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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Katiedot Tue 26 Feb 2013, 18:07

I think one of the things I like most about George is how sp many say he's friendly and stays in touch.

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Zap2it: Do you stay in touch with the "ER" gang?

Anthony Edwards: A bit. Julianna [Margulies] lives here in New York, so I'll run into her. I've talked to Noah Wyle a bit, and I ran into George [Clooney] a little while ago. It's like friendships where you pick up where you left off. We spent so much intense time together, it's probably like college roommates, even if they haven't seen each other in a while.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Joanna Tue 26 Feb 2013, 19:53

Has anyone ever read a critical word spoken about George ?
By his peers that is....not past girl friends...Lol
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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Mazy Tue 26 Feb 2013, 20:00

NO everyone says the same thing what a terrific guy he is, considerate of everyone else feelings. It is only ex's and not many of them say anything bad. That is why I love him so much is his caring.
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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by noodle Tue 26 Feb 2013, 20:03

Only on here lol. Most people who actually know him seem to like him.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by madsky Tue 26 Feb 2013, 20:12

Not meaning to knock George off anyone's pedestal, but he is too passionate about his craft not to have ruffled a few feathers. Not that this is justified, but David O. Russell as nutty as he is or was said a few things. Also don't forget the writer's guild, they weren't too happy with him either when he tried to get a credit and left the guild for Leatherheads.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Katiedot Wed 27 Feb 2013, 05:58

madsky wrote:Not meaning to knock George off anyone's pedestal, but he is too passionate about his craft not to have ruffled a few feathers. Not that this is justified, but David O. Russell as nutty as he is or was said a few things. Also don't forget the writer's guild, they weren't too happy with him either when he tried to get a credit and left the guild for Leatherheads.
Yes, there have been a few people in the industry who've criticised him. Most, however, tend to keep quiet about any complaints they have about him though.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Way2Old4Dis Wed 27 Feb 2013, 13:46

madsky wrote:Not meaning to knock George off anyone's pedestal, but he is too passionate about his craft not to have ruffled a few feathers. Not that this is justified, but David O. Russell as nutty as he is or was said a few things. Also don't forget the writer's guild, they weren't too happy with him either when he tried to get a credit and left the guild for Leatherheads.

David O. Russell is in no position to criticize anyone's behavior.

I wouldn't characterize the Writers Guild dispute as George "trying to get a credit," and he didn't leave. He rewrote the 'Leatherheads' screenplay, making enough changes that even the genre underwent a change. The extent of the rewrite met the WGA' s own credit guidelines, but he was denied a writing credit in arbitration. So he went 'fi- core' which means he is still a dues-paying member but can't vote on issues or in elections.

BTW, George is not the one who first went public about the writing credit dispute, and the WGA publishes the names of writers who dare to counter them and go fi-core, as if they're traitors.

In summary, still not convinced too many industry people have anything legitimately negative to say about him.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Lighterside Wed 27 Feb 2013, 13:51

ITA Way2...great points, especially this one:

David O. Russell is in no position to criticize anyone's behavior.
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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Joanna Wed 27 Feb 2013, 14:20

Thanks for your comments above.
They confirm my feeling that in the main he's well thought of
by his peers.
A good sign ?
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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by madsky Wed 27 Feb 2013, 14:32

I said David O. Russell is or was nutty. (I think he may have changed after SLP-but just a feeling) But my point really was that saying George is loved by everybody he works with kind of diminishes his accomplishments. George gets what he gets because he's the popular nice kid. Yes that is part of it, but, you don't get Fail Safe, Good Night and Good Luck and Argo made without ruffling feathers and pissing some people off. The fact that industry people are more professional and don't openly criticize him just means that they aren't that dumb. I just mentioned the two dumb people or group that I heard about.

Also, I do think George is generally a great guy, but doesn't walk on water. My favorite thing is aside from the stars, George seems to be really nice to the grips and p.a.'s and this gives him extra cred in the industry. He is really a worker boy at heart.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Lighterside Wed 27 Feb 2013, 14:40

I wan't necessarily disagreeing with you but I was acknowledging Way2's points about the WGA and Russell.

No one is loved by everyone madsky...not even the most popular person in any arena, that's just life. It gets messy sometimes but generally speaking George is very beloved by his peers and that doesn't happen by accident. He works hard at it and as you said, he appreciates everyone's efforts that go into making a film great...not just the stars or key people.
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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by madsky Wed 27 Feb 2013, 15:27

Not to beat a dead horse, as I think some think I might not like George. I do- but just prefer him a little closer to reality, as much as I can not knowing him, than the pure fantasy perfect man. I was responding to the comments above- have you ever heard of any publicized negative comments of George other than ex-gf (which by the way I can't think of any ex's publicly saying anything neg. other than maybe Eli with the we had a father daughter relationship, but I don't think that is that neg. he is 50) and to the comment that everyone says things positive about him.

The fact that very few ever publicly says anything negative shows very little considering the industry and the power he wields. Think about it powerful people in Hollywood only have really negative things published when there is a lot and very egregious. The gossip is there, but rarely ever interviews.

The things that shows his character more are not from the Hollywood publicity machine, but what he does that we see. Like when he didn't even speak after winning the Oscar or very little at the after interviews. He let both Ben and Grant have the moment. Now that is seriously a classy guy who cares about the product and his friends and co-workers.

I am just leery about all the publicity machine, as it has been seen they build people up to perfection to knock them down.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Katiedot Wed 27 Feb 2013, 15:54

Yes, there were some negative comments published about him just a year or two ago by others in the industry. Anonymously of course. I'll see if i can find it.

But as you all say, that's to be expected. He's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but the fact that so many do speak so highly of him speaks volumes in itself.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Mazy Thu 28 Feb 2013, 05:02

OK I have a feeling this is partly about what I posted, first:

Has anyone ever read a critical word spoken about George ?
By his peers that is....not past girl friends...Lol.

Then I said
NO everyone says the same thing what a terrific guy he is, considerate of everyone else feelings. It is only ex's and not many of them say anything bad. That is why I love him so much is his caring.

Nowhere did I say that he was perfect or walks on water. (I know only one that can do that and & I worship him I don't worship people) I personally don't broadcast what I preceive to think are someone's faults, who am I. I did say that I thought he was a terrific guy which I do.

No these are my opiniions and feelings and what someone else has to say aren't going to change them and you will never see me post anything negative about George. This is me and my way. However this is an open forum and you have the right to post what you think.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by OofOof Thu 28 Feb 2013, 06:04

Have to agree with Madsky on this one. Nobody's perfect and sometimes I find the adoration of George here a bit much. I guess I'm not a typical fan site person. I find him fascinating with all his warts but I also think he's not always the saint that some seem to portray him as.

I've never been an autograph hunter or fan of anyone in the sense I would stand 6 hours in the rain waiting for a star to appear. About the only living people I might feel that way about would be the Dalai llama and president Obama. Guess I'm odd man out here. I think he's sexy as hell and I like many of his movies. I respect him immensely for his efforts in the Sudan and I like his politics. I also think he drinks too much and its showing on him physically and he's a sexist. Nobodies perfect ladies.

And since I'm on a roll here and I've probably already pissed a whole lot of people off, I'd like to add that Anthony Edwards didn't say he and George stayed in touch. He said he'd run into him. That doesnt sound like theyve kept up theirffriendship. Not saying thats bad. People grow apart. But this thread was created to suggest that George is so kind he is still friends with poor Anthony Edwards.
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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Katiedot Thu 28 Feb 2013, 06:15

OofOof wrote:But this thread was created to suggest that George is so kind he is still friends with poor Anthony Edwards.
True. Looks like I didn't read it properly when I made it. Sorry for that.

OofOof wrote: Nobody's perfect and sometimes I find the adoration of George here a bit much.
There's plenty of criticism of him too and you're welcome to join in.

It's criticism of the girlfriends where I put my foot down (because 1. it's often unwarranted, and 2. who gives a damn about the girlfriend anyway?!) but as this is a George site, then fine to look at him from all angles, including critical ones. There are already threads discussing whether he's gay, bi, an alcoholic, doing drugs, misrepresenting himself, a misogynist, and the secret love child of two film stars as part of an Altantean breeding programme (I kid you not!) so you're welcome to revive any of these or start your own. His failings as a mate have been covered in depth and at great length in many threads but it seems we're always willing to pick the subject over again.

I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely mean it.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by OofOof Thu 28 Feb 2013, 06:41

Thanks Katie. Sorry for the snark I'm having a bad day. I didn't mean to suggest I wanted to spend my time berating the guy-- the nut job does a great job of that already, although the love child thread sounds very interesting...anyway, sometimes it just seems like when someone has the temerity to suggest George is a mere human, they are accused of attacking him and asked why they're here.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Katiedot Thu 28 Feb 2013, 07:16

No need for apologies! I agree with Madsky that I like to talk about him as being a human, which means complete with failings too.

The fact that he doesn't get criticised much in public has to do with the fact that generally he is well liked and those who don't like him aren't willing to say so in public. He's got a lot of power and isn't someone they want to piss off.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by macs Thu 28 Feb 2013, 10:03

Katiedot wrote:
OofOof wrote:But this thread was created to suggest that George is so kind he is still friends with poor Anthony Edwards.
True. Looks like I didn't read it properly when I made it. Sorry for that.

OofOof wrote: Nobody's perfect and sometimes I find the adoration of George here a bit much.
There's plenty of criticism of him too and you're welcome to join in.

It's criticism of the girlfriends where I put my foot down (because 1. it's often unwarranted, and 2. who gives a damn about the girlfriend anyway?!) but as this is a George site, then fine to look at him from all angles, including critical ones. There are already threads discussing whether he's gay, bi, an alcoholic, doing drugs, misrepresenting himself, a misogynist, and the secret love child of two film stars as part of an Altantean breeding programme (I kid you not!) so you're welcome to revive any of these or start your own. His failings as a mate have been covered in depth and at great length in many threads but it seems we're always willing to pick the subject over again.

I'm not being sarcastic, I genuinely mean it.

!!!!! really. Damn I missed it, where is it ? blinds items ? I need a link !!
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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by madsky Thu 28 Feb 2013, 12:32

Everyone is allowed to think of George however they want perfect not so perfect extremely flawed but hot etc. My concern is when he's built up so high, all that happens in Hollywood is they knock you down. He has done such a good job of making his persona normal- normal flawed girls for relationships, crazy practical jokes, keeping the boys as friends etc. and I like that so I am going to propagate that image.

About his gf and criticism, unfortunately, I have been known to criticize their appearance too, but I do sometimes feel bad about that and try to limit it to things they can change- styling etc- but I have been know to snark too. Sometimes it is just so easy. I feel like I am getting a written invitation from them. My favorite comment has been about the height difference of Stacy and George. Seriously, does it really matter if their height matches together- no. It is not like she can make herself shorter, but Hollywood is a visual media.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Katiedot Thu 28 Feb 2013, 16:27

macs wrote:!!!!! really. Damn I missed it, where is it ? blinds items ? I need a link !!
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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Mazy Thu 28 Feb 2013, 21:35

sunny I never said that George was perfect, there’s no such thing as a perfect human being. What I said was you would never see me post something bad about him. We are supposed to find the good in people and hopefully their good outweighs the bad.

However I don’t think he has to apologize to me or anyone else for not wanting to get married. Whatever his reasons are they are his business and the girlfriend he is with. It is her choice to be with him. I have long ago learned how short life is and they are taking a year or two with George as opposed to not have the experience of knowing him. I cannot say as I blame them, I would’ve done the same thing.

I don’t think that there is anything poor about Anthony Edwards he choose the path that was right for him, in my book he is a success. Even Juliana M. she quit acting for awhile to see the world and live life. She was a millionaire and didn’t need any more money so she took time off, that’s a success too. God Bless her she is showing that a woman can play that role even at her age.

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Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney Empty Re: Anthony Edwards says he still sees George Clooney

Post by Missa Fri 01 Mar 2013, 00:48

OofOof wrote:Have to agree with Madsky on this one. Nobody's perfect and sometimes I find the adoration of George here a bit much. I guess I'm not a typical fan site person. I find him fascinating with all his warts but I also think he's not always the saint that some seem to portray him as.

I've never been an autograph hunter or fan of anyone in the sense I would stand 6 hours in the rain waiting for a star to appear. About the only living people I might feel that way about would be the Dalai llama and president Obama. Guess I'm odd man out here. I think he's sexy as hell and I like many of his movies. I respect him immensely for his efforts in the Sudan and I like his politics. I also think he drinks too much and its showing on him physically and he's a sexist. Nobodies perfect ladies.

And since I'm on a roll here and I've probably already pissed a whole lot of people off, I'd like to add that Anthony Edwards didn't say he and George stayed in touch. He said he'd run into him. That doesnt sound like theyve kept up theirffriendship. Not saying thats bad. People grow apart. But this thread was created to suggest that George is so kind he is still friends with poor Anthony Edwards.

10 out of 10

Katiedot wrote:
macs wrote:!!!!! really. Damn I missed it, where is it ? blinds items ? I need a link !!
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YIKES. First time I've seen that. I think I'm most troubled that this person is homeschooling her kids. Those kids don't have a snowball's chance.
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