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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by LornaDoone Wed 07 Jan 2015, 13:07

As you may already know this attack occurred just two hours ago - approximately around noon Paris time.

It is disheartening to hear and see these continued attacks based on the warped notion that any MAN which is what Mohammad was - could warrant such violent attacks.

I'm sorry but a religion that espouses it is a religion of peace, but then directs it's members to kill is no religion of peace in my opinion.

That others in the religion do not condemn these acts but stay mute tell me that in their hearts they really do believe these actions in the  prophet's name are just.

This situation is NEVER going to be resolved.  NEVER.

It's strange - I do believe we are all interconnected in a karmic way.  I woke up at 3:00 a.m. (that conincides with noon time in France) and for some reason was not able to get back to sleep - I was feeling unbalanced and my mind was swirling.  I finally just got up and put on the television and got a chill when they said what time this started.

My thoughts and prayers have to go to the families of the people murdered today.  Murder this is what this is - there is NO JUSTIFICATION for this.

I hope they track down these men and just shoot them in the head.  No trial  - they executed these people - they've shown the execution of the police officer.  I'm done being politically correct.  Fuck them.

Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Paris-010715

Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Charlie-hebdo


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by party animal - not! Wed 07 Jan 2015, 13:47

Appalling, sickening, terrifying and utterly utterly unjustified

The pen is mightier than the sword.

The edition of the magazine will be published...and absolutely guaranteed now is a much much bigger circulation.........

party animal - not!
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Donnamarie Wed 07 Jan 2015, 14:04

I'll just add my disgust on seeing this horrible attack that has taken place in Paris. Can't find the right words to express how awful I feel for the people who lost their lives several hours ago. We seem to go through this sickening roller coaster ride every few months somewhere in the world. Last month it was Australia. These kind of events will not end. I hold my breath thinking it is only a matter of time when this kind of violence hits us again in the US. With so many offshoots of anti western factions that exist (ISIS for one) it's impossible to get control and thwart these attacks.

Personally I feel that these Islamic groups who spew hate and violence don't in any way reflect the Muslim religion. They are more like a cult. They use the Muslim religion as their cover and as their reason to spread hate in the world.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by LizzyNY Wed 07 Jan 2015, 15:08

Donnamarie - This is just horrible. Murdering people because you don't like what they say is barbaric and can't be tolerated in a civilized world. I agree that these extremist groups don't represent the majority of Muslims, but I'm beginning to wonder if Lorna isn't right. Where is the outcry of disgust from the Muslim community? Why aren't their voices of condemnation the first and the loudest?
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by it's me Wed 07 Jan 2015, 15:48

why this silence ???
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Guest Wed 07 Jan 2015, 16:06

LizzyNY wrote:Donnamarie - This is just horrible. Murdering people because you don't like what they say is barbaric and can't be tolerated in a civilized world. I agree that these extremist groups don't represent the majority of Muslims, but I'm beginning to wonder if Lorna isn't right. Where is the outcry of disgust from the Muslim community? Why aren't their voices of condemnation the first and the loudest?
Countless Islamic groups have already come out in condemnation. I can't post links but google eg. The Telegraph for details -

This extremely grave barbaric action is also an attack against democracy and the freedom of the press" - French Muslim Council (CFCM)

Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi strongly condemns the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris" - Arab League

Whomever the attackers are, and whatever the cause may be, nothing justifies the taking of life" - Muslim Council of Britain

Al-Azhar, Sunni Islam's most prestigious centre of learning, condemned the "criminal attack," saying that "Islam denounces any violence", while Egypt's leading Islamic authority, Al-Azhar, also condemned the attack as a "criminal act" on its Facebook page


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Joanna Wed 07 Jan 2015, 16:26

Since 9/11 I've always thought it can only be the Muslim Leaders who can condem and try to correct the thinking of the Muslims who believe in this type of killing.

It's beyond my comprehending completely.

People in my age group can remember the Second World War and had parents who lived through it and fought for freedom.

And now what have we got ?

People are still being killed because they represent
that very freedom that men like my father fought for.
I'm just glad that he's not here to see all that has happened in our world since 11 September 2001.
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Guest Wed 07 Jan 2015, 17:04

Joanna wrote:Since 9/11 I've always thought it can only be the Muslim Leaders who can condem and try to correct the thinking of the Muslims who believe in this type of killing.
True, but only if they're dealing with people willing to accept that this type of barbarity has no place in religion. How do you get through to people so blinded by fundamentalism? And possibly so brutalised by it from an early age?

The best the moderates can do is try and catch the next generation. It's tragic all round. And tragic, more than anything else, for the mostly peace-loving Muslims who practice their faith respectfully and who are today cowering, again, in horror at this grotesque act done 'in their name', and, again, fear for the potential impact it will have on how they are viewed by a society tested to its very limits.


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by it's me Wed 07 Jan 2015, 17:06

thanks for every your posts
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Donnamarie Wed 07 Jan 2015, 17:23

I've have heard many Muslims in the past come out and condemn terrorist attacks by these Muslim extremists groups. I don't think there is any way to rationalize with these terrorists. I do believe these kinds of horrific acts will continue by the multitude of extremist groups for years to come. Hatred drives them. Hatred of democracy, freedom and the existence of west drives them. And these groups live among all of us all over the world. Their violence can be random or incredibly well organized but the outcome is usually the same. Innocent dead people.

It makes be wonder how much our right of privacy may have to be compromised in the years ahead for government agencies like the CIA, NSA and others to continue to track these groups and attempt to thwart any possible violent acts that are being planned...

There is no easy solution to this awful problem that exists in our world today. The world will continue to fight evil in its many forms for generations to come.
Very, very sad.
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by party animal - not! Wed 07 Jan 2015, 18:01

Massive crowds in Paris tonight chanting Je Suis CharlieHedbo...............

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Joanna Wed 07 Jan 2015, 18:37

party animal - not! wrote:

Massive crowds in Paris tonight chanting Je Suis CharlieHedbo...............

THAT'S GOOD NEWS ! Thumbs up!
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Guest Wed 07 Jan 2015, 18:45

@partyanimalnot - I can't quote your link but:

Am I alone in finding this a singularly unhelpful and inappropriate response? An act of utter barbarity which has resulted in the loss of 12 lives (to date) becomes a twitter meme in defence of a satirical magazine that pushed the buttons that resulted in the loss of those 12 lives?

I'm not condoning today's actions for one mili-second - those involved deserve far less than they will likely get once they're tracked down and brought to justice - but free speech comes with real responsibilities, most particularly in the world we all know we now live in. Ignoring that world, or setting out to deliberately provoke that world, as this magazine did, needs careful and objective and unemotional consideration.


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Donnamarie Wed 07 Jan 2015, 19:18

Bellalique wrote:I can't quote your link but:

Am I alone in finding this a singularly unhelpful and inappropriate response? An act of utter barbarity which has resulted in the loss of 12 lives (to date) becomes a twitter meme in defence of a satirical magazine that pushed the buttons that resulted in the loss of those 12 lives?

I'm not condoning today's actions for one mili-second - those involved deserve far less than they will likely get once they're tracked down and brought to justice - but free speech comes with real responsibilities, most particularly in the world we all know we now live in. Ignoring that world, or setting out to deliberately provoke that world, as this magazine did, needs careful and objective and unemotional consideration.

I don't do Twitter or Facebook but I appreciate there are those on Twitter who want to support what this satirical magazine stands for. Fine. I'm not always impressed with the outpouring of support for causes or events that occur on Twitter. It's too easy, fleeting and I'm not sure it's that genuine. But that's me. Most don't feel that way.

But I do believe in freedom of speech and freedom of the press even if that speech could jeopardize or provoke. It's about tolerance of people and ideas. Even though in our real world acts of violence is the way some prefer to respond to provocative art, language or ideas, that in no way should inhibit people from expressing themselves. I'm sure the people who worked for the magazine were aware of the risks they were taking in publicizing their cartoons and commentary. A risk they obviously were willing to take.

But I do appreciate what you're saying. We should always understand the consequences of our words and actions.
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by party animal - not! Wed 07 Jan 2015, 19:18

Candlelit vigil:

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Guest Wed 07 Jan 2015, 19:44

Donnamarie wrote:I don't do Twitter or Facebook but I appreciate there are those on Twitter who want to support what this satirical magazine stands for.  Fine.  I'm not always impressed with the outpouring of support for causes or events that occur on Twitter.  It's too easy, fleeting and I'm not sure it's that genuine.  But that's me.  Most don't feel that way.

But I do believe in freedom of speech and freedom of the press even if that speech could jeopardize or provoke. It's about tolerance of people and ideas.  Even though in our real world acts of violence is the way some prefer to respond to provocative art, language or ideas, that in no way should inhibit people from expressing themselves.  I'm sure the people who worked for the magazine were aware of the risks they were taking in publicizing their cartoons and commentary.  A risk they obviously were willing to take.

But I do appreciate what you're saying.  We should always understand the consequences of our words and actions.  
Thanks for understanding the point I was making and that it's not freedom of speech I have an issue with.


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Carla97 Wed 07 Jan 2015, 19:50

Journalists in Denmark and Netherland have died for the same cause. Religion of peace. When this happens in EU it is terror, when it happens in their own countries it is what ? Allahu akbar ! Yes it is time to wake up...
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Nicky80 Wed 07 Jan 2015, 20:00

Bellalique wrote:@partyanimalnot - I can't quote your link but:

Am I alone in finding this a singularly unhelpful and inappropriate response? An act of utter barbarity which has resulted in the loss of 12 lives (to date) becomes a twitter meme in defence of a satirical magazine that pushed the buttons that resulted in the loss of those 12 lives?

I'm not condoning today's actions for one mili-second - those involved deserve far less than they will likely get once they're tracked down and brought to justice - but free speech comes with real responsibilities, most particularly in the world we all know we now live in. Ignoring that world, or setting out to deliberately provoke that world, as this magazine did, needs careful and objective and unemotional consideration.

agree with that.

It all began 10 years ago when the newspaper in Denmark started with a Mohammed Cartoon.

If we look back 10 years ago until it really worth it to publish Mohammed Cartoons to prove free press but knowing it is forbitten in the muslim world to show pictures of him. I guess it is something which can be discussed endlessly. What you said is right, free speech comes with real responsibilities.

Cultures are so different. The west will never understand the hate from people just because of a Mohammed Cartoons and the other wolrd will never understand why the west thinks it is free speech to publish it.  

The worst thing is that France and Germany have big issues with racism against muslims. France will have elections and the Party who has a racism touch (Madonna protested aginst them) have big chance to win the election.

In Germany every Monday in different German City protests start against islamization in Germany. The movement called PEGIDA. Movement is on since weeks. Started of with few hundreds now there are over thousands. Every Monday more and more People attend (anti Demonstration against them happen too). Even our Chancellor made a TV speech and ask not to attend those Monday demonstrations. In Cologne they turned off the light of the famous Cathedral and in Berlin they turned off the light from the Brandenburger Gate to show this movement is wrong.  But still, last Monday,  just in the city Dresden 18 000 People attended. It is scary to watch what happenes every Monday in Germany....

And now those racism parties will use this awful event to agitate even more against muslims. And while People are busy with thinking about if Islam is dangerous and Muslems are our enemy they don't realize Racist People take advantage of the situation and Europe turns more and more racist even politically. First it was "the jews" and now "the muslims".... you just need to play with People's fear...and just because of those extremists. Those People are just evil.

I really hope France get those men and punish them and go to prison forever.

It is really scary at the moment.....

Last edited by Nicky80 on Wed 07 Jan 2015, 20:19; edited 1 time in total
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by LizzyNY Wed 07 Jan 2015, 20:19

Bellalique - I'm not sure what you're objecting to. Is it the use of Twitter to rally supporters or is it support for the magazine staffers who dared to be politically incorrect and "poke the bear"? I'm sure the magazine's staff was fully aware of the risks they were taking, as they had been attacked before. They chose to accept the risk in order to present an alternate point of view. That's what free speech is all about.

That people have taken to social media and to the streets to show solidarity with the victims is also a form of free speech.

Nicky  - What you say about racism and fear is all too true, but not allowing people to speak or print their views because it might cause trouble is just as dangerous. You risk allowing the people you are afraid of to get exactly what they want - a world too afraid of them to fight back. What is needed is not a muzzle on the press, but for good people to loudly speak up against evil.
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by LornaDoone Wed 07 Jan 2015, 20:20

No man should be so above others that it justifies killing others just because they satarized him.

I agree that this barbarism needs to be wiped OUT of the religion and the acceptance of it should be condemned without fail and without hesitation.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Nicky80 Wed 07 Jan 2015, 20:45

LizzyNY wrote:Bellalique - I'm not sure what you're objecting to. Is it the use of Twitter to rally supporters or is it support for the magazine staffers who dared to be politically incorrect and "poke the bear"? I'm sure the magazine's staff was fully aware of the risks they were taking, as they had been attacked before. They chose to accept the risk in order to present an alternate point of view. That's what free speech is all about.

That people have taken to social media and to the streets to show solidarity with the victims is also a form of free speech.

Nicky  - What you say about racism and fear is all too true, but not allowing people to speak or print their views because it might cause trouble is just as dangerous. You risk allowing the people you are afraid of to get exactly what they want - a world too afraid of them to fight back. What is needed is not a muzzle on the press, but for good people to loudly speak up against evil.

agree Lizzy, I think the issue is more (or better the issue I have) that the majority is not talking about "free speech" more about "dangerous Islam/muslims" (instead of saying dangerous extremists).....I'm not sure how the media reports it in the US but the German media was trying very hard to focus on the "free speech" issue but the "anti Islam" Report always comes up it sells better. that worries me. People need to focus on the right thing....

then the other thing I have on my mind. We know it is forbidden in the muslim world to show a picture of Mohammed. Why not respecting it? I think i just don't understand why those newspapers do it......

It is like going to America and call black people Negger (sorry) and say "this is free speech". I'm sure lot of black People would go wild to stand for their rights and not respect this kind of free speech (of course I can be wrong). Maybe this is a stupid example but I'm sure you understand what I try to say with this. Maybe this is not really a free speech issue and more a respect issue about others???? Just thinking.......but what do I know.....
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Guest Wed 07 Jan 2015, 20:52

Nicky80 wrote:agree with that.

It all began 10 years ago when the newspaper in Denmark started with a Mohammed Cartoon.

If we look back 10 years ago until it really worth it to publish Mohammed Cartoons to prove free press but knowing it is forbitten in the muslim world to show pictures of him. I guess it is something which can be discussed endlessly. What you said is right, free speech comes with real responsibilities < ---- snip ----- >

It is really scary at the moment...
Nicky, yes, I'm in London and fully aware of how volatile things are both here and in Europe at present, but also aware of all the hard work that's being done locally to build bridges. It will take real political intelligence and understanding of that volatility to move forward and build those same bridges internationally.

FWIW, I have huge respect for Angela Merkel.


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Nicky80 Wed 07 Jan 2015, 22:12


Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 French10

And it is in the News that they know the identity. Two of them are brother 32 and 34 years Born in Paris. Third one 18 years they think he is homeless and don't know his nationality. I'm sure it doesn't take Long until they get those fuckers ....
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Nicky80 Wed 07 Jan 2015, 22:45

Looks like the Police found they hiding place but nothing confirmed yet. Others Report also that's where they lived last. The City is full of Police right now

Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Ter10
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by party animal - not! Wed 07 Jan 2015, 23:09

Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Blame10

Last edited by Nicky80 on Wed 07 Jan 2015, 23:27; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added pic)

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Nicky80 Wed 07 Jan 2015, 23:26

Well it looks like all 3 of them are french citizen Born in France. To blame now other leadership countries for this Terror act or make them get involved in this is a bit weird. Feels like looking for a muslim Country to call responsible. Why not even add Iran? But I guess this is twitter.....

Those crazy terrorists grow up in the West. I read an article that one of the Brothers never even left France. Somethings is really wrong here...
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by LornaDoone Thu 08 Jan 2015, 03:02

Nicky if the leaders of these countries condemned the attacks it would go a long way to change the attitudes of radicals.  By their silence - IMO - they then give tacit approval for these horrendous acts.

I think that's why Mr. Zakaria is calling for those countries to speak out against this type of behavior.

But given that all three are suspected and/or known to fund terrorism and harbor terrorists, it will probably fall on deaf ears.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by party animal - not! Thu 08 Jan 2015, 11:22


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by it's me Thu 08 Jan 2015, 11:42

amazing ...
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Hebe Thu 08 Jan 2015, 13:44

I hope they manage to catch the two brothers who are on the run as soon as possible and hopefully before there is any more bloodshed.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Alisonfan Thu 08 Jan 2015, 14:07

Sad Sad Sad Sad days

Police woman now shot, may be unrelate.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Donnamarie Thu 08 Jan 2015, 14:15

What this horrific act does is simply embolden people to stand up more vocally for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. As it should. These two murderers did nothing to further their cause. If they even had a cause. Religion didn't drive this act of violence. Hate did.

There have been a number of excellent editorial cartoons I've seen in the last day that have expressed how freedom of speech, though wounded, always wins out in the end.
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by it's me Fri 09 Jan 2015, 12:53

dedicated to lil French friends
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Donnamarie Fri 09 Jan 2015, 13:56

It's me, are you French? I'm watching what is going on right now in Paris with another pair of gunmen taking hostages in a kosher grocery store. In addition with the French brothers who have taken hostages in the printing company. Such a terrible situation.
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Carla97 Fri 09 Jan 2015, 14:21

Situation seems to be on in Paris.

yeah Liberty, equality and fraternity. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité ou la mort, that´s how the national motto was originally...
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Way2Old4Dis Fri 09 Jan 2015, 16:10

party animal - not! wrote:Banksy

I'm not usually on the Banksy bandwagon, but that is brilliant.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Way2Old4Dis Fri 09 Jan 2015, 16:29

Watching this unfold now, and we know it's going to be more horror by the time it's over.

These extremists can't comprehend or don't care that they show the world how unevolved and intellectually primitive they are, not to mention how little faith they actually have in their own professed religion.

The messages they are sending: (1) We are too limited to appreciate satire and parody; (2) we cannot grow beyond barbarism to express cultural or 'religious' differences;, and (3) the religion that we purportedly follow is too weak to hold up to scrutiny and creative examination.

Why would any true follower of Islam allow these hooligan morons to portray their faith this way? They have to realize that silence, or even a muted reaction, makes it easier for non-Muslims to lump them in with these cowardly idiots. Press statements aren't enough. Peaceful Muslims have to actually join the fight. Tell what they know. Turn these terrorists in. They are not operating in a vacuum; their actions before they commit these acts are known by way too many people for them to go unreported.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Way2Old4Dis Fri 09 Jan 2015, 16:55

Banksy not behind popular 'Banksy' tribute to Charlie Hebdo
By Caitlin Dickson 15 hours ago Yahoo News

  • Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 B98afbe0-97ac-11e4-8c42-792f2b760377_lucilleclercforcharlie
    London-based graphic designer Lucille Clerc drew this illustration in response to Wednesday's attack at the Paris …

The violent attack that killed 12 people at the Paris offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo elicited a flood of powerful illustrations from artists around the world. Contrary to popular belief, however, the English artist Banksy was not responsible for one of them.

On Wednesday evening, an unverified Instagram account with the handle @banksy posted a particularly moving image of a pencil — whole, broken and resharpened — under the words “yesterday,” “today” and “tomorrow.” Within 24 hours, the post had received 148,000 “likes.” Despite the fact that the unverified @banksy mentioned artist @lucille_clerc directly in the caption, the image was widely perceived to be a Banksy original.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 165bb4d0-97ae-11e4-8798-854159d2f180_banksy-insta
Illustration for Charlie Hebdo shooting victims by Lucille Clerk, posted by @banksy on Instagram.

In a statement to the Independent on Thursday, a spokesperson for the elusive street artist confirmed that Banksy was behind neither the popular pencil drawing nor the Instagram account that posted it. Not surprisingly, there are many Twitter handles, Instagram accounts and Facebook addresses falsely claiming affiliation with the mysterious marvel.

Anyone who might have clicked on the other handle mentioned in @banksy’s post on Wednesday would have noticed that artist Lucille Clerc had posted the drawing, sans filter, one hour before the image on the fake Banksy account surfaced. Clerc also shared the image on Twitter and Facebook, with the caption “Break one, thousand will rise. #CharlieHebdo #JeSuisCharlie #raiseyourpencilforfreedom.”

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 C6c68480-97ae-11e4-8798-854159d2f180_lucille-clerc-insta
Lucille Clerc's illustration for the victims of the Charlie Hebdo shooting was posted on Instagram.

The drawing’s instant virality may be due in large part to the mistaken Banksy attribution, but Clerc doesn’t care. The London-based French graphic designer and illustrator told Yahoo News via email Thursday evening that the misattribution is "a non-event."

"There are way more important things to talk about at the moment, and in the end what matters is that this image speaks to people, so the more it spreads the better," Clerc wrote. "About how I feel, I am devastated, just like everyone else. All my thoughts are for the victims and their families, there are no words to express how much they will be missed. We will all remember this day for the rest of our lives."
"Ideas don't break, ideas don't die," she continued. "Charlie became immortal yesterday and I hope that this terrible day will make us cherish and protect our freedom with even more wit and humor. These great artists and journalists believed in freedom and in people’s intelligence, and we owe them to keep their hopes alive. I’m not a cartoonist, but today I am and we should all be. My drawing was a spontaneous reaction, I didn’t expect it to spread but I’m very moved it did. I can only hope it will inspire more people to use their pencils too and that there will be more pacifist answers to this tragedy."

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Way2Old4Dis Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:05

... And if there can be a "good" outcome to this kind of terror, we have the best that can be hoped for.

Now we have to figure out a way to eliminate these vermin before they kill more innocents. Fuck due process. Bullets and bombs for all of them. That's all they understand anyway. They want to see Allah, we should be more than willing to arrange the meeting.

I know, I know. I sound as bad as they do, and violence only begets more violence. I'll probably settle down and come to my senses, and think like a compassionate human citizen of the world.

That's one thing that distinguishes me from them.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Way2Old4Dis Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:07

Oh, wait. Now they're saying at least 4 hostages were killed at the market...

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by PigPen Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:07

CNN reporting the 2 men have been killed by police. Lots of reports coming in, too fast and too many to copy and post.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by PigPen Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:08

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Guest Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:22

I love this comment (from 'Buzzfeed's International Cartoonists' Tributes' compilation)  and think it sums up how so many right-minded, moderate, peace-loving, law-abiding Muslims feel about the seriously f*cked up minority who claim to act in their name -

Büşra Sarıkaya · Università degli Studi di Firenze
"i will not support what happened today while being silent.

i write all these thing as a person who is muslim who is believeing same religion and who is embarrassed of this religion terror.

those monsters never had peace or freedom in their countries. and they run away for well-standarded lives. they run there cause there is freedom. everyone is equal and noone has to believe same things. all people are able to use their brain to choose good or bad. everyone is allowed to choose; to believe or not believe or what to believe. but those idiots will never understand what does this mean even for them. cause they are all grown with sick thoughts.

once if they used their brains, they would know that any religion will not allow anybody to kill. all religions are for peace. and in my opinion religion is private. it is personal intimate. according to my religion i dont support what these cartoonist mentioned but i support that they were free to do it.

and for the last, if your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourselves. #JeSuisCharlie"

Last edited by Bellalique on Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:27; edited 1 time in total


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Way2Old4Dis Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:26

... if your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourselves


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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by party animal - not! Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:39

party animal - not!
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by LornaDoone Fri 09 Jan 2015, 17:41


The two that want to be "martyrs for Allah and Islam" can start with putting a gun to their respective heads and pulling the trigger. They would achieve their goal - in their own minds only, of course - but that's good enough for me.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by PigPen Fri 09 Jan 2015, 18:08

  • Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 PARISDELIIMAGE_20150109_123907AP
    BREAKING NEWS: 2 Paris massacre suspects killed, hostage freed; gunman in kosher deli hostage taking killed, 4 hostages dead, 4 wounded; police reportedly hunting escaped accomplice
    PARIS MASSACRE SUSPECTS are killed by police and their hostage is freed at a printing facility about 25 miles outside Paris, while Reuters reports fatalities in another standoff at the hands of two Islamic terrorists inside Paris kosher deli before the store's gunman was killed by police, as one of the store's freed hostages is photographed here clutching his son.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by LornaDoone Fri 09 Jan 2015, 18:28

Saved the trial, saved feeding their worthless asses for years to come.

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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by party animal - not! Fri 09 Jan 2015, 18:48


party animal - not!
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Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015 Empty Re: Terror Attack in Paris Jan 7 2015

Post by Nicky80 Fri 09 Jan 2015, 19:11

LornaDoone wrote:Saved the trial, saved feeding their worthless asses for years to come.

yep. Imagine a trial what kind of Propaganda would that be for them. Glad they got shot dead.

All 3 extremists got shot by Police today. the two brother told the Police before on the phone they want to die as martyr. They died stupid as stupid you can be.....

They say in the news now that Governments expect more little attacks like that in Europe in the future. As it gives a big shock in the Western world. That's what they want.  Now we face the period were young European (who turned extemists) return now from Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria. Those countries are the playgrounds for them. Our Government said we have around 260 of those who are on the watch list and are now in our country and returned from those countries. Very scary.

I really hope the french people will find a good way to fight those idiots and Keep united.
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