Clooney – Super Star With Political Agenda
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Clooney – Super Star With Political Agenda
George Clooney
Clooney – Super Star With Political Agenda
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27. February 2014//by: Anders Campaigns P//Portraits//no comments
Movie star, Director, producer, screenwriter and political activist. It is just some of the many titles, 53-year-old George Clooney can adorn themselves with. He is now current with The movie ' The monument's Men ', who, just like his previous films have a clear political message
George Clooney is not a superstar as they are the most. Yes, he crushes girl hearts in droves. Yes, most men think he's cool. And is at the same time grateful that he has done it checked to be grey. But how about stopping the flight of similarities with most other super stars too. For Clooney bother not really all the glamour braided frankincense, like a life in Hollywood can offer. Therefore he lives in Italy in a large house at Lake Como. He bother nor do inconsequential film, where he delivers some half platte one-liners and then swap his artistic integrity with a check that has enough zeros at. That is why he started to write, direct and produce a large part of the film, he in the past ten years have embarked with.
For those of us who were not on the bandwagon and have already learned to know him as Doug Ross in the television series ' the emergency ', he was public property in 2001, where he played the supporting role in Steven Soderbergh's star-studded main Las Vegas-film ' Ocean's Eleven '. A movie where he, among other things, played along with his two close friends, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon.
The film was a huge success and lifted the Clooneys name up on the topmost star shelf. A position that obviously fit Clooney brilliantly. Not so much because of the eternal paparazzi focus that came with it But to a greater extent. due to the opportunities that opened up in the time thereafter.
To George Clooney is a man with clear political views, there is no doubt. Exactly like he is one of the actors, who want to move something in the political debate with his film. Even if it is at the expense of a revenue base that no doubt could be greater if Clooney said yes to a few romantic comedies or a game of fast-paced action.
First visible proof that Clooney had to intend to use his superstar status to influence the political debate, came in earnest in 2005, where he wrote, directed and produced the movie ' Good Night, And Good Luck '. A black and white film that superbly told story of the legendary CBS journalist Edward r. Murrow, who back in the 1950s went in the clinch with the controversial senator Joseph McCarthy and his hunt for Communists. Clooney even stuck something in the background and played birollen as Murrows boss, Fred Friendly.
The film showed the importance of a community has a strong and critical press, where journalists have the courage to go in critical of those in power. And, not least, the importance of to stand firm, even when the system, in this case, McCarthy, struck again. A clear input in the political debate, at a time when the Bush administration was often exposed to massive criticism for using underhand methods. Not least in connection with the case of CIA agent Valerie Plame and her husband Joe Wilson.
' Good Night, And Good Luck ' was never the same blockbuster such as ' Ocean's Eleven ', but reaped earned plenty of glory and honor, including six Oscar nominations.
Later the same year was Clooney again on the runway with a political selection. This time it was the oil industry, who got the ears in the machine in the film ' Syriana '. This time just Clooney with standing in front of the camera in a film that hopping around on all the sore toes, that is stepping on in connection with the oil industry and its involvement in the Middle East. The role of Bob Barnes earned, fully deserved, Clooney both an Oscar and a Golden Globe Award for best supporting actor.
In the presidential election in November 2008, selected the Americans that it was Democrat Barack Obama, who was supposed to replace Republican George w. Bush as commander-in-chief. A decision, Clooney was difficult because his political sympathies satisfied very much pointing in the Democrats ' direction.
2008 was also the year when the American economy fell together like a soufflé and simultaneously sent the unemployment rate on rocketing. And it is precisely the crisis and the hopeless situation of the many thousands who lost their jobs on a daily basis, formed the framework for Clooneys next big movie ' Up In The Air ' from 2009. In the film plays the role of Ryan Bingham. A middle-aged man whose job in all its brutal simplicity is to fire people. For it is there for managers who want to hire people to do, so they even get rid of it. so many that Ryan Bingham is constantly on the go, and live a life where most of his waking life spent in an American Airlines flight and at various Marriott airport hotels with a few fresh shirts in cabin suitcase, ready for the next day's heating round before heading on to the next destination.
The film, which is without doubt Clooneys to date best, was an important contribution to the understanding of the hopelessness that characterized America at that time and the hollowness that simultaneously embossed Bing's lifestyle, but who nevertheless is not completely plucked out of thin air. Unlike ' Good Night, And Good Luck ' and ' Syriana ', ' Up In The Air ' was not just a success in relation to contribute to the political debate, it was at the same time, a massive success in terms of earnings. And as icing on the cake was Clooney's Oscar-nominated for best actor in a leading role.
Where the Clooneys movie until then had centered on political and social themes such as unemployment, oil and the press, was ' The Ides Of March ' from 2011, a ' direct ' political film. Clooney had again been in ink, together with his partner Grant Heslov and knitted a screenplay together which produced the political life in the United States so cynical that it almost crackled of hoarfrost. In the film, also directed by Clooney, viewers completely into the inner core of a primary election. Exactly the one that takes place in the State of Ohio. A State that is central to any presidential candidate. For as the word sounds: ' As goes Ohio, so goes the nation '. Clooney even plays the role as the Democratic presidential candidate, Mike Morris, who along with the rest of the election caravan reached the home State for the Cincinnati Bearcats. However, it is not Clooneys character that is in focus, but instead his two campaign strategists, Paul and Stephen. Paul, who will be played by the recently deceased dazzling Philip Seymour Hoffman, the experienced Chief Strategist, who at his side has the young, up-and-coming Stephen, who equally dazzling portrayed by Ryan Gosling.
' The Ides Of March ' is in many ways a cinematic version of the ' House Of Cards '. For those who enjoyed the patriotism in the ' West Wing ', ' yes ', then bursts several illusions with this film. The displays for modern toppolitik as what it is, namely a ruthless and cynical contact sport that is all about to get power. And that the road to power is paved by haggling, frontal attacks and a nasty taste in the mouth.
The star-studded cast for notwithstanding, was the movie, just like ' Good Night, And Good Luck ' not a money machine for Clooney. But as he at one point expressed in the interview programme ' Inside The actor's Studio ', as he had long since resigned himself that he sometimes had to make a Nespresso advertising in Europe, in order to get advice to make the movies he wanted. Including ' The Ides Of March
Time for ' The Ides Of March ', was used to produce the Oscar-winner ' Argo ', as his friend Ben Affleck both directed and played the lead role in a film that tells the story of a hostage drama in Tehran in the late 1970s under President Carter. And, just as several of Clooneys movie, helps to focus attention on an important, but often overlooked theme in the political debate. Then threw Clooney over worked with a new film screenplay, who once again had to put focus on a neglected topic in history and at the same time help to create debate.
The result of the work can be seen today in theaters all over the country in The movie ' The monument's But ', where Clooney tells the story of the small group of art experts under the orders of President Roosevelt was sent to Europe towards the end of the 2. World War II in order to locate the many works of art, the Nazis had stolen and get them back to their rightful owners. Clooney plays the lead role, and is once again surrounded by good people like Matt Damon, John Goodman, Bill Murray and Cate Blanchett.
It would be a sin to say that ' The monument's But ' is the greatest movie, George Clooney has ever written, directed or produced. But the film nevertheless raises a number of important issues about the importance of culture in a society and, not least, why it is essential to safeguard. A point which is relevant both in our time, in his time and in the future. And in this way succeed Clooneys mission once again, namely to focus on a topic of concern to him. And in this way help to shape the political debate.
The Monument's Men ' has premiered across the country today.
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Clooney – superstjerne med politisk dagsorden
27. februar 2014 // Af: Anders Agner Pedersen // Portrætter // Ingen kommentarer
Filmstjerne, instruktør, producer, manuskriptforfatter og politisk aktivist. Det er blot nogle af de mange titler, 53-årige George Clooney kan smykke sig med. Han er netop nu aktuel med filmen ’The Monument’s Men’, der, nøjagtig som hans tidligere film har et klart politisk budskab
George Clooney er ikke en superstjerne som de er flest. Ja, han knuser pigehjerter i hobetal. Ja, de fleste mænd synes han er cool. Og er samtidig taknemmelige over, at han har gjort det tjekket at være gråhåret. Men sådan cirka der stopper rækken af lighedspunkter med de fleste andre superstjerner også. For Clooney gider ikke rigtig al den glamour omspundne virak, som et liv i Hollywood kan byde på. Derfor bor han i Italien i et stort hus ved Como-søen. Han gider heller ikke lave ligegyldige film, hvor han leverer nogle halvplatte one-liners og så ellers bytter sin kunstneriske integritet ud med en check, der har tilpas mange nuller på. Derfor er han begyndt at skrive, instruere og producere en stor del af de film, han i de seneste ti år har givet sig i kast med.
En mand med holdninger
For dem af os, der ikke var med på vognen og allerede lærte ham at kende som Doug Ross i tv-serien ’Skadestuen’, blev han allemandseje i 2001, hvor han spillede den bærende hovedrolle i Steven Soderberghs stjernespækkede Las Vegas-film ’Ocean’s Eleven’. En film, hvor han blandt andet spillede sammen med sine to nære venner, Brad Pitt og Matt Damon.
Filmen blev en kæmpemæssig succes og løftede Clooneys navn op på den allerøverste stjernehylde. En position, der tydeligvis passede Clooney glimrende. Ikke så meget på grund af det evige paparazzifokus, der fulgte med. Men i højere grad på grund af de muligheder, der åbnede sig i tiden herefter.
For at George Clooney er en mand med klare politiske holdninger er der ingen tvivl om. Nøjagtig ligesom han er en af de skuespillere, der ønsker at rykke noget i den politiske debat med sine film. Også selv om det sker på bekostning af et indtægtsgrundlag, der uden tvivl kunne være større, hvis Clooney sagde ja til et par romantiske komedier eller en omgang hæsblæsende action.
Good Night, And Good Luck
Første synlige bevis på, at Clooney havde til sinde at bruge sin superstjernestatus til at præge den politiske debat, kom for alvor til udtryk i 2005, hvor han skrev, instruerede og producerede filmen ’Good Night, And Good Luck’. En sort-hvid film, der på fremragende vis fortalte historien om den legendariske CBS-journalist Edward R. Murrow, der tilbage i 1950’erne gik i clinch med den kontroversielle senator Joseph McCarthy og dennes jagt på kommunister. Clooney selv holdt sig noget i baggrunden og spillede birollen som Murrows chef, Fred Friendly.
Filmen viste vigtigheden af, at et samfund har en stærk og kritisk presse, hvor journalisterne har modet til at gå i kritisk til magthaverne. Og ikke mindst vigtigheden af at stå fast, selv når systemet, i dette tilfælde McCarthy, slog igen. Et tydeligt indspark i den politiske debat, i en tid, hvor Bush-administrationen ofte var udsat for massiv kritik for at bruge ufine metoder. Ikke mindst i forbindelse med sagen om CIA-agenten Valerie Plame og hendes mand Joe Wilson.
’Good Night, And Good Luck’ blev aldrig den samme blockbuster som eksempelvis ’Ocean’s Eleven’, men høstede fortjent masser af hæder og ære, heriblandt seks Oscar-nomineringer.
Senere samme år var Clooney igen på banen med et politisk markering. Denne gang var det olieindustrien, der fik ørerne i maskinen i filmen ’Syriana’. Denne gang nøjes Clooney med at stå foran kameraet i en film, der hoppede rundt på alle de ømme tæer, der er at træde på i forbindelse med olieindustrien og dens engagement i Mellemøsten. Rollen som Bob Barnes indbragte, fuldt fortjent, Clooney både en Oscar og en Golden Globe for bedste mandlige birolle.
Oppe i luften
Ved præsidentvalget i november 2008, valgte amerikanerne at det var demokraten Barack Obama, der skulle afløse republikaneren George W. Bush som commander-in-chief. En beslutning, Clooney var svært tilfreds med, da hans politiske sympatier i høj grad peger i Demokraternes retning.
2008 var samtidig året, hvor den amerikanske økonomi faldt sammen som en souffle og samtidig sendte ledighedsprocenten på himmelflugt. Og netop krisen og den håbløse situation for de mange tusinder, der dagligt mistede deres job, dannede rammen om Clooneys næste store film ’Up In The Air’ fra 2009. I filmen spiller rollen som Ryan Bingham. En midaldrende mand, hvis job i al sin brutale enkelthed går ud på at fyre folk. For det er der nemlig chefer, der gerne vil hyre folk til at gøre, så de selv slipper for det. Så mange, at Ryan Bingham konstant er på farten, og lever en tilværelse, hvor det meste af hans vågne tilværelse tilbringes i et American Airlines-fly og på diverse Marriott lufthavnshoteller med et par friske skjorter i kabinekufferten, klar til næste dags fyringsrunde før turen går videre til næste destination.
Filmen, som uden tvivl er Clooneys til dato bedste, blev et vigtigt bidrag til forståelsen af den håbløshed, der prægede Amerika på det tidspunkt og den hulhed, der samtidig prægede Binghams livsstil, men som ikke desto mindre ikke er helt grebet ud af den blå luft. Modsat ’Good Night, And Good Luck’ og ’Syriana’, blev ’Up In The Air’ ikke bare en succes i forhold til at bidrage til den politiske debat, den blev samtidig en massiv succes rent indtjeningsmæssigt. Og som kronen på værket blev Clooney Oscar-nomineret for bedste mandlige hovedrolle.
As goes Ohio
Hvor Clooneys film indtil da havde kredset om politiske og samfundsmæssige temaer som ledighed, olie og pressen, var ’The Ides Of March’ fra 2011 en ’direkte’ politisk film. Clooney havde igen været i blækhuset og sammen med makkeren Grant Heslov strikket et manuskript sammen der fremstillede det politiske liv i USA så kynisk, at det næsten knitrede af rimfrost. I filmen, der også er instrueret af Clooney, kommer seerne helt ind i den inderste kerne af en primærvalgkamp. Helt præcist den, der finder sted i delstaten Ohio. En stat, der er central for enhver præsidentkandidat. For som ordet lyder: ’As goes Ohio, so goes the nation’. Clooney selv spiller rollen som den demokratiske præsidentkandidat, Mike Morris, der sammen med resten af valgkaravanen er nået til hjemstaten for Cincinnati Bearcats. Det er imidlertid ikke Clooneys karakter, der er i fokus, men i stedet hans to kampagnestrateger, Paul og Stephen. Paul, der blændende spilles af den nylig afdøde Philip Seymour Hoffman, er den rutinerede chefstrateg, der ved sin side har den unge, fremadstormende Stephen, der lige så blændende portrætteres af Ryan Gosling.
’The Ides Of March’ er på mange måde en filmisk udgave af ’House Of Cards’. For dem, der nød patriotismen i ’West Wing’, ja, så brister adskillige illusioner med denne film. Den viser nemlig moderne toppolitik som det, det er, nemlig en benhård og kynisk kontaktsport, der handler om at få magten. Og at vejen til magten er brolagt af studehandler, frontalangreb og en grim smag i munden.
Det stjernespækkede cast til trods, blev filmen, nøjagtig som ’Good Night, And Good Luck’ ikke nogen pengemaskine for Clooney. Men som han på et tidspunkt gav udtryk for i interviewprogrammet ’Inside The Actor’s Studio’, så havde han for længst affundet sig med, at han ind i mellem var nødt til at lave en Nespresso-reklame i Europa, for at få råd til at lave de film, han gerne ville. Heriblandt ’The Ides Of March’.
Kulturens betydning
Tiden efter ’The Ides Of March’, blev brugt på at producere Oscar-vinderen ’Argo’, som hans ven Ben Affleck både instruerede og spillede hovedrollen i. En film, der fortæller historien om gidseldramaet i Teheran i slutningen af 1970’erne under præsident Carter. Og som, nøjagtig som flere af Clooneys film, er med til at sætte fokus på et vigtigt, men ofte overset tema i den politiske debat. Herefter kastede Clooney sig over arbejdet med et nyt filmmanus, der nok engang skulle sætte fokus på et overset emne i historien og samtidig være med til at skabe debat.
Resultatet af arbejdet kan fra i dag af opleves i biograferne landet over i filmen ’The Monument’s Men’, hvor Clooney fortæller historien om den lille gruppe af kunsteksperter, der efter ordre fra præsident Roosevelt blev sendt til Europa hen mod slutningen af 2. verdenskrig for at lokalisere de mange kunstværker, nazisterne havde stjålet og få dem tilbage til deres retmæssige ejere. Clooney spiller selv hovedrollen, og er nok engang omgivet af gode folk som Matt Damon, John Goodman, Bill Murray og Cate Blanchett.
Det vil være synd at sige, at ’The Monument’s Men’ er den største film, George Clooney nogensinde har skrevet, instrueret eller produceret. Men filmen rejser ikke desto mindre en række vigtige spørgsmål omkring kulturens betydning i et samfund og ikke mindst, hvorfor det er essentielt at værne om. En pointe, som er relevant både i vor tid, i sin tid og i fremtiden. Og på den måde lykkes Clooneys mission nok en gang, nemlig at sætte fokus på et emne, der optager ham. Og på den måde være med til at præge den politiske debat.
’The Monument’s Men’ har premiere over hele landet i dag.
Clooney – Super Star With Political Agenda
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27. February 2014//by: Anders Campaigns P//Portraits//no comments
Movie star, Director, producer, screenwriter and political activist. It is just some of the many titles, 53-year-old George Clooney can adorn themselves with. He is now current with The movie ' The monument's Men ', who, just like his previous films have a clear political message
George Clooney is not a superstar as they are the most. Yes, he crushes girl hearts in droves. Yes, most men think he's cool. And is at the same time grateful that he has done it checked to be grey. But how about stopping the flight of similarities with most other super stars too. For Clooney bother not really all the glamour braided frankincense, like a life in Hollywood can offer. Therefore he lives in Italy in a large house at Lake Como. He bother nor do inconsequential film, where he delivers some half platte one-liners and then swap his artistic integrity with a check that has enough zeros at. That is why he started to write, direct and produce a large part of the film, he in the past ten years have embarked with.
For those of us who were not on the bandwagon and have already learned to know him as Doug Ross in the television series ' the emergency ', he was public property in 2001, where he played the supporting role in Steven Soderbergh's star-studded main Las Vegas-film ' Ocean's Eleven '. A movie where he, among other things, played along with his two close friends, Brad Pitt and Matt Damon.
The film was a huge success and lifted the Clooneys name up on the topmost star shelf. A position that obviously fit Clooney brilliantly. Not so much because of the eternal paparazzi focus that came with it But to a greater extent. due to the opportunities that opened up in the time thereafter.
To George Clooney is a man with clear political views, there is no doubt. Exactly like he is one of the actors, who want to move something in the political debate with his film. Even if it is at the expense of a revenue base that no doubt could be greater if Clooney said yes to a few romantic comedies or a game of fast-paced action.
First visible proof that Clooney had to intend to use his superstar status to influence the political debate, came in earnest in 2005, where he wrote, directed and produced the movie ' Good Night, And Good Luck '. A black and white film that superbly told story of the legendary CBS journalist Edward r. Murrow, who back in the 1950s went in the clinch with the controversial senator Joseph McCarthy and his hunt for Communists. Clooney even stuck something in the background and played birollen as Murrows boss, Fred Friendly.
The film showed the importance of a community has a strong and critical press, where journalists have the courage to go in critical of those in power. And, not least, the importance of to stand firm, even when the system, in this case, McCarthy, struck again. A clear input in the political debate, at a time when the Bush administration was often exposed to massive criticism for using underhand methods. Not least in connection with the case of CIA agent Valerie Plame and her husband Joe Wilson.
' Good Night, And Good Luck ' was never the same blockbuster such as ' Ocean's Eleven ', but reaped earned plenty of glory and honor, including six Oscar nominations.
Later the same year was Clooney again on the runway with a political selection. This time it was the oil industry, who got the ears in the machine in the film ' Syriana '. This time just Clooney with standing in front of the camera in a film that hopping around on all the sore toes, that is stepping on in connection with the oil industry and its involvement in the Middle East. The role of Bob Barnes earned, fully deserved, Clooney both an Oscar and a Golden Globe Award for best supporting actor.
In the presidential election in November 2008, selected the Americans that it was Democrat Barack Obama, who was supposed to replace Republican George w. Bush as commander-in-chief. A decision, Clooney was difficult because his political sympathies satisfied very much pointing in the Democrats ' direction.
2008 was also the year when the American economy fell together like a soufflé and simultaneously sent the unemployment rate on rocketing. And it is precisely the crisis and the hopeless situation of the many thousands who lost their jobs on a daily basis, formed the framework for Clooneys next big movie ' Up In The Air ' from 2009. In the film plays the role of Ryan Bingham. A middle-aged man whose job in all its brutal simplicity is to fire people. For it is there for managers who want to hire people to do, so they even get rid of it. so many that Ryan Bingham is constantly on the go, and live a life where most of his waking life spent in an American Airlines flight and at various Marriott airport hotels with a few fresh shirts in cabin suitcase, ready for the next day's heating round before heading on to the next destination.
The film, which is without doubt Clooneys to date best, was an important contribution to the understanding of the hopelessness that characterized America at that time and the hollowness that simultaneously embossed Bing's lifestyle, but who nevertheless is not completely plucked out of thin air. Unlike ' Good Night, And Good Luck ' and ' Syriana ', ' Up In The Air ' was not just a success in relation to contribute to the political debate, it was at the same time, a massive success in terms of earnings. And as icing on the cake was Clooney's Oscar-nominated for best actor in a leading role.
Where the Clooneys movie until then had centered on political and social themes such as unemployment, oil and the press, was ' The Ides Of March ' from 2011, a ' direct ' political film. Clooney had again been in ink, together with his partner Grant Heslov and knitted a screenplay together which produced the political life in the United States so cynical that it almost crackled of hoarfrost. In the film, also directed by Clooney, viewers completely into the inner core of a primary election. Exactly the one that takes place in the State of Ohio. A State that is central to any presidential candidate. For as the word sounds: ' As goes Ohio, so goes the nation '. Clooney even plays the role as the Democratic presidential candidate, Mike Morris, who along with the rest of the election caravan reached the home State for the Cincinnati Bearcats. However, it is not Clooneys character that is in focus, but instead his two campaign strategists, Paul and Stephen. Paul, who will be played by the recently deceased dazzling Philip Seymour Hoffman, the experienced Chief Strategist, who at his side has the young, up-and-coming Stephen, who equally dazzling portrayed by Ryan Gosling.
' The Ides Of March ' is in many ways a cinematic version of the ' House Of Cards '. For those who enjoyed the patriotism in the ' West Wing ', ' yes ', then bursts several illusions with this film. The displays for modern toppolitik as what it is, namely a ruthless and cynical contact sport that is all about to get power. And that the road to power is paved by haggling, frontal attacks and a nasty taste in the mouth.
The star-studded cast for notwithstanding, was the movie, just like ' Good Night, And Good Luck ' not a money machine for Clooney. But as he at one point expressed in the interview programme ' Inside The actor's Studio ', as he had long since resigned himself that he sometimes had to make a Nespresso advertising in Europe, in order to get advice to make the movies he wanted. Including ' The Ides Of March
Time for ' The Ides Of March ', was used to produce the Oscar-winner ' Argo ', as his friend Ben Affleck both directed and played the lead role in a film that tells the story of a hostage drama in Tehran in the late 1970s under President Carter. And, just as several of Clooneys movie, helps to focus attention on an important, but often overlooked theme in the political debate. Then threw Clooney over worked with a new film screenplay, who once again had to put focus on a neglected topic in history and at the same time help to create debate.
The result of the work can be seen today in theaters all over the country in The movie ' The monument's But ', where Clooney tells the story of the small group of art experts under the orders of President Roosevelt was sent to Europe towards the end of the 2. World War II in order to locate the many works of art, the Nazis had stolen and get them back to their rightful owners. Clooney plays the lead role, and is once again surrounded by good people like Matt Damon, John Goodman, Bill Murray and Cate Blanchett.
It would be a sin to say that ' The monument's But ' is the greatest movie, George Clooney has ever written, directed or produced. But the film nevertheless raises a number of important issues about the importance of culture in a society and, not least, why it is essential to safeguard. A point which is relevant both in our time, in his time and in the future. And in this way succeed Clooneys mission once again, namely to focus on a topic of concern to him. And in this way help to shape the political debate.
The Monument's Men ' has premiered across the country today.
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Clooney – superstjerne med politisk dagsorden
27. februar 2014 // Af: Anders Agner Pedersen // Portrætter // Ingen kommentarer
Filmstjerne, instruktør, producer, manuskriptforfatter og politisk aktivist. Det er blot nogle af de mange titler, 53-årige George Clooney kan smykke sig med. Han er netop nu aktuel med filmen ’The Monument’s Men’, der, nøjagtig som hans tidligere film har et klart politisk budskab
George Clooney er ikke en superstjerne som de er flest. Ja, han knuser pigehjerter i hobetal. Ja, de fleste mænd synes han er cool. Og er samtidig taknemmelige over, at han har gjort det tjekket at være gråhåret. Men sådan cirka der stopper rækken af lighedspunkter med de fleste andre superstjerner også. For Clooney gider ikke rigtig al den glamour omspundne virak, som et liv i Hollywood kan byde på. Derfor bor han i Italien i et stort hus ved Como-søen. Han gider heller ikke lave ligegyldige film, hvor han leverer nogle halvplatte one-liners og så ellers bytter sin kunstneriske integritet ud med en check, der har tilpas mange nuller på. Derfor er han begyndt at skrive, instruere og producere en stor del af de film, han i de seneste ti år har givet sig i kast med.
En mand med holdninger
For dem af os, der ikke var med på vognen og allerede lærte ham at kende som Doug Ross i tv-serien ’Skadestuen’, blev han allemandseje i 2001, hvor han spillede den bærende hovedrolle i Steven Soderberghs stjernespækkede Las Vegas-film ’Ocean’s Eleven’. En film, hvor han blandt andet spillede sammen med sine to nære venner, Brad Pitt og Matt Damon.
Filmen blev en kæmpemæssig succes og løftede Clooneys navn op på den allerøverste stjernehylde. En position, der tydeligvis passede Clooney glimrende. Ikke så meget på grund af det evige paparazzifokus, der fulgte med. Men i højere grad på grund af de muligheder, der åbnede sig i tiden herefter.
For at George Clooney er en mand med klare politiske holdninger er der ingen tvivl om. Nøjagtig ligesom han er en af de skuespillere, der ønsker at rykke noget i den politiske debat med sine film. Også selv om det sker på bekostning af et indtægtsgrundlag, der uden tvivl kunne være større, hvis Clooney sagde ja til et par romantiske komedier eller en omgang hæsblæsende action.
Good Night, And Good Luck
Første synlige bevis på, at Clooney havde til sinde at bruge sin superstjernestatus til at præge den politiske debat, kom for alvor til udtryk i 2005, hvor han skrev, instruerede og producerede filmen ’Good Night, And Good Luck’. En sort-hvid film, der på fremragende vis fortalte historien om den legendariske CBS-journalist Edward R. Murrow, der tilbage i 1950’erne gik i clinch med den kontroversielle senator Joseph McCarthy og dennes jagt på kommunister. Clooney selv holdt sig noget i baggrunden og spillede birollen som Murrows chef, Fred Friendly.
Filmen viste vigtigheden af, at et samfund har en stærk og kritisk presse, hvor journalisterne har modet til at gå i kritisk til magthaverne. Og ikke mindst vigtigheden af at stå fast, selv når systemet, i dette tilfælde McCarthy, slog igen. Et tydeligt indspark i den politiske debat, i en tid, hvor Bush-administrationen ofte var udsat for massiv kritik for at bruge ufine metoder. Ikke mindst i forbindelse med sagen om CIA-agenten Valerie Plame og hendes mand Joe Wilson.
’Good Night, And Good Luck’ blev aldrig den samme blockbuster som eksempelvis ’Ocean’s Eleven’, men høstede fortjent masser af hæder og ære, heriblandt seks Oscar-nomineringer.
Senere samme år var Clooney igen på banen med et politisk markering. Denne gang var det olieindustrien, der fik ørerne i maskinen i filmen ’Syriana’. Denne gang nøjes Clooney med at stå foran kameraet i en film, der hoppede rundt på alle de ømme tæer, der er at træde på i forbindelse med olieindustrien og dens engagement i Mellemøsten. Rollen som Bob Barnes indbragte, fuldt fortjent, Clooney både en Oscar og en Golden Globe for bedste mandlige birolle.
Oppe i luften
Ved præsidentvalget i november 2008, valgte amerikanerne at det var demokraten Barack Obama, der skulle afløse republikaneren George W. Bush som commander-in-chief. En beslutning, Clooney var svært tilfreds med, da hans politiske sympatier i høj grad peger i Demokraternes retning.
2008 var samtidig året, hvor den amerikanske økonomi faldt sammen som en souffle og samtidig sendte ledighedsprocenten på himmelflugt. Og netop krisen og den håbløse situation for de mange tusinder, der dagligt mistede deres job, dannede rammen om Clooneys næste store film ’Up In The Air’ fra 2009. I filmen spiller rollen som Ryan Bingham. En midaldrende mand, hvis job i al sin brutale enkelthed går ud på at fyre folk. For det er der nemlig chefer, der gerne vil hyre folk til at gøre, så de selv slipper for det. Så mange, at Ryan Bingham konstant er på farten, og lever en tilværelse, hvor det meste af hans vågne tilværelse tilbringes i et American Airlines-fly og på diverse Marriott lufthavnshoteller med et par friske skjorter i kabinekufferten, klar til næste dags fyringsrunde før turen går videre til næste destination.
Filmen, som uden tvivl er Clooneys til dato bedste, blev et vigtigt bidrag til forståelsen af den håbløshed, der prægede Amerika på det tidspunkt og den hulhed, der samtidig prægede Binghams livsstil, men som ikke desto mindre ikke er helt grebet ud af den blå luft. Modsat ’Good Night, And Good Luck’ og ’Syriana’, blev ’Up In The Air’ ikke bare en succes i forhold til at bidrage til den politiske debat, den blev samtidig en massiv succes rent indtjeningsmæssigt. Og som kronen på værket blev Clooney Oscar-nomineret for bedste mandlige hovedrolle.
As goes Ohio
Hvor Clooneys film indtil da havde kredset om politiske og samfundsmæssige temaer som ledighed, olie og pressen, var ’The Ides Of March’ fra 2011 en ’direkte’ politisk film. Clooney havde igen været i blækhuset og sammen med makkeren Grant Heslov strikket et manuskript sammen der fremstillede det politiske liv i USA så kynisk, at det næsten knitrede af rimfrost. I filmen, der også er instrueret af Clooney, kommer seerne helt ind i den inderste kerne af en primærvalgkamp. Helt præcist den, der finder sted i delstaten Ohio. En stat, der er central for enhver præsidentkandidat. For som ordet lyder: ’As goes Ohio, so goes the nation’. Clooney selv spiller rollen som den demokratiske præsidentkandidat, Mike Morris, der sammen med resten af valgkaravanen er nået til hjemstaten for Cincinnati Bearcats. Det er imidlertid ikke Clooneys karakter, der er i fokus, men i stedet hans to kampagnestrateger, Paul og Stephen. Paul, der blændende spilles af den nylig afdøde Philip Seymour Hoffman, er den rutinerede chefstrateg, der ved sin side har den unge, fremadstormende Stephen, der lige så blændende portrætteres af Ryan Gosling.
’The Ides Of March’ er på mange måde en filmisk udgave af ’House Of Cards’. For dem, der nød patriotismen i ’West Wing’, ja, så brister adskillige illusioner med denne film. Den viser nemlig moderne toppolitik som det, det er, nemlig en benhård og kynisk kontaktsport, der handler om at få magten. Og at vejen til magten er brolagt af studehandler, frontalangreb og en grim smag i munden.
Det stjernespækkede cast til trods, blev filmen, nøjagtig som ’Good Night, And Good Luck’ ikke nogen pengemaskine for Clooney. Men som han på et tidspunkt gav udtryk for i interviewprogrammet ’Inside The Actor’s Studio’, så havde han for længst affundet sig med, at han ind i mellem var nødt til at lave en Nespresso-reklame i Europa, for at få råd til at lave de film, han gerne ville. Heriblandt ’The Ides Of March’.
Kulturens betydning
Tiden efter ’The Ides Of March’, blev brugt på at producere Oscar-vinderen ’Argo’, som hans ven Ben Affleck både instruerede og spillede hovedrollen i. En film, der fortæller historien om gidseldramaet i Teheran i slutningen af 1970’erne under præsident Carter. Og som, nøjagtig som flere af Clooneys film, er med til at sætte fokus på et vigtigt, men ofte overset tema i den politiske debat. Herefter kastede Clooney sig over arbejdet med et nyt filmmanus, der nok engang skulle sætte fokus på et overset emne i historien og samtidig være med til at skabe debat.
Resultatet af arbejdet kan fra i dag af opleves i biograferne landet over i filmen ’The Monument’s Men’, hvor Clooney fortæller historien om den lille gruppe af kunsteksperter, der efter ordre fra præsident Roosevelt blev sendt til Europa hen mod slutningen af 2. verdenskrig for at lokalisere de mange kunstværker, nazisterne havde stjålet og få dem tilbage til deres retmæssige ejere. Clooney spiller selv hovedrollen, og er nok engang omgivet af gode folk som Matt Damon, John Goodman, Bill Murray og Cate Blanchett.
Det vil være synd at sige, at ’The Monument’s Men’ er den største film, George Clooney nogensinde har skrevet, instrueret eller produceret. Men filmen rejser ikke desto mindre en række vigtige spørgsmål omkring kulturens betydning i et samfund og ikke mindst, hvorfor det er essentielt at værne om. En pointe, som er relevant både i vor tid, i sin tid og i fremtiden. Og på den måde lykkes Clooneys mission nok en gang, nemlig at sætte fokus på et emne, der optager ham. Og på den måde være med til at præge den politiske debat.
’The Monument’s Men’ har premiere over hele landet i dag.
Mazy- Achieving total Clooney-dom
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theminis- Moderator
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Re: Clooney – Super Star With Political Agenda
Thanks, Mazy. Interesting article that covers more ground than usual. I love Google translations - as frustrating as they are, they are sometimes soooo funny -my favorite this time: "hopping around on all the sore toes" LOL
LizzyNY- Casamigos with Mr Clooney
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