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Fine for being too close to Como Villa

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Fine for being too close to Como Villa Empty Fine for being too close to Como Villa

Post by PigPen Tue 07 Apr 2015, 20:56

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Italian village levies fines for getting too close to George Clooney
By Sean O'Neal@seanoneal
Apr 7, 2015 12:51 PM

The small town of Laglio, Italy, is known for its picturesque views of placid Lake Como, the verdant, cypress-strewn peaks of its granite and limestone mountains, and—in the spring and summer—its naturally occurring George Clooney. Laglio has been the migratory home to George Clooney for a dozen years now, thrilling locals as he alights on the waters to swan about on his speedboat, then settle down at night in the nest of his 18th-century mansion. And other than putting the occasional strain on the village’s supply of supermodels, George Clooney has always been a welcome part of Laglio life. Indeed, to many the first sighting of George Clooney signals the changing of the seasons. But the attendant invasion of George Clooney-watchers is such that the mayor has now been forced to issue fines of $550 to anyone who treads too close to his habitat.

According to the Associated Press, Mayor Roberto Pozzi has declared a penalty of up to €500 for anyone who leaves their car or boat within 100 meters of Clooney’s nature reserve of two villas, where Clooney and his wife Amal roost. Pozzi says that those who gather and linger on the main road, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the majestic Clooney, can create “problems of public order.” This could upset the tranquility of Lake Como that is so crucial to George Clooney’s happiness, causing him unwanted stress. And that could lead to abnormal Clooney behaviors, like picking at his feathers or not riding his scooter.

Laglio has long posted notices around town warning residents not to get too close or attempt to feed George Clooney—and that if they were to come across a baby George Clooney, not to handle it with human hands, lest George Clooney reject it. Some say it’s led to what they liken to “living in a mini-dictatorship”—though Pozzi says the signs and new fines “aren’t aimed at repression.” In fact, if one tourist comes by to take a photo, he says, “that’s okay,” you won’t be fined or banished from the village, blindfolded on a donkey. The penalties are more about creating a larger awareness of the ecological importance of celebrity preservation, and the effect that upsetting celebrities could have all the way down the food chain.

And by doing so, Pozzi also hopes that he’s made this remote, romantic Italian village welcoming enough that George Clooney will once more wing his way there soon. “We haven’t seen him since he got married,” Pozzi said wistfully. “We’ll see if he comes in his usual period.” In the meantime, Pozzi will watch the skies, waiting for the telltale crowing that says George Clooney is here—and that everyone should take a step back.

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Fine for being too close to Como Villa Empty Re: Fine for being too close to Como Villa

Post by party animal - not! Tue 07 Apr 2015, 21:21

Oh dear.

This notice is intended for loitering  - and possibly swimming - paps, who hang around in the village square on their scooters,  or in vans full of long lensed cameras nearby awaiting instruction from their masters. 

The residents have always respected his privacy and often have chats with him. He has a great relationship with them and has helped the village in many ways.

party animal - not!
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Fine for being too close to Como Villa Empty Re: Fine for being too close to Como Villa

Post by Donnamarie Wed 08 Apr 2015, 02:36

party animal - not! wrote:Oh dear.

This notice is intended for loitering  - and possibly swimming - paps, who hang around in the village square on their scooters,  or in vans full of long lensed cameras nearby awaiting instruction from their masters. 

The residents have always respected his privacy and often have chats with him. He has a great relationship with them and has helped the village in many ways.

You know PAN all the media coverage this week about this ordinance is making it seem that George feels so privileged that he should be afforded this courtesy by the town.  When in fact this is really not the case. And yes the details of the notice are being misconstrued.  And the media is also presenting this story as if this is new this year.  I just learned this week this ordinance has been enacted every year before his arrival in the summer.  That's how I read the media reports.  Then Nicky set me straight.  It's just unfortunate so much attention is being given to a story that's really old news and not being totally accurate in its reporting.  But what else is new? Right?

Last edited by Donnamarie on Wed 08 Apr 2015, 02:42; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : spelling and revise text)
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Fine for being too close to Como Villa Empty Re: Fine for being too close to Como Villa

Post by Joanna Wed 08 Apr 2015, 14:38

Too true DonnMarie.....too true.
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Fine for being too close to Como Villa Empty Re: Fine for being too close to Como Villa

Post by catwoman Wed 08 Apr 2015, 21:24

Maybe they do not want people to know what actually happens there, in their home Shocked
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