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How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy

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How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy Empty How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy

Post by Katiedot Sat 29 Jan 2011, 13:13

Can't decide if this is a pro-Obama or anti-Obama piece. Anyway, nice to know what it is that Americans dream about at night. I've often wondered Suspect


When President Obama falls asleep each night, he doesn't dream about an impromptu karaoke-fest with the cast of Glee like the rest of America. No, the President of the United States dreams about a world filled with electric cars. Or so he would have you believe, based on his 2011 State of the Union address. During the speech, Obama declared that by 2015, he wants 1 million electric vehicles on the road. Click through to find out which celebs and politicos are already speeding down electric avenue.

George Clooney: One to Tango
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The hunky actor recently made quite the electric car upgrade. He traded in his eco-friendly Tango one-seater (pictured at left) for the Tesla Roadster, the electric car equivalent of a Ferrari. Clooney is all about driving green, saying, "We are going to have to find a way to get away from oil. It has start with someone, somewhere, changing policy."

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How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy Empty Re: How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy

Post by melbert Sat 29 Jan 2011, 18:41

That car is just so cute! And the guy beside it ain't half bad either! lol
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How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy Empty Re: How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy

Post by blubelle Sat 29 Jan 2011, 19:39

I'd buy the car but only if the guy next to it came with it.
Ooh, Mr Clooney!

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How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy Empty Re: How Clooney, DiCaprio are Making Obama Happy

Post by it's me Sat 29 Jan 2011, 20:36

G not included, I fear
it's me
it's me
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