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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? EmptyMon 02 Sep 2024, 20:18 by benex

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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by Katiedot Mon 03 Dec 2012, 05:04

Did they really call George 'flabby'?

In this letter to the editor of the Washington Post, Hirshon makes a valid point which I'm just going to ignore because he called George flabby. The cheek of it!

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To: Special Agent Richard Cohen:

Your latest case, No. 0073586, “Investigation into the new requirement that middle-aged movie heroes must be extremely fit to be romantically involved with hot young women who look young enough to be their daughters” has been solved! Undercover agents stationed in Hollywood have discovered legions of middle-aged male screenwriters successfully pairing flabby, aging actors like Michael Caine, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Jeff Bridges, George Clooney and Dan Ackroyd with fit young women. MI5 has concluded that the fantasy lives of older men are NOT, we repeat, NOT, in danger.

However, we do have a new case for you: “Where are the complementary films featuring sophisticated but thick-around-the-middle older women, beset by hot young men who look young enough to be their sons?” We are sure you will look into this genuine mystery with the same diligence with which you pursued your previous case.

Bob Hirshon, Takoma Park

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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by Maggy Mon 03 Dec 2012, 06:43

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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by melbert Mon 03 Dec 2012, 07:24

How DARE him call our George flabby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by Best in Category Mon 03 Dec 2012, 07:34

Exactly melbert! flabby= lacking firmness? No way!

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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by Dior Mon 03 Dec 2012, 14:44

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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by cindigirl Mon 03 Dec 2012, 18:47

It's funny, I've heard George accused of many things but never flabby. LOL

It never ceases to amaze me how journalists come up with this drivel.
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by Joanna Mon 03 Dec 2012, 19:37

Many journos are maybe they are jealous of
George's fit form at 51 ?? Lol
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by lelacorb Mon 03 Dec 2012, 20:35

maybe referred to the penis when peeing?......fortunately is flaccid!...........
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by Dior Mon 03 Dec 2012, 20:50

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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by cindigirl Mon 03 Dec 2012, 21:01

I had to look up the word flaccid:
Definition - soft, limp, or lacking firmness

Holy cow - who would have thought !!! Noooo!
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by it's me Mon 03 Dec 2012, 22:39

it's me
it's me
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by NotAvailable Tue 04 Dec 2012, 04:22

hahahahahaha...Not FLABBY!!! But maybe they are flabby thoughts with skinny brains... hehehehehehehe You gals make me almost roll...I woulda a few 70 lbs or so a go....hehehehehe
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by Maggy Tue 04 Dec 2012, 05:06

lelacorb wrote:maybe referred to the penis when peeing?......fortunately is flaccid!...........
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by Best in Category Tue 04 Dec 2012, 07:41

quite pons asini from the original topic.... Rolling Eyes

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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

Post by it's me Tue 04 Dec 2012, 13:05


it's me
it's me
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Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women? Empty Re: Why do middle-aged flabby movie heroes such as George Clooney get paired up with beautiful young women?

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