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  • 1. This is a site about GEORGE CLOONEY. As such, it can include any and all news stories about him be it good, bad or just plain nonsensical - including ridiculous tabloid claims.
  • 2. About AMAL CLOONEY: she's his wife, whether you like it or not, so be respectful in your posts. Your critical thoughts on her facial expression, dress sense or body language aren't welcome here. Freedom of speech is one thing, hate speech is another.
  • 3. Be polite to other posters. Both when posting in the forum and in private messages. No name calling, no accusations.
  • 4. No brown nosing. George Clooney doesn't secretly post here and I doubt he even reads the forum, so don't try to pass 'hidden' messages to him.
  • 5. No duplicate identities. Choose a username and stick with it. Your ego can't be so fragile that you need imaginary friends to stick up for you, surely? If you lose your username, register again and start a thread introducing yourself (eg: "Hi, I'm xxx and I used to post as xxx but I've forgotten my old password).
  • 6. Stay away from the conspiracy theories. We all know that there is/are an/several obsessed fan(s) who believe George is forced into all of his relationships/marriage. Ignore them, please. They can't be reasoned with. Anyone positing such theories will be banned from this site.
  • 7. Have fun. If this site is stressing you out, take some time out and join us again later.