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George 6th US Favourite Actor

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George 6th US Favourite Actor Empty George 6th US Favourite Actor

Post by Merlin Wed 12 Jan 2011, 20:19

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Johnny Depp named 'US favourite actor'

Johnny Depp has been named America's favourite actor in a new poll.

The Harris Interactive group surveyed 2,331 people last year about their best-loved Hollywood stars.

According to the poll, Denzel Washington was ranked as the US's second favourite actor, while John Wayne landed at number three.

Wayne has made the list every year since 1994.

Harrison Ford was fourth, Angelina Jolie came fifth, and Tom Hanks tied for sixth place with Julia Roberts and George Clooney.

Other actors who made the list included Clint Eastwood, Sandra Bullock, Meryl Streep and Morgan Freeman.
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George 6th US Favourite Actor Empty Re: George 6th US Favourite Actor

Post by PigLove Wed 12 Jan 2011, 21:53

John Wayne? Random (he's the only "classic" movie star on the list). I'm glad to know that people still recognize his name. I remember when he used to show up on Merv Griffin, Carson, Dinah Shore, etc. He was always so John Wayne!
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George 6th US Favourite Actor Empty Re: George 6th US Favourite Actor

Post by melbert Wed 12 Jan 2011, 23:34

I think I agree with MOST of the list. Some, not so much, especially Angelina.
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George 6th US Favourite Actor Empty Re: George 6th US Favourite Actor

Post by Dexterdidit Thu 13 Jan 2011, 05:45

I don't agree with all of them. I have never gotten the Denzal washington thing Morgan Freeman acts rings around him and has done way better movies. Tom Cruise is going to be devasted he tries so hard for everyone to love him but it just doesnt seem to work the way it used too. What about Audrey Hepburn and some of the other classic actors? They must have polled a young section of people who liked Westerns.
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