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16 July 2017: George Clooney heads back to the US

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16 July 2017: George Clooney heads back to the US Empty 16 July 2017: George Clooney heads back to the US

George Clooney breaks up his usual summer stay in his home in Italy with a trip to the US.  More pics of his arrival at LAX on Sunday HERE.

16 July 2017: George Clooney heads back to the US

You're on the home page of Clooney's Open House, a George Clooney fan site, for all the latest George Clooney news.  On the forum we've got George Clooney pictures, George Clooney videos, George Clooney gossip and new comments from fans every day.  To find the forum, click on the forum button at the top of the screen or click

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