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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ?? Empty Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

Post by ally12 Sun 13 May 2012, 05:16

Hey everyone, do by any chance does anyone have a transcript or scan of the Ocean's twelve cast interview they did for Entertainment Weekly, where they talk about the haunted house in Italy etc..

thanks in advanced

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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ?? Empty Re: Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

Post by Merlin Sun 13 May 2012, 08:32

Is it this one was on Entertainment Weekly's site....

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Hanging with the all-star cast of ''Ocean's Twelve'': Who flubbed his lines on the heist sequel? Whose part got cut? George, Julia, Matt, and the gang tell all
By Dave Karger | Dec 03, 2004

GROUP DYNAMIC Damon, Clooney, Roberts, Cheadle, Pitt, Zeta-Jones, and Mac let loose on the day the final scene was filmed, last August

Three years after their glossy remake of Ocean's Eleven made off with $183 million in domestic box office, George Clooney and his unruly gang of thieves have reunited (with the addition of Catherine Zeta-Jones as an investigator on their tail) for a globe-trotting sequel that vividly reflects the raucous four months they spent filming. To hear firsthand about the dirty dozen's European adventures, we gathered six of the eight main cast members — Clooney, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, Brad Pitt, and Andy Garcia — in Palm Springs, while their two colleagues joined in from home via speakerphone: Bernie Mac, recovering from a bout with pneumonia, and Julia Roberts, on bed rest just days before delivering her twins Nov. 28. When the posse wasn't trading stripper jokes or reciting entire skits from Da Ali G Show, they let spill some juicy details about their freewheeling new movie and their unforgettable off-camera escapades.

Pitt Bernie, sweetheart, good morning! How you feeling, bud?
Mac [Feebly] I'm much better. Much, much, much better.
Cheadle Julia, how do you feel?
Roberts I feel great, actually.
Damon Are you enormous?
Roberts I'm getting enormous. My stomach, from the time I go to sleep to the time I wake up, is actually exponentially bigger. I'm just really glad that my ass isn't following suit.
Cheadle When do you get un-huge?
Roberts That's the $10 million question. I think I'm going to have to sit down and have a stern conversation with my children today and make a plan. How are things in Palm Springs?
Clooney Nice. We played golf this morning.
Roberts Are you guys all drunk?
Cheadle, Clooney, Damon [In unison] Not yet!
Damon It's early, though.

EW All right, we have a movie to talk about here. For starters, Ocean's Twelve feels much more indie to me than Ocean's Eleven.
Zeta-Jones I think the locations had a lot to do with that. It gave it that more edgy feel.
Pitt Steven also said he wanted to take it somewhere else. There was no point in doing the sequel to him if he was just repeating the same kind of feeling. He had an idea that he wanted to go after, a more messy film.
Cheadle It's like a throwback movie to me.
Clooney In the way that the first one was in the design of those Irwin Allen, Towering Inferno kinds of pictures, this one is much more like the films of the '60s. It felt more cinema vérité than the other one. He just wanted to change the aesthetic completely, and that's what he did.
Roberts Let's redo Towering Inferno! Wouldn't it be fun?
Clooney That'd be a blast, wouldn't it?
Roberts I would love that!
Cheadle If we do a Thirteen, I think it should be in the tradition of The Poseidon Adventure, where it's like, ''Oh! Clooney's down!'' ''Oh, Cheadle took it in the back of the head!''

EW I know there were attempts made to keep the budget from getting too high: You took pay cuts in return for a bigger piece of the back end, for instance. Was there ever a point during filming where you felt the pinch?
Cheadle When they told me to bring my own underwear, I knew that things were different. ''They're cutting back, baby.''
Clooney I think it's all a reflection of [Warner Bros.' big-budget release] The Polar Express. [Everyone laughs] No, but we did do that. We literally looked at it and said, ''Every time somebody does a sequel, everybody gets really loaded up front.'' This is a film where you can't do that, because it'll be a $300 million [budgeted] film. So we all got together and said, ''Let's redistribute this in a different way, which is, nobody's getting a raise, we'll take a little bit less money and count on the percentages to work. If they work, then we make a really good amount of money, and if they don't, we [still] get to make the movie we want.''

EW Let's play a game of location free-association. I'll name a place where you filmed part of the movie, and you say the first thing that comes to your mind, whether it's a scene you shot or something you did while you were there. First, Amsterdam.
Damon [Immediately] Dampkring.
EW Pardon?
Clooney It's a coffeehouse in Amsterdam. A [winks broadly] coffeehouse.
Damon We shot a scene there, and everybody got T-shirts there, and Friday was Dampkring T-shirt day and everybody would wear their Dampkring T-shirts every Friday.
Cheadle I was going to say ''chlamydia.''
Clooney Who was a dancer at Dampkring.
Cheadle And she took change, which most of the other dancers wouldn't do.
Clooney With no hands! [Everyone laughs]
Mac I got so sick of the damn cheese there I didn't know what to do.
Zeta-Jones I loved the private viewing we had at the Van Gogh Museum.

EW How about Rome?
Clooney We were at the Hotel de Russie, and we had the whole roof to ourselves every night for a poker game. There were a bunch of people outside, so you couldn't really leave.
Roberts It was fun up there, but it was hotter than hell in Rome, too, remember? Whew!
Cheadle That's a pregnant woman talking.
Roberts I was not only pregnant, but I had that synthetic [pregnancy] pillow shoved up my dress [for a plot point we won't reveal]. Remember, Matt? We were melting!
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Post by Merlin Sun 13 May 2012, 08:35

EW You also shot on Lake Como, where George has a villa, so many of you stayed there. What's the best room in his house?
Pitt It was unquestionably the one on the top floor because you had the best aim with the water balloons.
Clooney My favorite part is the wine cellar, where we played cards.
Roberts Is that the little hole behind the kitchen?
Clooney Yes!
Damon George's house is the coziest 25-room house you've ever seen.
Pitt It's just a great, great, perfect hang.
Clooney There's a haunted house on the lake. It was built in 1574.
EW Is it vacant?
Clooney Oh, yeah! Don and Brad actually got in the house.
EW And?
Cheadle And we were all killed. George had a standing bet, what was it, like, nine grand if we spent the night?
Clooney We got up to, like, $9,200 if you went to the haunted house and [appeared in] all 13 windows across the top, and all you had was a candle, seven matches, and a bottle of wine. Everyone was like, ''I'd do that, to hell with you.'' Then we'd go over there and they'd see the house and go, ''I would never go in there.''

EW Who out of all of you flubbed his or her lines the most?
Cheadle That would be Brad. He had so many words.
Clooney I think the truth is, whoever actually had the lines was the one who had trouble with the lines!
Zeta-Jones The one that stumped me was ''where the crossbow bolt hit.'' Try saying that like you know what you're talking about.

EW Catherine and Andy, did being outsiders in the film affect your off-camera relationships with the rest of the cast?
Garcia There are a lot of young actors that think if you have to hate somebody [in a movie], you should hate them off camera, too. They take the training and apply it in a way that's destructive. When you act, the greater the love and respect you have for each other, the deeper you can go into the hate, because you're going in it together.
Zeta-Jones When I first met the guys, it was in Chicago for a hair and makeup test...
Pitt It was the first time we harassed you.
Zeta-Jones ...and I had that kind of stomach-turning, first-day-of-school feeling.
Pitt It helped that she could drink every one of us under the table.
Zeta-Jones You gotta keep the girl power going!

EW Julia, there's a big chunk of the movie where you're nowhere to be found. When you first read the script, did you flip through the pages going ''Hello? Where am I?''
Roberts Well, I had a bigger part in the script. I just kind of got cut out, I think.
Damon [Incredulous] When was the last time you were cut out of a film, Julia? Give me a break!

EW Without giving anything away, when you do come back, the movie calls for you to do something that's pretty bold and daring. It's the one thing people are going to be talking about most when they see it. How did you respond to it at first?
Roberts The first time I read the script, honestly, I was confused. I called Steven and I was just like, ''Whose idea was this?''
Clooney But remember when you were talking to Steven, he said to you, ''The only thing I really know about is making films, and I really think that this is the right thing to do.''
Roberts And do you remember what I said to him? ''Okay, I'll do whatever you want me to do.''

EW Last question. Since you mostly play thieves in the movie, if you could steal something and not get caught, what would you steal?
Pitt A Degas.
Zeta-Jones Time.
Garcia My wife's heart again.
Pitt Awwww!
Cheadle Julia's heart.
Roberts Ohhh!
Cheadle I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
Clooney Don's virginity!
Mac I'm not a thief. I don't want anything that's not mine.
Damon I don't know that there's a material thing I would want.
Clooney The presidency!
Damon There you go. Well, talk to Karl Rove.

(This is an online-only excerpt of Entertainment Weekly's Dec. 10, 2004, cover story.)
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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ?? Empty Re: Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

Post by Joanna Sun 13 May 2012, 10:10

lol! 10 out of 10 that's really good & funny...thanks Merlin, I've not read that before Thumbs up!
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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ?? Empty Re: Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

Post by melbert Sun 13 May 2012, 15:54

"EW Last question. Since you mostly play thieves in the movie, if you could steal something and not get caught, what would you steal?
Clooney The presidency!
Damon There you go. Well, talk to Karl Rove."

See, deep down he really DOES want to be President!!!
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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ?? Empty Re: Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

Post by Atalante Sun 13 May 2012, 16:42

Oh no, then we all have to eat ... hamburgers ! YUKKKKKKKKKKK
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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ?? Empty Re: Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

Post by it's me Sun 13 May 2012, 19:07

melbert wrote:"EW Last question. Since you mostly play thieves in the movie, if you could steal something and not get caught, what would you steal?
Clooney The presidency!
Damon There you go. Well, talk to Karl Rove."

See, deep down he really DOES want to be President!!!

it's me
it's me
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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ?? Empty Re: Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

Post by ally12 Mon 14 May 2012, 05:27

thanks everyone!!!

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Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ?? Empty Re: Entertainment Weekly 2004 interview ??

Post by Astras Mon 14 May 2012, 21:33

Fun read! I might have to have myself a little "Ocean's" fest soon... Thumbs up!
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