party animal - not!
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[size=30]George Clooney a Cortona, l'estate toscana è sempre più vip
Video Anthony Hopkins in piscina canta "Bella ciao" e urla "sono italiano"Articolo "Iron Man" a Cortona: la domenica da turista di Robert Downey jrArticolo "Hannibal" torna a passeggiare in centroArticolo Morandi e Jovanotti, la nuova canzone è già un successo
[url= Clooney a Cortona%2C l%27estate toscana %C3%A8 sempre pi%C3%B9 vip&url=https%3A//][/url] [url=whatsapp://send?text=George Clooney a Cortona%2C l%27estate toscana %C3%A8 sempre pi%C3%B9 vip https%3A//][/url] [/size]
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George Clooney con Riccardo e Silvia Baracchi
Cortona (Arezzo), 10 agosto 2021 - Si infittisce la rete di vip che hanno scelto di fare a tappa a Cortona in questa calda estate di ripartenza. Dopo la doppia passeggiata di sir Antony Hokpins e quella di Robert Downey Jr, ecco fare capolino George Clooney e la moglie Amal Alamuddin, che hanno deciso di trascorrere una serata romantica lontana dai paparazzi tornando in un luogo a loro caro: il Relais il Falconiere. Non è la prima volta che il divo hollywoodiano e l’inseparabile moglie, avvocato libanese, fanno tappa in città. L’ultima occasione risale al 2015 durante una vacanza in Toscana. "È stata una sorpresa piacevolissima riaverli come nostri clienti", hanno raccontato Riccardo e Silvia Baracchi del Falconiere. Si sono concessi una cena senza figli per poi ripartire senza dormire nel relais. "Sono stati estremamente affettuosi. Ci hanno abbracciato ricordando la loro ultima visita", racconta ancora Riccardo Baracchi. "George si ricordava bene la nostra ospitalità. Gli ho fatto dono del mio libro sulla storia del Falconiere, che parla anche di lui, insieme ad uno speciale sangiovese annata 2017".
Ma questa volta niente foto ricordo, per non disturbare la serata. Menù ricco di prelibatezze che Silvia prepara nella sua cucina stellata: parmigiana di melanzane scomposta per antipasto; tortelli di porcini con passatina di patate novelle allo zafferano per Amal; spaghetti al vermouth olive verdi e battuto di gamberi rossi oltre a tonno in crosta di pappa di pomodoro per George. Poi un dolce ai sapori dell’estate, il tutto annaffiato da sangiovese della cantina Baracchi, il preferito della coppia. E mentre Clooney e consorte si rilassavano al relais, nel cuore del centro storico un altro vip, stavolta nostrano, si concedeva una passeggiata di piacere. Gianni Morandi e la moglie Anna si sono regalati un weekend cortonese ospiti di Lorenzo Jovanotti e della sua famiglia. La loro venuta è stata immortalata sia dai proprietari del ristorante Osteria del Teatro (dove il Jovanotti è di casa) che li hanno avuti come clienti, sia dallo stesso cantante che su Instagram ha pubblicato una foto sorridente in compagnia degli ospiti, della figlia Teresa e della moglie Francesca. L’amicizia tra i due si è ulteriormente rafforzata grazie a "L’Allegria" che Jova ha scritto per Morandi e che è in testa alle classifiche.
Ma non è solo Cortona a far gola ai vip. Castiglion Fiorentino è stata la meta di un’altra coppia molto amata dello star system. Si tratta di Alessandro Billy Costacurta e Martina Colombari che si sono concessi una passeggiata per le vie del centro col cellulare sempre pronto a "cristallizzare" la suggestione di scorci unici della città medievale. Non è una visita casuale, si tratta di una promessa fatta dall’icona rossonera del calcio, oggi opinionista tv, nell’aprile 2019 a un evento evento voluto dal Comune per lo sport e per sostenere la Misericordia. Costacurta sul palco del teatro rivelò di essere rimasto affascinato dalla bellezza della città, promettendo di tornare insieme alla moglie. Promessa mantenuta: Billy e Martina si sono concessi un breve soggiorno ammirando i capolavori d’arte e apprezzando il paesaggio come dimostra la foto su instagram dell’opinionista tv affacciato al "belvedere" del Cassero. Un saluto telefonico al sindaco Agnelli poi il tour in Toscana con la moglie prosegue in Val d’Orcia.
[size=30]George Clooney a Cortona, l'estate toscana è sempre più vip
Personaggi famosi in Valdichiana: il grande attore è tornato nel Relais dei Baracchi, Morandi ospite di Jovanotti. Costacurta e Martina Colombari a Castiglion Fiorentino
di LUCIA BIGOZZI e LAURA LUCENTEVideo Anthony Hopkins in piscina canta "Bella ciao" e urla "sono italiano"Articolo "Iron Man" a Cortona: la domenica da turista di Robert Downey jrArticolo "Hannibal" torna a passeggiare in centroArticolo Morandi e Jovanotti, la nuova canzone è già un successo
[url= Clooney a Cortona%2C l%27estate toscana %C3%A8 sempre pi%C3%B9 vip&url=https%3A//][/url] [url=whatsapp://send?text=George Clooney a Cortona%2C l%27estate toscana %C3%A8 sempre pi%C3%B9 vip https%3A//][/url] [/size]
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George Clooney con Riccardo e Silvia Baracchi
Cortona (Arezzo), 10 agosto 2021 - Si infittisce la rete di vip che hanno scelto di fare a tappa a Cortona in questa calda estate di ripartenza. Dopo la doppia passeggiata di sir Antony Hokpins e quella di Robert Downey Jr, ecco fare capolino George Clooney e la moglie Amal Alamuddin, che hanno deciso di trascorrere una serata romantica lontana dai paparazzi tornando in un luogo a loro caro: il Relais il Falconiere. Non è la prima volta che il divo hollywoodiano e l’inseparabile moglie, avvocato libanese, fanno tappa in città. L’ultima occasione risale al 2015 durante una vacanza in Toscana. "È stata una sorpresa piacevolissima riaverli come nostri clienti", hanno raccontato Riccardo e Silvia Baracchi del Falconiere. Si sono concessi una cena senza figli per poi ripartire senza dormire nel relais. "Sono stati estremamente affettuosi. Ci hanno abbracciato ricordando la loro ultima visita", racconta ancora Riccardo Baracchi. "George si ricordava bene la nostra ospitalità. Gli ho fatto dono del mio libro sulla storia del Falconiere, che parla anche di lui, insieme ad uno speciale sangiovese annata 2017".
Ma questa volta niente foto ricordo, per non disturbare la serata. Menù ricco di prelibatezze che Silvia prepara nella sua cucina stellata: parmigiana di melanzane scomposta per antipasto; tortelli di porcini con passatina di patate novelle allo zafferano per Amal; spaghetti al vermouth olive verdi e battuto di gamberi rossi oltre a tonno in crosta di pappa di pomodoro per George. Poi un dolce ai sapori dell’estate, il tutto annaffiato da sangiovese della cantina Baracchi, il preferito della coppia. E mentre Clooney e consorte si rilassavano al relais, nel cuore del centro storico un altro vip, stavolta nostrano, si concedeva una passeggiata di piacere. Gianni Morandi e la moglie Anna si sono regalati un weekend cortonese ospiti di Lorenzo Jovanotti e della sua famiglia. La loro venuta è stata immortalata sia dai proprietari del ristorante Osteria del Teatro (dove il Jovanotti è di casa) che li hanno avuti come clienti, sia dallo stesso cantante che su Instagram ha pubblicato una foto sorridente in compagnia degli ospiti, della figlia Teresa e della moglie Francesca. L’amicizia tra i due si è ulteriormente rafforzata grazie a "L’Allegria" che Jova ha scritto per Morandi e che è in testa alle classifiche.
Ma non è solo Cortona a far gola ai vip. Castiglion Fiorentino è stata la meta di un’altra coppia molto amata dello star system. Si tratta di Alessandro Billy Costacurta e Martina Colombari che si sono concessi una passeggiata per le vie del centro col cellulare sempre pronto a "cristallizzare" la suggestione di scorci unici della città medievale. Non è una visita casuale, si tratta di una promessa fatta dall’icona rossonera del calcio, oggi opinionista tv, nell’aprile 2019 a un evento evento voluto dal Comune per lo sport e per sostenere la Misericordia. Costacurta sul palco del teatro rivelò di essere rimasto affascinato dalla bellezza della città, promettendo di tornare insieme alla moglie. Promessa mantenuta: Billy e Martina si sono concessi un breve soggiorno ammirando i capolavori d’arte e apprezzando il paesaggio come dimostra la foto su instagram dell’opinionista tv affacciato al "belvedere" del Cassero. Un saluto telefonico al sindaco Agnelli poi il tour in Toscana con la moglie prosegue in Val d’Orcia.
benex- Clooney-phile
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Thanks for the find, Benex!
party animal - not!- George Clooney fan forever!
- Posts : 12430
Join date : 2012-02-16
It appears George was also at Barack Obama's birthday party this week.
LizzyNY- Casamigos with Mr Clooney
- Posts : 8190
Join date : 2013-08-28
Location : NY, USA
George Clooney in Cortona, the Tuscan summer is more and more VIPs
Famous people in Valdichiana: the great actor is back in the Relais dei Baracchi, Morandi guest of Jovanotti. Costacurta and Martina Colombari in Castiglion Fiorentino
Video Anthony Hopkins in the swimming pool sings "Bella ciao" and screams "I'm Italian"
Article "Iron Man" in Cortona: Sunday as a tourist by Robert Downey jr
Article "Hannibal" returns to stroll downtown
Morandi and Jovanotti article, the new song is already a success
George Clooney with Riccardo and Silvia Baracchi
George Clooney with Riccardo and Silvia Baracchi
Cortona (Arezzo), 10 August 2021 - The network of VIPs who have chosen to make a stop in Cortona in this hot summer of restart is growing. After the double walk of Sir Antony Hokpins and that of Robert Downey Jr, here is George Clooney and his wife Amal Alamuddin, who have decided to spend a romantic evening away from the paparazzi by returning to a place dear to them: the Relais il Falconiere. It is not the first time that the Hollywood star and his inseparable wife, a Lebanese lawyer, have made a stop in the city. The last opportunity dates back to 2015 during a holiday in Tuscany. "It was a very pleasant surprise to have them back as our customers", said Riccardo and Silvia Baracchi of the Falconiere. They allowed themselves a dinner without children and then left without sleeping in the relais. "They were extremely affectionate. They hugged us remembering their last visit", Riccardo Baracchi continues. "George remembered our hospitality well. I gave him my book on the history of the falconer, which also talks about him, together with a special 2017 Sangiovese vintage".
But this time no souvenir photos, so as not to disturb the evening. Menu full of delicacies that Silvia prepares in her starred kitchen: aubergine parmigiana decomposed for an appetizer; porcini tortelli with saffron puree of new potatoes for Amal; spaghetti with vermouth, green olives and chopped red prawns as well as tuna in a crusted tomato soup for George. Then a dessert with summer flavors, all washed down with Sangiovese from the Baracchi winery, the couple's favorite. And while Clooney and his wife were relaxing at the relais, in the heart of the historic center, another VIP, this time from our own, was taking a leisurely stroll. Gianni Morandi and his wife Anna gave themselves a Cortona weekend as guests of Lorenzo Jovanotti and his family. Their arrival was immortalized both by the owners of the Osteria del Teatro restaurant (where Jovanotti is at home) who had them as customers, and by the singer himself who posted a smiling photo on Instagram in the company of the guests, of his daughter Teresa and of his wife Francesca. The friendship between the two was further strengthened thanks to "L’Allegria" that Jova wrote for Morandi and which tops the charts.
But it is not only Cortona that appeals to VIPs. Castiglion Fiorentino was the destination of another much loved couple of the star system. They are Alessandro Billy Costacurta and Martina Colombari who took a walk through the streets of the center with their mobile phone always ready to "crystallize" the suggestion of unique views of the medieval city. It is not a casual visit, it is a promise made by the Rossoneri icon of football, today a TV commentator, in April 2019 at an event wanted by the Municipality for sport and to support Mercy. Costacurta on the stage of the theater revealed that he was fascinated by the beauty of the city, promising to return with his wife. Promise kept: Billy and Martina allowed themselves a short stay admiring the masterpieces of art and appreciating the landscape, as shown by the Instagram photo of the TV commentator overlooking the Cassero "belvedere". A telephone greeting to Mayor Agnelli then the tour in Tuscany with his wife continues in Val d’Orcia.
Famous people in Valdichiana: the great actor is back in the Relais dei Baracchi, Morandi guest of Jovanotti. Costacurta and Martina Colombari in Castiglion Fiorentino
Video Anthony Hopkins in the swimming pool sings "Bella ciao" and screams "I'm Italian"
Article "Iron Man" in Cortona: Sunday as a tourist by Robert Downey jr
Article "Hannibal" returns to stroll downtown
Morandi and Jovanotti article, the new song is already a success
George Clooney with Riccardo and Silvia Baracchi
George Clooney with Riccardo and Silvia Baracchi
Cortona (Arezzo), 10 August 2021 - The network of VIPs who have chosen to make a stop in Cortona in this hot summer of restart is growing. After the double walk of Sir Antony Hokpins and that of Robert Downey Jr, here is George Clooney and his wife Amal Alamuddin, who have decided to spend a romantic evening away from the paparazzi by returning to a place dear to them: the Relais il Falconiere. It is not the first time that the Hollywood star and his inseparable wife, a Lebanese lawyer, have made a stop in the city. The last opportunity dates back to 2015 during a holiday in Tuscany. "It was a very pleasant surprise to have them back as our customers", said Riccardo and Silvia Baracchi of the Falconiere. They allowed themselves a dinner without children and then left without sleeping in the relais. "They were extremely affectionate. They hugged us remembering their last visit", Riccardo Baracchi continues. "George remembered our hospitality well. I gave him my book on the history of the falconer, which also talks about him, together with a special 2017 Sangiovese vintage".
But this time no souvenir photos, so as not to disturb the evening. Menu full of delicacies that Silvia prepares in her starred kitchen: aubergine parmigiana decomposed for an appetizer; porcini tortelli with saffron puree of new potatoes for Amal; spaghetti with vermouth, green olives and chopped red prawns as well as tuna in a crusted tomato soup for George. Then a dessert with summer flavors, all washed down with Sangiovese from the Baracchi winery, the couple's favorite. And while Clooney and his wife were relaxing at the relais, in the heart of the historic center, another VIP, this time from our own, was taking a leisurely stroll. Gianni Morandi and his wife Anna gave themselves a Cortona weekend as guests of Lorenzo Jovanotti and his family. Their arrival was immortalized both by the owners of the Osteria del Teatro restaurant (where Jovanotti is at home) who had them as customers, and by the singer himself who posted a smiling photo on Instagram in the company of the guests, of his daughter Teresa and of his wife Francesca. The friendship between the two was further strengthened thanks to "L’Allegria" that Jova wrote for Morandi and which tops the charts.
But it is not only Cortona that appeals to VIPs. Castiglion Fiorentino was the destination of another much loved couple of the star system. They are Alessandro Billy Costacurta and Martina Colombari who took a walk through the streets of the center with their mobile phone always ready to "crystallize" the suggestion of unique views of the medieval city. It is not a casual visit, it is a promise made by the Rossoneri icon of football, today a TV commentator, in April 2019 at an event wanted by the Municipality for sport and to support Mercy. Costacurta on the stage of the theater revealed that he was fascinated by the beauty of the city, promising to return with his wife. Promise kept: Billy and Martina allowed themselves a short stay admiring the masterpieces of art and appreciating the landscape, as shown by the Instagram photo of the TV commentator overlooking the Cassero "belvedere". A telephone greeting to Mayor Agnelli then the tour in Tuscany with his wife continues in Val d’Orcia.
annemarie- Over the Clooney moon
- Posts : 10309
Join date : 2011-09-11
Lizzy,LizzyNY wrote:It appears George was also at Barack Obama's birthday party this week.
I read in a German news magazine thst Obama cancelled his big birthday party due to the rising numbers of Covid infections in the States. He had a small group of guests, just family members, instead.
Don't know if that's true, but I guess we would have seen at least some of the famous guests flying in Martha's Vineyard. Or were there any pics?
carolhathaway- Achieving total Clooney-dom
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Join date : 2015-03-24
I haven't seen any pictures from the party. Honestly, I haven't been following too closely but from the headlines I saw it seems they cut the guest list down substantially. I did see - I think in the NY Post - that George was there, but no pictures.
LizzyNY- Casamigos with Mr Clooney
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Location : NY, USA
There have been long lens pix, mostly of security men - and loads of folks were cut (including Stephen Colbert who talked about it on his show!).
George was a no-show (according to some - but hosted a similar one in 2012) but it would have been a very long trip - especially if he was in Cortona in Tuscany). I would imagine they
very long t
George was a no-show (according to some - but hosted a similar one in 2012) but it would have been a very long trip - especially if he was in Cortona in Tuscany). I would imagine they
very long t
party animal - not!- George Clooney fan forever!
- Posts : 12430
Join date : 2012-02-16
Just to set things straight, the general impression here is that Obama cut the guest list because of all the negative press he was getting - not because he was concerned about the virus. The huge guest list - whether vaccinated or not - probably mostly unmasked because it was supposed to be an outdoor event - made him look like a hypocrite when most of us are still struggling with how to get back to normal.
LizzyNY- Casamigos with Mr Clooney
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Location : NY, USA
I haven't read anything negative about his birthday bash but didn't follow it either. But I can imagine that there was quite a lot of negative press - and to be honest, I think fair comments would be reasonable. We all had to either shorten or cancel parties and are still not able to travel like before Covid, sometimes families and friends haven't been able to see each other for 18 months now. So inviting hundreds of friends from all over the world just wouldn't seem to be fair IMO.
I haven't read anything negative about his birthday bash but didn't follow it either. But I can imagine that there was quite a lot of negative press - and to be honest, I think fair comments would be reasonable. We all had to either shorten or cancel parties and are still not able to travel like before Covid, sometimes families and friends haven't been able to see each other for 18 months now. So inviting hundreds of friends from all over the world just wouldn't seem to be fair IMO.
carolhathaway- Achieving total Clooney-dom
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Join date : 2015-03-24
It's also not a good idea when the government is trying to convince people to take precautions and vaccinate because the virus is so serious. Then they see him having this big bash and they think it must not be that big a deal, so they don't do what they should.
LizzyNY- Casamigos with Mr Clooney
- Posts : 8190
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Location : NY, USA
The party did go on as scheduled. Plenty of front page Boston papers condemning the party, before during and after the date.. George Oprah Steve Spielberg on the guest list. No confirmation if they were there. Tom Hanks, Steven Cobert were there. So far no update if it was/will be a super spreader, but if nothing else, I feel bad for the people who live there- can't even comprehend the disruption this caused.
PigPen- Mastering the tao of Clooney
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I would hope most people would have common sense and not be lead by what someone else does. I am glad lthey had the party you turn 60 once and it should be memorable. I am sure they followed the guidelines. Some will be upset no matter what if there were 10 people they would be mad. That party also employed people which is a good thing .
annemarie- Over the Clooney moon
- Posts : 10309
Join date : 2011-09-11
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