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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by NewFanForever Thu 13 Mar 2014, 23:50

Ok ladies let it

Stacey has gone sightings of George so...lets have some fun.

Looking into your crystal ball...How do you see George's life in ten years or what would you like to see?

I will go first.

In bed with me! The End!

Seriously I have read a few of the interviews on here including the most recent ones...and I haven't seen this question posed to him..or maybe I missed it.

Given his age...and as we start to get older we all have niggling injuries that prevent us from doing all we wish to.

His brain will be quiet active but the body not so much(normal aging).....he has said he wishes to do more directing..i don't know a lot about this and the demands...but can you do this into a later age?

Or will we see a turnaround where he will let Love Lead him?

For the second time in his he is more wiser and settled?

Last edited by NewFanForever on Fri 14 Mar 2014, 07:02; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : spelling and adding)

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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Re: Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by isogotit Fri 14 Mar 2014, 01:55

62 and probably still alone. Maybe by then he would have found that special person, because we can't wait forever on him. Razz 
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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Re: Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by LornaDoone Fri 14 Mar 2014, 02:21

Where do I see George in 10 years? Wearing silky pajamas all day and carousing with two or three women WAAAAAY too young for him.

Oh wait that's been done. Nevermind...

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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Re: Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by LizzyNY Fri 14 Mar 2014, 02:51

Getting serious for a minute, I see him writing, directing and producing - though probably not acting very much. There's no way he'd give up what he's worked so hard to get.

I also see him more involved in humanitarian work, as the more he does the more respected he is in that field. It is a passion for him.

His personal life- who the hell knows? He is who he is, and he does what he does. Whatever makes him happy.
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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Re: Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by Rachel Fri 14 Mar 2014, 08:37

George in 10 years will be close to 63 - ouch - and another 10 years 73
When you have children you see how fast time runs. My youngest child is 25 and I'm asking myself how time could run that fast - so to me 20 years is nothing.
I could be an egoist and say I want him to be lying relaxed in Como in a deckchair holding me tight   This big 
Not being egoistic I hope he will have true love at his side because I believe we humans are not made to stay alone and although his dating life, still I believe he is waiting for a woman who will just make him happy, be at his side and make him feel good.
He will look more and more like his father - hair by that time all over white  Wink 
I see him sitting in the garden in Como and writing scripts. I see him as a successful director and producer. Still having all his friends around him and so his parents are blessed hopefully they will reach a high age to be around him as long as possible.
He will be more active in his causes for justice and humanity, helping were help is needed and doing what is possible.

But who knows, maybe by then he will have married AA and with a strong woman at his side will put himself up as a candidate to be the Potus - Everything is possible  cyclops 

Whatever - the most important is I hope he stays healthy  This big

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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Re: Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by Carla97 Fri 14 Mar 2014, 08:46

63 is nothing - good age for a man. My son´s classmate father is 72. He is active, sporty and does squillions things with him and has time (retired). So age is relative issue...when I spend time with him I never think about the age. He is funny, genuine, experienced, travelled a lot, full of interesting stories...

I could imagine G doing pretty much same things he is doing now. Why not? He is living good life.
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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Re: Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by What Would He Say Fri 14 Mar 2014, 09:17

So much has changed in our world in the last 10 years, it is  impossible to call the next 10.

So maybe we will ALL have the perfect partner, a breathing Avatar.

Movies, as we know them may no longer exist as the new generations move more into those game things, that I don't understand. His industry becomes null and void. The Oscars become a myth of the past.

Maybe the world finds away to end conflict (good luck with that one)  so his causes become null and void.

Maybe we find eternal youth, and George decide's to pick 26 years as his preferred stable age.

Maybe we can pick the time and date at which we would like to progress to the next stage, Heaven, and he's already left....without me...poo!

ps, had to leave quickly to run for a bus, roll on bi-location. I can go to work and stay in bed with my avatar... I treated myself to a 1089756 - Cooney51 the Rye version, in winter I upgrade to extra warm feet, saves a bomb on the electricity. Recommend.
What Would He Say
What Would He Say
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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Re: Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by Lighterside Fri 14 Mar 2014, 10:56

LornaDoone wrote:Where do I see George in 10 years?  Wearing silky pajamas all day and carousing with two or three women WAAAAAY too young for him.

Oh wait that's been done.  Nevermind...

LMAO!!!   Lorna, the question was posed about George...not Jack Nicholson playing the Devil in the bedroom scenes of The Witches of Eastwick! ahahahahahahaha  Good one!

I see him doing producing and directing almost exclusively and hopefully, even more active in politics but not holding political office because that would be too boring for him actually.  I know that sounds silly but I don't see George as the type to sit and negotiate for hours and hours on end, going over the same material endlessly trying to get a deal everyone can live with, until you want to throw your water glass at the people across the aisle from you.  The nuts and bolts of it wouldn't be attractive to him one little bit.  He's a "doer" and wouldn't sit still for accomplishing nothing in the end but frustrating oneself, which is what happens more often than not in American politics.

And of course, I think his humanitarian work will consume more and more of his time as well.  George has a generous heart and he wants to see people healthy and happy and will work hard to that end.

Last edited by Lighterside on Fri 14 Mar 2014, 11:11; edited 1 time in total
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Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years? Empty Re: Where do you see George Clooney in 10 years?

Post by Lighterside Fri 14 Mar 2014, 11:07

Carla97 wrote:63 is nothing - good age for a man. My son´s classmate father is 72. He is active, sporty and does squillions things with him and has time (retired). So age is relative issue...when I spend time with him I never think about the age. He is funny, genuine, experienced, travelled a lot, full of interesting stories...

I could imagine G doing pretty much same things he is doing now. Why not? He is living good life.

Carla, I absolutely agree that age is more of a state of mind, than it is something to hold you back from doing the things you love to long as you're healthy of course.
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