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Keibler's "Top Tips" video & 'easy picking'

silly willy
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Keibler's "Top Tips" video & 'easy picking' Empty Keibler's "Top Tips" video & 'easy picking'

Post by silly willy Mon 14 Jul 2014, 20:37

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Oh my.  More 'tips for pregnancy' advice.  Picking her daughter's name was easy, now just sitting around waiting.

Sorry but she's embarrassing -- and now that embarrassment is associated with our George ----- forever I'm afraid.   Embarassed  That's why I've posted it here.  Her claim is GC. (no, she was not 'famous' as a wrestler, she was a wrestler).

I can see why George is hot to marry a woman who has something going on in her life, and upstairs.

Wonder if she realizes how many women before her, while she has been self-absorbed, had babies?!

silly willy
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Post by Cece42 Mon 14 Jul 2014, 21:22

I don't think she is embarrassing at all, she's pregnant and happy, and I don't believe she is an embarrassment to George either.  So many on here don't like when something negative is said about Amal, but it's ok to say his ex girlfriends have nothing going on UPSTAIRS.  Stacey looks beautiful and happy, good for her.

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Post by silly willy Tue 15 Jul 2014, 08:11

Agree - she looks "beautiful and happy" "and just like, ya know, keepin it together" while publicly promoting a baby stroller and tweeting about it.    

That's the point.

silly willy
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Post by The next mrs clooney Tue 15 Jul 2014, 22:46

I don't think its a case of Stacy not having anything upstairs after all she has managed to make millions without a real career post WWE.  My problem with her is that she jumps on all these fads but she never follows through with things.  So many projects she has talked about, the children's foundation, the healthy snack line but she never committed to them and made them happen.  Even her SK philosophy website that she was so proud of hasn't been updated since last year.  Fortunately for her she only has to be pregnant for 9 months so hopefully she will see this project through  Very Happy
The next mrs clooney
The next mrs clooney
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Post by Missa Wed 16 Jul 2014, 00:35

Right, but what happens to the poor kid when her new "lifestyle and parenting guru" career doesn't take off (because it won't)?  There's a long line of celebrities trying to make a living at that, and it starts with Gwyneth Paltrow, so I hope Stacy has a Plan B.
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Post by fava Wed 16 Jul 2014, 04:42

She married a millionaire--isn't that plan B?  

Next mrs.  Clooney-- lol at the hope she can see it through for 8 ninths comment.  I think she thought all those other endeavors would light a fire under her post wwe career, but never did.

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Post by Missa Wed 16 Jul 2014, 13:17

I thought that was her plan too, lava, but the why bother with all the appearance sand silly puff interviews.  Just enjoy your life.  She may be driven as much by the desire to be famous as to make money, though.
Clooney-love. And they said it wouldn't last

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Keibler's "Top Tips" video & 'easy picking' Empty Re: Keibler's "Top Tips" video & 'easy picking'

Post by The next mrs clooney Fri 18 Jul 2014, 10:16

Missa wrote:I thought that was her plan too, lava, but the why bother with all the appearance sand silly puff interviews.  Just enjoy your life.  She may be driven as much by the desire to be famous as to make money, though.
I don't think its to make money I think its because she's the type of person that craves attention and wants to be in the spotlight.  Dating George was probably her best career yet, gave her the attention she wanted.  Now she's married someone who isn't in the spotlight she has to do the appearance to get herself attention.
The next mrs clooney
The next mrs clooney
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Post by Alisonfan Fri 18 Jul 2014, 11:12

If you look at her twitter account numbers have gone up since the George split.

Like it or not many people really like her, and want to hear all of this.

George was a stepping stone, albeit the biggest one.  

Everything else, the growing followers, the public interest in her is down to HER.  To my knowledge she like, Lisa Snowdon, has never spoken of George after the split.  No one is interviewing her because they hope for a scoop, they know thats not going to happen.

Stacy is where she is, for exactly the reason George liked her in the first place, nice - all - american - girl - with - a - good - heart.

I like her, and I have discovered a few gems through following her twitter, "cauliflower mash" etc etc ect, who knew!

Ooh, Mr Clooney!

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