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Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney

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Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney Empty Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney

Post by Katiedot Fri 13 Apr 2012, 12:38

Who's Michael Strahan? Some sports guy, I guess.

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April 12, 2012, 10:25 p.m. ET

Strahan's Second Act


Michael Strahan took a step down into the Library Bar at the Regency Hotel on Park Avenue and there was George Clooney, dapper as always.

The Oscar-winning actor's eyes lit up when he saw Strahan. The two men half-hugged. They chatted about flying in and out of New York in one day and talked about a mutual acquaintance. It wasn't until 35 minutes later, after Strahan had downed a bag of M&Ms, that it came out: no, he's not an old pal of Clooney's.

"That's the first time I met the man," Strahan said. "George Clooney? I don't know George Clooney." And then, a bit bemused, a tad awestruck: "That was George Clooney!"

And this is Michael Strahan.

For the better part of his 15-year career with the Giants and the four years since he hung up his helmet, Strahan has been New York's gap-toothed anomaly—at once a quarterback-eating defensive end and a huggably silly pitchman. His profile has grown as he's gone from a playing days' stint on "The Best Damn Sports Show" to a spot on Fox NFL Sunday, the network's pre-game show. Now, his recognizability is taking another leap as he contends to become a legitimate crossover personality—while learning a ton about interviewers versus interviewees.

"Now that I'm on other side, yeah, I'd probably irritate myself. No doubt," Strahan said.

[rest of interview at link]

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Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney Empty Re: Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney

Post by melbert Sat 14 Apr 2012, 00:29

George just makes everyone feel at ease I think!
George Clooney fan forever!

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Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney Empty Re: Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney

Post by adgran Sat 14 Apr 2012, 01:07

Strahan ex-footballer (US). Is one of rotating co-hosts with Ripa on Live With Kelly. He told this story one day on that show - had it on while cleaning family room. What's NOT in the article is how stunned he was that George knew who he was. He saw George when he went in and was trying to figure out whether to speak or leave George alone. George jumped up and said he was a fan of Strahan's - this according to Strahan, of course.


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Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney Empty Re: Michael Strahan talks about meeting George Clooney

Post by it's me Sat 14 Apr 2012, 12:57

melbert wrote:George just makes everyone feel at ease I think!

you are right Like a Star @ heaven
it's me
it's me
George Clooney fan forever!

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