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Women are the key to a new world

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Women are the key to a new world Empty Women are the key to a new world

Post by Guest Tue 06 Dec 2011, 01:11

Food for thought.

In women's magazines there's never a word about science, history, economics, politics, philosophy, religion, technology. Conspiracy theories are never mentioned. Women's magazines are all about physical appearance, fashion, gossip and celebrities. Who's fat, who's thin, who's pretty, who's ugly, who's wearing what, who's up, who's down, who are the new stars, what are the old stars doing? Women's magazines are the sanctification of trivia. They are devoid of intelligent thought. Sex and the City - one of the most popular women's TV shows of recent years - is a story of career women with expensive shoes. That's it! They moan about men, but are obsessed with getting Mr Right. After decades of feminism, women are still locked in the frivolous, intellectually sterile world of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice,published almost two hundred years ago.

The Old World Order have come up with the perfect formula for neutralising women: "retail therapy." Give ordinary women a shop to visit and a credit card to brandish and they will be docile, obedient consumers, never posing any problems.

Riesman said, "The other-directed person wants to be loved rather than esteemed; he wants not to gull or impress, let alone oppress, others, but, in the current phase, to relate to them; he seeks less a snobbish status in the eyes of others than assurance of being emotionally in tune with them."

Is that not a definition of most women? Is that not a description of most office workers? Is that not a description of users of social networking sites? We live in an other-directed society, one where most people are scared to deviate from the normal, the average. "Fitting in" is imperative. Few people have the courage to be themselves.

To be interested in conspiracy theories, you have to be prepared for conflict. Them and Us. The Enemy. You have no desire to "relate" to those oppressing you. It is impossible for other-directed people - women in particular - to be attracted to conspiracy theories. They would rather go shopping.

Women are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome - complete sympathy with the people who have taken them hostage. Think how easy the world is for the OWO when they get people to actively embrace being their victims.

Do you see how difficult it is to overthrow the Old World Order? They are not crude, stupid bullies - as they are so often portrayed - but smart, sophisticated mind manipulators. And what's their most successful tactic? - supplying the people with unimportant things that they want. What woman feels oppressed when she has just bought a designer dress? Will she rise up against the Old World Order? Not in a million years.

In many ways, women are the key to overthrowing the Old World Order. Tragically, they are the least likely to care about the tyranny of the OWO. They are shopaholics and gossip addicts, and no conceivable threat to the OWO.


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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by Guest Tue 06 Dec 2011, 01:24

I read a lot and I came across this article about how women have been
suppressed one way or the other over the centuries.

No disrespect to anyone here or anyone reading this,
just wanted to share.


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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by Katiedot Tue 06 Dec 2011, 02:39

Genius! Thanks for sharing!

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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by Lighterside Tue 06 Dec 2011, 14:09

Fantastic post nnz! Women's rights are being challenged at every turn in what is supposed to be the "enlightened Western world". We may not have to wear burqas as our counterparts in the Middle East do but our civil rights are being oppressed in the work place and many other areas of our "enlightened" society every single day and we must be vigilant in fighting against oppression of any kind.

We are not Barbie dolls to dress up and keep as play things for the amusement of men, doomed to raise their children, wash their dirty socks and cook their meals and unless we stand together and demand equal pay in the work place and equal rights in every other area of our lives, we will continue to be treated as such.
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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by it's me Tue 06 Dec 2011, 15:30

we are
but male genre (for the most)
is not happy at all
it's me
it's me
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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by Guest Wed 07 Dec 2011, 00:23

You are right, Lighterside!
It's a shame that women's potential are always underestimated.


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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by melbert Wed 07 Dec 2011, 03:44

We are women, hear us roar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by Lighterside Wed 07 Dec 2011, 14:04

@nnz...they're afraid of us; our inner strength and intuition frightens them, which is why they oppress us.

If women ran the world, there wouldn't be any need for wars and there wouldn't be any people going hungry or homeless either because women, generally speaking live in their hearts, where love and compassion grows; whereas men live in their heads, where competition and ambition grows.

And let me add that this is a generalization and doesn't apply to EVERY woman and man.
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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by MyGirlKylie Wed 07 Dec 2011, 17:33

Wow! I don't even know where to start on that article. Someone should remove their head from their ass. Sounds like they are judging the whole female population by what they found in a Cosmo magazine. Evil or Very Mad

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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by Guest Thu 08 Dec 2011, 00:06

yes, Lighterside, you are right. We know how to nourish love and make endure,
even through the hardest of time. Smile


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Women are the key to a new world Empty Re: Women are the key to a new world

Post by zizi Thu 08 Dec 2011, 01:06

Women think more clearly, are more adaptable to new situations and have greater flexibility in their skills. When women are ambitious, men will say: it is a counterbalance for an unhappy personal life. LOL.
They don't want to accept that we can use ambition as means of developing one's potential to its fullest.

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