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Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon? Garden work going on

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Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon?  Garden work going on Empty Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon? Garden work going on

Post by Katiedot Mon 29 Apr 2013, 06:01

It looks as though they're getting ready for his arrival. A birthday stay maybe? Thanks to Henway for the link:

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Laglio On April 25, many onlookers outside the residence of the actor

Work in the garden of Villa Oleandra waiting for Clooney

SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2013

George Clooney in Laglio has not been seen yet, but already there are signs that announce that his arrival is near, if not imminent. Meanwhile, it stops the flow of onlookers and fans, who as soon as the sun peeps in the sky make stops in Villa Oleandra in hopes of seeing the star of stars and stripes.

Whether at the charming American actor has not arrived in his home on the shores of Lake Como confirms the mayor of Laglio.

"Within the park of the villa these days have started regular operations of preparation and arrangement of the garden gazebo - said the mayor of the coastal village, Roberto Pozzi - are interventions that are made ​​every year, in anticipation of the arrival of the actor. This, in effect, is the period in which they usually George Clooney arrives in Laglio. "

The American actor bought Villa Oleandra in 2002 and since then, every year, spent some periods of holiday on Lake Como, where he often brought other Hollywood stars. For Laglio and, in general, for the presence of the handsome George Lario has meant all these years an exceptional tourist promotion at no cost.

And every year we repeated the ritual of the fans of the actor, including of course many women, that make stops in Laglio, in the hope of being able to see faces to his home or even to be able to meet in person along the roads of the country. It is a flow that knows no crisis.

"Last Thursday, April 25, was a day dominated by the sun and as always happens when there's a beautiful day in Laglio many people came to see from near the house of Clooney - underlines the mayor - The charm of the American actor remains unchanged. And we hope to keep it that much longer. "

Lavori nel giardino di Villa Oleandra in attesa di Clooney
Laglio Il 25 aprile molti curiosi all’esterno della dimora dell’attore
(m.d.) George Clooney a Laglio non si è ancora visto, ma già vi sono i segni che annunciano che il suo arrivo è vicino, se non imminente. Nel frattempo, non si arresta il flusso di curiosi e di fan, che appena il sole fa capolino in cielo fanno tappa a Villa Oleandra nella speranza di vedere la star a stelle e strisce.
Che al momento l’affascinante attore americano non sia ancora giunto nella sua dimora in riva al Lario lo conferma lo stesso primo cittadino di Laglio.

del parco della villa in questi giorni sono iniziate le abituali operazioni di preparazione del giardino e di sistemazione del gazebo esterno - afferma il sindaco del paese rivierasco, Roberto Pozzi - Sono interventi che vengono effettuati ogni anno, in vista dell’arrivo dell’attore. Questo, in effetti, è il periodo in cui di solito George Clooney arriva a Laglio».
L’attore americano ha acquistato Villa Oleandra nel 2002 e da allora, tutti gli anni, trascorre alcuni periodi di vacanza sul lago di Como, dove ha spesso portato altre star hollywoodiane. Per Laglio e, in generale, per il Lario la presenza del bel George ha significato in tutti questi anni un’eccezionale promozione turistica a costo zero.
E tutti gli anni si ripete il rito dei fan dell’attore, tra cui ovviamente moltissime donne, che fanno tappa a Laglio, nella speranza di poterlo vedere affacciato alla sua dimora o di poterlo addirittura incontrare di persona lungo le strade del paese. Si tratta di un flusso che non conosce crisi.
«Giovedì scorso, 25 aprile, è stata una giornata dominata dal sole e come sempre avviene quando c’è una bella giornata molte persone sono venute a Laglio per vedere da vicino la casa di Clooney - sottolinea ancora il sindaco - Il fascino dell’attore americano rimane immutato. E speriamo che resti tale ancora a lungo».

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Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon?  Garden work going on Empty Re: Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon? Garden work going on

Post by playfuldeb Mon 29 Apr 2013, 07:50

I think I remember George saying in an interview that he likes to edit his films in his Laglio home.

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Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon?  Garden work going on Empty Re: Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon? Garden work going on

Post by niloufar Mon 29 Apr 2013, 08:41

maybe we will see new pic of him in como???
with stacy??? Shocked
Getting serious about George

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Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon?  Garden work going on Empty Re: Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon? Garden work going on

Post by watching Mon 29 Apr 2013, 11:56

Maybe his folks have gone there for some rest and relaxation after visiting him in Germany. That is a hell of a long trip just to go to Germany for a handful of days. Why not take advantage of the great weather (and lack of paps) and enjoy Como without all the hoopla that comes when George is in residence?

Scratch that, not happening. Nick is scheduled to be back in Washington on 1st May for JFK event. Link to new thread on COH discussing event
Practically on first name terms with Mr Clooney

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Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon?  Garden work going on Empty Re: Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon? Garden work going on

Post by OofOof Mon 29 Apr 2013, 16:56

Watching you're amazing with your finds! I wonder how long they stayed--we don't know when they arrived. They are both in great shape though it would appear and they probably fly on a private jet so it's easier on them.

Thanks to all for all the great stuff on all the George News Threads. Wow, you ladies rock!
Clooney-love. And they said it wouldn't last

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Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon?  Garden work going on Empty Re: Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon? Garden work going on

Post by silly girl Mon 29 Apr 2013, 17:15

I love how you changed the info Watching. I would assume they get the grounds ready at this time every year even if he isn't planning on going soon. His parents were probably there for a week...maybe they went other places too. Yes thanks for the finds. I only find things sometimes if I catch them on twitter....

silly girl
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to Clooney I go!

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Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon?  Garden work going on Empty Re: Is George Clooney heading to his Como home soon? Garden work going on

Post by OofOof Mon 29 Apr 2013, 19:17

OMG Silly Girl, you're one of the best COH "finders!"
Clooney-love. And they said it wouldn't last

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