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Matt Damon's oldest daughter Alexia recovered from Covid-19

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Matt Damon's oldest daughter Alexia recovered from Covid-19 Empty Matt Damon's oldest daughter Alexia recovered from Covid-19

Post by annemarie Wed 13 May 2020, 15:48

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[size=48]Matt Damon Reveals His Oldest Daughter Alexia Recovered from COVID-19: She 'Got Through It Fine'
"It’s such an odd limbo that we’re all in," the actor, who is currently self-isolating in Ireland with his family, said of living through the pandemic
By Benjamin VanHoose 
May 13, 2020 08:45 AM

 Matt Damon is opening up about how his family is doing amid the coronavirus pandemic.
On Wednesday, the Ford v. Ferrari actor, 49, appeared on Spin 1083's Fully Charged with Graham & Nathan radio show and discussed his self-isolation with his family in Dalkey, Ireland. Damon was shooting a film on location when the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown set in, forcing him and his family to stay overseas to wait it out.
While the actor said he's been enjoying the Irish life with his wife, Luciana, and three of their daughters — Stella (Zavala), 9, Gia (Zavala), 11, and Isabella, 13 — their eldest, Alexia, 21 (Luciana's daughter from a previous relationship) is in New York City, where she attends college.
The actor then revealed that Alexia contracted the virus but has since recovered, adding that she "got through it fine."

"She had COVID really early on, along with her roommates," he said. "We’re going to go back to Los Angeles and she’s [Alexia] going to come out, so we’ll all be together and figure out what the heck we’re going to do. It’s such an odd limbo that we’re all in."
"Everybody's okay, but obviously for Luci's mom and my mom, you know, it's scary for that generation, so everyone's kind of — I think we've all got the message now," said Damon. "Everybody's doing the isolation and social distancing and hand-washing and kind of everything we can to mitigate this. But it's frightening, certainly for our parents."
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Damon also spoke about the prescience of his 2011 movie Contagion, which predicted what could happen if a serious outbreak took hold of the world.
"The whole thing is tragic and sad," he said. "I hope some good can come out of it. Luckily this isn't as lethal as it might have been, so maybe this was a really good dry run for the big one that might come because these things do come along every few decades so it's best to be ready for it."

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At the end of the interview, the radio show hosts had Damon surprised an avid fan and frontline worker over the video call, thanking her for her help during the pandemic. The star shared his appreciation for nurse Anaise and all other first responders and essential workers.
"Thank you so much for what you're doing Anaise," he said. "I can't even tell you. This has been so horrible for everybody, but if there's any silver lining, it's that hopefully, people are finally understanding how awesome you frontline workers are."

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