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Post by OofOof Tue 15 Jan 2013, 01:39

I have a question for the Clooney pros. Since I found you all, I've been reading George related topics on various gossip sites. Most of the pieces center around George and Stacy, with a few focused only on him but always including a Stacy mention. My question concerns the comments. He's pretty much eviscerated in the comments and it's worse than the glib stuff said about Leo or Brad. They ridicule him for the most part which makes me sad. It's a common thread-- he looks old. He's too old for Stacy. He looks like her uncle etc. So, is this a relatively new thing or has this been going on for years?
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Post by silly girl Tue 15 Jan 2013, 01:45

Good question Oof Oof. The comments about the girlfriend are about the same. I have found that the comments about him are getting worse. Not all comments were nice in the beginning but the nice ones outweighed the bad. It least from my experience.

silly girl
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Post by Mazy Tue 15 Jan 2013, 02:39

I agree with the both of you. Sometimes I cannot believe I am on a George Clooney fan site. I feel so bad at times especially thinking that he might read what his fans have to say.
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Post by Joanna Tue 15 Jan 2013, 02:41

Maybe he's getting to be a lot like Marmite...
Love him or hate him....nothing in between !
I only read here so don't have a global view of
What's being said about him. But over the years the negative
comments seem to be increasing.
I don't know how much is genuine or how much is just
following the fashion of Clooney Bashing. He always appears
to have the affection of his peers though, who
obviously know him far better than any one on a fan forum.
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Post by melbert Tue 15 Jan 2013, 03:03

I've not been on boards for as long as some here have, as I'm relatively new to the computer at home gang. Near as I can remember, starting with Sarah Larson, continuing with Elisabetta Canalis and now continuing more with Stacy Keibler, the age comments have been there. Mainly because these girls are "daughter" age. Alot of George's previous lady friends were closer in age to him as they're nearing or in their 40s now. As was brought out in another thread recently (and has been discussed in a few other threads), the previous two as well as the current seem to be "famewhores, gold-diggers, no talent, coat-tail grabbing bimbos" (have I forgotten any of the numerous descriptions?). Many here feel that George NEEDS to settle down with a "nice" woman and quit the PR romances (if indeed that is what they are). When they are seen in public, whether a Red Carpet event or to dinner, etc., if they don't gush all over each other, it's not "real". I can't tell you how many times I have looked at a picture or watched a video that is 180 degrees different from the description that some posters describe it. I'm not a body language expert, but I do pay attention to most detail as I have to for my job. People see what they want to see and if they can spin a tail, there are some who will then "see" that too. Doesn't make it right or wrong, just differing opinions, I guess.

George definitely has some fanatic fans, some who feel that they are destined to be with him, or that he knows about them. Not saying anybody here is like that. Some don't want him to be with anybody in public, as it then destroys their fantasy of being with him. Some of them, I believe are the ones who are most harsh towards him. I am not always happy with George's decisions or actions on some things, but he is who he is.

I have followed him for many years, first through just watching him on TV, in movies, reading in magazines, until I found the wonderful world of Internet (hahahaha). I respect and admire him for so much that he's done, his acting and his humanitarian side. I don't follow any other stars, as no others excite me as much as George does. He's 51 years old, old enough to make is own decisions, right, wrong or indifferent. But to belittle and berate him over his choices, and then constantly attack him and/or his current partner (ok, I've been guilty of that a time or two too), makes me question why some even come here or any other Clooney site. Do they go to other boards and/or forums and rag on that person? Probably, as some people just have that need I guess. Does this mean that everybody has to be totally lovey dovey sticky sweet with every post on every thread? Hell no!!!! I've already got diabetes and I certainly don't need the extra sugar.

I don't know if I've answered your questions OofOof. I have no intention of leaving this forum as I still want and need to know everything George. Do I get frustrated and upset with some of the nastiness? Yes I do. But, I've come to "know" some of you and I really enjoy reading your posts. Some even if you're ragging on George. But, it does hurt MY feelings when some are so bitter and so angry and so seemingly full of hatred. Just like it hurts my heart when someone badmouths my friend.
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Post by Katiedot Tue 15 Jan 2013, 03:03

George Marmite Clooney? Love it!

Do you mean the comments on the internet in general or in George fansites in particular?

Fansites have always been quite critical towards him, for several reasons: firstly there's the fans who are just disappointed in his choice of girlfriend (newsflash: it's not going to get any better) and secondly George, being only human, does make mistakes, does show errors of judgement and sometimes does disappear up his own backside.

People who care about him (ie fans) do call him out on it from time to time.

Are fans sometimes too demanding of unrealistic levels of perfection from him? Undoubtedly. When he's your dream man and falls short of these dreams then the disappointment is dreadful to bear.

I think it's possible to be a fan of someone without blindly hero worshipping everything they say and do. I've been on some fan sites where you can only say nice things about the celebrity and to be honest, they're boring as hell and tend not to last very long.

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Post by madsky Tue 15 Jan 2013, 03:12

I agree he does get more now. He gets a fair amount of bashing from people who don't like the message of some of his work. Take Argo, some of my more conservative friends are offended that it fictionalized and re-wrote a historical event changing the facts for dramatic purposes, not accuracy. FYI it isn't a documentary but based on historical facts, some of it was changed and Ben does talk about that. Now my more intelligent friends will go in to detail why that bothers them, but some people on the blogs go to the lowest possible comment and start saying he is a liberal commie who looks old dating bimbos. Seems like a kind of misplaced anger. His earlier work didn't confront issues like he can do now, and as I love his work that entertains and makes me think, I hope he never lets this bother him.

I also think with the girlfriend thing as many have said his fans seem to want him married and he picks the same type of girl over and over. Some now have just become more juvenile and are starting to blame him and not just the girl for ruining their fairytale fantasy.

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Post by fava Tue 15 Jan 2013, 03:24

I think if you are talking about some of the general internet gossip sites (not George specifice sites) some of the negativity comes from political comments that he has made. He is quite vocally left of the center in terms of American politics and a lot of folks disagree with things like his comments about Charleton Heston and gun control, his feud with Bill O'Reilly, and his open and enthusiastic support of democrats. I think he epitomizes the "Hollywood Liberal" to a lot of Americans. Some of them even complain about his work to help in Darfur and South Sudan because they feel he should make more of an effort to help in the US.

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Post by Katiedot Tue 15 Jan 2013, 03:40

Oh yeah, the right-wing sites really have it in for him. The nastiness I saw recently about his tequila ad was unwarranted.

But then that's to be expected. They loathe him with a passion and will twist absolutely anything to make him look bad.

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Post by Mazy Tue 15 Jan 2013, 04:05

For a while now (I guess since before the elections) I have been wondering why; because someone becomes a celebrity they are not allowed to have a political opinion. I do not understand this, in the USA, everyone is entitled to say who/what they believe in as far as politics goes. It does not matter if they are Republican o Democrat. I am a Republican and I did whatever I could to help in Pres. Obama get re-elected. Thankfully he won with the guns in our schools and hurricane Sandy alone, I would not want Romney in at a time like this.

As far as Darfur goes that by far is not his only humanitarian effort. He has done what he can where he can. George also believes that one should give back for their successes in life. Never mind that he earned everything that he has. This is not just for him any celeb that does more than us average citizen, seems to be resented. I say thank God for how much they do help.

Anyway I think people are way too critical against GTC and no matter what he does someone will have bad things to say about him. JMHO
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Post by OofOof Tue 15 Jan 2013, 05:18

Thanks everyone for your explanations. I do need to explain that I wasn't talking about COH or any of the other Clooney fan sites (that I haven't visited). I was actually talking about other general gossip sites--Celebitchy, The Daily Mail, Dlisted, JustJared etc.

The things you all and guests say about George here are usually spot on (well some of them are a little on the odd side, if you know what I mean Very Happy ) or at least tempered with love or like. Frankly, I think some of what is said about him here that is negative is warranted. Nobody's perfect and I do think the guy does have issues as far as women. But that's another thread right?

What I am talking about are the comments on gossip sites like those in the article that appeared in Celebitchy today about the Globes. Many of the commenters, mostly women, were ridiculing George. And those comments are less vituperative than those on other sites. In general, they're laughing at him which surprises me. I would think women from their 30's on up would be his demographic and he's not making any friends with that group.

Just wanted to make sure that it was clear that I wasn't saying anything about anyone on this site. I'm most definitely not in the camp that George can do no wrong. If he was perfect, I wouldn't find him attractive. Nobody's perfect. But the meaness on the gossip sites is disturbing. I can now tell the nutjobs (thanks to you all) from "regular" people and the regular "folk" aren't very nice about George.

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Post by Best in Category Tue 15 Jan 2013, 10:30


This time I am being serious.
It has nothing to do with his “girlfriends”, “life style” or what kind of person he really is.

The idea seems to be: any press is good press and better to be reviled than ignored. This strategy (including negative publicity) works well for unknown names. But it is bad for established ones.

So in Clooney´s case is hard to find positive effects of negative publicity. Or better yet increase sales (movies, alcohol, anything).

(There is one very bad pic of him from the Globes publicity wise, he should have known better. )

I think some people should sit on a round table and really go through with the outcome. Maybe find a solution to rebuild his image and get the public to forget. And focus on progressing and preventing negative publicity in the future.

One word about twitter; it is an incredible marketing tool. But all the Stacy´s stupid tweets, just underlines the message already out there. That should be taken care of as long as they are "together".

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Post by Cynisca Tue 15 Jan 2013, 11:25

Best in Category wrote:Well,

The idea seems to be: any press is good press and better to be reviled than ignored. This strategy (including negative publicity) works well for unknown names. But it is bad for established ones.

So in Clooney´s case is hard to find positive effects of negative publicity. Or better yet increase sales (movies, alcohol, anything).

(There is one very bad pic of him from the Globes publicity wise, he should have known better. )

I think some people should sit on a round table and really go through with the outcome. Maybe find a solution to rebuild his image and get the public to forget. And focus on progressing and preventing negative publicity in the future.

One word about twitter; it is an incredible marketing tool. But all the Stacy´s stupid tweets, just underlines the message already out there. That should be taken care of as long as they are "together".

Exactly, BiC. Negative public image would undermine him. Sabotaging the George Clooney brand longevity.
Ridiculing him & subsequently, he won't be taken seriously regarding his film work and humanitarian activism.
It's a dichotomy that's in the public's consciousness.

An example, of lousy PR (a team who I believe would monitor Stacey Keibler's posts too).
His girlfriend inconsiderately listed her Xmas letter excessive request list of gifts to Santa Claus, written when she was 6 years old on Xmas Day, thinking it's cute. Baltimore Sun (no one else) ran the story. It was bad timing considering the Newtown Sandy Hook massacre of 20 six year old children, (& 7 adults) just days prior to Xmas, while the whole nation was in shock at what is considered the worst mass murders in US history because of the age of the children.
Moreover, at a time of economic recession, it's highly inappropriate to Tweet an avaricious long list of gifts which would cost a fortune to the average parent. Most children are content with one gift.
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Of course, there were negative remarks about Stacey's self-centered behavior, and so the Tweet/ Instagram is now deleted if you look at her account.
Silly inane behavior by a "yo bro, let's party!!" & "yay!!! Go Ravens!!" life-partner to a supposedly influential cultural leader.

Last edited by Cynisca on Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:02; edited 1 time in total


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Post by OofOof Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:52

What I find interesting is that George is hardly the only wealthy, famous guy with a trophy GF or wife and yet, the same ridicule is not leveled against most other men, doing exactly the same thing, if not worse. I don't know, maybe because I don't read stuff on those men I don't see it but a lot of other celebs doing exactly what George is doing, get a pass. For some reason, the fact that Leo does what George does (womanizer) but does it with Victoria Secret models, is considered better. I see no difference. At least George is a bit more eclectic. Very Happy
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Post by Dior Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:58

OofOof wrote:What I find interesting is that George is hardly the only wealthy, famous guy with a trophy GF or wife and yet, the same ridicule is not leveled against most other men, doing exactly the same thing, if not worse. I don't know, maybe because I don't read stuff on those men I don't see it but a lot of other celebs doing exactly what George is doing, get a pass. For some reason, the fact that Leo does what George does (womanizer) but does it with Victoria Secret models, is considered better. I see no difference. At least George is a bit more eclectic. Very Happy

At last Di Caprio's girls are real models, no pretenders.
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Post by madsky Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:09

Di Caprio who is more than a decade younger than George and gets a boatload of crap for personal choices. Some even think he gets snubbed from the awards because of his lifestyle. But at a certain point with age it looks worse.

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Post by Dior Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:21

I do not know anything about Di Caprio except that he is a brilliant actor if he wants to.
But I always thought there is something strange, because for his acting he would have deserved a few more awards?
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Post by OofOof Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:25

Madsky, I know you're right of course as far as his age. Maybe also the times we live in now. Back in Jack Nicholson's heyday, it was more acceptable.

I guess I've never liked Leo much, but for some reason, I kind of find it more disgusting to hop from one VS model to another. The age difference between Leo and (fill in the name model) is the same as the usual difference between George and his "girls." and, while you're right that the VS models are "real" models, I see very little difference between them and what Stacy has done. They model lingerie just as she has. They're just doing it for VS. But there are plenty of other shoots they've done for the same men's magazines Stacy has appeared in. The only difference is that they're better paid.
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Post by Dior Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:29

Better paid because better looking? Very Happy
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Post by OofOof Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:40

They all look the same to me. Kind of become Stepford Models of late.
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Post by madsky Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:47

Ooof Ooof Now I don't understand, either it is bad to be this nasty or is it only wrong because it is against George. We love him but don't care or like Leo or the others.

Trust me Bar Rafael who was with Leo for a long time was called ugly, fat other far worse names and they were constantly speculated about and asked about marriage. Some people adore her or swoon just like Stacy too, but others crucify her. Could copy comments but don't see the point. I think the younger ones are more crude as it seems at least most of George's fan's are older and have a better vocabulary.

Dior, I have loved DiCaprio's acting for years. To me his movies are amazing and one of the most diverse for so young. I think there is definitely some sort of don't like something about his lifestyle for him not to get more nominations. A ton of gossip posts and stories on why Leo will never really win a major acting award. Understand Jodie Foster's comments about privacy better, probably a better idea to hide your significant others as someone might not like them or you for them.

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Post by Best in Category Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:02

Di caprio gets those recycled "real models" because they all see the guy from titanic in him.

Everytime some adores him and asks me what I think, I just say that I prefer woody harrelson... and they are like in what romantic movie he has been in? And I say Natural born killers... Very Happy

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Post by Dior Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:04

Lovely Avatar, my dear:)

And I love Woody Harrelson in "Kingpin"!

Last edited by Dior on Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:08; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Woody Harrelson)
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Post by OofOof Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:23

Madsky, sorry I was being confusing...I'm confused often Very Happy in response to your question, I am not being protective of George because I like him, where, to be honest, I simply do not get the hype with Leo. Like George, he pretty much plays the same role over and over. He doesn't appeal to me physically or emotionally. If George is self centered, Leo strikes me as being at an all together higher level.

I have no illusions as to George's faults--he's got loads of them like we all do. I guess I don't read many of the comments about Leo. It sounds like they are just as bad so maybe it's the influence of the web and has nothing to do with people turning against George. The net allows people to say horrible things anonymously and, to me, those celeb sites provide dysfunctional people with the chance to spew their nastiness. It just seems like there is a slight difference even in the comments dumping on Leo. There's more of a boys will be boys tenor where, with George, it's more "gross!". Guess like you said, it's Georges age.
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Post by madsky Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:42

I bet Leo if he stays this way he will get the same sort of Hugh Hefner comments when he ages too. I do enjoy Leo's movies, can't wait for Gatsby. To each his own.

Now the good thing about the gossip blogs could be it gives the mildly dysfunctional a chance to vent anonymously and mostly harmlessly instead of to people directly or escalate it. I think George is one of the smartest of the bunch don't read or partake in it, better for your sanity and self esteem. Half full not empty mentality. I am working on that myself.

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Post by Katiedot Wed 16 Jan 2013, 04:10

OofOof wrote:What I find interesting is that George is hardly the only wealthy, famous guy with a trophy GF or wife and yet, the same ridicule is not leveled against most other men, doing exactly the same thing, if not worse.
As others have said, DiCaprio gets it two barrels full every day online. Johnny Depp needs to be careful since the split with his wife because there are some just waiting to crucify him for his post-marital behaviour. Not that I think he gives a damn about what others think about him.

I think there are plenty of men in his position who get the same criticisms, but I don't spend a lot of time reading about them online.

OofOof wrote: The net allows people to say horrible things anonymously and, to me, those celeb sites provide dysfunctional people with the chance to spew their nastiness.
I think that does have something to do with it too.

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Post by watching Wed 16 Jan 2013, 07:10

Part of the problem I think is that on the internet everything is immediately accessible. When in the past you might have read an interview or two when he had a film coming out (spo every 6 - 12 months). You could have seen pap shots but that only depended on the mags you bought. Now it is accessible to all within a 24 hour newscycle and people can see trends and cross-reference what a celeb said 12 months ago to what they are saying today to promote something. Even if you aren't a fan of a particular actor, you will see them on the everyday celeb sites (JJ, TMZ, E Online, lainey) and even on the legit news sites so you pick up information about them without actually intending to. I know way too much about the Kardashian women and I have never seen an episode of their show but I could name them all and who their spouse/partner is. You just seem to pick this stuff up through osmosis nowadays.

I think people are harsher to G now for two main reasons:
1. Whilst he is still well thought of, he is no longer the press Golden Boy so not everyone is falling over themselves to write him up as the Second Coming which in turn showcases him as a human being with flaws, weaknesses and secondcomings. Therefore fewer people are putting him up on a pedastal. They are willing to call him out when he does something that it not in line with the image projected - bad taste pranks, Baby Milk scandal, revolving door of young gfs, another issues film, that he is looking old, etc.
2. His private life is mainstream now. It is the butt of jokes. His choices are mocked as it is clear to most readers of celebrity gossip - not just the G fans - his love life is wash, rinse and repeat. He is no longer seen by the general public as simply the carefree bachelor who stands for grace, class and style (as he was sold to the masses). The age difference is super apparant now to everyone. They see him as a guy who only bangs model/famewhores and they pity/mock/question/support his choices.

If it was a bloke in their office who wouldn't date anyone less than 15 years younger and had a job of taking their clothes off for photographers, the colleague would be at the receiving end of riducle and some behind his back talk. Right or wrong, we are a more judgemental society. The internet has made it easy to project that scorn / mocking / etc onto a particular celebrity as if we actually knew them and that we have a right to express those views.
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Post by Best in Category Wed 16 Jan 2013, 09:13

Watching has good points.

I had friends coming over for little apero and to watch highlights of GG from French channel. Mainly to judge dresses hit or miss and hair do´s, shoes etc. We do the same with Nobels and Oscars.

This has never crossed my mind but a friend of mine said about GC that he is still considered a leading man, because there is no other. Leading men list can be substantial, but really there is no one at the moment to replace him. But once there is, struggle begins.

Many here will say that he doesn´t care, he is producer, director etc. Yes, but it does matter, big time.

This is why I found the latest moves to be kind of dangerous. It is hard to be a star and idol and leading man if you are allowing too much information for the public.

The message becomes contradictory and opens all the doors for questioning, bashing and at the end of the day ignoring completely.

Like: one day he is saving Africa (used concept for many actors and actresses, let alone billionaires) – and next promoting alcohol in his own country.

For decades he has appeared as Hollywood´s leading ladies man – now he is hinting he likes swinging and maybe altogether men.

He talks about doing projects he likes, not main stream stuff but something more meaningful – and at the same time he goes around with former wrestler, that makes everyone wonder how an earth he has been in the same wave length with her for such a long time.

Two trials his name is linked to: Berlusconi´s and Gerber´s. Just about the same subject. Has he just been in a wrong place at the wrong time twice?

Of all the matters and girls in the world this is what he choose to introduce us. – Honestly, what can you expect?

Disdain. Dismay. Disgust.

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Post by Bidbod Wed 16 Jan 2013, 12:07

I am going to say this really badly but bear with me, here goes. What I never got with George is the latest unknown girlfriend is interviewed with him and given the same gravitas as him on the red carpets by the media. We are all supposed to love her, cos he does, even though there is never any tenderness or softness towards them when he is with them, but we, the fans are expected to buy into the latest romance. I never saw this for Leo's girls or Jack Nicholsons. George pushes these unknown girls out front, we have never heard of them, we google them and then are horrified at what we find on the internet. They are presented as whiter than white, they clean up their image whilst they are with George and we are all expected to buy into it. They are all 'sweet', 'fun'. They all begin to believe they are major stars with George and when it ends we never hear of them again. What galls me as well, Stacy has been very careful of her image whilst going out with him, she was even cleaning it up before she went out with him. But yet, to sell his Tequila, he has her supposedly naked in bed with Cindy for a bit of 'fun' mid-life partner swapping; I know it wasn't serious, a bit of an in-joke, but this is the girl who has been so careful about covering up in case it contradicts his classy image. The girl, some believe he actually loves. I don't see it. So yeah, if he wants to date nobodies, there is no need really to shove it in our faces, presented as something it isn't.

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Post by fava Wed 16 Jan 2013, 12:14

Bidbod wrote:I am going to say this really badly but bear with me, here goes. What I never got with George is the latest unknown girlfriend is interviewed with him and given the same gravitas as him on the red carpets by the media. We are all supposed to love her, cos he does, even though there is never any tenderness or softness towards them when he is with them, but we, the fans are expected to buy into the latest romance. I never saw this for Leo's girls or Jack Nicholsons. George pushes these unknown girls out front, we have never heard of them, we google them and then are horrified at what we find on the internet. They are presented as whiter than white, they clean up their image whilst they are with George and we are all expected to buy into it. They are all 'sweet', 'fun'. They all begin to believe they are major stars with George and when it ends we never hear of them again. What galls me as well, Stacy has been very careful of her image whilst going out with him, she was even cleaning it up before she went out with him. But yet, to sell his Tequila, he has her supposedly naked in bed with Cindy for a bit of 'fun' mid-life partner swapping; I know it wasn't serious, a bit of an in-joke, but this is the girl who has been so careful about covering up in case it contradicts his classy image. The girl, some believe he actually loves. I don't see it. So yeah, if he wants to date nobodies, there is no need really to shove it in our faces, presented as something it isn't.

Bidbod-- I guess he uses them when it suits him as well (for all some complain about the girlfriends using him).

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Post by Lighterside Wed 16 Jan 2013, 13:49

Now it is accessible to all within a 24 hour newscycle and people can see trends and cross-reference what a celeb said 12 months ago to what they are saying today to promote something.

Amen! Much to the chagrin of many a politician today as well! LOL

I can tell you, politics has been radically affected by the short news cycles, which can produce and lay bear the things they said 25 years ago, to sink a campaign in a heartbeat or as Mr. Romney found out in May of last year, a single cell phone taping what you say in private can ruin your run for president.

And we can thank the Lord above for that save for the progressive agenda! cheers
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Post by Lighterside Wed 16 Jan 2013, 14:06

This has never crossed my mind but a friend of mine said about GC that he is still considered a leading man, because there is no other.

George has been very self aware for a long time that he had a limited amount of time "in front" of the cameras, which is why he branched out in other directions. Every lead actor, be it male or female only has a limited amount of time for "lead roles" and then they either get "supporting" roles, move on to television if possible, dinner theatre or they fade and disappear from sight but eventually AGE is the big killer of everyone's longevity on film. Actresses unfortunately fall into this category rather earlier in their careers, which is unfair but based upon this constant need for "new, fresh faces" in Hollywood and our collective worship of "youth". People actually DO get tired of seeing the same actors and the way that business is set up, it quite easily accommodates those who get bored quickly watching the same group of actors over and over again.
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Post by Joanna Wed 16 Jan 2013, 14:23

How about seeing George in his sixties....
playing Big Daddy in a re-make of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ?

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Post by Lighterside Wed 16 Jan 2013, 15:24

@ Joanna, I'd be there with bells on, in the front row! LOL Wink
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Post by waewaewae Wed 16 Jan 2013, 15:34

Nasty comments started with Sarah Larson. I remember when he went back and forth between Krista Allen and Lisa Snowdon the discussions were mostly still on his work.

I know some fans dont/didnt really care about his dating life. But I think people would be less judgemental if he hadnt been so public with his girls in recent years.

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Post by Joanna Wed 16 Jan 2013, 16:28

To me keeping his lady friends secret would be much worse...
rather like in the Victorian era here in UK !
Not a healthy thing to do IMO.

I think the Internet now encourages the negative/unpleasant/untrue
comments, not only about people like George, but anybody.
It's so easy by being totally anonymous.
There are some cases now here of people being prosecuted for things they've put on Twitter, so maybe in years to come it may improve in that area.
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