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Where in the world is George now??

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Where is George Clooney

Where in the world is George now?? Vote_lcap22%Where in the world is George now?? Vote_rcap 22% 
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Where in the world is George now?? Vote_lcap0%Where in the world is George now?? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Where in the world is George now?? Vote_lcap11%Where in the world is George now?? Vote_rcap 11% 
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Total Votes : 9
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Where in the world is George now?? Empty Where in the world is George now??

Post by Admin Sat 18 Dec 2010, 03:05

Ha! The Cloonster seems to have gone to ground (even google can't find him and that's saying something), so I thought I'd start this poll and see if we can figure out where he is.

Vote on your fave option (above) and let me know if you want any other options added to the poll.

Last edited by Admin on Sat 18 Dec 2010, 03:21; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2010-12-05

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Where in the world is George now?? Empty Re: Where in the world is George now??

Post by melbert Sat 18 Dec 2010, 03:16

I think that he's still doing his prep work for Ides, however, I also think that he'll be heading south soon to work on his tan in Mexico. I HOPE he doesn't decide to fly east, or doesn't want her to fly west.
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Where in the world is George now?? Empty Re: Where in the world is George now??

Post by lucy Sat 18 Dec 2010, 05:00

I wonder if it possible for him to visit his home in Mexico without getting papped? Since his home is inside a private resort, and the only photos I've ever seen have been by a pool,there must be some security. Otherwise we'd have photos of him and the boys on the golf course. Now that I'm getting serious about George, I've come to the realization that he is sneaky!!!and all-most of the time the accidental photo opps are planned.Yes I know this isn't news to most of you, but you lost your cherries years ago. For some strange reason learning this about him disappoints me.
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Where in the world is George now?? Empty Re: Where in the world is George now??

Post by Lighterside Sat 18 Dec 2010, 14:52

"For some strange reason learning this about him disappoints me.."

Sorry Lucy to hear that ...but welcome to the club! I think most of us have been disabused of all our silly notions about Mr. Nobility! What a Face

He's just a man, like most other man; which means he thinks too often with the little head, instead of the larger one! But what's a mother to do... rabbit
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