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Next stop Viterbo Empty Next stop Viterbo

Post by it's me Tue 31 Jul 2018, 08:42

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Presentation of the plan
First days of August

George Clooney a Viterbo, limiteremo al massimo i disagi”

Spettacolo - Il sindaco Giovanni Arena sulla serie televisiva Catch-22, che dal primo al 3 agosto sarà girata tra le vie del centro - Il produttore Enzo Sisti: "La città apparirà in tutto il mondo"

di Samuele Sansonetti

Viterbo – Da Hollywood alla Tuscia il passo è breve. Almeno per George Clooney.

Dopo Sutri, toccata non senza polemiche venerdì 20 luglio, l’attore e regista è pronto a sbarcare a Viterbo per proseguire le riprese di Catch-22, la serie televisiva tratta dal romanzo di Joseph Heller (pubblicato in Italia col titolo Comma 22) che andrà in onda su Sky Atlantic.

L’attore è regista, interprete e produttore esecutivo delle pellicole e dal primo al tre agosto sarà nel capoluogo assieme ai tecnici e agli artisti per girare alcune scene in copione.

La città è pronta ad accoglierlo tra misure di sicurezza e restrizioni, che nei tre giorni coinvolgeranno larga parte del centro storico tra divieti di sosta e interruzioni di transito pedonale.

“Ci saranno sicuramente delle difficoltà per i cittadini – spiega il sindaco Giovanni Arena –. Ne siamo consapevoli ma per avere una ribalta di questo tipo credo sia necessario sopportare qualche sacrificio. Cercheremo di limitare al massimo i disagi. Le critiche fatte preventivamente sono strumentali perché la Paramount è un leader a livello internazionale. Siamo convinti che non ci saranno problemi”.

Le zone coinvolte dal divieto di sosta, dalle 8 del primo agosto alle 5 del 4 agosto, saranno piazza San Lorenzo, via San Lorenzo, via dell’Ospedale, piazza del Plebiscito, via dei Magazzini, via Roma, via Cavour, piazza delle Erbe, via Ascenzi, via Chigi, via del Gesù, via Santa Maria Nuova, piazza Santa Maria Nuova, piazza del Gesù, via dei Pellegrini, via Cardinal La Fontaine (dal numero 17 al 21), piazza Don Mario Gargiuli, piazza della Morte, via Pietra del Pesce, piazza San Carluccio, via San Carluccio, piazza San Pellegrino e via San Pellegrino.

Piazza Martiri d’Ungheria e il parcheggio di Valle Faul saranno interamente occupati dal campo base e dai mezzi della produzione mentre per i pedoni la limitazione è meno schematica: dalle 7 del 2 agosto alle 5 del 4 agosto potrà essere momentaneamente interrotto il transito pedonale nelle vie sopraccitate.

“Viterbo si trasformerà in un grande set cinematografico – commenta l’assessore allo Sviluppo economico e alle attività produttive Alessia Mancini -. Uno dei principali disagi sarà quello relativo al parcheggio di Valle Faul ma abbiamo progettato un servizio dedicato della Francigena che partirà dallo stadio ogni mezz’ora per raggiungere il Sacrario. Chiunque ne avrà bisogno potrà parcheggiare al parcheggio del Rocchi e prendere il bus gratuitamente da via Palazzina”.

Presenti alla conferenza stampa anche l’assessore alla Film commission Marco De Carolis, l’assessore alla Polizia locale Claudia Nunzi, il direttore del Tuscia film fest Mauro Morucci e i produttori Fabio Ferrante ed Enzo Sisti.

“Viterbo la conosciamo bene – conclude quest’ultimo -. Dovevamo girarci un film importante di Spielberg che poi è rimasto in soffitta e l’abbiamo visitata più volte. E’ una città che ricorda molto Roma ma che non è stata sfruttata al meglio. Con noi la nostra troupe saremo circa 300 persone, tutte abbastanza educate e collaudate. Cercheremo di fare poco rumore e di non dare fastidio. In tre giorni occuperemo circa 1500 stanze d’albergo. Dove alloggerà George Clooney? E’ top secret. E’ una persona fantastica, gentile e a cui piace stare in mezzo alla gente. Grazie a Catch-22 Viterbo apparirà in tutto il mondo assieme alle altre location. Sgarbi? E’ molto simpatico. E’ un uomo di grande cultura e gli uomini di cultura hanno sempre questo senso provocatorio”.

They say George is amazing and he likes to merge with ppl.

it's me
it's me
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Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 00:39

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Setting the set

Some pics
No G
it's me
it's me
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Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 00:41

Only a lil bit

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He said
No Roman Holiday's scooter trip

(Good choice)
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 00:45

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Many more pics of the set
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 00:56

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Various old pic

At the end

Another 2 weeks
Into the Studios
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 00:58

Somewhere they say
He never sleeps

Shocked Shocked Shocked

it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by ladybugcngc Thu 02 Aug 2018, 01:18

it's me wrote:Only a lil bit

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He said
No Roman Holiday's scooter trip

(Good choice)
Road Trip!!!  A great option...

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Mastering the tao of Clooney

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Post by ladybugcngc Thu 02 Aug 2018, 01:23

I hope he was able to get some rest over the last few days.  I think the term after filming is post production (I learned that from Lizzy).  Maybe after that... really good rest.

Thanks Its me, great information!!!

Last edited by ladybugcngc on Thu 02 Aug 2018, 01:56; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)
Mastering the tao of Clooney

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by annemarie Thu 02 Aug 2018, 01:33

He has said himself he has trouble sleeping because he starts to think. He said when the twins were infants it wasn't so bad as he didn't sleep much. I'm guessing he will take Amal and the kids somewhere for a break or just stay home and relax Oleandra seems perfect for that.

Over the Clooney moon

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Post by ladybugcngc Thu 02 Aug 2018, 01:55

annemarie wrote:He has said himself he has trouble sleeping because he starts to think. He said when the twins were infants it wasn't so bad as he didn't sleep much. I'm guessing he will take Amal and the kids somewhere for a break or just stay home and relax Oleandra seems perfect for that.
I'm sure he will.
Mastering the tao of Clooney

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 07:21

Where did I read
About him
Controlling pain with mental techniques ?

Same with relaxation

I hope

So to properly rest
He surely need it more than ever
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 07:32

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Better than a road trip

IMO Very Happy


Great in winter too

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it's me
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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 13:28

Some more pics of the set
No G

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by ladybugcngc Thu 02 Aug 2018, 14:48

How about this:

About the town:
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A relaxing evening:
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Life shared with the love of my life.
Mastering the tao of Clooney

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Join date : 2016-05-26

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 16:42

I am moved Sad

Great ideas cheers cheers cheers
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by it's me Thu 02 Aug 2018, 17:04


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Le mucche...

O razza maremmana? scratch
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Next stop Viterbo Empty Re: Next stop Viterbo

Post by annemarie Thu 02 Aug 2018, 17:34

Viterbo wakes up in the trenches. Road signs give way to sandbags. The parked cars removed. The cobblestones and the tanks shine in the sun. And ... ciak turns around. Start this morning at 8 am shooting the miniseries Catch 22, taken from the homonymous novel by Joseph Heller that tells the story of an American aviator during the Second World War. Director and actor George Clooney, arrived in the city of the popes with a load of Hollywood actors and hundreds of technicians, producers and tireless workers. Which for three today will have the difficult task of reviving the times of war in Viterbo. So out of the cars from the center and makeup for the trees of Piazza della Morte, thinner and less intrusive to ensure realistic scenes.

Picture of -
George Clooney in Viterbo: sheep and armored vehicles, and the center becomes a set

No vehicular and pedestrian traffic in areas where the scenes of the series are filmed. And off to all that reminds of the forties. Like the free sheep to browse. About 200 sheep are brought to Piazza del Comune to make the scenes more real. And if there are pets there certainly can not be cars. The discomforts, as explained by the mayor Arena, are concentrated in three days and mainly concern the quadrant of the historic center that includes Via Cavour, Piazza del Plebiscito, Via San Lorenzo, Piazza della Morte and Piazza del Gesù. Where will turn the main scenes. In particular, from this morning at 8 am to 5 am on Friday 4 August the parking lot of the Shrine and part of that of Valle Faul will be forbidden, as well as the elevator that goes up to the Duomo.

At the same time there will be a ban on parking in all the streets of the historic center affected by the shooting. Also tomorrow, from 12 noon traffic will be blocked in via Cavour with detour to via delle Fabbriche or via Saffi. On the same day, pedestrian traffic will also be temporarily interrupted. To help residents leave their cars outside the walls, two free shuttle services have been set up, one from the Rocchi stadium and one from Piazzale Gramsci.

Over the Clooney moon

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