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Amal back in London without husband Empty Amal back in London without husband

Post by lelacorb Wed 01 Oct 2014, 18:39

[size=42][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Back To Reality: Newlywed A Londra Senza Marito George Clooney[/size]

Quali sono le prospettive per la coppia più calda di Hollywood?

Amal Alamuddin legato il nodo con Hollywood volpe argentata George Clooney questo fine settimana in una sontuosa festa di quattro giorni a Venezia, che è stato stimato un costo di verso l'alto di £ 8.000.000. Ma l'unico segno di nozze da favola, come è arrivata nel Regno Unito oggi è stata la fede nuziale £ 450.000 al dito.

Amal è stata scattata lasciando l'aeroporto di Heathrow Martedì mattina, guardando rilassato in jeans e un maglione, ma senza di lei altro accessorio prezioso, nuovo marito George.Chiaramente ancora al settimo cielo, il 36enne avvocato non riusciva a contenere il suo sorriso mentre si faceva strada tra l'aeroporto e nonostante diventare la sposa più invidiata dal momento che la Duchessa di Cambridge, secondo la rivista Vogue, lei era piuttosto basso-chiave , che viaggiano da soli.

L'avvocato può ben essere sempre di nuovo a lavorare alla Doughty Street Chambers, dove lavora come avvocato per i diritti umani, ma dopo aver legato il nodo con George, la sua vita è praticamente cambiata per sempre. Le camere ha ammesso di aver avuto di aggiornare il loro sito web in quanto l'impegno, a causa del forte interesse nel Amal da quando il fidanzamento è stato confermato e senza dubbio, lei dovrà fare i conti con la presenza costante dei paparazzi.

La quattro giorni vicenda ha visto Amal diventare un'icona over-night style, come lei uscì in una vasta gamma di abiti alla moda. Dal suo Alexander McQueen rosso pavimento-lunghezza abito per la cena di prova per il suo pizzo Oscar de la Renta abito da sposa, Amal di guadagnato un bel paio di appassionati di moda nel corso del weekend.

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Amal e George a Venezia questo fine settimana (FameFlynetUK)

Ma dov'è George? La stella Monumenti uomini non era con la sua sposa al suo ritorno a Londra e con entrambe le carriere giocoleria occupato, sarà un matrimonio a lunga distanza per la coppia.Secondo fonti essi saranno suddividere la loro tempo tra Londra e Los Angeles e hanno fatto un patto di spendere non più di due settimane di distanza in un dato momento.

"Quando la luna di miele è finita, saranno una coppia veramente internazionale", ha detto un insider Life & Style.

Aggiungendo che mentre a parte, saranno "essere al telefono con l'altro costantemente."
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to Clooney I go!

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by PigPen Wed 01 Oct 2014, 18:43

By [url= Merriman/Contributor]Rebecca Merriman[/url] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]On October 1, 2014
[size=32]Amal Alamuddin Back To Reality: Newlywed In London Without Husband George Clooney[/size]
What's next for the hottest couple in Hollywood?
Amal Alamuddin tied the knot with Hollywood silver fox George Clooney this weekend in a lavish four day celebration in Venice, which was estimated to cost of upwards of £8 million. But the only sign of the fairytale nuptials, as she arrived back in the UK today was the £450,000 wedding band on her finger.
Amal was snapped leaving Heathrow airport Tuesday morning, looking relaxed in jeans and a jumper, but without her other priceless accessory, new husband George. Clearly still on cloud nine, the 36 year-old lawyer couldn't contain her smile as she made her way through the airport and despite becoming the most envied bride since the Duchess of Cambridge, according to Vogue magazine, she was pretty low-key, travelling alone.
The lawyer may well be getting back to work at the Doughty Street Chambers, where she works as a human rights barrister, but after tying the knot with George, her life has pretty much changed forever. The chambers has admitted they've had to upgrade their website since the engagement, due to the intense interest in Amal since the engagement was confirmed and no doubt, she'll have to put up with the constant presence of the paparazzi.
The four-day affair saw Amal become an over-night style icon, as she stepped out in an array of stylish outfits. From her Alexander McQueen red floor-length gown for the rehearsal dinner to her lace Oscar de la Renta wedding gown, Amal's gained quite a few fashion fans over the course of the weekend.
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Amal and George in Venice this weekend (FameFlynetUK)
But where's George? The Monuments Men star wasn't with his bride on her return to London and with both juggling busy careers, it'll be a long-distance marriage for the pair. According to sources they'll be splitting their time between London and Los Angeles and have made a pact to spend no more than two weeks apart at any given time.
“When the honeymoon’s over, they’ll be a truly international couple,” an insider told Life & Style.
Adding that while apart, they will “be on the phone with each other constantly."

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by party animal - not! Wed 01 Oct 2014, 18:49

MM, well he did say it would be three days.......and if she's leaving Heathrow they could have simply come to London after the wedding. Would make sense

party animal - not!
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Donnamarie Wed 01 Oct 2014, 19:16

Parting much have been such sweet sorrow for the two of them. After coming off the wedding high and now being newly husband and wife I'm sure it must have been a tearful goodbye. I interpreted the sentence of her leaving Heathrow that she had arrived on a plane and was leaving the airport to go home.
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by PigPen Wed 01 Oct 2014, 19:18

What's left to do, but sleep!  LOL.  Let's face it kids, they've been bonking all over the world since April ( engaged in LA, then Cabo for Thom's wedding, off to Como, then Venice, back to Como, then the big ta da in Venice last week).  I don't care how much passion there is between 2 people... ya gotta take a moment to come up for air and get some sleep.  And in her case, a meal or 2 !!!  So 2-3 days for a "formal honeymoon" sounds about right.

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Doug Ross Wed 01 Oct 2014, 19:31

Mee to, Donna.

Doug Ross
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by LornaDoone Wed 01 Oct 2014, 21:33

Guy's gotta work to get back the cash he splashed for the wedding and she's gotta go defend somebody or go do some humanitarian thing.

No biggie, they'll make it work.


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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by NewFanForever Wed 01 Oct 2014, 22:25

I saw this on the Anti-George site this morning...I didn't believe it to be true.

I will wait for a pic!

Could you imagine being torn away from George after that wedding...Omg!!

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Nicky80 Wed 01 Oct 2014, 22:33

I would stick like glue to him Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Missa Thu 02 Oct 2014, 00:55

Wait, there's an Anti-George site?  Is that where globalchick and the others think they have been posting for the past week?  That explains so much... Smile
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Sevens Thu 02 Oct 2014, 01:07

Have they finished the honeymoon?
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by annemarie Thu 02 Oct 2014, 01:53

The article says she was leaving and walking through the airport so she was arriving. \
George said the honeymoon would be 3 days then they go back to work

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Silje Thu 02 Oct 2014, 02:32

The article said she was leaving Heathrow airport Tuesday morning, so no honeymoon really.

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Sevens Thu 02 Oct 2014, 02:47

I think George is back to London too but he never got caught leaving Heathrow with Amal before. Maybe they didnt want to cause chaos at such a busy airport and they're about to start their honeymoon.
I dont know, it's just that they're always arriving in London separately without being detected.
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Katiedot Thu 02 Oct 2014, 04:10

They always said it was going to be a three day honeymoon because George had to work. Hoping to see him in New Orleans very soon!

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by bgarabedian Thu 02 Oct 2014, 09:47

I thought they were honeymooning in Morraco. I guess they already went there and now back to work. It will be a long distance marriage but knowing George he can do it and traveling is no problem with him. He is used to it and hopefully can tear away from Amal to get back to his movie career. bg

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by annemarie Thu 02 Oct 2014, 12:29

The honeymoon in moraco was a rumor.

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by LizzyNY Thu 02 Oct 2014, 13:44

Could it be they're both in London and she was at the airport to see someone off while he stayed home?
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Sevens Thu 02 Oct 2014, 13:46

Curious to know their London house! It'll finally surface I suppose.
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by doris day Thu 02 Oct 2014, 13:51

who said that they have a new house???? shes in  london,thats all we know, somebody at the aurport said to paparazzi that their plane had left to london,never mentioned marrakesh

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by doris day Thu 02 Oct 2014, 13:52

sorry,i mean at the airport in venice they said that their plane had left to london

doris day
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Donnamarie Thu 02 Oct 2014, 14:10

I haven't heard anything about him actually buying a house yet in London. It's easy for that kind of news to get leaked isn't it? And her flat it's right on the street if my memory serves me. That is not a very secure location if you're trying to avoid the press. I can't imagine they went too far from Venice with so little time they would have together.
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by jd68 Thu 02 Oct 2014, 14:16

I think they will have to move to a new location for security reasons. She was fine living there when she wasn't a known figure but going forward she needs a home where the paps can't watch her every move.
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by party animal - not! Thu 02 Oct 2014, 14:37

It had been reported that His Nibs looking for a house in London much earlier on, because her work is here and he wants to be near her, and in one of the wedding articles since it said they planned to split their time between London and Los Angeles............

It was said that he loves the Richmond area having stayed there before while filming......I think they're already into their house and she's probably left Notting Hill

party animal - not!
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Sevens Thu 02 Oct 2014, 14:44

Ditto PAN, if they've planned such a lavish wedding in advance,in every detail since the engagement, it's hard to believe they haven't owned a house in London in the first days of their marriage!
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by silly willy Thu 02 Oct 2014, 15:10

Sevens wrote:Have they finished the honeymoon?

Honeymoon?  ...they're still courting, aren't they?  

Engaged after 7 months, then planning a wedding to marry GEORGE for 5 months? Well that's my definition of a 'honeymoon' in itself, which I'd take any day!  

Life with George is a honeymoon!  Go Amal!

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Donnamarie Thu 02 Oct 2014, 15:17

Can they actually be in a house now and nobody knows where they live? I guess it's possible if George has his hand in it.
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Sevens Thu 02 Oct 2014, 16:06

They've managed to be together for six months without any attention, I'm sure George has planned his quite time in London house carefully.
We didnt seen a single pic of him between the Florence event and the arrival of wedding weekend. So hiding in an unknown London house is just a piece of cake!
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by doris day Thu 02 Oct 2014, 16:38

strange anyway  that they have seen amal at the airport and this time no pics of her.may be its a prank

doris day
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by annemarie Thu 02 Oct 2014, 17:00

George has flown in and no pictures have been taken. I'm guessing it depends on the time they fly in whether they get papped.

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Donnamarie Thu 02 Oct 2014, 17:48

I'm not convinced anyone saw Amal at the airport. No pic and only one report? Who knows.
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Nicky80 Thu 02 Oct 2014, 21:28

moved post about London dinner Party to a new thread

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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by Joanna Thu 02 Oct 2014, 21:54

If George has bought a property in England, then I do hope the location remains a tight secret for him & Amal.
We don't need to know every little detail of
their lives IMO.
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Amal back in London without husband Empty Re: Amal back in London without husband

Post by annemarie Fri 03 Oct 2014, 11:56

No, we really don't need to know or see where they live in London. They deserve some privacy.

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