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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by Katiedot Fri 13 Jan 2012, 10:52

I think some people just had too much spare time over the holidays . . .

From Jezebel

George Clooney Is A Beautiful Man

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We rarely promote random products that we ourselves have not purchased — and when it comes to stuff pushed at us by PR folks? Almost never. But. An email landed in our inboxes from a man named Whit Hiler, and it read:

All the girls in the world love George Clooney. Most all the guys do too. Everyone loves Clooney's sexy body. A lot of it also has to do with the fact he's a Kentuckian. Not just any Kentuckian but a kick ass Kentuckian. Imagine waking up every morning and the first thing you see is George Clooney starring you in the eyes? How awesome would that be? We just made that dream a reality

Attached were images of posters by Kentucky for Kentucky, titled "George Clooney Is A Beautiful Man." As well as a picture of Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman holding his Clooney poster. "A kick ass Kentuckian holding another kick ass Kentuckian. So sweet." The posters are only $15, and, as Whit points out: "NO we didn't have George Clooney's permission to make these posters. Act fast before we're told to destroy them!"

You've been warned.

Their website, in case you have $15 that's looking for a new home is: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by Cinderella Fri 13 Jan 2012, 14:18

Practically on first name terms with Mr Clooney

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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by it's me Fri 13 Jan 2012, 15:03

Imagine waking up every morning and the first thing you see is George Clooney starring you in the eyes?

it's me
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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by pattygirl Fri 13 Jan 2012, 15:06

Would love it to be a LIVE GTC staring me in the eyes! Wow, wouldn't that be something. I could drown in those eyes every day, all day.
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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by it's me Fri 13 Jan 2012, 15:11

but surely!
I was thinking to a LIVE GTC sparkling eyes Shocked
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by Cinderella Fri 13 Jan 2012, 19:09

Me too, PattyGirl! Great thought! Hmmmm... I think it's Bathtub time for me... Exploded Yikes... Don't let think about that!
Practically on first name terms with Mr Clooney

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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by playfuldeb Sat 14 Jan 2012, 05:08

George has puppy-dog eyes

A dog’s gaze trig­gers re­lease of the so-called “trust hor­mone” ox­y­to­cin in own­ers, ac­cord­ing to Jap­a­nese re­search­ers.

Ox­y­to­cin, pro­duced by the pi­tu­i­tary gland at the base of the brain, has been im­pli­cat­ed in bond­ing be­hav­iors in an­i­mals in­clud­ing hu­mans. Ex­pe­ri­ments have even found that sniff­ing ox­y­to­cin in­creases a per­son’s trust­ful­ness of others.

In a new study, Mi­no Na­ga­sawa of Az­abu Uni­ver­s­ity in Ja­pan and col­leagues placed dog own­ers to­geth­er with their pets in a se­ries of half-hour ses­sions.

The ex­pe­ri­menters meas­ured the lev­els of ox­y­to­cin in own­ers’ urine be­fore and af­ter the in­ter­ac­tions.

The investigators found in­creases in the hor­mone lev­el that were highly cor­re­lat­ed to “the fre­quen­cy of be­hav­ior­al ex­changes in­i­ti­at­ed by the dog’s gaze,” they re­ported, writ­ing in the Dec. 14 is­sue of the re­search jour­nal Hor­mones and Be­hav­ior.

The re­search­ers ar­ranged an­oth­er set of ex­pe­ri­ments that were sim­i­lar, ex­cept that own­ers were in­structed not to look at their pooch dur­ing the in­ter­ac­tions. In these tests, the ox­y­to­cin-gaze cor­rela­t­ion was­n’t found, the sci­en­tists re­ported.

In the past, it has­n’t been clear wheth­er ox­y­to­cin is linked to bond­ing be­tween dif­fer­ent spe­cies, wrote Na­ga­sawa and col­leagues. “We con­clude that in­ter­ac­tions with dogs, es­pe­cially those in­i­ti­at­ed by the dog’s gaze, can in­crease the uri­nary [ox­y­to­cin] con­centra­t­ions of their own­ers as a man­i­festa­t­ion of at­tach­ment be­hav­ior.”

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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by it's me Sat 14 Jan 2012, 07:02

oh my...

nature is so interesting
and complicated!
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by melbert Sat 14 Jan 2012, 22:19

I would have a problem with a "pink" George staring at me. I'm with PattyGirl! I want the REAL LIVE George!!
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Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster Empty Re: Fellow Kentuckian makes George Clooney poster

Post by it's me Sat 14 Jan 2012, 22:45

the REAL LIVE George me too

but the poster it's not so bad IMO
old stile

like G
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it's me
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