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Defending art in Italy as MM

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Defending art in Italy as MM Empty Defending art in Italy as MM

Post by it's me Wed 28 May 2014, 12:25

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Monuments Men, diretto e interpretato da George Clooney e in uscita in Blu-ray e DVD, in collaborazione con Invasioni Digitali e Associazione Nazionale Piccoli Musei, lancia nel weekend del 6, 7 e 8 giugno 2014  il Monuments Men Weekend: tre giorni per essere "Monuments Men", per difendere simbolicamente quel patrimonio monumentale e museale che rende l’Italia il primo paese al mondo per turismo e cultura.

L’operazione nasce in piena affinità con la trama del film che, ispirato a una storia vera e impreziosito da un cast stellare (Bill Murray, Matt Damon, John Goodman, Cate Blanchett, oltre al già citato Clooney), racconta le gesta di sette uomini che durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale partirono in difesa delle opere d’arte messe a repentaglio dal Terzo Reich.

Come fare?

1) Condividendo sui propri social network (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) una o più fotografie di un monumento, un museo, un sito archeologico o un luogo particolarmente amato, che si ritiene valevole d'interesse
Sarà fondamentale pubblicare le fotografie con l’hashtag #MonumentsMenWe per mettere in risalto quelle realtà che hanno bisogno di essere valorizzate. Invasioni Digitali, in collaborazione con 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, effettuerà una donazione in favore dell’Associazione Nazionale Piccoli Musei, che sarà destinata a una delle situazioni segnalate in occasione del Monuments Men Weekend.

2) Organizzando un evento proprio in quei luoghi sui quali si vuole attirare l’attenzione, con un percorso pensato appositamente per mettere in risalto la bellezza i tesori architettonici nascosti nel cuore delle città italiane, da Nord a Sud. Sarà sufficiente collegarsi al sito delle Invasioni Digitali, seguire le istruzioni, inserire l’evento e promuoverlo sui social in collaborazione con Invasioni Digitali per dare voce a luoghi meravigliosi, ma dimenticati.

3) Partecipando alle 3 Invasioni già programmate per il weekend da Invasioni Digitali nelle città di Torino, Venezia e Napoli e alle tante altre organizzate dai singoli sul territorio per scoprire i luoghi meno conosciuti di alcune tra le più spettacolari città d’Italia (tutte le invasioni programmate sul sito.

Una mobilitazione dal basso, fatta di tanti piccoli contributi che creano una massa critica e propositiva, pronta ad amare e far scoprire le bellezze artistiche del proprio territorio anche a chi, troppo spesso, ne dimentica la straordinaria entità. Tra tutti i partecipanti Invasioni Digitali sceglierà i 7 Monuments Men Italiani più attivi nel Monuments Men Weekend, a cui donerà il Blu-ray del film.

Monuments Men, directed by and starring George Clooney and coming out in Blu-ray and DVD, in collaboration with the National Association and digital Invasions small museums, launches in the weekend of 6 and 7 June 8, 2014, the Monuments Men: three Weekend days to be "Monuments Men", to defend symbolically that Museum and monumental heritage that makes Italy the first country in the world for tourism and culture.

The operation was born in affinity with the plot of the movie, inspired by a true story and featuring a stellar cast (Bill Murray, Matt Damon, John Goodman, Cate Blanchett, in addition to the previously mentioned Clooney), chronicles the exploits of seven men who during the second world war left in defense of the artworks placed in jeopardy by the Third Reich.

How to do it?

1) Sharing their social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) one or more photographs of a monument, a Museum, an archaeological site or a place particularly loved, believed worth of interest
It will be crucial to publish photographs with the hashtag #MonumentsMenWe to highlight those realities that need to be enhanced. Digital invasions, in collaboration with 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, will make a donation on behalf of the National Association of small museums, which will be set to one of the situations listed in the Monuments Men.

2) organising an event in those places where you want to draw attention, with a path designed to highlight the beauty hidden architectural treasures in the heart of Italian cities, from North to South. You can simply connect to the site Digital invasions, follow the instructions, enter the event and promote it on social in conjunction with Digital Invasions to give voice to amazing places, but forgotten.

3) participating in Invasions 3 already planned for the weekend by Digital Invasions in the cities of Turin, Venice and Naples and the many other organized by individuals in the territory to discover lesser-known places of some of the most spectacular cities in Italy (all planned invasions on the site.

A bottom-up movement, made up of many small contributions that create a critical mass and proactive, ready to love and to discover the artistic beauties of its territory who, too often, we forget the extraordinary magnitude. Among all participants will choose the Digital Invasion 7 Monuments Men active in Italy's Monuments Men Weekend, which will donate the film's Blu-ray.
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

Posts : 18398
Join date : 2011-01-03

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Defending art in Italy as MM Empty Re: Defending art in Italy as MM

Post by it's me Wed 28 May 2014, 12:52

we still need an unique site to show all we can show

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it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

Posts : 18398
Join date : 2011-01-03

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Defending art in Italy as MM Empty Re: Defending art in Italy as MM

Post by Katiedot Wed 28 May 2014, 15:54

Cool, this sounds like an interesting project

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Defending art in Italy as MM Empty Re: Defending art in Italy as MM

Post by it's me Wed 28 May 2014, 16:51

all about art is interesting Smile
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

Posts : 18398
Join date : 2011-01-03

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Defending art in Italy as MM Empty Re: Defending art in Italy as MM

Post by Mazy Wed 28 May 2014, 20:42

MM just keeps on giving, in one way or another.
Achieving total Clooney-dom

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