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George Clooney needs less sleep

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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by Katiedot Sat 17 Dec 2011, 11:36

Now, what could one do with George that would keep him in bed longer in the mornings . . . mmmm?

From Hindustan Times

George Clooney needs less sleep

16 December 2011

The 50-year-old actor also claims that he doesn’t see the point in laying in bed for hours upon hours and thinks his age has something to do with that. “I don’t sleep much. Five to six, I’d say. You could argue that people, as they get older, sleep less - probably because they’re afraid of dying at some point. I know my parents don’t sleep much,” Contactmusic quoted him as telling Esquire magazine.

“I know that I used to be able to sleep until noon when I was younger. I couldn’t fathom staying in bed until ten now. I wouldn’t know what to do unless there’s a football game on,” he added.


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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty Re: George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by Dexterdidit Sat 17 Dec 2011, 11:51

I've never been able to stay in bed all day not even when I am sick. Nine is the latest but I still need more then 5 or 6 hours sleep! I'm sure we could all find ways to keep him in bed it doesn't say much for his girlfriends if he finds no use in staying in bed longer! LOL
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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty Re: George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by it's me Sat 17 Dec 2011, 12:45

I like to stay in bed
watching tv
staying on line
reading a little (in the latest time)

maybe he can stay a little more
(with Einstein, obviously)
it's me
it's me
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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty Re: George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by melbert Sat 17 Dec 2011, 18:02

I thought the same thing Dex! He could have at least alluded to some hanky panky, but no, that would be making his personal life not personal!!!
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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty Re: George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by cindigirl Sat 17 Dec 2011, 18:59

If George doesn't see the point of laying in bed for hours, then he's just not doing it right!!! LOL

We must all give him a few pointers on the proper way of 'laying in bed for hours.'
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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty Re: George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by Cinderella Sat 17 Dec 2011, 22:04

He wouldn't get much sleep in my bed... just saying! lol!
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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty Re: George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by playfuldeb Sat 17 Dec 2011, 22:43

George must be a "short sleeper"

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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty Re: George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by playfuldeb Sat 17 Dec 2011, 22:46

George must be a "short sleeper"

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(CNN) -- For most of us, setting the clock forward in the spring is a sad occasion, a sign that we're losing an hour of sleep.

Daylight saving time begins Sunday at 2 a.m. in most of the U.S. -- except for Hawaii and Arizona.

But for some genetically blessed people, a loss of one hour of sleep is not a problem. In fact, sleeping fewer than the recommended seven or eight hours is the norm. They naturally feel refreshed and ready to go -- at 4 a.m.

These "short sleepers" have a mutation on a gene known as hDEC2, that regulates their sleep-wake cycle. This mutation allows them to function on less sleep, researchers say.

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George Clooney needs less sleep Empty Re: George Clooney needs less sleep

Post by melbert Sun 18 Dec 2011, 01:07

My hDEC2 gene must have mutated to something unrecognizeable, as I'm a "short sleeper", but I certainly can't function!!!
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