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Happy People AVOID These Habits

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Happy People AVOID These Habits Empty Happy People AVOID These Habits

Post by LornaDoone Sun 04 May 2014, 15:43

Another article with some good advice and info - IMO.

And I've added one comment at the end of this post that someone made at the site.  I think it also makes a good point.

1. Dwell in the past

Constantly reliving the pain of the past keeps you mired in negativity, guilt, anger, and sadness. Keep your mind focused on the present and all the good available to you right now.

2. Remain sedentary

Exercise and movement boost endorphins, provide energy, and build self-esteem — all happiness-fostering outcomes. And of course, exercise contributes to good health which is the number one contributor to happiness.

3. Isolate themselves

Happy people aren’t alone. They enjoy time with family, friends, and work associates. They make a point of connecting and interacting with people. Isolation breeds loneliness and depression.

4. Focus on the negative

Whether you’re happy or not, bad things will happen in life. But after a time of grief or frustration, happy people don’t continue to focus on the negative. They consciously move past negative situations and thoughts and intentionally focus on the positive.

5. Get or remain in debt

Money difficulties and the resulting anxiety and stress that go along with them poison feelings of happiness. It’s hard to feel happy when you owe a lot of money. Happy people spend less than they make and pay off their debts.

6. Put material things above experiences

Material things afford only a short burst of happiness, but this quickly fades. Experiences, however, provide a richer level of satisfaction that lingers through connections and memories.

7. Hold a grudge

We all get angry or frustrated with other people, but staying angry and holding a grudge is like dropping a cold, wet blanket over our joy. As we dwell on our anger or how we’ve been wronged, we allow no room for happy feelings.

8. Forget to be grateful

Expressing gratitude is one of the top happiness-producing habits we can form. When you forget to be grateful for all that you have right now, you’re denying yourself a well-spring of joyful feelings. Happy people make a point of counting their blessings.

9. Expect others to make them happy

So often we believe happiness comes from having others behave the way we want them to behave. We think they can make us happy by saying certain things, meeting all of our needs, or giving us what we want. But of course other people can’t make us happy, and thinking they can only contributes to our unhappiness.

10. Stop growing and learning

When we stop expanding ourselves through personal growth and learning, we remain stuck in the status quo. We paralyze ourselves so we aren’t able to experience new adventures, ideas, people, and self-awareness. This leads to stagnation and depression.

11. Avoid serving others

Helping our family, friends, and even strangers we never see is a huge key to happiness. Service to others gives us a feeling of deeper purpose and meaning in life. It boosts our feelings of connection and self-esteem. When you avoid serving, you cut yourself off from a deep longing of the soul.

12. Remain overweight

Being overweight drags down your self-esteem and confidence. It makes you feel unattractive and unlovable. And of course it’s bad for your health, which is a huge contributor to happiness.

13. Let life get out-of-balance

When your life is out-of-balance, you suffer because important parts of who you are and what you value aren’t getting the attention they need or deserve. Your work, relationships, and lifestyle all need to work in harmony so you can feel whole and emotionally and mentally healthy.

14. Gossip

Talking bad about other people is an insidious habit that is hurtful to others and to yourself. You demean and diminish yourself when you take pleasure in the pain, difficulties, or bad behavior of others. When you are happy and confident, you don’t need to gossip.

15. Focus on physical flaws

We all have imperfect faces and bodies. Some people have more than others. Happy people do what they can to improve their appearance, but after that they let it go. If you focus on your physical flaws, you diminish your self-esteem and undermine the real person you are on the inside.

16. Rarely spend time in nature

If your time outside consists of walking from your house or office to your car, then you’re limiting an important experience of contentment and joy. Truly happy people find an almost spiritual joy in time spent outside in beautiful, natural settings.
17. Let failure or mistakes keep them down

Failing is part of life. It is necessary for learning and success. We all feel bad about a mistake or failure, but happy people know how to learn from these events and then let them go.

18. Judge others harshly

Being judgmental of others brings out negative and controlling feelings and thoughts. Judgement can make you feel angry, superior, and self-satisfied — but none of these emotions are compatible with happiness.
19. Accept limiting beliefs

People who are happy and content don’t buy in to the old stories and limiting beliefs they may once have had about themselves. They are able to re-write their stories and come to love themselves as they are right now.

20. Live inauthentically

It’s hard to be happy when you aren’t living your truth, when you are trying to be someone else, or please others at the expense of your true self. Happy people give up people pleasing and embrace their authenticity.

21. Forget to manage stress

Life can get busy and overwhelming, and sometimes we get addicted to the adrenaline-fueled lifestyle of busy schedules and full to-do lists. But this adrenaline addiction does a number on your health, peace of mind, and relationships — all of which are necessary for happiness.

22. Avoid regular check-ups and well-care

When we’re too afraid or too busy to go to the doctor, we’re creating a subtle layer of stress and potentially harming our health. Taking care of our bodies is part of loving ourselves, and self-love is imperative for a happy life.

23. Put work before relationships

One of the top five regrets of the dying is not spending enough time with the people they care about. We are social creatures, wired to connect and interact with others. When you prioritize work above your loved ones, you’re denying yourself and them of the joy of time together.

24. Rarely smile

It has been proven that just the physical act of smiling, even when you don’t feel happy, will boost the happiness chemicals in your brain. When you rarely smile, you’re sending signals to your brain that you are unhappy.

25. Forget to laugh at themselves

When you take yourself too seriously and can’t laugh at yourself, you appear and feel grouchy and unpleasant. The ability to laugh at yourself is attractive and authentic and makes you feel light and confident.

26. Infrequently make time for fun

People who are happy want to enjoy life. They want to have fun and share that fun with others. But you have to make time for fun. You have to prioritize it and give yourself permission to enjoy the fun.

27. Take their spouse or partner for granted

Your primary love relationship is the most important relationship of your life. If you don’t take care of that relationship, you are bound to be unhappy. People with happy marriages are happier people in general.

28. Allow their personal and work space to remain cluttered

Your physical space is a reflection of your state of mind. Feeling cluttered and out-of-control diminishes your joy by adding stress, distractions, and overwhelm.

29. Avoid self-awareness and self-reflection

Those who seek to know themselves and work on self-improvement will experience happiness and contentment on a much deeper level. The self-aware life opens many new pathways to joy.

30. Forget to apologize

If you’ve hurt or offended someone and forget to apologize, it will feel like a thorn in your side until you remedy the situation. Your well-being is compromised until you say, “I’m sorry.”

31. Let others cross their personal boundaries

Letting others take advantage of you and cross your boundaries eventually shreds your self-esteem and peace of mind. As long as you tolerate these offenses, you’ll feel unsettled and angry.

32. Never seek their life passion

A huge part of living a fulfilled and happy life is finding your calling — the thing you are meant to do. But if you don’t seek it, you won’t find it, and you’ll forever feel restless and uninspired.

33. Act against their integrity and values

When your actions don’t match your values or integrity, you will have a range of negative emotions — from guilt and shame to anxiety and depression.

34. Never stretch, seek novelty, or take risks

People often don’t stretch or take risks because they don’t like the discomfort of uncertainty. But happy people embrace new adventures and are curious. They have the confidence to step out of their comfort zones, knowing a big payoff is possible.

35. Allow problems and issues to remain unresolved

Unresolved issues eat at you like a bad rash. They stay in the back of your mind, niggling at you and creating anxiety. Facing these problems head on is shortens the time of discomfort and negative feelings.

36. Avoid emotional intimacy

Emotional intimacy requires vulnerability and exposing yourself to possible pain. But the fullness of a close relationship lies within the depths of emotional intimacy. A relationship can’t survive disconnection and emotional distance.

37. Frequently complain

Frequent complaining is a sign of inner turmoil and dissatisfaction with life. Verbalizing negative thoughts only gives more power to the thoughts and pushes you further from contentment.

38. Hold on to draining, negative relationships

When you allow negative people to remain in your life, you allow them to steal your joy and peace of mind. We hold on to these people out of obligation or guilt, two emotions that don’t align with happiness.

39. Neglect to save money

Life presents us with surprises and opportunities, and you want to be prepared for both. You need to save money to be prepared so you can easily manage difficulties and seize positive options.

40. Over-consume — food, alcohol, medications, etc.

Everything in moderation, right? When you over-eat, drink until intoxicated, take mind-altering drugs regularly, you can’t fully experience your reality. Nor can you be fully available for the people you love. Plus over-consuming harms your health.

41. Let friendships drift away

People move, we lose touch, life gets in the way of our valued friendships. The happiest people in the world are surrounded by friends. But you must nurture friendships to keep them alive.
42. Stay in a miserable job

We spend nearly half of our waking hours on the job. If you’re miserable at your job, you’re miserable most of the time. Life is too short to give up so much daily enjoyment.

43. Allow sex to get boring

Let’s face it — for most of us, sex is a big part of a happy life. Routine sex becomes mundane and leaves you feeling disenchanted. Exciting, fun, creative, adventurous sex reignites passion and intense joy.

44. Allow self-confidence to sink

We all have times when our confidence takes a hit, but happy people understand the skills of self-confidence and how to bolster it when they’re feeling off. Confidence is a necessary component of a satisfying life.

45. Refuse support or help

Even the most joyful people have difficult times when they need support. When you refuse help or don’t ask for support when you need it, you delay healing and resolution, allowing negative emotions to fester longer than they need to.

46. Remain pessimistic

Pessimism is a bad habit that smothers the possibility of happiness. Seeing the glass half empty, looking on the dark side of things keeps you mired in frustration and simmering anger. Happy people mindfully keep pessimism at bay.

47. Fear speaking the truth

We all have our particular truth — our beliefs and our ideas. And we should feel safe and free to express them in a kind and healthy way. When we fear speaking, we are being inauthentic. Our low confidence keeps us contained and weak.

48. Have a big secret or lie

Those who have a big secret or major lie will never feel happy until they come clean. You may not be able to express your secret to your family or friends, but you can talk with a counselor or clergy person to help you decide how to proceed. An honest, open life is the foundation for happiness.

49. Rarely travel

Travel is one of those life experiences that should be prioritized over material things. It broadens our perspectives, exposes us to new cultures and people, and allows us to disconnect from our life responsibilities and stresses. If you don’t travel, you limit your opportunities for fun and enjoyment.

50. Avoid listening to intuition

Each of us has a built-in advisor and decision-maker. We just have to tune in. When combined with our intellect and judgement, intuition is powerful resource that helps us make the best choices, develop positive habits, and disconnect from negative forces in our lives. Our intuition can often give us the answer to the question, “Will this make me happy?”

May 2, 2014 at 7:50 am

Great list – I would like to add: (perhaps counter intuitively to some) that happier people accept they can’t be happy all the time. They accept that life includes periods of sadness and disappointment. There is enormous freedom in this. (Acknowledgements to Russ Harris and Jon Kabat Zinn)

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Happy People AVOID These Habits Empty Re: Happy People AVOID These Habits

Post by melbert Sun 04 May 2014, 15:58

So, if 42 out of the 50 fit you, just what does that mean....
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Post by Katiedot Sun 04 May 2014, 16:03

You are 84% happy!

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Happy People AVOID These Habits Empty Re: Happy People AVOID These Habits

Post by amaretti Sun 04 May 2014, 18:27

Thanks for this list . Embrace your authenticity ,love that one . Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy 

Training to be Mrs Clooney?

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Happy People AVOID These Habits Empty Re: Happy People AVOID These Habits

Post by Nicky80 Sun 04 May 2014, 18:48

Thanks Lorna, great list  Thumbs up! 

Great Melbert to know you are a happy bunny  Give hearts 
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Happy People AVOID These Habits Empty Re: Happy People AVOID These Habits

Post by melbert Sun 04 May 2014, 21:49

Yeah, not so much.  Katie got it bass-ackwards.  I fit 42 out of the 50.
George Clooney fan forever!

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Post by Carla97 Sun 04 May 2014, 21:59

Good list, who can argue with that, eh?  Very Happy 
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Happy People AVOID These Habits Empty Re: Happy People AVOID These Habits

Post by Nicky80 Sun 04 May 2014, 22:05

melbert wrote:Yeah, not so much.  Katie got it bass-ackwards.  I fit 42 out of the 50.

Oh ok that's not so good. Sorry to hear that. Hope the list was a little wake up call to change things to make things better for yourself.
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Post by theminis Sun 04 May 2014, 23:17

Giving up people pleasing would be a tough one for me, getting better at it but yeah definitely need more work in that area!!!

And if I could avoid or learn to ignore the majority of the population who seem to exist just to annoy me, then I think Id be happier lol

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