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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

party animal - not!
What Would He Say
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by What Would He Say Mon 24 Nov 2014, 00:28

My perception of George, when I joined here, i thought him to be the nearest thing to heaven I had ever seen.

But that is all it was....a other words imagination, because the reality is we never met.

I have read so much conflict.... nastiness and silliness on this site over the past few months.

On the one hand the pro-Amals... you lot are the silly ones... you praise a woman NONE of you know, and look silly, childish and easily led in doing so, as one white post leads to an even whiter one ... The more you praise, the more PR contrived the whole thing appears.  You do yourselves and Amal a disservice by carrying on this hideous  "Girl crush" malarky.

On the other hand we have the anti-Amals and George..... Why so nasty if you don't like it ....don't eat it. Move on with a cheery smile and your eyes up to the sky looking for a new star to worship.  If he chose her ....WTF...his life, his work, his reputation, his business...not yours....not even hers(Amal) HIS ! Don't let nasty trolling him/them give you wrinkles, they are not worth it

And "here's the thing" as himself would say.....My home guy, sport loving, cheeky boy was in fact, non of those thing.  That was MY PERCEPTION imagination.  Do I feel duped, hell no! I never met him.  I duped myself.  My bad.
Do I feel I can use the internet to piss on them NO.  Because that would only reflect on me. (and give me wrinkles). 

I know some of you feel bitterly disappointed, your perceptions were strong, and to an extent you were "led on".  Like a holiday romance or second date your perceptions were fed, he has sold himself to the masses....but only truly mixes with the elite.
To those ppl, don't keep throwing stones....that will never hit the target, only the inside of your head. Stop the hurt. No more troll Dolls. You are better than that, find a new addiction, try baking, swimming, take a dog grooming course....just put your energy somewhere more interesting, than A&G.

To the pro's stop the crap, she is NOT white than white.  This is well proven. PR can make you into anything you want to be, PR ppl are well paid to do this....don't be dorks and do it for nothing. But then again, you are working on your perceptions.

Nighty night my friends and may your God go with little pro's and anti's X
What Would He Say
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by LizzyNY Mon 24 Nov 2014, 02:43

WWHS - Has George lost a fan? I hope not. All the analytical bullshit aside, he's still a good actor, director, etc. and nice to look at. For some of us (well, for me,actually) trying to figure him and his life out is a puzzle - a hobby, if you like.-one of many - but not an addiction. He's not perfect and she's not the devil incarnate, but they're both interesting people and their relationship intrigues me. I guess I'll keep trying to figure things out based on my perceptions and hope some day to find out if I've come anywhere near the truth. Very Happy
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by LornaDoone Mon 24 Nov 2014, 02:56

Post is tinging on abusive commentary of other posters.  Let's dial that part back.

No need to call those who like or dislike names.  Better to make your points without name calling.

Now that being said - nothing you're saying is new.  We've had those type of comments made over and over by others.

The haters are going to hate.  Mods job is to make sure it stays as reasonably civil as possible.

Lovers gonna love.  No getting over that and all are free to express opposing opinions as long as name calling isn't part of the equation.

Personally, I believe that those who name call when they can't get someone to change their opinion to mirror theirs have run out of argument and use name calling as a way to "get back" at those who don't share your opinion.

And I won't even say what name comes to mind with that.

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Hebe Mon 24 Nov 2014, 03:10

Oh bother! I wrote a long screed and then lost it. I'll try again tomorrow. I will say briefly now that I found some of what WWHS said quite offensive.  There is absolutely no need for calling pro Amal posters names. I do not think she is 'whiter than white', she has flaws like the rest of us but I think that George has enough savvy to choose a decent person for a wife.

I'm neither 'silly,childish' or 'easily led' nor do I have a girlcrush on Amal. I am quite able to make up my own mind.  

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Missa Mon 24 Nov 2014, 04:05

I'm not sure where this should go, but this thread seemed like as good a place as any. Mods feels free to move it if it doesn't fit here.

There a sweet little story about George in Amy Poehler's new book, about how she planned the bit she did with him at the 2013 Golden Globes. She says she asked his people if he'd mind her sitting next to him for the bit, and they said "Of course not!" Without asking him, since they knew he'd be cool with it. Amy says she waited until she was in the moment to ask about sitting on his lap, because "It's better to ask forgiveness for sitting on George Clooney's lap than permission." He asked her what she had planned, and she told him she thought it would be funny that when her name was announced as a nominee, if the camera cut to them laughing and flirting. She told him that if she won, she'd probably kiss him hard on the mouth. He said "That's not a bad Sunday." When the camera cut to them, he handed her a glass of champagne, leaned into her ear and whispered, "The thing about
making movies is..." and played right along. Amy ends the story by saying "The reason everyone thinks Clooney is the best is BECAUSE HE IS." I thought this perception of George from someone who actually does know him was nice.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Donnamarie Mon 24 Nov 2014, 04:24

Thanks Missa for sharing that story. Pretty sweet.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by premiere Tue 25 Nov 2014, 00:05

I think this is an appropriate place to comment on the Bill Cosby scandal. I just read an editorial that talks about how this is so upsetting because his reputation was so sterling. It's so jarring to have someone you've put on a pedestal do things so abhorrent and get away with it for so many years (actually decades.) Even though it hasn't been proven that he is guilty, the numbers of accusers are growing.
It's such a mistake to see someone in such absolutes. That's why some of the posters who absolutely hate or absolutely love these two need to be realistic. It also shows why popular celebs are so terrified that something negative be found out about them. The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And the more disillusioned we become with people in general.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Joanna Tue 25 Nov 2014, 00:26

Yes thanks Missa for the anecdote. I remember that
little scene from the GG 2013. It looked fun.
As you so rightly say, it's always good to hear about
George from someone who actually knows him.

I don't have him on a pedestal, I know he's human.
He bleeds when cut and his......No I won't write that.
Not ladylike to refer to bathroom activities.....but it's true. Lol.
I don't care what other posters think about me for
following George and being pleased for him that he's
found someone who he trusts enough to marry.
I'm happy coming here and spending some of my time
reading posts and writing posts.

I'm not in any way involved in any kind of PR !
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Donnamarie Tue 25 Nov 2014, 02:58

premiere, this story about Bill Cosby has been really disturbing. Though the recent allegations against him are not really surprising because there have been a few women in the past who have accused him of assaulting them but nothing has ever come of it. Except in one case where there was a settlement out of court a few years ago. Cosby did have a stellar rep and it is mind boggling when these accusations against him have come from so many women. Hard to believe at this point that these women's stories aren't true.. But there is no real proof at this point and it's too late to bring charges against him because of the statute of limitations has passed.

I appreciate that we shouldnt look at George in such absolutes. But I also agree with what Joanna said in her post. I don't see George as perfect. He can do wrong but hopefully he has never done anything so hainous as what Cosby has done. In fact in interviews he's given in the past he talks about some of his shortcomings. But we certainly don't know everything about his life but I do trust him because I see him as a genuine person. I use that word a lot to describe how I see George "genuine". But your observations about perceptions of some of the posters here seem very valid.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by jd68 Tue 25 Nov 2014, 12:27

I don't pretend to know who George Clooney is. He shows an aspect of himself to the media to promote his projects. But that is just one part of his personality. I doubt he is as charming on a day-to-day basis as he is in interviews. He's not an angel and he's not a devil. Take anyone on the planet and you will able to find someone to tell you about something evil he has done or a time he treated someone poorly. I'm sure the same can be said about GC. But I think for the most part he's a good guy - a good guy with flaws.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by / Tue 25 Nov 2014, 13:29

I remember another one of those stories: Bill Murray once said on the Graham Norton Show that he and George tried to push a couple of ladies in a wheelchair into the water on a drunken night. That's pretty mean! Smile 
Anyway, I don't really understand why anyone would put another person on a pedestal and feel complete adoration for them. But I guess it depends on what kind of person you are. We all have certain perceptions of people and how we want them to be. This is the same in our daily lives. But I think at the same time we should try and not be too prejudiced and just observe a bit more. I like to observe George and Amal and sometimes I have an opinion on them and sometimes not. I don't necessarily hate or love.

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Joanna Tue 25 Nov 2014, 17:03

Codexchick wrote:I remember another one of those stories: Bill Murray once said on the Graham Norton Show that he and George tried to push a couple of ladies in a wheelchair into the water on a drunken night. That's pretty mean! Smile 

I believe it happened at a Venice Film Festival and it was a friend of George's
who was pushed into a pool, after being pushed around in a wheelchair.
I think Bill Murray told David Letterman about it.

I don't think that George pranks anyone who wouldn't
be able to take it. JMO.

Story about it here.....
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Donnamarie Tue 25 Nov 2014, 17:21

George also pushed Sandy Bullock into a pool years ago at a party. Remember? She never let him forget about that. I hope she paid him back for that one.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Joanna Tue 25 Nov 2014, 17:27

Donnamarie wrote:George also pushed Sandy Bullock into a pool years ago at a party. Remember?  She never let him forget about that.  I hope she paid him back for that one.  

No I've not heard about that one.
I'm sure she has paid him back, many times over !
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by party animal - not! Tue 25 Nov 2014, 17:48

Jo, here it is

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party animal - not!
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by / Tue 25 Nov 2014, 19:06

Joanna wrote:
Codexchick wrote:I remember another one of those stories: Bill Murray once said on the Graham Norton Show that he and George tried to push a couple of ladies in a wheelchair into the water on a drunken night. That's pretty mean! Smile 

I believe it happened at a Venice Film Festival and it was a friend of George's
who was pushed into a pool, after being pushed around in a wheelchair.
I think Bill Murray told David Letterman about it.

I don't think that George pranks anyone who wouldn't
be able to take it. JMO.

Story about it here.....
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Well, he also told it at Graham Norton's but in another version of the story. He litterally said that they had apparently tried to dump women into the swimming pool. But he also mentioned that he doesn't remember a whole lot about it anymore so...  Smile He probably wanted to make the story more interesting.

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Joanna Tue 25 Nov 2014, 19:16

party animal - not! wrote:Jo, here it is

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Ah thanks memory cells are working again.
I remember something about that now ! LOL
I believe she and George have a special friendship
that goes back many years.
I think she commented recently "George isn't everyone's
cup of tea" so she must know him pretty well.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Katiedot Thu 27 Nov 2014, 02:00

Back on topic, some very good points WWHS. George (and Amal for that matter) are, like every one of us, human, flawed and less than perfect. Pretending otherwise (no matter which way you go: 'whiter than white' or 'can do nothing right') is just plain silly.

Being personally upset or feeling let down by George are feelings WE (may) have but they're not feelings that George has deliberately created in order to upset anyone. He gets on with his life, as he does every day. What we think/feel about it is not something that he's giving any thought to. And sometimes I think that's worth remembering. We're fans: our relationship with George, such as it is, is entirely one way.

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by What Would He Say Fri 28 Nov 2014, 00:58

Katiedot wrote:Back on topic, some very good points WWHS.  George (and Amal for that matter) are, like every one of us, human, flawed and less than perfect.  Pretending otherwise (no matter which way you go: 'whiter than white' or 'can do nothing right') is just plain silly.  

Being personally upset or feeling let down by George are feelings WE (may) have but they're not feelings that George has deliberately created in order to upset anyone.  He gets on with his life, as he does every day.  What we think/feel about it is not something that he's giving any thought to.  And sometimes I think that's worth remembering.  We're fans: our relationship with George, such as it is, is entirely one way.

Love it Katie....he is human, like the rest of us. But no longer a humanitarian, that part of him disappeared on a gondola........ Like the rest of the true humanitians in this world, the loss of "one of our kind" is hurtful, and perplexing.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by fava Fri 28 Nov 2014, 01:08

WWHS--what is your basis for believing he is no longer a humanitarian?  What has he done or not done in the last 10 weeks to make you say that?

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by What Would He Say Fri 28 Nov 2014, 09:46

Fava, this is your perception, just not mine.
My lil star has changed in many longer a Romeo no longer a player, no longer the heart of a humanitarian.......what do they say "shit happens"......but he has found what was missing in his life and embraced it.....something's had to leave the heart to make room.....otherwise how could you ever square the checks and balances that are soo self evident in the life now being lived......that was then....this is now.....a different time, time to please let go of "the humanitarian" title it has no place with this couple. Jmo
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by What Would He Say Fri 28 Nov 2014, 09:47

Oooops and is offensive to ppl I know who are true humanitarians.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by PigPen Fri 28 Nov 2014, 14:38

What Would He Say wrote:Fava, this is your perception, just not mine.
My lil star has changed in many longer a Romeo no longer a player, no longer the heart of a humanitarian.......what do they say "shit happens"......but he has found what was missing in his life and embraced it.....something's had to leave the heart to make room.....otherwise how could you ever square the checks and balances that are soo self evident in the life now being lived......that was then....this is now.....a different time, time to please let go of "the humanitarian" title it has no place with this couple.  Jmo
Tend to agree with your thoughts.  Maybe he's just getting his  "sea legs" as it were.  Adjusting to being legally tied to someone ( no reflection on her directly.  All newly married people need an adjustment period), living in England, no early vacation to Cabo for a week, etc etc etc.

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by party animal - not! Fri 28 Nov 2014, 15:39

How did we perceive the humanitarian in him before he married?

I'm not sure seeing him getting off a private plane, or out to dinner at any point in his life before or after could be necessarily be perceived as humanitarian - unless of course it was landing in South Sudan. And the only times we know about his many trips there is when he chooses to publicise it. 

Difficult to perceive anything based on, say, the 1 per cent of his life we know about.

party animal - not!
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by fava Fri 28 Nov 2014, 16:45

What Would He Say wrote:Fava, this is your perception, just not mine.
My lil star has changed in many longer a Romeo no longer a player, no longer the heart of a humanitarian.......what do they say "shit happens"......but he has found what was missing in his life and embraced it.....something's had to leave the heart to make room.....otherwise how could you ever square the checks and balances that are soo self evident in the life now being lived......that was then....this is now.....a different time, time to please let go of "the humanitarian" title it has no place with this couple.  Jmo

I don't have a perception.  I just asked about your own statement that George has "no longer the heart of a humanitarian." 

Did he have such a heart when he dated strippers and porn stars but not now he is married?  In your opinion, does being in a relationship take so much energy that other things fall by the wayside?  We have seen a handful of photos of him over the last 10 weeks and I wonder why you have reached the conclusions that you have.  As PAN said, we see only 1% of him.  How does one reach the conclusion that he is not --as he has for a number of years--spending hours a day on Sudan and Satellite Sentinel?  Or spending time planning how to spend that hard-earned wedding photograph and Casamigos money on some charitable project?

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by LizzyNY Fri 28 Nov 2014, 20:48

Agreed, Fava. I think it's too soon to say whether he's changed his priorities. Somehow, I don't think he has - just that life has intervened. He just got married, he's got work projects lining up and who knows what he's been doing while we haven't seen him? A lot of people think he married Amal so they could be a humanitarian power couple. If that's true, maybe they're trying to figure out their next step.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Joanna Sat 29 Nov 2014, 15:20

After the making of Monuments Men didn't George
say he was going to have a long break from work ?
All I saw then was him having holidays, and
wooing a lady, who he won over enough for her to agree to marry him. The rest we've seen for ourselves.

Hopefully we're now going to have the occasional glimpse of his life as a married man.
Changes may well be seen. I think most of us change in a way after marriage, if we're honest with ourselves.

I'm looking forward to the next instalment
in Our George's life.
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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by PigPen Sat 29 Nov 2014, 16:16

Joanna, he's not ours any more.  He's hers.  Sad

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Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell? Empty Re: Perceptions of George, nearest thing to heaven...or hell?

Post by Joanna Sat 29 Nov 2014, 17:07

PigPen wrote:Joanna, he's not ours any more.  He's hers.  Sad

I still consider him as "ours"...Fan wise ! Love2

I don't think super cool Amal will mind.....will she ?
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