away.

If North Korea are behind it (officially they said no they didn't do it) then because they wanted you to stop showing the movie and they won. Maybe next time the US will win against North is a ball which gets played around since years. Remember, USA is supporting South Korea also with Military which North Korea criticized. North Korea gets Support from China and Russia. North Korea has no good Relations with Japan and Japan is Sony....

When People don't like each other it gets political Levels it smells just a bit more

I'm sure it will not take long until the Americans win the next game.....
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 21:29

LizzyNY wrote:Nicky - I would agree with you that this movie isn't worth all the trouble it has caused. But the movie isn't the issue. If people who don't like the movie demonstrate against it, boycott Sony products or just stay away from this movie that's ok. But hacking into Sony and releasing stolen information and threatening people is not.

I don't care if I ever see this movie. I never planned to in the first place. But I do care if someone tries to censor what I can see (or read) because they have an agenda. And even more I care that these people were able to hack into a corporation's files with no consequences. They need to be stopped before they do real damage and this type of hacking spreads. If releasing the movie stops them, then Sony should release it.

I undertsand, but we do get censored everyday anyway by the media. And cyber hacking is something we have to live with now. Remeber Anonymos, they hacked into Paypal, Mastercard, Visa and SONY.... and they supported Wikileads.....

Hacking is now the new will never stop. We Need to find the same good hackers but who Play on our side and fight the other hackers ..Cyber war
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by melbert Fri 19 Dec 2014, 22:10

President Obama has responded -  Sorry, it won't let me copy/paste.

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Obama warns N. Korea over Sony hack: 'We will respond'

US President Barack Obama on Friday warned North Korea it would face retaliation for a crippling cyber attack on Sony Pictures over an irreverent film comedy that infuriated Pyongyang.

Obama said the movie giant had "made a mistake" in canceling the Christmas Day release of "The Interview," a madcap romp about a CIA plot to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.
Sony defended its decision, made after anonymous hackers invoked the 9/11 attacks in threatening cinemas screening the film, prompting theater chains to say they would not risk showing it.
An envoy for Pyongyang denied the secretive state was behind the hacking, which led to the release of a trove of embarrassing emails, scripts and other internal communications, including information about salaries and employee health records.
Addressing reporters after the FBI said Pyongyang was to blame, Obama said Washington would never bow to "some dictator."
"We will respond. We will respond proportionately and we'll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose," Obama said.
"I'm sympathetic to the concerns that they faced. Having said all that, yes, I think they made a mistake," he said.
"We cannot have a society in which some dictator some place can start imposing censorship here in the United States."
- 'Acts of intimidation' -

Earlier, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had said it "now has enough information to conclude that the North Korean government is responsible for these actions."
"Such acts of intimidation fall outside the bounds of acceptable state behavior," the agency said in a statement.
The attackers used malware to break into the studio and render thousands of Sony Pictures computers inoperable, forcing the company to take its entire network offline, the FBI said.
It said analysis of the software tools used revealed links to other malware known to have been developed by "North Korean actors."
It also cited "significant overlap" between the attack and other "malicious cyber-activity" with direct links to Pyongyang, including an attack on South Korean banks carried out by North Korea.
"We are deeply concerned about the destructive nature of this attack on a private sector entity and the ordinary citizens who worked there," the FBI said.
There was "no evidence" that North Korea had acted in concert with another country, Obama said, after reports that China -- Pyongyang's only ally -- had possibly provided assistance.
Senior Republican lawmaker John McCain -- the incoming chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee -- called the cyber attack an "act of war."

And Senior Democratic Senator Robert Menendez urged Secretary of State John Kerry to consider again designating Pyongyang a state sponsor of terrorism.
"This is an unacceptable act of international censorship which curtails global artistic freedom and, in aggregate, would seem to meet the definitions for acts of terrorism," Menendez wrote to Kerry.
For his part, Obama referred to it as a "crime."
North Korea's mission to the United Nations firmly denied any involvement.
"Our country has no relation with the hacker," North Korean political counselor Kim Song told AFP.
- 'Costs and consequences' -
Though denying involvement in the brazen November 24 cyber attack, Pyongyang has nevertheless hailed it as a "righteous deed."
The North's top military body, the National Defense Commission, slammed Sony for "abetting a terrorist act while hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership," according to state news agency KCNA.
Hollywood filmmakers urged US authorities to do more to protect them against future cyber attacks.
"We stand by our ('The Interview') director members Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg and hope that a way can be found to distribute the film by some means, to demonstrate that our industry is not cowed by extremists of any type," said Directors Guild of America chief Paris Barclay.
Free speech advocates and foreign policy hawks have slammed Sony's decision to pull "The Interview" as cowardice in the face of a hidden enemy.
McCain said it set a "troubling precedent that will only empower and embolden bad actors to use cyber as an offensive weapon even more aggressively in the future."
But Sony vigorously defended the move.
"We have not caved, we have not given in, we have persevered and we have not backed down," studio boss Michael Lynton told CNN.
"We have always had every desire to have the American public see this movie."

Last edited by Nicky80 on Fri 19 Dec 2014, 22:20; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : added text)
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 22:17

We will respond. We will respond proportionately and we'll respond in a place and time and manner that we choose," Obama said.

that's what i said above. Next game the US will win.
And then North Korea is thinking of soemthing new and then the US again.....  Lightsabre fight
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 22:42

No it's getting interesting. wonder how George thinks about Obama's speech...

Sony Fires Back At Obama: CEO Argues ‘We Have Not Given In’

Sony is firing back at President Barack Obama, who said he’s not happy with the company’s decision to pull The Interview from theaters after terrifying cyber-threats were made by North Korea.

Sony Reacts To Obama’s ‘Mistake’ Comment — They Want To Release ‘The Interview’

“We have not caved. We have not given in. We have persevered,” Sony Pictures Entertainment Chairman Michael Lynton told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, according to‘s sister site Variety.
Apparently, Michael’s interview with Fareed will air on AC360.
“We would still like the public to see this movie. Absolutely,” he added. However, Michael failed to mention how or when the public will see the movie.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 22:48

OK this is just an opinion but blaiming sony saying "they made a mistake" is this kind of a "hit back" because they made racist jokes about him?
Interesting that Obama said they should have contacted him before they made this decision. Telling sony who the Boss is Razz

Just my opinion of course. I could be wrong.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 22:57

OK George..Sony or Obama Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz

'We have not caved': Sony CEO responds to Obama's criticism of the decision to pull the plug on The Interview and says he is 'disappointed' with the president 

Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton on Friday forcefully defended his company's decision to cancel the release of The Interview and had some harsh words for President Obama who earlier today said the movie studio 'made a mistake.'
In an exclusive interview Friday with CNN's Fareed Zakaria, Lynton insisted that 'we have not given in and we have not backed down.'
In a controversial move earlier this week, the studio pulled the plug on the release of The Interview after hackers officially linked to North Korea made terrorist threats against theaters showing the comedy.

'The president, the press, and the public are mistaken as to what actually happened,' Lynton said. 'We do not own movie theaters. We cannot determine whether or not a movie will be played in movie theaters.'
After Wednesday's threats, Sony told theaters they could drop the film if they chose to, and all major chains promptly did.
The company then scrapped the release altogether.
Responding to calls from the likes of George Clooney to release the movie online, Lynton told CNN Sony does not have the interface necessary to distribute the movie on the web directly.
Lynton explained that in order to release the film online, they need to go through a third-party distributor, but so far none have come forward offering their services.
Earlier on Friday, Obama said during his end-of-the-year press conference Sony should have released the film and not bowed to pressure from hackers.
'I wish they would have spoken to me first,' Obama said. 'I would have told them, "Do not get into a pattern in which you're intimidated by these kinds of criminal attacks."
'We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the United States,' the president said. 'Because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satirical movie, imagine what they start doing when they see a documentary that they don't like, or news reports that they don't like.'
The hackers released embarrassing emails between Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal and producer Scott Rudin joking in a racially insensitive manner about Obama's film tastes.
Responding to the president's critique, Lynton said Sony had 'no alternative' but to pull the screwball comedy about a fictional plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un because movie theater chains said they would not screen the film.
'We have not caved, we have not given in, we have persevered and we have not backed down,' Lynton said. 'We have always had every desire to have the American public see this movie.'
The Sony executive added that if given the chance, the studio would have made The Interview again, and that he still would like the public to see the film.
'Knowing what I know now, we might have... done something slightly differently,' he added.
When asked about his reaction to the president's statement earlier today, Lynton - a long-time support of Obama - said he would be 'fibbing' had he said he wasn't disappointed.
'I don't know exactly whether he understands the sequence of events that led up to the movie not being shown in the movie theaters,' Lynton said. 'Therefore I would disagree with the notion that it was a mistake.'
The full interview with Michael Lynton will air Friday night on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 at 8pm and Sunday on Fareed Zakaria GPS.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Way2Old4Dis Fri 19 Dec 2014, 23:18

Sony is almost beside the point now. They are Victim Zero in a bona fide terrorist attack and ensuing threat. Files were released, yes, and we now know Amy Pascal to have bad judgment and Scott Rudin to be a prick. But at the end of that, so fucking what? Let those people deal with their personal shit. I don't care.

But intellectual property was stolen by international cybercriminals, who then threatened not only the corporation but many thousands of lives, if they didn't get what they want. That is terrorism. If I called up a company and demanded that they pull a product I didn't like, or I'd do them and other people physical harm, I would be hunted down and jailed for making terroristic threats. What we have here, apparently, is a state-sanctioned (at a minimum) group that has not only hacked, stolen, and distributed a company's data; it has threatened lives.

Why would we not go after them? How could we not?

George is right. We got lost in the sensationalism. The real story was buried. I think he did the right thing in trying to get the petition signed, even though I know it is ultimately useless. It's like the petitions circulating in support of the Black victims of police killings. They won't get the real job done. But it's a start, a rallying point, a call to action -- and a way to get people committed to a course.

This is no longer about Sony. Actually, it never was, but we got distracted. It's about our rights as a nation, how much we believe in them, and what we will do to defend them.

The Guardians of Peace and North Korea should be very happy that a reasonable man is in the White House right now. If I had the job for one day, at the end of it, there wouldn't be a cyberterrorist in the world who would risk coming this way again.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Way2Old4Dis Fri 19 Dec 2014, 23:19

LizzyNY wrote:Nicky - I would agree with you that this movie isn't worth all the trouble it has caused. But the movie isn't the issue. If people who don't like the movie demonstrate against it, boycott Sony products or just stay away from this movie that's ok. But hacking into Sony and releasing stolen information and threatening people is not.

I don't care if I ever see this movie. I never planned to in the first place. But I do care if someone tries to censor what I can see (or read) because they have an agenda. And even more I care that these people were able to hack into a corporation's files with no consequences. They need to be stopped before they do real damage and this type of hacking spreads. If releasing the movie stops them, then Sony should release it.


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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Fri 19 Dec 2014, 23:38

Way2Old4Dis wrote:

Why would we not go after them? How could we not?

Well, if North Korea is involved (and they still claim they didn't) then I'm sure they can't wait until the USA try to go after them. It is all about how to provoke someone .... and by now everyone knows how to provoke the US. It is a game and North Korea will use it for his Propaganda....I'm sure there were hoping for a reaction like this if they did it....

Where I try to be carefull is...FBI says it was North Korea. Now everyone blaims North Korea...North Korea (until now) says they have nothing to do with it. Reminds me a bit of when the US had evidence Iraq had atomic weapons to excuse a war.... Maybe it was North Korea and the FBI is right.....twentieth century is not anymore about ground wars...cyber war is the new kind of war. And it is cheaper. A hacker is not so expensive like a weapon but can do a lot of economical damage. While with ground wars it is for example far away for normal households. Cyber war involves everyone ....kind off.....If I make sense
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Alisonfan Sat 20 Dec 2014, 10:24

It boiled down to personal safety of ppl who visit movies over Christmas?

Did George say not so long ago " we are concerned for the safety of our family all over the world". August Daily Mail rant.

Yet he simply sacrifice othere ppl family?

He hate hackers and dictators, yet his family/household make their money defending same???

George appears to talk out of both sides of mouth?

I am confused by his public intention.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Silje Sat 20 Dec 2014, 13:28

When I read the interview I thought maybee he was running for office. George Clooney, the only man smart enough to forsee the Sony Hack Attack and the only man brave enough to stand up for American values and Freedom of Speech in the Face of The Enemy (Lil Kim).   

Personally I'm  not convinced Babyface is responsible. Maybee it is Tsar Putin trying to manipulate the Americans into "attacking" North Korea and keep their hands out of things that belong to Putin like the Ukraine and the Baltic Sea region. And "attack" on North Korea would also upset the Chinese, they are becoming more and more powerful, and I am sure Putin wouldn’t  mind a colder relationship between the  US and China. Anything to bring Russia back to its former Greatness. 

Another possible suspect is ISIS or some other Islamic group, payback for the bombings and focus US interest elsewhere. It is so easy to blame the North Koreans isn't  it? Everybody knows there are nutjobs running that country and the fact that Sony had the poor taste of making a film about the assassination of Babyface makes them an obvious target.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Way2Old4Dis Sat 20 Dec 2014, 14:57

Alisonfan wrote:It boiled down to personal safety of ppl who visit movies over Christmas?

Did George say not so long ago " we are concerned for the safety of our family all over the world". August Daily Mail rant.

Yet he simply sacrifice othere ppl family?

He hate hackers and dictators, yet his family/household make their money defending same???

George appears to talk out of both sides of mouth?

I am confused by his public intention.

George didn't say that the movie had to be released in theatres. He said it should be released on some platform. Whether that's DVD or streaming or whatever, it's still a release, just not a theatrical one.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Way2Old4Dis Sat 20 Dec 2014, 15:04

Silje wrote:When I read the interview I thought maybee he was running for office. George Clooney, the only man smart enough to forsee the Sony Hack Attack and the only man brave enough to stand up for American values and Freedom of Speech in the Face of The Enemy (Lil Kim).   

Personally I'm  not convinced Babyface is responsible. Maybee it is Tsar Putin trying to manipulate the Americans into "attacking" North Korea and keep their hands out of things that belong to Putin like the Ukraine and the Baltic Sea region. And "attack" on North Korea would also upset the Chinese, they are becoming more and more powerful, and I am sure Putin wouldn’t  mind a colder relationship between the  US and China. Anything to bring Russia back to its former Greatness. 

Another possible suspect is ISIS or some other Islamic group, payback for the bombings and focus US interest elsewhere. It is so easy to blame the North Koreans isn't  it? Everybody knows there are nutjobs running that country and the fact that Sony had the poor taste of making a film about the assassination of Babyface makes them an obvious target.

All good points, and I'm calling Jong-un "Lil Kim" from here on out.

But I think ISIS can be the first to be eliminated. Their wheelhouse is tortuous murder and YouTube; they lose their best recruiting tool if they make threats and stay anonymous.

I don't put anything past Putin, but I think China is much too deliberate and has too much at stake to be manipulated by the likes of Russia.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by fava Sat 20 Dec 2014, 16:10

I don't think George "foresaw" the Sony hack.  He was just making a joke because that is the topic of his own project.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Sevens Sat 20 Dec 2014, 16:27

Silje wrote:When I read the interview I thought maybee he was running for office. George Clooney, the only man smart enough to forsee the Sony Hack Attack and the only man brave enough to stand up for American values and Freedom of Speech in the Face of The Enemy (Lil Kim).   

Personally I'm  not convinced Babyface is responsible. Maybee it is Tsar Putin trying to manipulate the Americans into "attacking" North Korea and keep their hands out of things that belong to Putin like the Ukraine and the Baltic Sea region. And "attack" on North Korea would also upset the Chinese, they are becoming more and more powerful, and I am sure Putin wouldn’t  mind a colder relationship between the  US and China. Anything to bring Russia back to its former Greatness. 

Another possible suspect is ISIS or some other Islamic group, payback for the bombings and focus US interest elsewhere. It is so easy to blame the North Koreans isn't  it? Everybody knows there are nutjobs running that country and the fact that Sony had the poor taste of making a film about the assassination of Babyface makes them an obvious target.
I think the US and China relationship has been pretty good recently especially after the APEC Summit and Obama's formal visit last month. Putin also attended the conference but our president Xi seemed having ignored him a bit.
As far as I've known our government has contacted the US representive about this issue and we're willing to offer help over investigation. And from what I've seen here online, most movie fans support George's speech and condemn North Korea for this attack. Though censorship is just everywhere in our country! Very Happy We've got so many issues which aren't allowed to be made into movies and some politically incorrect foreign films have been banned from release such as The Dark Knight. Anyway, George's view is quite refreshing to me. Every movie or script has to be censored here according to some certain law. It's been much better compared to the 1960s. My parents used to see the same 8 or 10 "red" films about our history of revolution during their entire childhood. They was no other films getting screenings for almost those special ten years. How boring that would be! Sad  My dad said every child could effortlessly recite the exact lines for each scene of each film. They just had seen the films soooooooooo many times! Razz
As for North Korea, I think what they're now are pretty much what were in the past. Even worse in some aspects. At least we didn't let a family run the country all the time and we did manage to produce our own nuclear bombs. Actually my grandpa fought in NK to help them defend against the US. The old Kim just came to ask help from us when he almost lost the war. We lost countless soldiers' lives helping them fight back. And then Kim just told his people that their army won the war against the US by themselves, sadly most NK people don't even recognize that China helped them in that war. Of course we acted on self interest for not wanting the US military forces wandering right at our door. NK has been our crazy watchdog ever since.Very Happy
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I've read this piece. IMO our government wont be interested to help the US on this issue as long as NK isn't trying to develop their nuclear weapons again. Sadly that's the truth here.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Silje Sat 20 Dec 2014, 17:02

Third generation Kim running the country since 1948. They live in luxury and the people starve. Interesting that the current leader is the youngest out of 3 brothers and that he went to school in Switzerland, likes American Basketball, computer games and Eric Clapton.And his mother who was supposedly his fathers mistress was born in Japan but is an etnic Korean. 

And for the record I  didn't  invent the nick-name Lil Kim, picked it up on another board. Smile

And Russia is hurting financially  from the sanctions the US, Canada and the EU imposed on them for taking back Krim.  I wonder what Putin will do if the Ukraine actually joins the EU. 

The North Koreans deny having  anything to do with. But Kim III likes computer games. Hmmm. Have to rethink this. Still think it could be Putin though.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Way2Old4Dis Sat 20 Dec 2014, 20:59

I think the US and China relationship has been pretty good recently especially after the APEC Summit and Obama's formal visit last month. Putin also attended the conference but our president Xi seemed having ignored him a bit.
As far as I've known our government has contacted the US representive about this issue and we're willing to offer help over investigation.


I would think that given the different layers of each country's positioning relative to the others, that China would offer to help, with the expectation that the US would decline; that the US would ask only that China not publicly rebuke us in favor of North Korea when we do respond to this attack; and that Russia would avoid further economic distress and international isolation by getting a clue to STFU about the whole thing.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Sat 20 Dec 2014, 21:18

Silje wrote: Everybody knows there are nutjobs running that country and the fact that Sony had the poor taste of making a film about the assassination of Babyface makes them an obvious target.

Agree on that.
North Korea made three nuclear tests 2006, 2009 and 2013. Technically they have the nuclear bombs but they do not have the Missile yet to deliver it. Poking fun at a nutter close to the edge with their fingers on buttons to a Nuclear war.... why provoke a nutter....?

Obama can warn North Korea as much as he wants with his reveange. North Korea has so many sanctions hold against them and the People are so poor. If it really was North Korea, what do they have to lose.? Nothing, they need to provoke to come back into the game. 2012 they needed Food aid which their got from the US.....Then they did the 2013 Nuclear test and had more sanctions against them.
And then this year North Korea tried to get the attention from America with meeting with Denis Rodmann. That was weird...
Who knows what really hapened behind the Scene. Fact is North Korea is back in the game. Whatever you try you can't exclude a dictator from world politic. They always find a way back....At least they got the attention from the US President again. If it was North Korea then I'm sure that's what they wanted......
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Sat 20 Dec 2014, 21:25

Interesting article

It's time to stop laughing about North Korea

We are all missing the point about The Interview, a movie no one can see.

Of course, since we can’t see the film, it’s hard to say much about its content. From the snippets online, it appears to hew to the decades-old formula of a screwball buddy comedy. The movie’s plot revolves around a couple of doofuses, on a secret mission for the CIA, trying to assassinate North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-Un.

Now, the movie’s stars and its backers are in the middle of an international incident themselves. It appears as though North Korea was so piqued by this goofball of a movie that it is threatening 9/11-style terrorist attacks against cinemas which dare screen it and Sony Pictures cancelled its release.
And so The Interview, whose trailer includes a couple of lame jokes about “pee and poo,” joins the pantheon of banned literature, film and art.

Move over Salman Rushdie, Seth Rogen is our new poster boy for the martyrdom of the censored.
But when The Satanic Verses was banned and Mr. Rushdie was the target of the Ayatollah Khomeini’s murderous fatwa, individual citizens could strike out against this evil and support the author in a small but meaningful way: they could read his book.

With The Interview, however, how individual citizens should respond is a surprisingly complex issue.
The complexity stems not just from the difficulty of watching an unreleased movie – I suspect it will be released, perhaps straight to your PVR, making it a lot harder to stage 9/11-style attacks. Rather, the complexity stems from the movie’s content.

Like the timeworn screwball buddy comedy itself, our understanding of North Korea is locked in its own formulaic context. We see the bizarre antics of North Korea’s hereditary leadership – unusual hairdos, platform shoes and friendships with Dennis Rodman – and we roll our eyes. The very premise of The Interview fits in perfectly with our sense that North Korea is the silliest place on earth.

It’s not. It’s the ugliest place on earth.

It’s time to put the guffaws behind us, ignore the inane antics of its leaders, and state the obvious: North Korea is the world’s most repressive, vindictive and menacing police state. There is nothing funny about this gigantic gulag of a country.

Take just one example: in North Korea, punishment for some crimes – such as daring to escape the country – includes life imprisonment in concentration camps. However, a life sentence applies not only to the convicts. In some cases, the country’s Three Generations of Punishment policy kicks in and convicts’ children and grandchildren will also be sent to the camps. In other cases, convicts will conceive children in the prison camps. Those children and their children’s children will be born in and live their entire lives in these camps, lives fraught with starvation and unspeakable brutality. They are slaves, but we go on laughing at their leader’s haircut.

Not only do we laugh at North Korea’s leadership, we now make blockbuster comedies about it. Nobody would make a comedy about a couple of shmoes trying to assassinate Bashir al-Assad, Robert Mugabe or any of the other thugs who are destroying their societies. But for North Korea, where starvation is thought to have resulted in millions of deaths, we enjoy it with popcorn.

The lesson to tomorrow’s tyrant is clear: behave just a touch offbeat, and feel free to brutalize your population to your cold heart’s content.

Which takes us to the challenge of The Interview. Of course, the way the movie industry has cancelled The Interview’s release raises serious questions of intimidation and censorship. But the movie raises a bigger challenges still: what motivates Sony Pictures – and us – to see North Korea as an easy target for our laughs instead of our outrage?

Of course, North Korea feeds into this. It’s weird and wild overreaction to The Interview distracts us from the real issue.

The real issue is the regime’s brutality.

The best thing to come out of this small fiasco would be to shift our focus from the foibles of North Korea’s ruling regime to its record of shocking cruelty to its own people, for that is the real fiasco.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Sun 21 Dec 2014, 10:49

Will be interesting to see if China really wants to help the US. The Chinese state newspaper the Global Times has also criticised the movie, describing it as "senseless cultural arrogance" in an editorial.

Sony hack: US seeks China's help against North Korea cyberattacks - Report

The US government has reportedly asked China to help block North Korea’s ability to launch cyberattacks, in the wake of the massive hack of Sony Pictures.
Administration officials told the New York Times the sought-for cooperation was one of the first steps toward the “proportional response” President Barack Obama promised on Friday in his first comments on the fiasco.
“What we are looking for is a blocking action, something that would cripple their efforts to carry out attacks,” an official told the Times.
China’s cooperation would be essential to any attempt to crack down on North Korea’s cyber-warfare operations, as the country’s telecommunications run through Chinese-operated networks.
Whether China will agree to help remains to be seen, as tensions have been high between the two countries over issues of cyber security. In May, the Justice Department brought charges against five Chinese army personnel, accusing them of orchestrating hacks into US companies including Alcoa and US Steel. China responded, calling the accusations “’extremely ridiculous” and ending bilateral talks on cyber security.
Sony has been left reeling after a series of embarrassing leaks from its studio division. The disclosures were made by a group calling itself Guardians of Peace, which said its intention was to halt the release of The Interview, a comedy starring Seth Rogen and James Franco which depicts the assassination of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un.

The Interview was due for release in the US on Christmas Day. Sony said on Friday it would withdraw the film. Citing American values regarding freedom of speech, Obama said that decision was “a mistake”, adding: “I wish they had spoken to me first.”
Sony hit back at the president, saying it had consulted the White House before withdrawing The Interview.
While some in the hacker community remain skeptical, on Friday the FBI said it had proof that the hack originated from North Korea. North Korea has denied the accusations and proposed holding a joint inquiry with the US.
“As the United States is spreading groundless allegations and slandering us, we propose a joint investigation with it into this incident,” a foreign ministry spokesman said on Saturday.
“Without resorting to such tortures as were used by the CIA, we have means to prove that this incident has nothing to do with us.”

Earlier on Saturday, the National Security Council spokesman Mark Stroh said the administration stood by its belief that North Korea was responsible for the hack.
“As the FBI made clear,” he said, “we are confident the North Korean government is responsible for this destructive attack. We stand by this conclusion.”
“The government of North Korea has a long history of denying responsibility for destructive and provocative actions. If the North Korean government wants to help, they can admit their culpability and compensate Sony for the damages this attack caused.”

The furore appeared to overshadow a second statement in which Pyongyang vowed to boost its nuclear capability and resist a UN resolution, passed on Thursday, to refer its leaders to the international criminal court for crimes against humanity.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Alisonfan Sun 21 Dec 2014, 11:15

Way2Old4Dis wrote:
Alisonfan wrote:It boiled down to personal safety of ppl who visit movies over Christmas?

Did George say not so long ago " we are concerned for the safety of our family all over the world". August Daily Mail rant.

Yet he simply sacrifice othere ppl family?

He hate hackers and dictators, yet his family/household make their money defending same???

George appears to talk out of both sides of mouth?

I am confused by his public intention.

George didn't say that the movie had to be released in theatres. He said it should be released on some platform. Whether that's DVD or streaming or whatever, it's still a release, just not a theatrical one.


There is a NO of "joined up thinking" in his view.  For Amal's (HIS WIFE) professional life, this argument has to be made by someone else.  NOT him.

People who live in glasshouse should not through stones.  Example "Amal, pass me five bucks for parking meter"  Five bucks come from Assange pocket (or Assange supporters).

His life becomes sooo complicated, because he HAS to be heard. Amal's associates must be cringing for her.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Nicky80 Sun 21 Dec 2014, 11:54

I don't know why we always have to refere to Amal whatever George does or says. I think Amal has nothing to do with this (and can we please not turn this to an Amal thread as we have so many).
George always spoke up for Sony in the past. George is still George.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by party animal - not! Sun 21 Dec 2014, 12:24

Correct. His behaviour and reaction to this situation is no different from any other similar situation he has found himself in (Diana and the paps at the time of her death comes to mind).

 He says what others are thinking, and he has the platform to do that. Totally consistent. Especially when he sees injustice.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Missa Sun 21 Dec 2014, 15:42

I'm not computer-proficient by any means, but I could create a website and post a movie on it by the end of the day. Sony keeps placing the blame on theaters and third party distibutors, but you only need them if you're still trying to make money on this disaster. Releasing it online for free prevents innocent individuals from being targeted with violence, and takes a stand against terrorism. I'm beginning to feel like whatever information hasn't been released yet, the big Christmas release that the hackers threatened, is really serious, and Sony is not willing to take a
chance that it will come out. So they cave to every demand and blame other people for their cowardice. If they really wanted the film out there, we'd all have access to it right now.
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Way2Old4Dis Sun 21 Dec 2014, 15:43

Alisonfan wrote:
Way2Old4Dis wrote:
Alisonfan wrote:It boiled down to personal safety of ppl who visit movies over Christmas?

Did George say not so long ago " we are concerned for the safety of our family all over the world". August Daily Mail rant.

Yet he simply sacrifice othere ppl family?

He hate hackers and dictators, yet his family/household make their money defending same???

George appears to talk out of both sides of mouth?

I am confused by his public intention.

George didn't say that the movie had to be released in theatres. He said it should be released on some platform. Whether that's DVD or streaming or whatever, it's still a release, just not a theatrical one.


There is a NO of "joined up thinking" in his view.  For Amal's (HIS WIFE) professional life, this argument has to be made by someone else.  NOT him.

People who live in glasshouse should not through stones.  Example "Amal, pass me five bucks for parking meter"  Five bucks come from Assange pocket (or Assange supporters).

His life becomes sooo complicated, because he HAS to be heard. Amal's associates must be cringing for her.

I don't get the connections you're making on this, especially in the context of answering my post.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by Way2Old4Dis Sun 21 Dec 2014, 15:58

Missa wrote:I'm not computer-proficient by any means, but I could create a website and post a movie on it by the end of the day. Sony keeps placing the blame on theaters and third party distibutors, but you only need them if you're still trying to make money on this disaster. Releasing it online for free prevents innocent individuals from being targeted with violence, and takes a stand against terrorism. I'm beginning to feel like whatever information hasn't been released yet, the big Christmas release that the hackers threatened, is really serious, and Sony is not willing to take a
chance that it will come out. So they cave to every demand and blame other people for their cowardice. If they really wanted the film out there, we'd all have access to it right now.

All true.

There's probably a combination of things going on by now. As I said before, there might be insurance limits on what Sony can do to limit or recoup their losses. And the movie probably sucks. But, as you say, they are probably trying to limit or avoid the "Christmas surprise." Finally, there's a good chance that Pascal and Lynton are no longer making the final decisions in this. I'm sure Japan has final say on whatever happens from here on out.

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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by it's me Sun 21 Dec 2014, 17:11


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The Global Cell Network Is Wildly Insecure. Anyone Could Be Listening To Your Calls.

Cell towers at sunset.
Photo by noolwlee/Shutterstock

If you're feeling like the only way to keep your personal details private at this point is to curl up in a hole with a flip phone, you're not going to like this. The Washington Post is reporting that German researchers have discovered major security flaws in SS7, the global cellular network designed in the 1980s that routes phone calls and texts.

Lily Hay Newman
Lily Hay Newman is a staff writer and the lead blogger for Future Tense.
The findings will be presented at a conference in Hamburg later this month by Tobias Engel, the founder of Sternraute, and Karsten Nohl, the chief scientist for Security Research Labs. The two each found the vulnerabilities during seperate research. The flaws are the latest and most damning assessment of SS7's security status. The Post explains that weak points mainly exist in nonessential but important features like those that allow a moving phone to switch from one cell tower to another without losing a call. Spies and hackers alike could be exploting the vulnerabilities to listen in on or record billions of calls and text messages.
Even though carriers have spent a lot to upgrade their data infrastructures to 3G and 4G and make everything more secure, they still have to use SS7 to enable inter-carrier data exchange. If I have AT&T and you have Verizon and we call each other, we're exposed. The Post also points out that hackers could use any SS7-enabled carrier (basically all of them) anywhere in the world to hack other networks. “It’s like you secure the front door of the house, but the back door is wide open,” Engel said. “I doubt we are the first ones in the world who realize how open the SS7 network is.”

Government intelligence agencies around the world likely know about and even use the SS7 vulnerabilities, though the research didn't find specific evidence of this. And it's not clear how widely the flaws have been exploited, if at all, by other criminals and malicious hackers.

Engel and Nohl say there are two approaches to exploiting the vulnerabilities. Hackers can either forward calls to themselves before sending them on to the intended recipient, or locally they could pick up all the texts and calls going through the airwaves using a radio antenna and then use SS7 to request temporary encryption keys from carriers to unlock the data. The latter technique would allow hackers to get around even strong encryption on 3G networks.

Between the Sony Pictures hack and the ICANN intrusion (not to mention revelations about NSA surveillance last year), it's starting to seem like we need completely new approaches to large-scale digital security. But perhaps it has more to do with a change in mindset. "Spend[ing] in cyber security is expanding rapidly, as is the realization that relying on a single solution to protect ... networks and information isn't enough," said Jay Kaplan, the CEO of enterprise cybersecurity firm Synack. "Security is a puzzle with many intricate pieces—there isn't a silver bullet."
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George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14 Empty Re: George Talks to Deadline About Sony, 12-18-14

Post by LizzyNY Sun 21 Dec 2014, 17:19

The big issue is that the hack occurred. Yes, it will have repercussions on free speech and freedom of expression, not only in the US but in all countries watching this play out. Everyone is wondering who will be next - and it isn't just the movie industry that is at risk. Is Sony trying to control the damage? Of course. Are their actions based on financial concerns? Probably. They are after all a business.

What troubles me is that no one seems concerned about all the personal information that was stolen on Sony's employees and the people in the film community who do business with them. This is massive identity theft and could cause horrendous consequences for the people whose information was stolen. To those who think this is some kind of a game between corporations or governments, consider how you would feel if you worked at Sony - or if the place where you work was hacked like this This has given encouragement to hackers all over the world to step up their game.
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