Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
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Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
[size=48]George Clooney Leaning On Julia Roberts Amid Marriage Crisis With Amal?[/size]
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Is George Clooney leaning on Julia Roberts amid a marriage crisis with his wife Amal Clooney? That’s what one of the tabloids is alleging. Gossip Cop can set the record straight.
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The alleged insider further contends that George “was so relieved” to see his Ocean’s Eleven co-star “and spoke to her for hours, opening up his heart about the dire situation with Amal.” From there, this same tipster alleges that Roberts is going through similar issues with her husband Danny Moder. “Julia’s always loved George and once described him as the one who got away, so it’s clear the pair are very close to one another,” adds the seemingly phony source. “With potential divorces looming, it may the perfect time to admit their feelings and take the plunge.”
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Additionally, there’s nothing to indicate that George flew to Los Angeles without Amal last week. The actor hasn’t been spotted in the U.S. at all lately. The actor’s spokesperson recently told Gossip Cop that he and Amal had been “together in London” while he filmed the upcoming Netflix movie The Midnight Sky, which recently wrapped production. Meanwhile, Roberts posted a loving tribute to her husband in honor of Valentine’s Day last month. Along with a photo of Moder, the actress wrote on Instagram, “Happy [Valentine’s] Day to the light of my life.”
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It’s worth noting, Gossip Cop busted the National Enquirer last year for making up a similar story about George and Roberts leaving their respective spouses for each other. The former co-stars are friendly, but they remain happily married to other people.
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(Getty Images)
By Andrew Shuster | 1:00 pm, March 2, 2020Is George Clooney leaning on Julia Roberts amid a marriage crisis with his wife Amal Clooney? That’s what one of the tabloids is alleging. Gossip Cop can set the record straight.
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“George’s Shock Confession: I Love Julia!” reads a headline in the latest issue of Woman’s Day. According to the magazine, George ditched his wife at their home in England last week and flew to Los Angeles to get some space. “Julia was the first person George went to see when he arrived back,” a supposed source tells the magazine. “He asked his driver to take him straight to her Malibu mansion before even checking in on his own home.”The alleged insider further contends that George “was so relieved” to see his Ocean’s Eleven co-star “and spoke to her for hours, opening up his heart about the dire situation with Amal.” From there, this same tipster alleges that Roberts is going through similar issues with her husband Danny Moder. “Julia’s always loved George and once described him as the one who got away, so it’s clear the pair are very close to one another,” adds the seemingly phony source. “With potential divorces looming, it may the perfect time to admit their feelings and take the plunge.”
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At no point does the tabloid bother to mention what George and Amal’s “marriage crisis” even entails. If any of this were true, one would think the magazine could offer one detail about what’s plaguing the couple. The nature of Roberts’ alleged marital drama isn’t explained either.Additionally, there’s nothing to indicate that George flew to Los Angeles without Amal last week. The actor hasn’t been spotted in the U.S. at all lately. The actor’s spokesperson recently told Gossip Cop that he and Amal had been “together in London” while he filmed the upcoming Netflix movie The Midnight Sky, which recently wrapped production. Meanwhile, Roberts posted a loving tribute to her husband in honor of Valentine’s Day last month. Along with a photo of Moder, the actress wrote on Instagram, “Happy [Valentine’s] Day to the light of my life.”
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Still, Gossip Cop checked in with a source close to the situation, who assures us the tabloid’s report is nonsense. We busted Woman’s Day last week for falsely claiming the Clooneys have been living apart for months. As noted above, they spent the past few months together in the U.K. as George worked on his upcoming film. And back in 2018, we called out the magazine for wrongly reporting that Roberts was leaving her husband for Brad Pitt. The actress isn’t ditching Moder for any actor in the Ocean’s Eleven franchise.It’s worth noting, Gossip Cop busted the National Enquirer last year for making up a similar story about George and Roberts leaving their respective spouses for each other. The former co-stars are friendly, but they remain happily married to other people.
heartlove- Clooney-phile
- Posts : 677
Join date : 2019-11-23
Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
Why did you post this on here ladybug?
annemarie- Over the Clooney moon
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Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
George Clooney's Open Houseannemarie wrote:Why did you post this on here ladybug?
A (mostly) friendly George Clooney fan site updated daily with all the latest Clooney news, Clooney gossip, Clooney videos and Clooney pictures. Need more Clooney? It's all here!
heartlove- Clooney-phile
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Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
What are you trying to say ?
annemarie- Over the Clooney moon
- Posts : 10309
Join date : 2011-09-11
Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
George Clooney's Open Houseannemarie wrote:What are you trying to say ?
A (mostly) friendly George Clooney fan site updated daily with all the latest Clooney news, Clooney gossip, Clooney videos and Clooney pictures. Need more Clooney? It's all here!
I'm not trying to say anything. Annemarie with all do respect, you have posted articles from Aunt Jemima to Congressional Laws passed about making lynchings a federal crime. I find a lot of your postings odd and the majority of articles you post have absolutely NOTHING to do with George Clooney. Most of them I ignore. Your postings I find over-the-top, I will make a comment and/or engage in banter; and then I LET IT GO.
This particular article I thought was exceptionally funny. What's your problem with the article?
heartlove- Clooney-phile
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Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
Hahahaha! Hysterical stuff...........
party animal - not!- George Clooney fan forever!
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Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
The story is silly. At this point I take anything printed in Woman's Day as fiction.
LizzyNY- Casamigos with Mr Clooney
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Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
Yep Lizzy totally fiction.
annemarie- Over the Clooney moon
- Posts : 10309
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Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
I agree Lizzy and Annemarie: totally fiction !!!
heartlove- Clooney-phile
- Posts : 677
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Re: Gossip: George Clooney Leaning of Julia Roberts...
Oh, this silly story again? They run it with every one of George's relationships.
Admin- Admin
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